One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 54: Ben vs Arlong

Belo Betty had walked towards the white fishman and Nezumi. “So where do you think you are going scum?” she proclaimed.

Nezumi looked at the women. Her breasts were popping out of her jacket. He then looked at the flag. It had a symbol. “What is that symbol?” he asked.

Belo Betty punched Nezumi in the face knocking him out. “Scum,” she said.

The white fish man who had been trying to punch Belo Betty all this time was tired. He refused to believe there was a power difference between him and this pathetic human. “Kuhahahahaha,” he laughed and added, “I, Kuroobi will never lose to a human.” He didn't care that Nezumi was on the ground. He was a human.

He attempted to punch Belo Betty again however she was too quick and punched in the stomach. He went down.

“I always taking the trash out,” she said and started walking towards the girls. As she got closer, she saw Alvida had finished her fight off.

Meanwhile Ben and Arlong were throwing punches at each other. Ben punched Arlong in the stomach. Arlong countered with a punch to Ben's stomach. They both backed away. Ben was in his hybrid form. “You look interesting for a human,” Arlong remarked.

“But you will fall like all humans,” Arlong added.

Arlong then ran towards Ben and used his nose like a sword. He was trying to stab Ben with his nose. Ben was rapidly dodging the attack. He then grabbed Arlong by the nose as he was going for another attack and flung him towards the wall of the building they were previously fighting.

Ben then fired a Demon Beam towards Arlong however Arlong dodged and was coming like a torpedo towards Ben. “Shark on Darts,” he said as Ben narrowly missed the attack.

“He is fast,” he mutters. Ben felt like he was getting tired. He thought about the attack Kaya did. It did more damage then he initially thought.

“Shark on Darts,” he shouted as he torpedoed towards Ben. This time Ben was not fast enough and he got hit by attack on the shoulder. Ben felt pain. As Arlong's nose was lodged in Ben's shoulder, he took the opportunity to grab Arlong by the nose, pull him out and bend his nose before throwing him again towards another side of the building.

Arlong got up and was covering his nose. “You brat,” he said with fury in his voice. He showed that Ben had indeed bent his nose upwards. However Arlong just straightened it up again.

“You are tough,” Ben said. Ben ran towards Arlong, he punched Arlong in the face, shattering his teeth. He then followed up with a kick. Ben was panting loudly.

Arlong got up again. His teeth were either chipped or broken. Arlong was smiling. Suddenly all the damaged teeth fell from his mouth and new teeth had grown in their place. “Surprised?” he mocked Ben.

Arlong, then shoved his fist in his mouth and took all his teeth in one hand. He repeats the process with his other hand. The teeth is his mouth grew back. However he now has two pairs of teeth he can use as an offensive weapon.

“I call this Tooth Gum,” Arlong said. He then charges towards Ben. Arlong used them as knuckle duster and attempts to punch Ben. Ben dodges the attacks repeatedly. Arlong was throwing a barrage of punches. He was aiming for his head, chest, shoulder and stomach. However Ben dodged all the attacks. Arlong went for another punch however Ben side stepped and grabbed his arm. He flung Arlong over his shoulder and jumped in the air.

“Demon Beam,” he said and fired a beam toward Arlong. Arlong was hit in the chest and felt the pain ripple across his body. Ben, who was in the air, followed up the attack by kicking his face. In the process he bent his nose again.

“Ahhhh,” Arlong shouted.

Ben jumped back. “You brat. You shall die,” Arlong said in anger. He fixed his nose again. Arlong then took another pair of teeth out and ran towards Ben. As Arlong was about to punch Ben, Ben was quicker and punched his jaw. The force was so great, Arlong was flung into the ceiling and went through the floor. Ben followed through the newly created hole in the ceiling.

Ben saw Arlong holding a large sword. “This my Saw-shaped Sword,” The sword was twice as long as Arlong. A long handle with a metal pole was the frame, embedded in the pole were six triangular blades.

Arlong then swung the blade towards Ben. Ben moved out of the way and fired his Demon Beam toward Arlong. Arlong got hit with the blast. He was bleeding and tired. The repeated attacks were taking a toll on Arlong.

“Demon Slash,” Ben said. A projectile claw attack was launched at Arlong. He put his sword up to defend it. As he put his sword up, Ben got closer and punched him in the face. His nose bent again and he dropped his blade and went flying towards the wall.

“You hurt my crew and my navigator,” Ben said with fury. He grabbed Arlong and threw him in the air and punched him again. This time he went through three floors and landed on the rooftop of this building. Ben grabbed the sword on the ground and jumped through holes to the rooftop as well.

“Humans are always scum,” Arlong said as he was getting up.

“Some are some not, but you are scum,” Ben replied.

“It's time to end this,” Ben declared.

He dropped the sword to the ground he was holding.

“Demon Blast,” he said as he held his hand out and fired a two handed blast of energy towards Arlong. The beam went through his heart as he fell off the building. Ben then grabbed the sword and fired Demon Beams as he was descending through the holes created by the fight. Ben got to the bottom floor and ran out. The building was unstable and was starting to collapse. Ben exited the building as the entire building fell apart.

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