One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

I don't know how many idiotic men and women blamed their inner turmoil on the moonlight being too turbulent and the dusk too beautiful.Then, with peace of mind, they hooked their shoulders and shoulders on the street, throwing out pieces of dog food without shame.

Uriel and Tina walked side by side among these night dating men and women, and were polluted by a piece of greasy dog ​​food from time to time.

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, the two of them are not one of the dog food men and women.

The two walked side by side, rubbing their shoulders from time to time.From time to time, when Tina's knees softened and her steps faltered, Uriel would hold her arm for the first time, and then let her go after a few steps.

The backs of the two dragged behind them for a long time, and they mingled together under the moonlight. There is me in you and you in me, like glue.It is simply a high-end state of using shadows to spread dog food.

Together with Tina, a total of 60 naval soldiers went to the mourning hall, and like Tina, all of them were recruited.Fortunately, in view of what happened to the French Guards, Tina arranged for a brigade outside the mourning hall to respond. As soon as the 60 people rushed out of the mourning hall, they were all captured by the navy brigade.

Only Tina is too strong, proficient in the six styles, easily breaks out from the encirclement of the navy in the blink of an eye, and comes to harm Uriel.

Now there are sixty lunatics at the naval base waiting for Uriel to rescue.

This was originally a matter of anxiety, and it stands to reason that he should go as fast as he can.Helpless, Tina was in unspeakable pain, and Uriel's waist and knees were so weak, the two of them could only walk like a car, like a couple in love who couldn't bear to part, rubbing their feet against the road.

It was a difficult road to salvation.

There was silence between the two, and Tina glanced secretly at Uriel from time to time.

As if impatient with the awkward silence between the two, Tina asked suddenly: "Tina heard from Levin that the priest is 16 years old?"

Uriel was stunned, searched the memory of the original body in his mind instantly, and said, "Yes. When my old man picked me up at the church door, it happened to be two years before the execution of Pirate King Roger."

After receiving Uriel's affirmative answer, Tina let out a groan in her heart, thinking that if the priest's brother can reach the age of 20, the elder sister will be cruel and not afraid to have a relationship with you, but at the age of 16, how can the old lady You can do it.

Can't help showing a trace of sadness on the face.

It's a pity that Uriel is still in a trance at this time, and he hasn't woken up from the stimulating bed fight with Big Sister Tina just now. Otherwise, if he knew what Tina was thinking at this moment, he would definitely tell Tina that the neon character who was born in the original One Piece In the island country, the age of 16 is already officially recognized as the age at which marriages and funerals can be carried on, and the family can be passed on to the next generation. Big sister, don't be polite, let me do it to my heart's content.

From the miscellaneous church to the naval base, two blocks apart, the two walked for an hour and a half.

When they came to the gate of the naval base, the first reaction of the guard guarding the gate was to aim their muskets at the two men. They had been notified that the major had gone mad.

Under the double fear of aiming at the major and the goddess, the guards' hands holding their guns trembled like a convulsion.

Uriel felt that if he put his forehead to the muzzle of the gun, they could shoot bullets to the sky in their current state.

Tina could understand their actions. After all, there must be [-] lunatics in the base at this time who might be making a fuss, not to mention myself, a colonel who seemed to them to be the same, and was a thousand times stronger. One careless naval base could be over.

She took a deep breath of the cigarette, slowly exhaled the smoke from her red lips, and said calmly: "Don't panic. After the treatment of this priest, my spirit has recovered. Now you go in and find the adjutant and ask him to bring someone over until Until you confirm that I'm perfectly fine, I promise to stay where I am."

After listening to her words, the nervous expressions of the guards eased slightly, and at the same time, they looked back and forth several times between the two of them, showing expressions of relief.They were really puzzled by Major Tina's dressing gown and cloak, and they took it as evidence that the major was still not sober.

When Tina said this at this time, they felt relieved.

After days of miraculous treatment, Uriel's special abilities have spread throughout the naval base. In their view, the priest must have used special methods to treat Major Tina, and the goddess had no choice but to change her costume.

For example, during the treatment, there will be a lot of sweating, or the appearance of dirty and damaged clothes. The guards instantly imagine many difficult treatment processes.

Tina blushed when she saw their gazes. Women are always very keen on others judging their clothes.

If Uriel could read minds, he would definitely tell the guards with a shy face, what you think is right!
Sweating profusely, yes!
Damaged clothes, yes!
It's extremely difficult, that's right!Xiaosheng's buttocks almost strained his muscles, which is really a position with a difficulty factor of 10.0.

After a while, Tina's adjutant ran out of the gate of the base in a hurry, and looked at his own official for a while.After a while, he hesitated and said, "Major..., your clothes...?"

Tina was furious and looked at it for a long time, but this was the first thing she questioned? !
She had to endure the same explanation again.

"After I rushed out of the palace, I ran around unconsciously. I probably wanted to go back to the base. I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Priest on the way, and he saved me."

After hearing this, Uriel unconsciously thought: "Where is it? I am the one who is lucky." There was a hint of aftertaste and fascination on his face, which was very wretched.

Tina seems to have been focusing part of her attention on Uriel. Seeing his expression at this time, she moved her footsteps slightly, stepped on his instep quietly, twisted and pressed back and forth fiercely.

Uriel broke out in a cold sweat instantly. The adjutant saw it and felt that it must be very difficult for him to treat his major. He couldn't help but respect Uriel and shook hands tightly: "Thank you, Mr. Priest."

Tina couldn't stand it anymore, interrupted the adjutant's praise and thanks, and said: "After confirming that I'm fine, I'll leave as soon as possible. I brought Mr. Priest to give the same treatment to other soldiers." Speaking of "Mr. Priest" She gritted her teeth for a while.

The adjutant hurriedly obeyed, and dutifully asked a calculation question, a series of Tina's daily habits, some past events that only Tina and the adjutant knew, and after repeated confirmation, it was finally confirmed that Tina had completely recovered from madness , was overjoyed, and hurriedly took the two of them to the base, towards the huge training ground behind the base.

On the flat training ground, Uriel saw dozens of iron cages. Many sailors in uniform were chained to their limbs, lying flat in large characters, hanging in the air in the iron cages.

The adjutant explained to Uriel: "These are the soldiers who went crazy in the mourning hall, a total of 60 people. They completely lost their minds, as if they were dominated by some special desire, and they couldn't even feel injuries and pain. Their behavior is particularly crazy. Just putting them in a cage will make them hurt themselves more, and they have to choose this way to confine their bodies."

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(End of this chapter)

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