One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 97: Willy Pirate Fight (2)

While Nojiko, Kaya and Mikita were fighting their battles, Alvida was battling Girarin.

“You got in my way,” Girarin said.

Alvida swung her iron mace and Girarin blocked with his blades under his arm. “I won't let you hurt my crew,” Alvida replied.

“A Captain cant see the pain of their crew,” Girarin said.

“I am not the Captain,” Alvida remarked. She pulled back. Girarin then ran towards Alvida and tried to slash her however she blocked with her iron mace.

Girarin swung his left hand. Alvida blocked. He swung with his right hand. Alvida blocked again.

“You are strong but you are still a human,” Girarin said. Girarin crosses his hand. He runs about to Alvida. He performed a swift cross slash with both of his blades, creating an 'X' shape in the air. The attack comes towards Alvida. “Dual Slash, ” he said.

Alvida swung her iron mace and deflected the attack with ease. “What the?” Girarin said.

He then ran up to Alvida and attempted to cut her again however Alvida just blocked with her iron mace. Girarin jumped back.

“Is that all you got?” Alvida said.

“I am only getting started,” Girarin replied.

Girarin then extended his arms out and started to spin in a circle rapidly. He created a vortex of wind around him. He kept spinning and his blades extended slightly. “Whirlwind Cleave,”Girarin said. Alvida thought she saw this before.

She puts her right foot first and then starts spinning one the spot with her iron mace which she held infront of her. Alvida started spinning towards Girarin who was coming towards her. “Slip Spin!” she shouted. The attacks clashed and Alvida overwhelmed Girarin. As a result he went flying and hit the tree.

Girian was bleeding from his head. He was breathing heavily. “I won't let you win,” he said.

“I will win,” Alvida replied.

“You are just a human. We are fish men. We are much stronger,” Girian said. He leaped into the air and brought his blades down with immense force towards Alvida. “Tidebreaker Slash,” he said.

Alvida swung her iron mace up with all her strength. “Kanabo Swing,” she said. Their attacks clashed however Alvida was much stronger and she broke Girian`s blades as he went flying in the air by the force. Girian landed with a big thud as he came back crashing back. He was unconscious from the impact.

“He was not as strong as Hatchan,” Alvida commented. She headed towards the boy who they saw initially as she thought the rest of the crew would also be heading there.

At the same time as the other battles were going on, Ben was fighting with Willy. Willy was swinging his morning star weapon. It was a pole with a spike ball at the top. Ben was dodging the attacks.

“So what really happened with Arlong?” Willy asked.

“Aren't you a curious one,” Ben replied.

Willy tried to stab Ben with his morning star but Ben jumped back.

“Now I think about it more, the Marines wouldn't just randomly go on an operation to save a village,” Wily said and added, “The newspaper said your crew was pushed back. That means you would have had an alliance with Arlong.”

Ben smiled. He jumped forward and tried to kick Willy; however he used the pole of the morning star to block the kick. Ben stepped back

“And that is ridiculously. Arlong loathed humans,” Willy said and added, “Which means you took him out and the Marines are taking credit.”

“Bingo,” Ben said.

Willy smiled. “If your Captain defeated Arlong, she must be a strong fighter,” Willy said.

“She is very strong but I defeated Arlong,” Ben replied.

“Interesting,” Willy said as he tried to hit Ben with the morning star. He failed again.

“I don't care about Arlong but hearing a human beat fishmen boils my blood. You will die thinking you can challenge us," Willy laughed.

“Starbreaker Swing,” Willy said as he swung his morning star in a wide arc. The spiked ball at the end of his weapon gained momentum. He then released it like a projectile that went towards Ben. Ben saw this and dodged the attack by jumping out of the way. Willy presses a button and the chain retracted the spike ball until it back to its original place.

“That was close,” Ben muttered to himself. He then immediately ran up to Willy and punched him in the stomach. This was followed with an uppercut to his jaw. Willy took a few steps back trying to collect himself. Ben followed it up with a kick. Willy was just able to raise the pole of the morning star to block the attack.

Ben jumped back. Willy looked back. He thought this human was strong.

Willy then spun his morning star above his head. This created a helicopter like effect as the spiked ball cutted through the air. “Whirlpool Flail,” Willy said as he ran towards Ben with the spiked ball in the air spinning around.

“Demon Blast,” Ben said as he fired a dark energy beam at Willy. The shot hit Billy who stopped using the attack. He was breathing sharply.

“Starbreaker Swing,” Willy said as spun the morning star again and launched it toward Ben. Ben sidestepped and caught the chain. He smiled at Willy and pulled the chain towards him. Willy was caught off guard by this and was pulled slightly forward where he lost his balance.

Ben ran towards Willy and channelled his energy into his fist and punched Willy in the face. “Demon Fist,” he said. Willy got the full force of the hit and was knocked off his feet. He dropped his weapon and landed on his back.

Willy immediately got back up. He touched his jaw. He could feel the pain. Willy reached into his pocket. He got a water bottle and unscrewed the cap. He poured water into his hand and threw a handful at Ben.The water was effectively bullets at this stage. “Shoryo no Mizu,” he said.

Ben tried to dodge the water bullets however he was a bit too slow and got struck by one. “Ouch,” he said. The bullet hit the side of his stomach. It caused minor pain.

“It's time to end this,” Willy said.

“Took the word from my mouth,” Ben replied.

Willy picked his morning star. He spun it rapidly in a figure-eight pattern. He ran towards Ben with this attack. “Maelstrom Smash,” Willy said.

Ben charged towards Willy. He jumped in the air and launched a flying kick towards Willy. He channelled the same energy he did in his hand around his feet. He felt his feet glowing. He made contact with the spike ball on the morning star and completely destroyed it and landed a hit onto Willy`s face, Willy took the full hit and went flying back into the tree. “Demon Kick,” Ben said.

Willy landed on a tree stump. He coughed more blood. He was heavily injured but not out of the fight. He could get up and he did. “I am not done,” he said, coughing blood.
Ben puts his two hands forward. He started to gather energy and fire a two handed energy blast at Willy. “Demon Blast,” Ben said. The beam hit Willy and a small explosion was created. Black was was emitting from the area. As the black smoke cleared Willy was on the ground.

“Finally. Fishman are tough,” Ben remarked.

Ben walked over to Willy and checked his pockets. He found a map. He grabbed it and went to see how his girls were doing and if they needed help. He will check this map once he knows everyone is safe.

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