One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 81: Billions

While Ben was with Marriane, Luffy and Honey fighting Mr 3 and Zoro fighting Mr Mellow, Usopp and Nami were surrounded by a dozen men.

“Lets kill them,” Pirate 1 said.

“Yeah,” said Pirate 2.

“Nami stay behind me,” Usopp said, his legs shaking and pointing his slingshot.

At that moment Mikita came and kicked the first two men in the back, breaking their spine. The pirate looked at Mikita. Usopp took the opportunity to rapidly fire three shots from his slingshot. They hit the three pirates in the face, and exploded. Smoke can be seen from their faces as they all go down.

Two men charged at Mikita with their swords. Mikita said,”Featherfall.” Her body weight dramatically decreased and she started flying upwards with her umbrella. The two men missed with their swords. “Groundbreaker,” she said as she increased her weight and fell onto the two men. The both got crushed by Mikita`s weight.

Then two men pointed their guns at Mikita. “Boss wants you dead,” one of them said. As they were about to fire, their faces were hit by an explosion. Smoke could be seen as they went down.

“Thanks,” Mikita said.

“Usopp the brave warrior is always here,” Usopp said as he was hiding behind the tree.

Three bulky men approached Mikita. The first tried punched Mikita however she dodged and roundhouse kicked the first one. She then increased her weight and punched the second one. He clenched his stomach and went down. The third one tried to tackle Mikita but she stepped out of the way. Mikita then kicked him. He stumbled forward and hit his head on a tree and went down.

“All down for now,” Mikita said.

“Yes, thank you,” Nami said.

“Alvida explained our alliance so I am happy to help friends out,” Mikita said and she added, “True friends.”

“Yes, as the brave warrior of the sea, I am always up for a challenge and fight,” Usopp declared as he tried to show off his muscles.

Mikita and Nami laughed.

Meanwhile Alvida, Vivi, Karoo had just got back on the Miss Love Duck with the help of HQ.

“Let's go put them to their room,” Alvida said who was carrying Nojiko.

“Yes,” HQ responded who was carrying Kaya.

Alvida and HQ went downstairs and put Nojiko and Kaya in their respective rooms and pulled a cover over them. They exited the rooms and saw each other again.

“I failed to protect Kaya,” HQ said.

“No, look at the other way. Kaya has gotten strong enough to hold her own and even defeat a devil fruit user. We should be proud of her,” Alvida said.

“Yes, I admit this is a huge milestone in her progress. Master would be proud but she got hurt. I should have protected her,” HQ replied.

“There is only so much we can protect and they would also need to stand up on their feet. Also Kaya`s body, all her marks and scratches are already gone,” Alvida said.

HQ was not too sure however she had to agree, Alvida is right. She won't be able to protect them all the time and had to train them to get stronger. “You are right, I will train them to get stronger,” HQ declared.

They exited the first floor and went up the stairs and entered the deck.

“Alvida, HQ,” Vivi shouted and pointed in front of her.

Alvida and HQ looked at where Vivi was pointing. They saw a ship approaching them. The wooden hull was adorned with tattered sails. Its masts rised tall, bearing ropes and rigging that connected to the sails. At the top was a crow's nest. The ship's deck had an array of crates, barrels, and assorted gear. The Jolly Roger was a skull with purple wings.

“It's a Billion`s ship,” Vivi`s voice quivered as she spoke.

Alvida and HQ looked at each other. Then they look at Vivi. “Underlings of Crocodile,” HQ said.

“Yes,” Vivi shouted.

“Okay let go and take them out,” Alvida said. HQ nodded.

“There could be 100 men on that ship,” Vivi said.

“Sounds like some good fun,” Alvida smiled and added, ”HQ can you give me a lift?”

“I can take care of them myself,” HQ said.

“Quicker with us together,” Alvida replied.

“Okay,” HQ responded and she started flying. She lifted Alvida by her armpits and flew over.

“Someone is flying towards us,” said a pirate who was looking around.

HQ then dropped Alvida in the middle of the deck.

“They are here.” shouted a pirate.

Alvida smiled and used her iron mace and smacked the pirate in the face. His tooth could be seen leaving his mouth with blood also splattering. Another pirate was seen running toward Alvida. He swung his sword. Alvida dodged and hit him with her iron mace on his chest. He went flying back.

A group of 10 men then came running out the cabin of the ship. They surrounded Alvida. “Nowhere to run now?” the pirate said.

Alvida smiled and said, “Slip Spin.” She spun around in a circle with her iron mace in front of her. The iron mace hit all the men and they went flying in the air. Some of them landed in the water while others landed on the deck.

A dozen men came running out of the same cabin.”Slip on slide,” she said as she slid on the ground towards the dozen men. She readied her iron mace and hit all the dozen men with full force. They all went flying in the air and landed in the ocean.

“Too easy,” Alvida said.

HQ flew to the top of the ship and grabbed the person in the crow nest. She lifted him with one arm. The pirate was terrified looking at this demon with black wings and tail. She threw the man into the ocean and dive kicked a group of 7 pirates. They all went down onto the ground. Three of them got up and ran to punch HQ. HQ tanked the hits. They did no damage. She then punched the men on their face and they went down with broken noses. The other pirates did not get up after the kick.

A dozen pirates had come through a door on the back of the ship. HQ ran towards them. She jumped in the air and did a front kick on the first large pirate. He lost his balance and collapsed on the three pirates behind me. HQ then punched the four pirates back to back. Each punch broke a rib, or bone. They fell to the ground in pain. The remaining four pirates looked in shock. Two pirates tried to ran away however Honey was quick and grabbed their head and smashed them on the deck of the wooden ship. She then kicked the third pirate and punched the fourth pirate. They all went down. HQ had beaten all 12 pirates in a few minutes.

She then ran through the ship's interior. She first got to the kitchen. “Who are you?” the pirate said. HQ ran up and front kicked the pirate who went flying and hit a pan with boiler water. He screamed. Another three pirates came with knives. They tried to stab HQ however she grabbed their arms and twisted them. They screamed in pain and she kicked two of them in the stomach. They both went down, covering their stomach with their hands. The third pirate`s knife connected with HQ however the knife shattered. The man was shocked. HQ smiled and punched him in the face.

Alvida then came to the kitchen. “All done here?” she asked.

HQ slammed another pirate face on the table. “Yes here,” she responded.

They left the kitchen and headed to the helm of the ship. They saw a dozen pirates in the room. Alvida got in the room and used her iron mace to smack the first two pirates. HQ then falcon kicked another two pirates. Three pirates tried to surround Alvida however she hit them all with her iron mace and they went down. HQ roundhouse kicked five pirates. They all went down with broken bones.

“Okay let's go take their loot,” Alvida said. HQ nodded. HQ went to the Captain quarter and saw lots of treasure including bags filled with gold and diamonds. She picked up the four large bags and exited on to the deck.

“Look you got a lot,” Alvida said as she swung her iron mace at a pirate.

“It will be useful to keep the harem happy,” HQ replied.

“Yeah that sounds good,” Alvida replied. HQ flew the four bags back to the Miss Love Duck.

She came back to the pirate ship. “I don't think we want their food and we can't trust their medicine either,” Alvida said as HQ landed on the deck.

“I can scan their medicine to ensure they will be okay,” HQ responded. Alvida nodded. HQ went to the doctor's room and grabbed the medicine which was okay from her database. She filled a small bag and headed back to the deck.

“All done,” HQ reported. HQ handed the bag over to Alvida as HQ picked up Alvida by her armpits and flew back to the Miss Love Duck.

Vivi approached them. “Are you both okay?” she asked.

“Yes, we are,” Alvida responded. HQ nodded.
Vivi knew they were strong, however the two of them taken on entire ship filled with pirate and winning without a scratch on either of them was impressive.

“There is nothing of value in that ship now.” Alvida said.

“Yes, let's destroy it,”HQ said.

“I can use my new move,” Alvida said. She dropped her. She then started spinning in a circle. Vortexes were being created as she was spinning rapidly. This generated a power current of air which Alvida used to compress with her slip powers and fired it at the ship. The current of air acted like a power projectile and hit the ship. Alvida aimed where the gunpowder was stored and there was an explosion which shook the ship. A big hole was created and the ship started sinking rapidly and sank. “Slipsteam Cannon,” she said.

“Wow,” Vivi commented.

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