One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 76: Fighting Dinosaurs

Honey stepped up in front of the dinosaur. The T-Rex was about 12 meters tall. It towered Honey however she looked determined.

“I,” Honey muttered.

The T-Rex charged at Honey. Honey looked at the T-Rex. She raised her hand. The T-Rex was getting closer. Honey then ran.

“So close,” Ben said.

“It is good that she is learning my love,” Alvida commented.

“Honey, do it for me,” Ben said, hoping to encourage her. Honey thought that her man was looking at her. He was doing his best. She cannot let him down. She also thought of the crew cheering her on. She cannot let them down either.

Honey stopped running, turned to the T-rex and said,”Liquid Air Blast.” A purple torrent of liquid shot from her hand and hit the dinosaur. The dinosaur was flung back but it was still on its feet.

The T-Rex shook his face and roared loudly. It then charged again, attempting to bite Honey. However Honey saw the dinosaur coming and fired another, “Liquid Air Blast,” towards the T-Rex. The T-Rex got hit again and was flung backwards by the sheer force.

The T-Rex looked mad. His eyes narrowed. It charged again. “Liquid Air Blast,” Honey said. The purple liquid came out of her hand. However this time the dinosaur dodged to the right and she missed. Honey was surprised. The T-Rex charged towards Honey again. Honey fired another blast but the dinosaur saw it and dodged.

The dinosaur was now just on top of Honey and was about to bite when she dodged it out of the way and rolled behind him. She then put both her hands forward and said,”Double Air Blast.” A torrent of purple liquid fired from her hands hit the dinosaur in the rear as he flung forwards into a series of trees.

“Nice job, Honey,” Ben shouted.

“You go girl,” Mikita shouted.

The T-Rex got up again. It looked like it was in pain. The dinosaur was struggling to walk. It shook its head again. The dinosaur narrowed its eyes back to Honey. It growled loudly.

“It's time to end this,” Honey said. Honey put her hand forward. Her fingers were in the shape of a pistol. “Liquid Bullet Barrage,” she said. From her fingers rapidly a barrage of purple bullet shaped liquid were fired. The dinosaur tried to move but it was too slow and got hit by the barrage. The continuous barrage kept hitting his body. The force was creating the dinosaur to be pushed back until it eventually collapsed.

Nojiko and Mikita were jumping up and down when they saw Honey take the dinosaur down. “Yeah,” Nojiko shouted.

“My love she always had in her however she still would require some work don't you think?” Alvida said.

“With time she will take multiple down without even flinching,” Ben replied. He ran up to Honey and hugged her.

“Good job,” Ben said.

Honey hugged back. Ben looked down to see Honey with puppy eyes. He smiled and kissed her.

Nojiko gasped while Mikita licked her lips unconsciously. Alvida smiled.

At this moment another dinosaur. It had a slender yet sturdy frame, and had a distinctive horn on its snout. Its limbs were built for agility and speed. His sharp claws looked like it pierce flesh easily. The dinosaur had brown scales. It was a Ceratosaurus, a carnivorous dinosaur.

Ben smiled, “ Nojiko your turn,” he said.

“What!” Nojiko shouted.

“My love, want you to fight and beat it,” Alvida said and then she whispered in her ear,” Our beloved Captain has given an order. There might be a fun reward.”

Nojiko heard this and blushed slightly however she looked determined.

“Yes I will fight him,” Nojiko asserted. Ben grabbed Honey in his arms and jumped back. The Ceratosaurus attacked however he missed. Nojiko came running at that moment. She put her hand forward and created a few clouds. The clouds hit the dinosaur and it looked down. The clouds did no damage and disappeared. It then saw Nojiko can and opened its massive jaw and took a bite.

Nojiko had turned into white clouds at the second. The white clouds had traveled on the dinosaur face where they formed back into Nojiko again who was holding the Ceratosaurus`s horn. The dinosaur saw Nojiko on its nose and then tried to shake it off. He moved his face left and right rapidly. Nojiko tried to hold on.

“You can do it Nojiko,” Mikita cheered.
Ben put Honey down near Alvida and Mikita. He transformed in his hybrid form.

The dinosaur was trying to shake Nojiko off. She was desperately trying to hold on. Nojiko lost grip and was flung into the air. Ben jumped into the air and caught her mid-air. “Got you,” Ben said.

“I am,” Nojiko muttered. Ben pulled her closer and kissed her on the lips.

“You get kisses for not winning?” Mikita asked.

“You just need to ask and my love will give you kisses and more,” Alvida teased.

“Yes that is true,” Honey said.

Nojiko's heart skipped a beat. “It's not over,” Ben said and added, “You know that every life is important. You had taken it on yourself to protect the villagers from Arlong. I want you to use that emotion, and channel it and take that overgrown lizard down.”

Nojiko looked at Ben. She thought he was right. “Let me down,” Nojiko firmly said.

Ben slowly descends down the ground. “Got the land my love,” Alvida shouted. Nojiko got off Ben`s arm. She looked at the Ceratosaurus.

The Ceratosaurus looked at Nojiko. He charged again. Nojiko put her hand forward. She thought about her village, the atrocities Arlong committed. She thought about Ben and being with him and the crew and her resolve. “Cloud Surge,” she shouted. A cloud started forming and it was growing large very rapidly. The white cloud expanded and engulfed the dinosaur.

The cloud changed colour from white to grey. It grumbled. The dinosaur stopped and looked confused from this new development. Nojiko felt the clouds moving. She could hear something. She knew what to do. “Lighting barrage,” Nojiko shouted. The cloud started shooting lighting bolts at the dinosaur. The light bolt the dinosaur and screamed in pain. The second bolt hit him and he fell to his knees. The third bolt hit the ground next to him and the fourth bolt hit the dinosaur on the face and went down.

From the outside Ben and the girls saw Nojiko create a huge white cloud that went grey and suddenly bright lights and a painful roar could be heard. The cloud disappeared and a smoking body could be seen.

Nojiko was standing in front of the dinosaur. “I did it Captain,” she said and started falling to the ground. Ben ran up and slid and caught her just before her head hit the ground. Nojiko was exhausted,

“Yes you did, good job,” Ben said. Mikita, Alvida and Honey came running toward them.

“Renergy blast,” Honey said and fired it at Nojiko. Nojiko's face smiled however her eyes did not open.

“I guess if we over use our devil fruit or use a new ability that drains too much stamina we would need to rest,” Ben said.

“I think so too as well my love, when we tried before it was physical stamina we were using for extreme exercises. For devil fruit is something different,” Alvida commented.

“I think so as well. I can feel their stamina already back, however they still would need rest,” Honey added.

“My love, let me take her back to the ship and you can see that Luffy and the gang are up to with Mikita and Honey,” Alvida offered.

“Are you sure?” Ben asked. He did not like the idea of Alvida going back by herself.

“Yes my love, the ship is not too far and I can sli[ to get there faster, " Alvida said.

“Okay,” Ben said. Alvida got onto one knee as Ben put Nojiko on Alvida back, Alvida wrapped Nojiko arms around her neck.

“I will be back soon my love,” Alvida said as she slipped away.

“Looks like it's just us,” Ben said.

“Yes,” Mikita replied. Honey nodded.

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