One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 86: Sharinguru`s Marine Ship

“That was amazing,” Zara said.

“A truly good show,” Isla said. They both looked satisfied however there was hunger on their face for more.

“We can do more,” Ben said. He looked at Honey who was staring at him.

At this moment, HQ opened the door and rushed. “Master sorry to interpret you but there is a navy ship coming towards us,” HQ reported.

“Okay, I will be on the Bridge and gather the girls. Keep Vivi and Karoo hidden. We do not want them spotted yet.” Ben replied.

“Zara, Isla, we have to go. We can show more later. Say to Amelia, we will have some private time together,” Ben added.

“But,” Zara muttered.

“Okay, be safe,” Isla said. Ben started putting his clothes on.

“Honey, you can take some rest,” Ben said.

“I can fight,” Honey said as she wobbled to her feet.

Ben chuckled. “Take some rest, Captain's order,” Ben said.

Honey nodded and slowly started dressing. Ben finished putting his clothes on and ran upstairs to Bridge. He arrived at the Bridge and saw HQ, Alvida, Kaya, Nojiko, Mikita and Marianne.

“So where is the navy ship?” Ben asked.

“My love it is over there,” Alvida replied as she pointed to the west. Ben saw the cruiser-like vessel that had three masts. It has six cannons on each side of its hull and four larger cannons situated on the bow. A large circular structure is located in the middle of the ship, and the Marine symbol and name was painted on the sides. The ship was not too far away.

“It looks like it is heading towards us,” Nojiko said.

“We have bounties on our head, so not surprising,” Ben said.

“So what should we do Captain?” Kaya asked.

“If they engage us we engage back,” Ben said.

“Yes Master,” HQ replied.

“However, let's try not to kill them. They are only soldiers following orders blindly,” Ben said.

“The worst type,” Nojiko said.

Ben walked up and wrapped Nojiko in his arms and pulled her towards him. “We are in this together,” Ben said. Nojiko smiled.

“Pervert,” Kaya said.

Alvida smiled. Marianne looked with puppy eyes towards Ben. Ben saw this and smiled. He let Nojiko go and hugged Marianne. Marianne smiled back.

“I want a hug as well,” Mikita said.

“Sure,” Ben said as he released Marianne and hugged Mikita. Marianne was slightly sad about the hug being over however she enjoyed it.

Suddenly a voice could be heard on a megaphone, “Surrender now Captain Alvida of the Love Pirates!”

“I am not the Captain,” Alvida muttered.

“We know that Vice Captain Ben the Demon King is also there,” the voice in the megaphone.

“My love, you are the Captain,” Alvida said. Ben chuckled.

“If we don't surrender, we will use deadly force against you,” the voice in the megaphone said.

“Well we can protect ourselves. We don't let anyone threaten our crew including the Miss Love Duck,” Ben said.

“Let's take the fight to them,” he shouted.

“Okay,” Kaya said.

“HQ, I, Alvida will go and deal with the marine ship,” Ben said and he added, “If we need help, Mikita, Kaya and Nojiko will come in the second wave.”

“Why not together?” Nojiko asked.

“We need to maintain our surprise and power,” Ben said and added,” The navy knows about me, Alvida and Honey. HQ looks like Honey so we can trick them. I don't want Mikita to be known yet. We don't know if this marine ship is allied with Mr 0. Also Kaya and Nojiko do not have bounties right now. We should keep that for now.”

The girls nodded. “Certainly has brains,” Mikita said.

“Just a pervert,” Kaya commented.

“Captain can be smart when he is not going after girls,” Nojiko added quietly.

“Hey,” Ben said.

“We are only joking my love,” Alvida laughed.

Ben sighed. “Okay let's go,” he said.

Ben, Alvida and HQ walked down to the ship`s deck. Ben transformed in his hybrid form. He opened his arms. Alvida smiled and hugged him. “Nice and safe my love,” Alvida said.

“Okay girls keep the ship safe and wait for our signal,” Ben said as his wings started flapping and he started flying to the marine ship. HQ also started flying towards the ship.

“What was the signal?” Nojiko asked.

“That pervert,” Kaya said. Mikita and Marianne smiled.

Meanwhile on the Marine ship, a young marine reported to his Captain in the Captain`s Quarter. “Sir, we have warned them however there has been no response,” he reported.

The Captain looked at the young marine. He had a large nose and a chin. His black, curly hair was under a yellow hat, and he wore goggles that covered his eyes. He had a marine coat, with a dark green shirt and black pants. “Let's fire on the ship,” he ordered.

“Yes Captain Sharinguru,” the young marine said.

“We need to show that these waters are not for pirates. Demon King Ben and Iron Mace Alvida will be brought to justice for hurting marines,” Sharinguru said.

At that moment another marine soldier came running in. “Sir, we have three targets approaching us,” he said.

“Three targets? We were following one ship before,” Sharinguru said.

“No Sir, three targets are flying towards us,” the young soldier said.

Sharinguru got up and he ran towards the deck of the ship. There he saw Iron Mace Alvida in the hands of Demon King Ben. Next to them was Honey Queen however she looked a little different from her poster. She looked more demonic. “Get them,” he ordered.

Ben looked and saw they landed on the main deck of the marine ship. He saw Sharinguru in front of him. “I got him,” Ben said and added, “Disable the ship and see if they have any supplies we can use.”

“Yes my love,” Alvida said.

“Yes Master,” HQ replied.

The marines are charged towards Alvida and HQ. Alvida swung her iron mace and hit a group of 6 marines who went flying in the air. She then slipped across the deck, swinging her iron mace hitting all the marines in her path. The marines were dropping like flies. She slid south of the ship.

Meanwhile HQ roundhouse kicks three marines overboard. A marine tries to shoot her however she jumps in the air and drops kicks his face. She then straight punches three other marines. They all took a single hit and went down. The marine were shocked seeing her strength.

They tried to corner her. A group of 5 marines circled her. HQ then punched the first marine. She then back kicked the second marine in his stomach. The third marine attempted to shoot HQ however he missed. HQ then kicked him in the face. She jumped back and did another roundhouse kick and finished the last two marines off. HQ then ran towards the north of the ship.

Back on the deck, Ben and Sharinguru stared at each other. “I will take you down and your Captain,” he said.

Ben laughed. “Good luck with that,” Ben replied. Sharinguru smiled. His hand started rotating quickly. His legs started rotating as well. He then charged at Ben with his legs spinning like a wheel. He swung to punch Ben. Ben crossed his arm in an X shape and took the hit. He moved back slightly by the force and that Sharinguru was pushing him forward with his legs like wheels.

Ben then side stepped and took a step back. “A devil fruit that allows you to spin your body parts,” Ben said.

“Yes, I ate the Wheel Wheel fruit,” Sharinguru replied.

“Tornado Whirl,” Sharinguru said as he spun his arms and legs while moving in place. He created a miniature tornado around him and went towards Ben. Ben saw this attack and moved out of the way. The tornado with Sharinguru at the centre chased Ben. Ben tried to get away however he was caught in the wind. He went flying into the air and landed on the other side of the ship. A guard rail was there otherwise he would have gone overboard. Ben got up. Sharinguru was still in his tornado and came towards Ben again.

“Demon Beam,” Ben said. He raised his hand forward and a beam flew towards Sharinguru however the wind was too strong and the attack did not land.

“The wind is acting like a shield. I guess I need a bigger attack,” Ben said, “Demon Abyssal Lance,” He raised his hand and used his energy to form a spear-shaped projection. He then hurled it at high speed towards Sharinguru. The Lance pierced the tornado and hit Sharinguru in the chest. He cried out in pain. The tornado stopped. Sharinguru was panting loudly. His face has some blood on his mouth.

“I will kill you,” he said.

“Spinning Strike,” Sharinguru said. Sharinguru extended his arms outward while spinning, becoming a rotating buzzsaw. He ran towards Ben and started swinging his arms wildly in an attempt to cut Ben with his buzzsaw arms. Ben dodged right and left. Sharinguru kept moving his arms. He tried to aim for the head however Ben dodged. He aimed for the chest. Ben took a step back. He tried to go for his neck however Ben just went under his blade. Ben then jumped back and fired his Demon Blast.

It hit Sharinguru. He was panting louder. He was getting tired. “Not looking so good,” Ben said.

“Justice is absolute, you pirates will die,” Sharinguru said.

“Force Punch,” Sharinguru said as he spun his one arm rapidly. He ran up to Ben, His one arm was spinning rapidly. Ben thought back to Kaya words where she fought with Mr 5. He thought about his demon blast. He thought back to Kaya and how she was able to control and wrap it around her arm. Ben thought about it and thought of doing the same.

He activated his Demon Blast however he coated his arm with the energy. Sharinguru was about to strike when Ben threw a punch at Sharinguru fist. The both clashed for a second however Ben was stronger and he broke Sharinguru hand He was launched back and landed on the middle part of the ship and crashed through the wall. “Demon Fist,” Ben said.

HQ and Honey arrived on the deck with one large bag each. “All done here,” Ben said.

“We disabled the ship my love,” Alvida said.

“And got their supplies Master,” HQ said.

“Okay let's go,” Ben said. Alvida gave her bag to HQ and she went to hold Ben. Ben wrapped his arm around her and they flew back to the Miss Love Duck. HQ followed. They landed on the deck and were greeted by Nojiko, Kaya, Mikita and Marianne.

“Ben, you are back,” Nojiko said.

“Are you okay?” Marianne said.

“Yes I am,” Ben said as he pulled Marianne into a hug.

“Pervert,” Kaya said.

Mikita giggled. HQ went to the back of the ship to the dining hall to put the supplies away.

Ben transformed back. “Captain, we are approaching an island,” Nojiko said.

“Island?” he asked.

“Yes,” Nojiko replied.

“We can make a quick stop, to see what is there and move on,” Ben replied. Ben thought this could be Drum Island.

“Okay,” Nojiko said as she rushed back to the Bridge.

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