One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 395: Blueno vs Kaya Part 1

“You’ve made it this far. I’m impressed you managed to use a Jammer to block all communications,” Blueno remarked.

“Jammer?” Kaya echoed.

“Yes,” Blueno continued. “The Den Den Mushi was active, but no calls came through about your attack. Clever, but ultimately futile,” he added.

Kaya’s eyes hardened. “We’d rather not be attacking here at all, but you took one of our crew members, our sister,” she said. She saw Robin, bloodied and bruised. It made her blood boil. Her heart pounded. They had hurt Robin. That alone was unforgivable.

“She was a wanted person, a threat to the world, and a danger to all,” Blueno replied.

Kaya’s fists clenched. “You made her wanted,” she shot back. “You turned her into a criminal, forced her into a life on the run,” she added.

Blueno’s eyes flickered. “You’re foolish if you think you can go against the World Government. We are justice. We are the law,” he said.

“Justice?” Kaya spat back. “We have seen it,” she said.

“All actions are necessary, protect the world,” Blueno said.

“Framing us for a murder included?” Kaya asked.

“Yes,” he replied. Kaya looked disgusted. The world has many dark secrets. “I do wonder how you got here. The sea was rough. No ship is capable of sailing in these waters,” he added. Blueno thought Aqua Laguna made it so only the sea train was an option. Did they take a third one, he thought.

Kaya looked at him. “You have a key for Robin`s cuffs,” Kaya said.

“Maybe,” Blueno replied.

“Then I will take it,” Kaya said. “Angel Beam,” Kaya said as she fired a one handed yellow energy blast at Blueno.

“Shave,” Blueno said as he moved quickly towards Kaya. He dodged the attack. There was a small explosion behind him. “Finger Pistol,” Blueno said as he pulled his index finger and penetrated her shoulder. Blood came leaking from his wound. Kaya felt massive pain on her shoulder as she staggered back.

“Iron Body Wheel,” Blueno said as kicked one of his legs into the ground and started rotating his other leg at fast speed. He slammed them both onto the ground sending a shockwave. Kaya moved back as she got away from Blueno`s attacks. She narrowly avoided the shockwave.

Blueno then punched Kaya in the stomach. She went flying back and landed on her feet. She was panting. “Angel Barrage,” Kaya said as she formed small energy projectiles resembling angelic feathers, around her wings. She then fired a volley at Blueno.

“Iron Body,” Blueno said as he hardened his body. The feathers hit Blueno. There was a small explosion all around his body. A black cloud of smoke was created. Kaya panted as she watched the smoke clear. She saw that Blueno was fine.

“Revolving Door,” Blueno said as he turned Kaya`s face into a revolving door. Her face was in three sections and her eyes rotated around very fast. Kaya felt very dizzy as she tried to make it stop. All of a sudden, she was hit with a sharp compressed blade of wind in the stomach. She went flying back as she spat blood out. Her mind still spinning from the attack as she dropped to the ground. “Storm Leg,” Blueno said

Kaya hit the ground. She was hurt. Her stomach hurted. Her shoulder was in pain. She wanted to save Robin, but she was too weak, she thought. She looked to see everyone's faces, Ben, Robin she thought. She snapped out of it. She was not going to lose here. They had faith in her as she picked herself up.

“You have some fight in you,” Blueno said as he watched her get up.

“I will save Robin, I will protect my King and his harem,” Kaya declared. She thought back to Emeraude who used her ability to heal people. She had gotten tips from her on how she used it. She thought back to Little Garden when she fought Mr 5, and how her injuries healed quickly during battle. She had to get stronger from them, to be their doctor. “Divine Blessing,” Kaya said she created a white orb in her hand. The white orb changed into a white light going all over her body. Her body glowed white for a few seconds. Her injuries healed. The pain in her stomach had gone. The wound in her shoulder had closed.

Blueno looked and thought there was something strange. “Divine Serenade,” Kaya said as a soothing melody came from her mouth. She felt her strength increase. Blueno felt something was wrong. His strength dropped for a second. He snapped out of it. He felt his strength come back.

“What was that?” he muttered to himself. “This power is different,” he whispered. He needed to finish this quickly, he thought.

“Storm Leg,” Blueno said as he kicked at high speed and strength which launched a sharp compressed blade of wind. Kaya saw this coming. She dashed forward and flew over the blade of wind.

She opened her mouth. “Angel HyperBeam,” Kaya said as she shot a golden light from her mouth. The beam travelled towards Blueno.

“Iron Body,” Blueno said as he hardened his body. The blast hit and exploded. “Futile,” Blueno remarked.

Kaya flew closer. “Angel Smash,” Kaya remarked as she channelled her energy into her fist. It glowed white as she punched back Blueno in the stomach. Blueno spat blood out. He took a hit. He lost his focus.

“Angel Kick,” Kaya said as she channelled her energy into her kick. It glowed white as she kicked him in the stomach. Bluneo bent over as he spat blood again. He felt his insides hurting and erupting in pain.

“Angel Smash,” Kaya said again as she punched him in the face. Blueno went flying back and landed on the floor. He felt his lip was busted. He tasted blood. Blueno thought where did this power come from as he was panting as he got up. “Don't think you have won,” he replied as he spat blood.

“I will keep fighting until you give that key,” Kaya declared.

“You will never win. We have worked out a plan to stop you at all cost, you will never see Robin alive again,” Blueno replied.

Kaya glared back at Blueno. “I will protect my King, protect his harem,” Kaya replied.

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