One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 84: Training with Nojiko & Honey (R-18)

Ben was in a bed with Vivi, Rebecca and Reiju. He was holding Vivi with his right hand and Reiju with his left. Vivi was kissing Ben. He could feel her tongue. She was passionately kissing Ben. He looked down to see Rebecca was riding him reverse cowgirl style. Her ass was bouncing on his dick. She was moaning loudly.. He looked towards his chest and saw a purple-haired woman kissing his chest. Reiju looked up. Her beautiful har covered one of her eyes making her look even cuter. She smiled and kissed his nipple. He felt like a true king with three princesses.

Ben woke to the sound of sucking. Ben took the sheet off and saw Alvida sucking his penis. Alvida looked up and made eye contact with Ben. She let go of his dick, which made a pop sound. “Good Morning my love,” she greeted.

Alvida then lightly puts her tongue on the base of Ben`s dick and slowly licked her way to the top. She then engulfed his penis. Ben moaned. Avlida started to suck Ben`s dick with force. She cheeks hollow and moves her head up and down. Her tongue gently licked his penis as she moved quicker.

“Wow you are amazing,” Ben said. Alvida stopped and let go of his penis.

“Thank you my love, but this is not over,” Alvida said. Alvida licked the top of his penis slowly. Ben reacted to the sensation. She licked the head slowly. Ben's feet twitched. Avlida then increased her pace and started to go up and down on his dick. Then she slowed down and licked the head. After that Alvida increased her pace and went faster. She kept varying her speed to keep Ben`s guessing. Ben enjoyed this new pace.

“I am close,” Ben announced. Alvida increased her speed. She went up and down quicker.

“I am cumming,” he said as he shot his load in her mouth. Ben felt his body convulsed as he continued to spray his sperm in her mouth. Alvida kept Ben`s penis in her mouth and then let go. She began to lick up and down the shaft, cleaning Ben`s member up.

“Thank you for the breakfast, my love,” Alvida said.

“No thank you. You girls are spoiling me every morning,” Ben said.

“We are happy to help my love,” Alvida said as she kissed the head of his penis. “Better get a shower my love,” Alvida said and walked out of the room.

Ben was panting. He thought back to his dream with the three princesses. He was determined to make that a reality. He got up and wore some pants and went downstairs to the shower. He opened the door and saw there was no one here. He quickly showered and headed back to his room where he put on a shirt and pants and headed to the dinner hall.

Ben got to the dinner hall and saw all the girls eating their breakfast. “Morning All,” Ben greeted. The girls greeted back.

Kaya, who was having breakfast, smiled at the sight of Ben. “Someone had a good time last night,” Mikita teased.

“No, who would enjoy with this pervert,” Kaya replied but she did not sound convincing. The girls giggled.

“Marianne, we have some time so I want you to participate in the training regime. Alvida will explain it,” Ben said.

Okay Ben,” Marianne replied. She was not too sure if she could do such physical exercise.

“I know you may think it hard but can you at least try for me,” Ben said. Marianne nodded back. She felt a new sense of determination.

“Alvida, could you help out Marianne, Mikita and Vivi?” Ben asked.

“Sure, my love,” Alvida replied.

“Kaya you can train with your form and get better control over it and maybe tap into the hybrid,” Ben said.

“Sure,” Kaya responded.

“Nojiko and Honey, we will doing some special training today. Our opponent is one of the Seven Warlords, Crocodile. He has a devil fruit called the Sand-Sand fruit. A logia type,” Ben explained.

“I think so, but how do you know so much Ben?” Vivi asked.

Ben smiled, “I have my ways,” he replied.

“That's going to be pretty tricky to deal with. Nojiko and Honey are both logia users and when they change we cannot hit them without haki you talked about before, my love,” Alvida said.

“Yes that is correct Alvida and learning haki can be very tricky and takes time. However devil fruit also have natural weakness. The wax wax devil fruit is vulnerable to fire,” Ben said.

“If we wet sand, it would become hardened,” Nojiko said.

“Exactly, all devil fruit users are weak to the ocean; however with Crocodile's devil fruit, if any liquid substance makes contact with him, he cannot change as easily and we can strike him then,” Ben said.

“Both Nojiko and Honey can produce some sort of liquid substance so they would be ideal against him,” Mikita said.

Nojiko and Honey looked scared. The prospects of them fighting a Warlord was terrifying. Ben noticed. He reached out and held their hand. “I know it's scary, however I would be there with you. This will be a team fight. I will be there in front. If you can just give a little support that would be good,” Ben said.

Nojiko and Honey both shouted, “Yes Captain.” The girls giggled.

“If Nojiko and Honey are not there then what would happen?” Vivi asked.

“A barrel of water on your back can be used to get him wet or worse case scenario blood can also work,” Ben responded.

“Blood?” Kaya asked.

“Yes no doubt this will be hard so when Crocodile does injure me, I can use that blood to hit him back,” Ben said. The girls looked shocked.

“No, I won't allow you to get hurt,” Nojiko said. Honey nodded. They both had a new look of determination.

“So we have a plan?” Vivi said.

“For the most part, yes. There is also the rebellion led by your childhood friend manipulated by Mr 0 that is going on. We need to deal with that. Then it will be a good old fashioned ass kicking by us,” Ben said.

“Koza,” Vivi said.

“We will do everything to help you and your country,” Vivi,” Kaya said.

The rest of the girls nodded.

“Okay let's finish of breakfast and head to train,” Alvida said. They all continued eating and finished their breakfast off prepared by HQ. Alvida led Marianne, Mikita and Vivi to start the exercises. Kaya went to train on the deck. Ben, Honey and Nojiko went to the back of the ship.

“Okay girls, we need to learn our devil fruits better and use more of their capability. The devil fruit is only limited to your imagination,” Ben said.

“Nojiko yesterday, you had created a large cloud and even shot a bolt of lighting out of it. I want you to focus on creating larger clouds and focus on rain. However the weather is not always raining, we can have snow or hail. Your devil fruit may be able to do that,” Ben explained.

“Yes Ben,” Nojiko said. She got to work on creating clouds again. She remembers how she wanted to protect Ben and she created those clouds. She focused again and remembered that feeling. Clouds started to appear from her hand. She was able to control them. However they were just plain clouds. Nojiko tried to make it rain with the clouds but she could not.

“I can't get it to rain,” Nojiko said.

“Clouds are a good start. Keep trying,” Ben said. Nojiko nodded.

“Honey, you were amazing yesterday, fighting the dinosaur and helping Luffy with Mr 3,” Ben said.

“Let's figure out some new moves,” Ben added.

“I have some ideas,” Honey said.

“Let's see then,” Ben said. Ben remembered he had talked with Honey before about new moves.

Honey`s hands made a gun shape. She pointed at the ocean and said, “Liquid bullets,” From the tip of her finger the purple liquid shot out in the shape of a bullet. This was followed by a series of bullets from her fingers.

“Great,” Ben said.

“I also worked on this,” Honey said as she brought the tips of her fingers together. Her fingertips turned purple and she slowly pulled them apart. The liquid looked like it was getting stuck together and solidifying. She then threw the liquid, it formed the shape of a net on to Miss Love Duck. “Liquid Net,” she said.

Ben went to the purple net and noticed it was solid. He grabbed it and threw it overboard. “Good job.” Ben complimented.

“I also found another colour of liquid,” Honey said. This piqued Ben`s interest.

“Liquid Bomb,” Honey said. She used her two hands to create a red liquid ball. It grows as big as a football. Honey then throws it at the ocean. The red ball travels and upon impact the ocean it explodes. A small explosion could be seen and the waves rocked.

“Amazing,” Ben said. He was surprised by the sheer force. Honey smiled.

Nojiko looked over to see the explosion and was also shocked by the power. “Wow,” Nojiko said.

“Thank you,” Honey responded. Ben then kissed Honey forehead and patted her head. She looked up with dreamy eyes at Ben.

Nojiko slightly pouted. Ben saw her and walked up and also kissed her forehead. “I,” Nojiko muttered.

“I have not forgotten about you,” Ben said.

“Okay girls keep going on, I will do some of my own training,” Ben said.

Alvida then came running towards Honey. “Honey can use your power on Vivi and Marianne?” Alvida asked.

Honey nodded and with Alvida.

Ben thought the girls are trying their best, he should also work. Ben moved a bit away to give Nojiko some space. He thought about Kaya`s HyperBeam attack and thought that he is going to need more moves in his arsenal against the likes of Crocodile.

He started thinking. He thought about a spear or lance. He transferred into his hybrid form. He could feel his energy forming spear. Ben raised his hand in the air. His palm was pointed upwards to the air. He closed his eyes and pictured a lance in his hand. A black energy surged from his hand and formed the shape of a lance. Ben grabbed it and threw it in the ocean. “Demon Abyssal Lance,” he shouted. The black lance impacted the ocean and caused the waves to rock up in the air. The impact could be felt on the boat. Ben felt exhausted from the move and transformed back as he fell to the ground. He decided to rest for a few minutes to enjoy the weather.

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