One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 402: Kumadori vs Mikita Part 2

“I hope so. You have made us mad by taking Robin away from us,” Mikita stated.

“I will not lose. The Chief has given me an order,” Kumadori said.

“Storm Leg Lotus Blossom,” Kumadori said as he used both legs to send multiple compressed blades of wind towards Mikita.

Mikita jumped out of the way. The multiple slices hit the ground however two clipped her leg. The small cut blossomed into larger ones. Mikita felt the pain on her leg. It started to bleed. She ran and jumped towards Kumadori.

“Kabob of the Shishi!” Kumadori shouted. He began to rub the tip of his staff against his own body, generating friction with increasing speed. The heat built up rapidly, and soon the tip of the staff ignited, creating a fireball. He twirled the flaming staff above his head and with a forceful flick, he launched a series of fireballs directly at Mikita.

Mikita saw the incoming projectiles. She leapt to the side, evading the first fireball as it crashed into the ground, leaving a smoldering crater. The second fireball came at her even faster. Mikita twisted her body mid-air as she dodged the next attack. She dodged the fireballs and closed the distance. She somersaulted over the last fireball. She felt pain in her body.

“She is quick,” Kumadori muttered.

Mikita then dashed towards Kumadori. “Poundage Kick,” Mikita said as she increased the weight in her foot to 100,000 kilograms. She swung her leg in a powerful arc. The sheer force of the kick generated a shockwave, the air rippling as her foot connected with Kumadori`s left side of his stomach. It was like a battering ram. She crushed the side of his rib cage and he went flying back again. He landed on his side. He coughed blood as he got up.

He thought back to the moment of the attack. “Iron Body," Kumadori muttered, tensing his muscles as his entire body hardened. He thought if he had not done that he would have died. He got up and thought he needed to end this quickly.

Mikita could feel her leg in pain. The devil fruit was being used to its limits or her limits. It did not matter as her leg was bleeding.

“Shishi Finger Pistol,” Kumadori shaped his hair into the form of hands. He aimed it at Mikita. He repeatedly swung his hair to rapidly jab Mikita. Mikita saw the attack coming towards her.

“Poundage Stomp,” Mikita said as she increased her weight to 100,000 kilograms in her foot. She slammed the ground. The force of the impact created a shockwave. She sent large piles of derby flying into the air. Kumadori`s hair shaped as hands hit the derby. He finger thrusted all the derby trying to make it to Mikita. He took out all the derby and went towards where Mikita was but she was not there.
“Where are you?” he shouted. His hair went back to normal. He looked around. He was panting. There was blood leaking from his forehead. He could feel his stomach being destroyed. His rib cage was definitely broken.

He looked to see Mikita to his right. “There you are,” he shouted. “Storm Leg Lotus Blossom,” Kumadori said as he used both legs to send multiple compressed blades of wind towards Mikita.

Mikita spotted the incoming attack. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her. Her wounds stung of pain. She felt blood leaving her open wounds and staining her clothes and the ground beneath her.

She saw the wind blades rapidly closing in. The first blade came towards her. Mikita pushed off the ground, leaping high into the air. The blade whizzed past her, missing by mere inches. She landed lightly, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

More blades followed. Mikita’s heart pounded in her chest as she twisted and turned. She dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding another razor-sharp gust.. Then she ducked under the next one, feeling the wind whip against her skin.

Each dodge brought her closer to Kumador, closing the gap inch by inch.

Finally, with one last burst of speed, Mikita sprinted through the final onslaught of wind blades slicing through the air just behind her. She gritted her teeth, pushing past the pain and exhaustion. until she was above Kumadori.

“Poundage Drive,” Mikita said, increasing her weight to 100,000 kilograms. She came crashing down, her foot leading the way. The force of her descent was like a meteor crashing to earth. Mikita hit Kumadori`s head as she came down. Kumadori had no time to react and was too exhausted to move.

Kumadori`s face went back. His teeth broke, his nose broke as she slammed down onto him. Kumadori went flying back and landed on the ground unconscious. A pool of blood could be seen leaving his body.

Mikita landed on her feet. She was exhausted and bleeding from her foot again. She panted and walked towards Kumadori. She thought that move was risky, however it gave her a strength boost.

She searched his body and took the key. She smiled and headed to find Robin. She walked slowly out of the room. She looked around and heard footsteps. She thought there is always more. She got ready.

At that moment, she saw Saphir running towards her. Saphir looked at Mikita who was bleeding and covered in blood. “Are you okay Mikita?” Saphir asked.
“A little hurt but I am okay,” Mikita replied. She looked at Saphir who had scratches all over her body. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“I am fine,” Saphir replied. “We need to find those keys,” she added.

“I have one from that pink haired guy,” Mikita replied.

Saphir smiled.” You are amazing,” Saphir said.

“We should keep moving and help others,” Mikita responded.

“Yes, we should, I lost track of Honey and Maya, we wanted to fight them alone so they could not help each other,” Saphir remarked.

“That was a good plan. They might be here,” Mikita said.

Saphir nodded. They both made their way down the corridor and up some stairs.

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