One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 417: Maynard vs Luffy Part 1

“Pirates running around Enies Lobby is a disgrace,” Maynard. “I will capture you,” he added.

“I need to help Ben,” Luffy said.

“You will be able to help when you are in prison together,” Maynard responded. He charged towards Luffy. He was not going to let him escape.

Luffy looked at him. “Gomu Gomu no Stamp,” Luffy said as he stretched his leg out. He then launched it towards Maynard. Maynard felt the attack coming. He dodged out of the way. Luffy`s foot missed him.

Maynard closed the distance. "Justice Fist!" Maynard said as he swung a powerful punch imbued with his Haki. He punched Luffy in the chest. The impact created a shockwave that sent Luffy flying backwards.

Luffy felt his chest hurt as he slammed onto the wall. He spat blood. He landed on his feet. “Why did that hurt?” he muttered to himself. “It's like when jii-chan hits me,” he added.

“You seem surprised,” Maynard added. "Seismic Justice Stomp," Maynard yelled as he leapt into the air and slammed his foot down with tremendous force. Luffy rolled out of the way. Maynard created a shockwave that caused the ground to crack and tremble. Luffy got up. He almost lost his balance.

“That was close,” he muttered. “Gomu Gomu no Pistol,” Luffy said as he stretched his arm back and then launched it at Maynard. Maynard saw the attack coming; however he was not fast enough to react. He got punched in the stomach. His eyes widened from the attack.

"Your fists pack quite a punch," Maynard said with a grin as he grabbed Luffy's arm and swung him around in a wide circle.

“Hey, stop it!” Luffy shouted, his voice wavering as he spun around faster and faster.

With a sudden release, Maynard let go, sending Luffy flying. Luffy managed to land on his feet, but he stumbled, his legs wobbling from the dizzying spin. “I am dizzy,” he remarked, seeing stars.

"Mighty Justice Barrage," Maynard said as he rushed towards Luffy. He moved his fist rapidly, creating an illusion of multiple fist. He was about to swing his fists to deliver a rapid series of punches.

Luffy saw the rapid punches coming towards him. “Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun,” Luffy said as brought his fists forward and repeatedly. He launched a rapid barrage of punches. The two fist clashed. It was a blitz. Their punches rapidly clashed with each other. They both were giving it their all. Maynard was punching as fast as he could.

Luffy kept up blocking them with his own fists. He tried to keep up however he felt overwhelmed and eventually Maynard fist found Luffy's face. Maynard punched Luffy, sending him backwards. Luffy was again sent flying and he slammed the wall. He spat blood again.

Luffy landed on his fist. “You sure can punch,” Luffy commented. He wiped the blood from his face.

“Gomu Gomu no Bazooka,” Luffy said as he stretched his arms back and launched them forward towards Maynard. Maynard saw the attack coming however he was again too slow to react and got hit in the chest. Maynard spat his spit out again as he stumbled back. He wondered why his punches hurt so much. He is not using haki.

“Gomu Gomu no Whip,” Luffy added as he stretched his leg and kicked in a wide circle. Maynard saw this coming and jumped over his leg. He looked at Luffy and gritted his teeth.

“Pirates all should be served justice,” he said. "Blade of Resolve," Maynard said as he unsheathed his sword and launched a blade of air towards Luffy. The attack was slow. Luffy dodged out of the way.

Luffy looked back to see the wall had a large cut mark. “That was like those kicks, or what Zoro does,” Luffy commented.

Maynard closed the distance. He put his sword away. "Judgment Slam!" Maynard said as he grabbed Luffy and lifted him over his head. He slammed him into the ground with immense force, causing a small crater to form at the point of impact. Maynard let him go.

Luffy took his head out of the hole. “Ouch, that hurts,” Luffy said as he was bleeding.

“You can still walk and talk after that,” Maynard said.

“I have had worse,” Luffy smiled. “Gomu Gomu no Bullet,” Luffy said as he stretched his hand back. He launched it high speed towards Maynard. Maynard saw this coming but got hit again. He coated his stomach with haki but spat his spit out as he slid back backwards. He could feel his stomach in pain.

“Gomu Gomu no cannon,” Luffy followed up as he launched his arms together and hit Maynard in the stomach once again. Maynard slid back and hit the wall. He spat a tiny amount of blood.

Luffy looked. “Is that all you have?” Maynard asked as he wiped the blood from his face. He charged towards Luffy. Maynard swung his fist with a swift, powerful motion, aiming straight for Luffy's head. Luffy's reflexes kicked in, and he dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the punch. Maynard smiled. He followed up immediately with another punch, this time catching Luffy off guard.

The first hit landed square on Luffy's face, snapping his head to the side. Before Luffy could recover, Maynard's next punch drove into his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. Then came a crushing blow to Luffy's chest, making him stagger backward.

Maynard then grabbed Luffy's arm with a fierce grip, swung him overhead, and slammed him down hard onto the ground. The impact sent a shockwave through the floor, cracks forming beneath where Luffy hit. Luffy jumped back.

“You are strong, I think I will have to use this,” Luffy said. Luffy put his hands over his knees. Luffy sped up the blood flow in all parts of his body. He could feel there was more oxygen and nutrients. His body became more red and there was steam emitting from his body.

“Gear Second,” Luffy remarked. He looked at Maynard. “I need to help Ben,” he added.

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