One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 100 – Journey to Reverse Mountain 02!

[Chapter Size: 3300 Words.]
Third Person POV
Somewhere on sea, East Blue.



Under the vast blue sky of the East Blue, the Black Pearl ship cut through the waters with a grace that only a Straw Hat crew ship could possess. The crew was lively after their training and rested on the deck before starting their new session in the training room.

As Usopp gazed at the horizon, something caught his attention. A distant shadow was approaching rapidly. His sharp eyes focused on the approaching ship, and quickly, a glance was directed towards his crew.

"Hey, everyone! Look at this!" Usopp drew his companions' attention, pointing in the direction of the approaching vessel; he didn't have his telescope, so he couldn't identify the ship yet.

Most of the crew gathered in a corner of the deck quickly, curious to see what was approaching. As the distant ship revealed itself, it became evident that it was no ordinary vessel. An aura of mystery and hostility hung over it, leaving everyone intrigued as the ship sped towards the Black Pearl.

"What is it, Luffy?" asked Nami, observing the approaching vessel with a discerning gaze.

"No idea, but it looks like we'll have visitors who want to challenge us. Let's welcome them!" Luffy replied, his pirate spirit undeterred by the threatening presence of the other ship.

But as the ship approached, the flags fluttered in the wind, revealing the distinctive symbol of the World Government, more specifically, the symbol of a Tenryuubito. The atmosphere on the deck changed instantly, joy and casualness giving way to tension.

"I think I've seen that symbol somewhere... oh, it's from the Tenryuubito! This can't be good, guys." Usopp shouted in alarm.

"A World Noble? What do they want here?" questioned Zoro, hand already on his sword.

"World Noble? I don't like this at all. These guys only bring trouble. Does it have something to do with Shirahoshi and that king in Goa?" Lami spoke with a grim expression.

"What kind of World Noble would come here? Looks like we're in for an unwelcome visit." Reiju grumbled.

"I... I don't like this. Are they going to hurt us?" Shirahoshi said with a cry.

"World Nobles? These guys have already caused us trouble. We need to be prepared for anything." Nami warned in a serious tone, already familiar with the term after Luffy explained Shirahoshi's situation and the attempt to kidnap the mermaid.

"Looks like it's the sponsor of the late King Sterry. It's good to finally find out who's been after Shirahoshi all this time and be able to deal with him." Luffy affirmed, his expression serious contrasting with his usual carefree demeanor.

"Hey... Luffy, you're not thinking of doing this, are you? We should leave and escape!" Hachi spoke fearfully, fearing the idea of Luffy facing a World Noble.

Meanwhile, Hugo showed hatred in his eyes as he looked at the approaching ship, squeezing his fists so hard that blood began to trickle. Luffy was the only one who understood his situation so far and noticed the abnormality about this man under his flag.

"Hachi, you have to understand that we won't stand still when someone tries to harm us. This journey is about reaching our goals and dreams, and it's going to pit us against the world, but the important thing is to push through our enemies..." Luffy spoke seriously, but many nodded, touched by his brief speech.

"Luffy really isn't afraid of anything..." Usopp was amazed, wanting to have that courage too.

"Wolf! Wolf!" Chouchou also expressed his determination.

Luffy remained silent, waiting for the ship to approach them. The two ships rapidly closed the distance, creating a palpable tension in the air. Luffy stood on the deck, watching the other ship with crossed arms and sharp eyes. On the other hand, on the World Noble's ship, Saint Octavian Delacourt, wearing an impeccable and characteristic suit with his astronaut-like helmet, had a cheerful yet superior expression. He stood on the front deck, accompanied by his agents surrounding him, ready to protect this noble from any danger.

The exchanged glances between the two vessels were like sparks about to ignite a powder keg.

His observant eyes found Luffy on the other ship with crossed arms, despite a vein appearing on the noble's forehead, seeing that man staring at him with that posture without kneeling before his presence. Nevertheless, a self-assured smile formed on his lips with disdain in his eyes, as he was finally seeing his mermaid along with the other crew members on the opposite side of the ship.

With an elegant and theatrical gesture, Saint Octavian raised his hand and waved in Luffy's direction. His wave was almost theatrical, an exhibition of superiority and condescension, as if he were greeting an inferior. One of the agents stepped forward to speak for the World Noble, as they were instructed.

"You, a worm and a small pirate. You are in the presence of the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond! I imagine you have already heard of the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond!" The fawning agent declared.

"What the hell kind of name is that, did you need to repeat it twice? It's annoying, even my ears hurt." Luffy quickly scratched his nose as he spoke these words, finding it bizarre.

"Why does someone have such a big name, it's ridiculous..." Yamato spoke, trying to understand that entire name beside Luffy.

"This doesn't sound good at all. Are all these titles important, Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi said with a worried tone.

"Sharky Sharky!" Megalo shared his friend's feelings.

"Looks like we're in for a fight, huh? Are these World Nobles strong?" Zoro asked.

"It seems I'm not the only one who finds this ridiculous? All these titles... It seems like he's trying to convince himself." Lami remarked.

"So many titles, he seems dangerous! Can we let them take Shirahoshi?" Bepo shouted in fear.

"Wolf Wolf!" Chouchou bared his teeth at the other ship.

"I think I'll make a portrait of this 'Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing'... just to remember how absurd it is." Usopp murmured.

"Do they really think pompous titles will impress us? Ridiculous." Nami crossed her arms.

"This World Noble doesn't know who he's messing with. He'll regret crossing our path." Reiju said, smoking her cigarette.

"I hate this kind of people. Thinks they're above everyone just because of a title." Hugo spoke with eyes that could kill the noble at that moment.

"We won't allow them to take Shirahoshi. Let's show them what we're capable of." Nojiko spoke.

"Hey... I think we should still run away..." Hachi spoke with a tone of fear.

"Ridiculous to hear all these titles. It seems like he's trying to compensate for something." Kuina just said.

"Do they think these titles will scare us? They're about to find out what happens when they mess with my husband!" Alvida spoke as she slung her club over her shoulder.

At the same time, on the World Noble's ship, a silence took over the atmosphere of the Tenryuubito and his agents. Everyone was stunned by these words and opinions from each member of that pirate crew. Some had normal reactions, but others were quite rude and bizarrely offensive.

"Did I hear that right?"

"They're referring to the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond..."

"Never thought that Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond... would be ridiculed like this..."

"These pirates have courage..."

"How dare they speak ill of the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond!"

"We have the honor of the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond! To defend!"

"That's right!"

"Inferior beings should not speak ill of the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond!"

The agents around him, loyal defenders of the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond, were equally surprised and outraged at the audacity of the pirates in belittling their noble leader.

The commander of the agents and a fervent admirer of Octavian tried to maintain composure. However, the image of his respected noble being challenged and ridiculed was too much to accept.

"How dare you mock such a noble and grand title?!" he exclaimed, clenching his fists in anger. "You will pay dearly for this insolence!"

Meanwhile, the World Noble had his own expression after hearing this. Saint Octavian's eyes were so wide they seemed about to pop out of their sockets. A mix of disbelief and fury dominated his face, which now displayed an expression more fitting for a cartoon character than a World Noble.

A strand of snot dripped from the noble's nose, hanging awkwardly, while his mouth remained agape in a mix of shock and indignation. His dropped jaw was accentuated by the grotesque figure he formed, an unusual sight for someone who, until then, tried to present himself as a majestic figure.

While the pirates maintained their irreverent comments, the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond, struggled to regain composure in the face of the unexpected comedic turn.

"How dare you?!" Saint Octavian shouted, trying to regain his shaken dignity. Indignation simmered in his words as he attempted to recompose his image. "You insolent pirates are like insolent cockroaches daring to defy the grandeur of a Tenryuubito! You must bow before my magnificence, not dare to mock it!"

The widened eyes and the lingering snot on his nose didn't prevent the anger from manifesting in his voice. The World Noble was determined to enforce his authority, even if it meant belittling the Straw Hats even more vehemently.

"Tell me, you grand celestial pig, what can we do for you?" Luffy asked, scratching his nose uninterested.

"How good of you to ask, I want your mermaid. If you bow down and apologize and hand over the rest of the women on your ship, I might let you go... Hm? Wait, what did you call me!!!???" The Noble shouted again, after thinking about what he heard.

"Celestial pig?"

"This... This is absurd!"

"Who is this lunatic?"

The agents voiced their doubts in his ears; meanwhile, the World Noble was once again stunned.

On the Black Pearl, the Straw Hat crew watched with varied expressions. Usopp showed disbelief at the World Noble's audacity, and Luffy still wore an carefree smile. Hugo emanated hatred in his eyes, and Zoro maintained a cautious look, while many other members of the Straw Hats had their own expressions. The tension in the air intensified as the confrontation between these two distinct worlds unfolded.

This Tenryuubito wasted no more time with these inferior beings; he wanted to grab the mermaid to take her back to his home and show her off to his colleagues after passing through the Goa Kingdom.

"Do you know who I am?! I am the Sublime Magnanimous, Excellently and Unquestionably Your Excellency Tenryuubito Noble and Imposing, Saint Octavian Delacourt, Whose Nobility Illuminates and Blesses all seas and beyond! Surrender your mermaid and women!"

"Why do you celestial pigs have so many titles like that? And why would I do that?" Luffy asked with crossed arms in a challenging gesture.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Now, Saint Octavian had a dark expression, unable to believe what was happening. This man was mocking him and challenging him, something that should never happen!

"Attack them, kill everyone, and bring the women!" The order came from the lips of the World Noble, his face displaying a despicable villainy that starkly contrasted with his pompous titles, casting a sinister shadow over the deck.

"Looks like we don't have much to talk about... Come on, kill them all too." Luffy gave the order with his typical calmness before leaping from the ship toward the World Noble. The action surprised everyone, and the Noble himself was perplexed by the role reversal. The figure of the Tenryuubito was now in a defensive position before being able to attack, with this pirate taking the initiative to openly assault him, challenging all established norms.

Luffy drew his pistol mid-air, displaying surprising dexterity, and with agility, he used the Geppo technique. The pirate's rapid learning was notorious, demonstrating exceptional proficiency in the jumping technique he began learning just a few days ago.
Skillfully shooting at the agents gathered next to the World Noble, the shots echoed in the air, momentarily interrupting the impending chaos. His shots were much more potent than conventional firearms, to the point that even those agents couldn't react. The sound of agents' bodies falling onto the ship's deck became the disturbing symphony accompanying Luffy's audacious actions.

Seeing the first bodies fall, the World Noble's expression transformed into pure terror. "Stop him! Protect me! Don't let him get close to me!" he shouted, losing composure and revealing the true vulnerability behind the facade of superiority.

"He can use Geppo? Let's attack him in the air!" exclaimed an agent surprised by this technique being used by a pirate in these seas. A group of agents quickly jumped from the ship toward Luffy in the air, shooting, while others remained on the ship, realizing that the pirates decided to attack, and they needed to protect the World Noble.

Yamato, Reiju, and Nami, sensing the opportunity, joined the imminent aerial battle, jumping into the air to form a group with Luffy against their adversaries. The sky confrontation began to unfold, with the 40 agents skilled in the Geppo technique facing the resistance of the pirates.

"This seems like a good show and good real training! Let's fight, attack them all!" Luffy sprouted wings on his back now, as his mastery of Geppo was still in development after only two days of training. Facing dozens of skilled agents in an aerial technique not fully developed was a challenge, so he used the power of his Zoan to have more mobility in the air.

"It seems the orders were clear..." On the ship, Zoro spoke, opening a smile. The tension from before changed to excitement; if their captain ordered to attack a World Noble, he would do it with a smile.

"Yes, let's go!" Lami said and used her Room to teleport herself, Zoro, Hugo, Bepo, and Kuina to the World Noble's ship. In the air, Luffy, with his confident smile, flew agilely, exchanging precise shots with his pistol and skillfully avoiding the agents' attacks. His relaxed expression contrasted with the intensity of the aerial battle.

Beside him, Yamato and Reiju moved with grace, using the Soru and Geppo techniques to defy gravity. Their silhouettes intertwined as they delivered quick and evasive strikes, keeping the agents in constant disadvantage. Nami, with her white wings and a spear Luffy gave her, manipulated the air currents, creating winds and tornadoes that disoriented the agents.

Their movements were a dance with nature, as air pressure manifested in the sky, and turbulent winds diverted opponents, causing them to fall rapidly. The agents, despite their mastery in Geppo and other techniques, were increasingly pressured by the diversity of the pirates' attacks.

Some tried to regroup to form more effective strategies, but the coordination and anticipation of the Straw Hats were impressive and too powerful for them to handle. The sky became the stage for an intense battle, where the dexterity and audacity of the pirates confronted the discipline and training of the World Government agents.

Meanwhile, Saint Octavian watched the battle with a mix of fear, shock, and indignation, unable to accept that pirates would challenge his authority so openly. The sky had become a stage of skill and prowess between the government agents and pirates.

On the noble's ship, the atmosphere was tense as Lami, Zoro, Hugo, Bepo, and Kuina appeared with a dramatic entrance, courtesy of Lami's versatile Room ability. The Straw Hat quintet disembarked with fierce determination, facing the agents who still remained on the ship, either due to lack of skill or were preparing to protect Saint Octavian.

Zoro, wielding his three swords, exuded an intimidating aura, his eyes sparkling in anticipation of an inevitable confrontation. Hugo, known for his infectious joy, now showed a more serious and determined side, his gaze reflecting hatred directed at the World Noble, manifesting his will to combat the tyranny represented by these nobles and seek personal revenge.

Lami, the skilled doctor with a sword in hand, maintained an apparent calm, but her expression revealed readiness for battle. Next to her, Bepo, the polar bear Mink, adopted a protective stance, ready to face any threat approaching his comrades. Kuina, the fearless swordswoman, displayed newfound confidence after extensive training.

The agents, initially surprised and confused by the sudden appearance of the intruders, began to regroup and attack the invaders.
"You came to us? Great. I was tired of waiting," Zoro proclaimed, his tone indicating that the fight would begin as he put his third sword in his mouth.
Hugo, with a mischievous smile, added, "Let's show them. Get ready for a surprise, World Noble!"

Back on the Black Pearl's deck, the atmosphere vibrated with the intensity of the battles happening outside the ship. Usopp, drawing his pistols, fired a series of shots into the sky, determined to relieve the pressure on Luffy and the others. The gunshots echoed through the air as the projectiles found their unsuspecting targets.


While firing shots, his determined gaze reflected the commitment not to let the crew face an unnecessary burden alone, and he would do his part for the group. The precision of his shots highlighted his skill, showing that, even among the Straw Hats, Usopp was already becoming a force to be reckoned with as he trained with Luffy.

"Damn! Someone stop that pirate shooting!" After hitting two agents in mid-air, some attention turned to the sharpshooter on the pirate ship. Trying to contain the threat that was that long-nosed pirate, a man began approaching swiftly, seeking to end Usopp's offensive. However, Usopp used the Soru technique, skillfully dodging a Shigan directed at him. In a swift motion, he shot the vulnerable agent, hitting him fatally before he could react again.

"These pirates are using our techniques! And they seem even better than us? How is that possible?" exclaimed one of the agents, watching Usopp neutralize his colleague without him being able to react.

The superiority of the techniques learned by the Straw Hats in Luffy's intensive training was evident. These skills surpassed those taught to marines, agents who safeguarded World Nobles and members of the CP. It was a version of the six styles that went beyond the knowledge these forces used and were only exclusive and directed to the elite security of Mary Geoise's holy land. If the Goroseis knew about this, they would be horrified and threatened, taking drastic measures to neutralize this new and unexpected threat posed by this group. However, the secret of these techniques still remained hidden, concealed in the hands of the rookie pirates, challenging the expectations imposed by the world government.


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