One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 412: Very Good vs Conis

“I was not expecting to see you here,” Very Good said, looking at her wings and flame on her back. “Who are you?” he asked. “And why have you joined a pirate group?” he asked again.

“I am Conis,” Conis replied.

“Why have you joined a pirate group? Who are attacking the Marines?” Very Good demanded to know. He thought why are girls joining a pirate group? She looked like an ordinary girl who you would see in a village. She did not look like a dangerous criminal.

“I joined because my Captain saved me, he gave me hope,” Conis responded, thinking back to the moment when he put his body in front and protected her from the lightning bolt. She smiled at the thought. “And the reason for joining is to save my sister, crewmate, Robin from you all,” Conis stated.

“Dying for a criminal,” Very Good said. He looked at her clothes which were covered in dirt and blood. The javelin she held had blood on it as well. “You seem to have fought on the way, attacking Marines,” Very Good added.

“I will, they would do it for me,” Conis responded.

“Then you leave me no choice, I have been humiliated by Mikita before, I will defeat you, her and everyone on your little pirate crew,” Very Good replied.

“Berry Scatter Shot," Very Good said as he separated his body into dozens of small spheres. They floated in the air. “I have eaten the Berry Berry Fruit,” he added.

Conis thought, a devil fruit user. Mikita mentioned that he can turn into balls and hit hard. She started to transform. Her body started to glow. Golden feathers started to emerge from her arms and shoulders.Her skin turned golden. Her mouth grew into a large yellow beak. Her ears became flatter. Her eyes turned into gold orbs. The small wings on her back extended, and grew bigger. Her legs became more muscular and bird-like, with talons.

Very Good watched the transformation. He thought she also had a devil fruit, a zoan type.
He fired himself at Conis like a barrage of bullets. The spheres ricocheted off walls and surfaces. Conis tracked their movement. Her eyes moved, focusing on the ball with face.

A sphere came hurtling toward her. She quickly swung her javelin, deflecting it with a sharp clang. Another one flew in from the side, forcing her to leap out of the way. Very Good's kep attacking, the spheres continued to fly at her from every possible angle, bouncing and weaving with dizzying speed.

Conis used her javelin, deflecting each sphere that came her way, stepping and weaving. She twisted and spun, narrowly avoiding several spheres, until one managed to slip through her and struck her squarely in the back.

She stumbled forward, feeling the force of the impact. Very Good's spheres immediately closed in. “I have you now,” Very Good said.

“Berry Barrage,” he added. The round balls started to close in from all directions at once.

“Scorching Cyclone Slash,” Conis said as she spun rapidly with the Heat Javelin extended. She created a cyclone of flames around her. Very Good, felt the scorching heat and backed off.

“Too hot,” he commented. “Inferno Strike,” Conis said as she channelled the intense heat into the tip of the javelin. She thrusted it forward, releasing a scorching blast of flames. It went towards Very Good`s sphere face. Very Good moved out of the way at the last moment. The flame touched his hair, burning it.

Conis rushed towards him and punched his face. Very Good felt the fist. He went flying and hit the wall. He spat blood and pulled his head out. His other body parts gathered. “Why you?” Very Good commented. He smiled. "Berry Boomerang," Very Good said as he launched several of his body spheres forward.

Conis held her Heat Javelin to block the attack. Very Good smiled, and curled them around her. The spheres looped back and attacked Conis back again. Conis felt the impact on her back. She spat her spit out as she felt bullets hitting her back. She stumbled forward and dropped to her knees. She felt her back slightly in pain however it went away. She looked at Very Good, smiling

“Sunfire Breath,” Conis said as she felt her stomach get warmer. She let the heat build up. It travelled up her body and into her mouth. She held it for a second and then opened her mouth and released a streak of flames towards Very Good. The flames were hot as they started to melt the ground. They blasted towards Very Good and hit him. He felt the hot flames. The spheres started to rush towards his body in pain. His clothes started to burn.

He gathered his body and looked at Conis. "Berry Cannon," Very Good said as he condensed his body spheres into a single, massive ball and fired it like a cannonball. The large sphere shot forward with tremendous force. “Don't get cocky, this is my ultimate move which I have worked on ever since our clash with Mikita,” Very Good laughed.

Conis looked at the large ball coming towards her. She needed to get past him fast. “Sunfire Talon Strike,” Conis shouted as she ignited her claws with intense solar flames. She clenched her fist. The flames got even stronger. Conis braced herself, feeling the heat of the moment surge through her veins. She swung her fist with full force, aiming directly at the largest of the spheres. Her punch connected. A burst of flames erupted from her hand, engulfing the sphere in a fiery blaze.

Very Good felt the intense heat, and for a moment, his momentum faltered. He gritted his teeth, determined to push through the flames. The two struggled in a tense deadlock, each trying to overpower the other. Conis could feel the resistance of the sphere against her fist.

For a moment, it seemed like Very Good was gaining the upper hand, his sphere beginning to push back against Conis' flaming punch. Then, with a burst of energy, Conis unleashed a second surge of flames from her fist.

She twisted her body, using her entire weight to propel herself forward. She sent the large sphere flying back. Very Good went flying back. He crashed through several walls, the stone and debris crumbling under the force of the impact. Very Good scattered into several round pieces as he laid on the ground. He was unconscious.

Conis turned back to normal. She felt exhausted. The transformation was taking a lot of her energy. She started to walk out the room. She saw Vivi slowly approaching as well. She looked a little rough.

“Vivi,” Conis called out.

“Conis,” Vivi said, smiling back.

“Are you okay?” Vivi asked.

“I am just a bit tired,” Conis replied.

Vivi offered her hand. “Let me help, I have a key so we need to keep moving, then we can go together back,” Vivi replied.

“Thanks,” Conis said. They both helped each other and walked up the stairs.

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