One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 320 Alabasta

Chapter 320 Alabasta

Sky Island Temple.

Li Wenjin came to Nami and Robin's resting room.

Interrupt the training of two people playing cards.

Nami threw away the poker and asked, "Wenjin, what are you doing here?"

Walking to Nami's side and sitting down, Li Wenjin hugged Nami and said, "Let me tell you, I will leave Sky Island and return to Alabasta in three days. I will leave the matter here to you."

"Isn't there still more than ten days to go to the Navy headquarters? Why are you in such a hurry?" Nami said in surprise as she peeled off Li Wenjin's hand holding her.

Li Wenjin: "I'm going to go back and deal with the casino issue in Appabastan."

"I'm going to hand over all the management of Rainland Casino on the surface to Alabasta. We are only responsible for Bailey collection and protection."

Hearing Li Wenjin's words, Robin agreed and said: "Wenjin made a good decision. We can no longer appear in the management of Yudi Casino, or the world government will find us sooner or later."

Both Robin and Li Wenjin agreed, and Nami naturally wouldn't refuse. After thinking for a while, she said, "Then Wenjin, when will you go back to Sky Island?"

Li Wenjin: "I won't be back in a short time. After I finish helping the world government, I will continue to search for talents to join the Ten Stars Work Club."

"Now the Ten Stars Work Club can no longer develop in an upright manner. I will work hard and recruit more experts to join the Ten Star Work Club to increase the strength of the Ten Star Work Club."

Li Wenjin's idea is to take Enilo and Perona to the Navy Headquarters, and when the tasks assigned by the World Government are completed, he will take the two of them directly to Hailanglu Kingdom.

Hearing that Li Wenjin was going to go for a long time, Nami sighed and said, "When will we really stabilize?"

Holding Nami tightly again, Li Wenjin said: "It won't take too long, at most two years, our power will be fully developed, and then we will go to the new world together to see."

"Two years... oh...", Nami sighed helplessly.

In the room, Li Wenjin, Nami, and Robin didn't talk for a while, thinking about the long waiting time of two years.

In the end, Li Wenjin simply stayed in the room of the two of them, hugged the two women in his arms, and rested quietly until the early morning.


Three days passed quickly.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Wenjin took Perona to the detention room of Enil Road again.

After three days of recovery, Enilo's spirit has returned to normal. When he saw Li Wenjin appearing, he immediately came to the door and bowed, saying respectfully, "Hi, boss...".

Ai Nilu's attitude was respectful, Li Wenjin was very satisfied and said: "From today on, you will follow me, I will take you to Qinghai, let you know how many strong people there are in Qinghai...".

Ai Nilu didn't believe it in his heart, thinking that in Qinghai, there could be someone more terrifying than Li Wenjin, but he didn't dare to say it, he just nodded to express his understanding, and followed Li Wenjin, leaving the cell where he was held.

Now in Enilo's heart, Li Wenjin and Perona are the great demon kings of terror. As soon as he sees the faces of the two, his heart trembles, and he can't even show the slightest sense of resistance.

But when Sky Island Temple met other residents, he still looked arrogant and maintained his dignity as Thor, which made Perona very disdainful and said: "Boss, look at his appearance, he has already surrendered, and he is still so arrogant. , I really want to teach him a lesson... ".

Li Wenjin just smiled and did not answer Perona's words.

If it weren't for Enilo, who was tortured to the point of collapse by Perona's pessimistic ghost, causing shadows in Enilo's heart, and he did not dare to shoot Perona, Perona would not be Enilo's opponent at all.

Therefore, Li Wenjin simply ignored Perona's arrogance.

In Li Wenjin's mind, there are not many people in the entire Ten Star Work Club that can cause some harm to Enilo, and there are only three people, Robin, Nami, and Ott.

And the three of them, at most, just drove Ainil away, and it was impossible to catch Ainil, because Ainil's speed was too fast.

As for the other members of the Ten Star Work Club, at least two of them need to unite to fight against Enilo, and there is no guarantee that they will win.

But Li Wenjin is not worried, Enilo will make trouble in the sky island, because there are too many domineering members in the ten-star work club, if Enilo really makes trouble, the members of the ten-star work club can show him what is called There is no way to escape from the ambush on all sides.


Here on Sky Island, Enilo's reputation is so great that those construction workers who saw him were so frightened that they immediately stopped their work.

If it weren't for Ainilu and Li Wenjin, those ordinary construction workers would have been frightened and fled in all directions.

Seeing this situation, Li Wenjin thought, before leaving, the idea of ​​talking to Robin and Nami was directly dismissed.

Taking Enilo and Perona to an empty space in the temple, Li Wenjin quickly transformed into a gale, quickly took Enilo away from the empty island, and flew back towards Alabasta.

Gale's flying speed is not comparable to that of ordinary birds.

When flying fast in the air, Perona and Anilo only felt that their bodies were moving forward, but they couldn't see the surrounding scenery at all. They only felt that the wind was blowing around them, and they had to hold on to Li Wenjin's feathers. Accidentally got thrown off.

"Boss, can you slow down..."

Perona's hair was disheveled by the wind, and she told Li Wenjin very dissatisfied.

"Just bear with it. I haven't even done it yet. If you use all your speed, you won't be able to hold on anymore." Li Wenjin slowed down his flight speed and answered Perona's words.

Perona found that the flying speed had slowed down, and she could already see the surrounding scenery. At the same time, there was no wind that hurt her face. She said with satisfaction: "Boss, this is the best speed...".

Li Wenjin said speechlessly: "Did you misunderstand, Perona...".

What Perona said to Li Wenjin was completely wrong, as if she didn't understand what Li Wenjin said at all.

Perona tidied up her clothes and hairstyle because of her flying too fast just now, and then said angrily: "Boss, what are you doing so fast, we are not in a hurry."

"Forget it... I'm lazy to talk to you... Hurry up, I'm going to speed up...".

Li Wenjin has been lazy to pay attention to Perona's words, because she is just playing childish temper.

"No...boss..." Perona screamed when she heard that Li Wenjin was going to speed up.

Li Wenjin ignored Perona's exclamation at all, accelerated and flew towards Alabasta.

(End of this chapter)

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