One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 116 – Nico Robin 01.

[Chapter Size: 2566 Words.]
Third Person POV

Somewhere Sea, First Half of Grandline.



Nico Robin, a figure of real importance as the main member of Baroque Works, found herself secluded in a cell on the Straw Hat Pirates' ship. Her story was permeated by traumas and challenges; it wasn't the first time she had been thrown into a cell, but this time, she truly faced danger with such a powerful group. This brought back memories of her helplessness from a long time ago, as a child from Ohara.

Robin was the sole survivor of a devastating attack that wiped out her native island and everyone living there. Even before that, her childhood was not easy; her mother left her early in pursuit of her dreams, forcing her to live with abusive uncles. It wasn't easy dealing with the island's children, who didn't like her—they hated her, actually, calling her a monster and aberration, especially due to the Akuma no Mi powers she acquired at a young age.

However, not everything was bad there; she found a place on the island that she loved. Ohara was known as the cradle of knowledge, where scholars and archaeologists sought to unravel the world's secrets. Despite being just a child surrounded by adults, eight-year-old Robin found solace in studies and the pursuit of knowledge. Robin made many friendships there despite being only a child among adults. At the age of eight, she developed the ability to read Poneglyphs, ancient inscriptions of great importance to the world, even though it was forbidden for her. She studied, thinking that her mother would be with her if she knew how to read the forbidden language.

However, tragedy struck Ohara when the World Government learned about the Poneglyphs and forbidden studies on the island. Robin saw her mother for the first time on that day, but it was also the most terrible day of her life. The devastating attack that followed was ruthless. Marine ships surrounded Ohara in an extreme measure called Buster Call, involving the complete destruction of an island. The flames and destruction swept through Ohara, erasing not only accumulated knowledge but also the lives of everyone living there.

Robin, at the tender age of eight, witnessed her native island consumed by flames and its population decimated. She witnessed the destruction of everything she loved, losing the few ties she still had. Miraculously, she managed to escape the chaos, hiding amidst the destruction, evading the vigilant eyes of the Marines. With the help of a vice-admiral at the time, Kuzan, who spared her life as a favor to a friend, she sailed alone in a small boat, leaving the ruins of Ohara behind and heading into the unknown.

Her ability to read Poneglyphs, once seen as a gift to reunite with her mother, became a curse. The World Government labeled her as a dangerous threat, a "Demon Child" that needed to be eliminated. Thus began Robin's life of constant escape, always in the crosshairs of the World Government, perpetually hiding her unique ability and her identity.

After the tragedy in Ohara, Nico Robin embarked on a solitary and relentless journey in search of Poneglyphs, ancient inscriptions holding crucial secrets about the world. Her dream was to unravel the hidden mysteries in these stones, revealing the truth behind the world's history and understanding the significance of the events that shaped her life.

However, achieving this dream became a dangerous mission. Robin had to constantly flee to escape imminent capture. The mark on her head pursued her like a shadow, and the pursuit of Poneglyphs often placed her in risky situations. Robin couldn't trust anyone, as the world viewed her as a threat. Even those who promised help often betrayed her, revealing themselves as agents of the World Government or individuals interested only in rewards. Solitude became her constant companion, and distrust shaped her relationships.

Despite the challenges, Robin never gave up on her dream. She faced dangers, crossed unknown seas. However, she never found what she was looking for, merely keeping in mind that she should survive and pursue her dream, even without any clues for many years.

After years of constant escape, Robin found herself tied to Baroque Works, a criminal organization that pursued its own dark interests. Under the alias "Miss All Sunday," she operated as a high-ranking agent of the organization, keeping her true identity a secret. However, even while working for Baroque Works, the reasons behind her actions were complex and often veiled. There, she found the chance to stay safe behind a Shichibukai and encounter a Poneglyph for the first time.

The arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates marked a turning point in her life. She had never felt so powerless; she knew she could never deal with these pirates, and it terrified her in her cell. She feared the unknown and what might happen to her confined with this group. She even began to believe that Crocodile couldn't handle this group and rescue her.

Immersed in thoughts and regrets, she heard the door open. The cells held all the key agents of Baroque Works—some were depressed, others complained, and they devised plans to escape from these pirates. But Robin knew it was futile, especially after yesterday's explosion. While they were imprisoned, seeing the ship sailing again after the explosion, there was a flash through the windows and an explosion that woke and scared everyone. They wondered what was happening—the explosion was more powerful than anything Robin had ever seen, and she knew these pirates were behind this power since the ship sailed easily without problems through the sea.

Now with the door open, everyone in their cells saw Monkey D. Luffy, the pirate over 2 meters tall, with a bounty of 200 million on his head, and the head behind this group. Luffy walked calmly down the corridor between the cells.

"Monkey-Chan! Can you give me one of those rice cakes from this morning? They were so delicious!" Mr. 2 said with enthusiasm. Even as a prisoner, he had an open personality.

"Sure, you're Bon-Clay, right?" Luffy commented with a friendly smile. He liked this character; they were just on opposite sides here, but that would change soon, and he would treat him well.

"Yes! Thank you!! Monkey-Chan!" The man spoke joyfully.

"You shouldn't be so happy; we're prisoners here!" Miss Valentina muttered, with a seastone shackle on her arm.

"Hmm... what do you plan to do with us, pirate?" Mr. 3 asked with his thin voice. The other agents stayed quiet; only Miss Goldenweek was crying.

"I'll deal with you once we're out of Alabasta, don't worry. I have another priority now." Luffy said as he stopped in front of a cautious Robin's cell.

Silence took over the two as Luffy looked into her blue eyes for the next 30 seconds without wavering.

"Hello, Robin." Luffy broke the silence and greeted her while observing her through the cell bars.

"Hello, Monkey D. Luffy." Robin replied in a neutral tone, maintaining her calm exterior.

Luffy directed his gaze to Robin's blue eyes and let out a sigh.

"It's a shame we started as enemies." Luffy commented, expressing a slight regret.

"We are enemies..." Robin responded coldly, reinforcing the barrier between them.

"But we don't have to be." Luffy countered calmly, as if offering an alternative.

"Why wouldn't we be? I'm in my own organization, and my boss wants you captured or dead. Even though he made a big mistake here underestimating your strength." Robin retorted, pointing to the situation that surrounded her.

"Maybe I can make you join me and leave Baroque Works." Luffy suggested, maintaining hope in his gaze.

"I doubt there's anything that would make me abandon years in Baroque Works. Have you considered how I might betray you later?" Robin said rationally, challenging the offer.

Luffy looked at her seriously, as if considering every word.

"I understand that it's hard to trust, especially considering your past. But I don't want betrayal, Robin, and I believe you won't do that. I want a partnership, where we can pursue our goals together. I know it might seem impossible now, but maybe we can find a way." Luffy responded, seeking understanding.

Robin kept her gaze firm, evaluating Luffy's words.

"You say you want a partnership, but are you aware of what Baroque Works will do if they find out I'm considering this?" Robin questioned, testing the limits of his offer. Luffy smiled, not as an easy response but as an expression of confidence.

Luffy stared at Robin through the cell bars, and a sigh escaped his lips. "I'm aware. But do you think I won't take down Crocodile? If you want to embark on this, I'll be by your side." His gaze conveyed a firm confidence, while a slight smile appeared on his lips, indicating determination.

Robin remained silent for a moment, her blue eyes immersed in reflection. The wordplay between them outlined a possible change, but the path ahead remained uncertain. A wrinkle of concern appeared on her forehead, revealing her internal turmoil.

Seeing hesitation in Robin's eyes, Luffy sighed and continued. "You're right in your points; I have my reasons, and I may not believe in you now, but I believe in your dream." A warm smile formed on his face, seeking to convey genuine trust and support.

"What do you mean by that?" This surprised Robin, who narrowed her eyes the next moment, trying to decipher the intentions behind Luffy's words. An expression of incredulity mixed with curiosity drew on her face.

Luffy then pulled out a paper from nowhere and began reading in front of Robin. "Ohara Report, 1502: All traces of the island were eliminated, except for one child, an 8-year-old girl who managed to escape without anyone knowing how..."

"Stop." Robin interrupted, her voice laden with emotion. Her eyes shimmered with anguish, and her hands gripped the bars tightly as soon as she heard those words.

"The girl possesses forbidden knowledge..." Luffy continued speaking without caring about how the woman in front of him looked disturbed.

"Stop." Robin requested again, a mix of sadness and despair reflected in her gaze.
The people in the other cells remained silent, stunned by the direction of this conversation with Mr. 0's partner.
"She can read Poneglyphs, a potential threat to the world and the World Government..."
"STOP!" Robin shouted with tears in her eyes, a mixture of pain and suffering stamped on her face.
"..." Luffy looked at her at that moment and remained silent, his eyes showing compassion in the face of Robin's suffering.

"..." Robin seemed sad, her eyes reflecting the melancholy that she rarely allowed to be glimpsed, remembering past traumas.

"Robin..." Luffy spoke again, his voice softening. "Aren't you tired of running? Of hiding, Robin...?" His words were loaded with genuine concern, and his gaze sought to connect with the archaeologist's tormented soul.

"Come with me; I can prove that you can pursue your dreams, even if the whole world wants otherwise." Luffy uttered these words, surprisingly opening the cell and facing the still huddled woman.

Robin, in tears, looked at him cautiously, trying to decipher the intentions behind those words and actions. Her blue eyes were mixed with suspicion and longing as she sought to understand more about this man presenting himself as a promise of change.

"I know it's difficult. But I ask you to trust me, Nico Robin; I don't want harm for you, I want to help you because I know you better than you think." Luffy smiled warmly, his words a sincere invitation.

Robin remained silent for a moment, but the expression on her face indicated that something was beginning to transform within her. It was when Luffy, with a sudden seriousness, took something out of his pocket.

"I have something I want to show you. Something that can change everything about your knowledge of the world and your goals." He held a folded piece of paper and handed it to her.

Robin's eyes narrowed as she examined the paper taken from the captain's hands. Curiosity overcame suspicion for a moment, and she accepted it cautiously.

When she opened it, her eyes were shocked; there were a few sentences in the ancient language that Luffy took from the Poneglyphs on the paper. She quickly looked at Luffy as if he were crazy, her eyes still teary.
"Let's get out of here; there's still something to show you. You won't be satisfied with just a few sentences, right?" said Luffy, smiling at Robin, who looked at him with wide eyes.
"You can't be serious... are you?" She stammered, wondering what Luffy might be implying with that.
"Come with me; you won't regret it." Luffy spoke with palpable determination, approaching the woman and carefully removing her handcuffs. The metallic sound echoed, symbolizing imminent liberation.

She watched, still incredulous, as the man walked away, slowly processing the surprising turn of events in her situation. Amidst the confusion, Robin took her first hesitant steps, following Luffy as if in a trance.

"BUAAAAAAA!!!! MONKEY-CHAN IS SO COOL!" Mr. 2 cried at that moment, his emotions on the surface after witnessing the entire scene inside his cell.
"Indeed..." Mr. 3 muttered, trying to hold back tears betraying the emotion in his eyes.
As they walked away from the prison area, Robin was immersed in her own tumultuous thoughts. Her eyes were fixed on the man ahead, and she experienced a range of conflicting feelings: doubt, suspicion, relief, and surprisingly, an incipient willingness to trust Luffy's words.
Navigating the internal corridors of the Black Pearl, Luffy commented as they advanced toward a reinforced room: "Robin, we're getting there." Absorbing the magnitude of the moment, Robin remained silent beside him. As they continued, they entered an even deeper part of the ship, finally reaching the vault.
The door of the Black Pearl's vault, sturdy and imposing, creaked open, revealing its reinforced interior. As the door shifted completely, a special room unfolded before the eyes of Robin and Luffy. It was a protected and secure environment designed to store treasures of inestimable value.

The walls were adorned with exotic ornaments, rich in detail, bringing an aura of opulence to the place. Piles of gold gleamed in the dim light, reflecting the beams of light escaping from the small cracks in the massive door. Shadows danced among the mounds of coins and gems, creating a spectacle of colors and shines.

In the center of the room, a special box housed an Akuma no Mi, like a unique and valuable treasure. Its presence was notable, and the box was adorned with ancient symbols, evoking a sense of mystery. Around it, small beams of light shone, highlighting its importance in the room.

However, what surprised Robin the most were the two carefully positioned Poneglyphs. Their intricate outlines told forgotten stories, and their mysterious inscriptions captured Robin's attention, adding an additional dimension of importance to the place.

"T-THIS?!" Trembling, Robin's words came out shaky. These two Poneglyphs had been there since Luffy decided to bring them and place them there after the events in Cocoyasi.
"Is this real...?" Barely able to believe it, Robin was finally in front of what she had always sought.
"This is the proof I want you to see. Join me," said Luffy, his expression reflecting the gravity of the decision Robin was about to make.


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One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!: 20 extra chapters (Planning to Maintain 30 Chapters)
Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 20 extra chapters (Planning to Maintain 30 Chapters)
Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 10 extra chapters. (Planning to Maintain 10 Chapters)
Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 2 extra chapters (Planning to Maintain 30 Chapters)

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