One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 318 Sky Island 16

Chapter 318 Sky Island 16
In the hall of the Sky Island Temple, Li Wenjin discussed with Robin and Nami that the Ten Stars Work Club will continue to recruit [-] disciples, and after transferring to the headquarters of the Ten Star Work Club some specific issues, Nami and Robin will be allowed to go back to rest .

The two of them discussed the management of Sky Island with the two patriarchs of Sky Island for six hours, which had already consumed a lot of energy.

Then they talked to Li Wenjin for an hour about the Ten Stars Work Club. They had become very tired, and after they separated from Li Wenjin, they went back to rest.

A special room in Sky Island Temple, Li Wenjin bid farewell to Nami and Robin, and came to see Enilo who was imprisoned in a special room.

Ai Nilu, he has already woken up, but because of Hailoushi's relationship, he can't use his ability to escape at all.

Enilo couldn't use his abilities, and he could still do ordinary physical activities. When he saw Li Wenjin appearing, he immediately stood up and stared at Li Wenjin fiercely.

"Don't get too excited, I'm here to discuss something with you," Li Wenjin said with a smile, ignoring Ainilu's fierce eyes.

"Hmph... I have nothing to talk to you about, you can kill if you want...".

Ai Nilu is still very stubborn, and he also looks coldly at Li Wenjin's smile.

Li Wenjin: "If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you long ago. Why should I lock you up for so long, don't you think so?"

Anilu: "If you want this god to succumb to your power, you don't need to mention it again, this god will not agree to you."

Li Wenjin: "Why are you stubborn? As long as you join our organization, you only need to follow my command, and you will be free immediately."

Enilu: " don't need to mention it again, this god will never say words of surrender."

Hot face and cold buttocks are the current state of Li Wenjin and Ai Nilu.

Ai Nilu even deceived Li Wenjin a bit, and escaped after gaining freedom. He was unwilling to do such a temporary surrender. You can imagine how proud he is.

Chatting with Ainel in the room for half an hour, Ainil finally kept silent, Li Wenjin could only leave Ainil's room, and planned to use his super invincible ultimate move to deal with Ainil tomorrow, he didn't believe it Enel can resist it.

It was already very late when he left Ai Nilu's room, so Li Wenjin simply went back to his room to rest.


On the third day of coming to Sky Island, the Temple of Sky Island has begun to expand, and it has become busy.

Because Li Wenjin was willing to pay the wages for the construction of the headquarters of the Ten Star Workers, resulting in the number of 2500 workers, all of them were in place in half a day, and the vigorous renovation work began.

And on Sky Island, building houses is made using special clouds, which is several times easier than building houses on the ground.

In just half a day, 2500 workers have built a large building that can accommodate 500 people.

Based on the speed of these workers, Li Wenjin felt that before he left Sky Island to go to the Navy Headquarters, the highest headquarters of the Ten Stars Work Club in Sky Island could be completed.

Under the planning of Nami and Robin, the headquarters of the Ten Stars Work Club consists of an eleven-story building, 36 ten-story buildings, 72 nine-story buildings, 250 six eight-story buildings, and 260 four seven-story buildings. layered buildings.

As for the highest headquarters that can be completed in one month, it is the eleven-story building. The rest of the buildings have to be completed slowly by the residents of Sky Island. This is also a masterpiece.

It will take at least five years for the 2500 workers in Sky Island to complete all of them.

It's just that there can't be only 2500 construction workers on Sky Island forever. When the members of the Ten Star Work Club come to Sky Island, they will help with the construction, so it should be completed in three years.


Li Wenjin didn't have to worry about building the Sky Island headquarters.

Now Li Wenjin is bringing a secret weapon to the room where Ainilu is being held, preparing to use a super invincible trick against Ainilu.

In Li Wenjin's heart, within 20 days of leaving Sky Island, he will definitely be able to conquer Enilo and make him one of his little brothers.

In the room where Ainil was held, Ainil could only get the food that Ram gave him through the crack of the door every day, and Ainil didn't see half a person at all, which made Ainil feel a little irritable, constantly In the room, he complained silently to Li Wenjin.

When he saw Li Wenjin appearing in front of him with a little girl, Enilo immediately put away his thoughts of complaining about Li Wenjin, and turned into a cold and heartless expression, and closed his eyes simply.

Li Wenjin just smiled at Enilo's passive resistance, and said to Perona, "Okay, let's start working, Perona...".

Perona tugged on Li Wenjin's clothes, and said arrogantly, "Don't forget to agree to my conditions. If you scratch my soles in the future, I will never do you any favors again."

In Perona's heart, Li Wenjin's punishment for scratching her feet was simply killing her, and it made her laugh heartbroken every time.

This time, Perona was not prepared to agree to help Li Wenjin deal with Enilo, but Li Wenjin made her succumb to Li Wenjin's words once again on the condition that she would not scratch her feet in the future.

"Don't worry, what I said will never be changed... If I say I won't scratch the soles of your feet, I won't scratch the soles of your feet. I will do what I say..." Li Wenjin vowed.

Perona snorted coldly: "I will trust you for a while...".

"Okay, don't waste time, an hour is a long time, you must persevere," Li Wenjin said directly to Perona.

"Don't worry, this is a trivial matter for me, just take care of it."

After Perona finished speaking, she immediately summoned 100 small pessimistic ghosts, and then ordered a pessimistic ghost to attack Enilo.

Enilu was hit by a pessimistic ghost, and instantly knelt down on the ground.

That's because Enilo's mental power is very strong, and he has regained his sanity before he can say a word of repentance, and wants to stand up and leave.

Perona's attack was simply a great humiliation to Enilo.

As the god of thunder, he actually knelt down to a girl, which made Enilu see Perona's eyes more fiercely than seeing Li Wenjin.

"What are you looking at...the specter of pessimism...".

Perona saw Ainil's fierce eyes, she was dissatisfied and taught Ainil a lesson, and she launched a pessimistic ghost again towards Ainil.

Poor Enilu, who hadn't stood up yet, was knocked down by the pessimistic ghost in an instant, and then Perona's uninterrupted pessimistic ghost attack made Enilu unable to stand up at all.

As for Li Wenjin, he was sitting beside Ai Nilu, and kept saying to Ai Nilu, "Ai Nilu, do you surrender or not..."

"Anilu, do you surrender or not..."

"Anilu, do you surrender or not..."

Perona and Li Wenjin cooperated and tossed Ai Nilu for an hour in Ai Nilu's room before leaving Ai Nilu's room.

And Anilu had already collapsed on the ground, without the slightest thought of moving.

This hour of torment was a serious blow to the proud Enilo, making him doubt his life.

Now in Enil's mind, there are only two words that keep appearing, that is "pessimistic ghost" and "Enel, will you surrender".

(End of this chapter)

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