One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 48: Spreading Hope

Honey and Belo Betty walked through the streets. The buildings looked in worse conditions. There were windows shattered, boarded up or just missing. It looked bad. 

They kept walking until they saw what looked like an execution platform. There was no body, however there was blood everywhere. Honey eyes just popped open and she felt sick. Belo Betty gritted her teeth. 

“Scum all scum,” Belo Betty said. 

“Careful with your words,” said a dark-haired man with a thick mustache. He wore a brown, short-sleeved uniform with sandals. 

Belo Betty looked at the man in disgust. 

“My name is Genzo. I can see the anger in your face. A few days ago, a young man who couldn't pay the ransom fee was beaten in front of his family and killed. This is the story of this village.” Genzo said. 

“And you let this happen,” Belo Betty said in anger.

“They are fishmen much stronger than us. We couldn't beat them in a one-one fight.” Genzo said sadly. 

“Marines?” Honey said. 

“What about the marines?” said a slim, dark-haired man who looked like a mouse. His facial hair consists of a thin goatee and six long whiskers. His Marine uniform had a buttoned-up greatcoat that reached to his feet. 

Genzo felt chills to his spine. “They,” Genzo said. 

“Marines are just scum,” Belo Betty said. 

“Why you? Get them,” he ordered.

“Yes Captain Nezumi,” said the random marine. 

The 20 marine soldiers charged at Belo Betty and Honey. Honey was thinking about her escape plan. 

Belo Betty swang her flag towards the marines. They were swiped off their feet and chucked into the air. They landed back with a thud. The marines slowly got up. 

The first marine came with a sword and attempted to slash Belo Betty. She dodged and hit the marine with the back of her pole on his stomach. The marine yelled in pain and collapsed. 

The second marine charged at her now. He was about to swing when Belo Betty blocked the sword with the pole of the flag. She then punched the marine in the face who went flying back and landed on the ground unconscious.

After that a third marine came who was cracking his fist. He attempted to punch Belo Betty but she was too quick and dodged the punch and threw her own punch in his face. He staggered back and dropped to the ground.

A crowd was gathering to see this fight unfold. 

“You,” Nezumi said in anger. 

“Marines, worthless. You can't even do a simple job of robbing the orange hair brat,” said a fish man with pink skin, and a fin on the top of his head. He had wavy brown hair and a black wave tattoo on his forehead. He wore a dark green shirt with a red flower design on it, and tan pants with brown sandals. 

“Shioyaki,” Nezumi said. 

“Orange hair? You mean Nami? What do you mean by robbing her? She is part of you.” Genzo said. 

“HAHAH. Didn't she tell you? She made a deal with our boss Arlong that she will save money to buy her village freedom.”  Shioyaki said. 

“Wait, that means, you will take her money and will have to start all over again,” Genzo said in realisation.  

Shioyaki smiled. 

“That poor girl is sacrificing everything for you low-life villagers. She was gathering money to keep you all cowards free. What sort of people are you that will rely on a young girl to keep you safe. Are you cowards or you are fighters like the girl?” Belo Betty said while waving her flag. 

The villagers looked at each other. They had a determined face. They remembered all the horrors they experienced for the past years. They remember Nami's innocent face before Arlong came. They felt their muscles gain energy. They picked up whatever they could and charged at the remaining Marines. The marines were in shock of how these weak villagers suddenly had all this strength and energy as they started clashing. 

Shioyaki was surprised to see these pathetic villagers charge them like this. “Arlong will make you pay,” he shouted.

Genzo jumped and punched Shioyaki in the face. “You dare strike me,” he said. Genzo threw another punch in his face. Shioyaki then punched Genzo in the stomach. 

“Ouch,”Genzo groaned in pain. “This pain is nothing to what the villagers and Nami have felt,” he said and threw another punch at Shioyaki's stomach. The two men started trading blow after blow. Genzo would punch which was immediately followed by Shioyaki throwing a counter punch. 

Genzo's old age was starting to take effect. His eyes were getting tired. He felt he was losing a lot of blood rapidly. He couldn't keep this up for long. Shioyaki had taken some damage. He was furious that a weak human like Genzo could hurt him. 

“Why you?” Shioyaki said while throwing another punch. Genzo was about to receive the blow when Belo Betty caught it. 

“Not bad old man,” she said to Genzo. Belo Betty started to grip Shioyaki`s hand. She put more strength and crushed it.

“My hand, you cow,” Shioyaki shouted in pain. 

Belo Betty followed up with a clean kick to his stomach and Shioyaki went down. He was unconscious. 

The villagers had overpowered the remaining marines and had either captured or beaten them. Nezumi used the commotion to run away. 

“You scum may not be all worthless. The fight is not over. The biggest fish needs to be fried. We will make them pay,” Belo Betty said.

The villagers cheered in joy and started marching towards Arlong Park. 

“There you are Honey, you some licks in?” Belo Betty asked. Honey nodded.

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