One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 125 – Drum Kingdom 01.

[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Drum Island, First Half of Grandline.



As Black Pearl sailed with grandeur, the calm waters near the Drum Kingdom revealed a spectacular sight. Mountain peaks rose like majestic towers throughout the island, punctuating the horizon with their grandeur. These mountains, covered in blankets of shining snow, created a stunning landscape that bestowed upon the kingdom an aura of serenity and white beauty.

The natural towers reached towards the sky like pillars sculpted by nature, offering an imposing view as the crew approached. Each summit seemed to tell a unique story, as if the mountains were silent guardians of the Drum Kingdom.

Among the majestic peaks, architectural structures could be spotted, harmonizing with the lush landscape. Tall and imposing towers blended with natural forms, creating a unique and enchanting atmosphere.

The snow covering the peaks and extending across the land added a magical touch to the scenery, transforming the Drum Kingdom into a sight worthy of admiration. As the crew contemplated the imminent arrival on the island, a sense of adventure hung in the air over this kingdom covered by constant falling snow.

"What a big place!" exclaimed Shirahoshi, her eyes shining with enthusiasm as she observed the majestic peaks of the Drum Kingdom's island. Dressed in warm clothing provided by Luffy, she was ready to explore the mountainous realm.

"But still, it's so cold here..." Usopp shivered, expressing his discomfort with the low temperatures.

"We can endure this, right, Broggy?" Dorry, the giant, displayed his courage in the face of the challenging weather.

"Yes, after all, we are brave warriors of Elbaf; no weather condition can stop us!" agreed Broggy, sharing his companion's confidence.

"I find it pleasant..." commented Alvida, while Reiju, with a neutral expression similar to the first, said, "I don't have much to complain about."

"I must admit it's really nice here," said Lami, enjoying where she was at that moment.

"I'm doing this out of necessity, heard?" Vivi responded in a peculiar manner in her excuse.

Suddenly, four female voices were heard, drawing everyone's attention to an iconic scene. Luffy, shirtless and looking completely at ease in the cold, was being clung to by Alvida, Reiju, Lami, and Vivi. Each of them found a strategic position, embracing the captain in distinct ways like koalas clinging to their tree. The faces of Vivi and Lami turned red as they enjoyed the sensation provided by his warm skin in the cold weather.

"The captain seems to be enjoying this... fufufufu." Robin commented beside with a small laugh, looking at this comical scene.

"And you wouldn't be jealous, Robin..." Nojiko teased with a smile beside her. It wasn't a secret that some noticed how Robin looked at her captain.

Robin's feelings for Luffy had gradually grown in these last few days, like a flower blooming in a garden of emotions. She acknowledged the attraction that the captain exerted on her, a mixture of respect, admiration, and yes, a touch of something deeper. As she watched Luffy lead his crew fearlessly, face challenges with contagious confidence, and show unwavering compassion for his own, even though he was rough many times, he still took care of his people as he called them, Robin felt a special connection too.

Luffy's presence brought a comforting warmth to Robin's heart, a feeling she had only experienced in her life when she found refuge with the professor in Ohara after being constantly chased by the island's children in her childhood. He represented more than just a leader; he was a source of hope, renewal, and surprisingly, something akin to an emotional haven bringing answers to her life after 18 years in search of a small spot in the midst of all her darkness that saw her dream, but today Robin saw a beacon after meeting Luffy; he ended up becoming her sun. In the rare moments she caught herself glancing at him, she found herself lost in thoughts about how that man, uniquely and inadvertently, had changed the course of her life, something that only happened in the last few days.

However, Robin was a master at hiding her deep feelings. Although the crew noticed her growing affection for Luffy, the archaeologist maintained a calm and relaxed posture, as if her feelings were hidden in the shadows of her own heart.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." That's what she said, deflecting from the topic, but Nojiko just laughed.

"Hmmm?! It's so warm with Luffy-Sama!" Shirahoshi quickly joined the group of women, grabbing Luffy's neck at that moment.

"My husband is truly seductive..."
"Damn womanizer."
"That doesn't mean I'm interested in you, captain."
"Luffy-Sama is so warm!"
"Hey, it's you all clinging to me like monkeys, how can you call me that when I'm not doing anything!" Luffy was stunned by these women's contradictory comments, except for the mermaid princess, as she was genuinely innocent.

"Anyway, we'll be arriving at the kingdom soon... are the animals okay?" Hugo asked, looking to one side of the deck.

Four animals were huddled together, shivering around a blanket.

"Why is Laboon shivering? Whales should have a layer against the cold of the depths..." Nojiko commented.

"Who knows..." Zoro grumbled and went to the edge of the ship where Kuina was looking at the beach.

"Hey guys, I'm seeing something strange, don't you see any movement on the beach?" Kuina spoke, pointing to the island rapidly approaching.

"It seems like the inhabitants have seen us and want to welcome us..." Zoro said, gripping his sword.

"Hey... It seems like we're not welcome." Hachi spoke.

The Black Pearl continued advancing with determination regardless of whether they were welcome or not, reaching the beach where a crowd was already cautiously awaiting. The impact on the snowy beach was marked by a hostile reception, with the locals pointing weapons and spears at the intruders who dared to arrive on their land.

Luffy, standing out at the bow of the ship once it stopped, observed the scene with a confident smile. He raised his hand in a gesture of peace, but distrust persisted among the local residents. And without wasting time, Luffy jumped off the ship, landing on the beach with an imposing presence.

"Hello, Drum residents!" Luffy announced, advancing towards the group of hundreds of people. The villagers looked at the pirate with astonishment, surprised not only by the group's audacity but also by Luffy's apparent resistance to the intense cold. He walked without concerns, wearing only a cloak over his shoulders, while his chest was exposed to the icy weather, leaving everyone wondering if that man had any special immunity to the cold.

"Who are you, pirate? You are not welcome in this kingdom. I suggest you turn around and never return!" A local resident, Dalton, expressed his disapproval firmly.

"Hey, now I recognize! This is Monkey D. Luffy, the pirate worth 200 million!" Someone said, causing a stir among those present.

"A pirate worth 200 million?! What kind of joke is this!?"
"Can we face him? Or will we be destroyed and devastated like last time?"

As Luffy listened to the desperation and confusion around him, he calmly put his hand in his pocket, took out a body that quickly grew in size, and threw it in front of the 200 armed men.

The body caught everyone's attention, as they quickly recognized the person there with the pierced heart.

"This was your former king, Wapol. As you can see, we found him, and things didn't end well for him. Therefore, as my right of conquest, I declare the Drum Kingdom as the territory of the Straw Hats!" Luffy proclaimed loudly enough to be heard not only on the beach but throughout the island, as he increased his voice by 40 times.

"What kind of decision is that?"
"Hey, you can't do that!"
"Damn pirate, you're greedy and vile beings!"
"They may have killed Wapol, but we won't accept being under another tyrant again!"
"Shoot, kill them!"
"Captain, give the order, and let's eliminate him!"

Luffy looked at the restless crowd, his straw hat swaying gently in the cold wind. He crossed his arms and responded confidently:

"Relax! I didn't come here to cause trouble. I just want to ensure that this place is well-developed, and people can live without issues and in peace. Wapol was oppressing you, and now he's gone. I'm not here to replace him, just to make sure Drum becomes a better place and can develop these lands to its former glory. But, of course, this kingdom will be under my flag from this day on."

"Better?! Better for whom? For you, pirates?" One of the inhabitants questioned, firmly holding his spear.

"Captain, are we here to conquer more territories?" Usopp whispered to Luffy as he jumped off the ship with Geppo.

Luffy gave a wide smile. "Exactly, Usopp. We're creating a line of allies for the future. We won't become tyrants, but I'll want to develop some things in countries in exchange for my protection and my managerial plans, so I can count on them in the future; it's a fair trade."

Luffy ignoring the crowd to answer Usopp only caused even more indignation, and they were ready to shoot him at that moment.

Luffy, realizing the growing hostility around him, decided to act preemptively. With a serious look, he released his energy intensely and controlled. The Conqueror's Haki, a manifestation of an individual's will, enveloped the area, emanating pressure that made everyone present feel their knees weaken.

Those wielding weapons instantly dropped them, while others, unable to resist the overwhelming presence, knelt before the power of Haki. The snow on the ground vibrated with the invisible force emanating from Luffy like a furious wind.

"What is this?"
"My will to fight...?"
"What's happening?!"
"He's a monster!"
"We can't do anything?!"

Murmurs of surprise and confusion filled the air. Luffy's Conqueror's Haki not only forced them physically but also conveyed a clear message: he wasn't there to fight, but his presence was undeniably dominant, to the point where no one tried to fight him. A tense silence hung over the beach as the inhabitants processed what had just happened.

"As I said, this is the territory of the Straw Hats now," declared Luffy, his voice echoing across the beach. "No one needs to point weapons. We came in peace, but we won't hesitate to protect what is ours, so think twice before attacking any of us. I'll dominate this country, for better or for worse." Luffy no longer had a calm smile; his tone and eyes were serious. He wasn't a selfless person and would do tyrannical things to achieve his goals if necessary, although his approach always begins with a win-win.

The residents hesitated, but Luffy didn't leave room for doubts. He released his Conqueror's Haki once again on the beach, pressing everyone and extinguishing any trace of a will to fight.

"It's really an interesting ability..." Lami commented as she arrived next to Luffy with Usopp.

"Yeah, but Luffy didn't need to go overboard; look at them..." Kuina said, approaching as well.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground, with defeated expressions.

"They'll survive; let's start our journey on this island. Everyone disembark from the ship."

Luffy walked toward the crowd and addressed a large man dressed in green armor, clearly a local leader.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, as you know. Can I know your name, and can you do a favor for me?"

"I'm... Dalton. What do you want? We've already lost almost everything; we have nothing more to offer from our land." The man replied, expressing the resignation that dominated the community.

"Don't get so downhearted; I came to take this kingdom for myself, but don't worry, I intend to make it return to its former glory. Just gather everyone from the island in the town, and we'll announce my future plans for this place." Luffy said, and Dalton had no choice, as no one else could go against the will of this pirate anymore.

The crew members were already leaving the ship at this moment. Luffy asked them to bring the doctors, and 20 people left the ship, surprising the beach inhabitants.

The doctors, now freed and grateful despite the treatment isolating them from the crew, were still well-treated. Thus, they began approaching the people, offering assistance.

"Dalton, do what I asked; gather all the people from the kingdom and take me to a place where I can speak to everyone," Luffy instructed him, and the man accepted. Dalton rose with a resigned expression, aware that he didn't have much choice in the situation. Luffy, along with his crew, accompanied Dalton, and as Luffy shrank his ship, the crew headed to the town with the group of men from the beach and doctors.

The inhabitants of Drum, accustomed to living under different kings and dealing with pirates, felt a mix of fear and distrust with the presence of the Straw Hats. Tension was visible in the air as people watched Luffy and his comrades move through the city as if on a stroll.

The Straw Hats followed Dalton to the main square, where news of the pirates' arrival began to spread rapidly. The looks intensified, and the expressions of the population ranged from dissatisfaction to fear, but Dalton also conveyed the message for everyone to gather in the square where the future of the country would be decided.

It took 30 minutes to gather 5,000 people, 99% of the population of this small and isolated country. The main square of the Drum Kingdom was bustling with the presence of the inhabitants gathering to hear Luffy's words. Looking at everyone in the square, with the initially tense atmosphere being enveloped by the captain of the Straw Hats' speech.

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the Straw Hats. As many of you know, this kingdom is now under our possession. As the Drum Kingdom is now our territory, we killed Wapol and brought back the doctors he stole. But I didn't come here to sow fear or take something from you. In fact, I'm here to offer an opportunity. I don't intend to meddle in who will be the king of this country, and I won't make political decisions for the country, but I want the development of the Drum Kingdom with medicine. There are roles here that will be destined for the future governance of the country," Luffy announced.

The inhabitants murmured among themselves, clearly concerned about what the future held.

"I don't intend to be a tyrant. On the contrary, I want to help bring prosperity back to Drum. For that, I need everyone's cooperation. I need volunteers willing to work to rebuild this kingdom, and I promise it won't be in vain. We will pay justly for your efforts, resulting in a more prosperous country with many allied kingdoms already linked to me," Luffy continued.

Luffy paused for a moment, allowing his words to be absorbed by the crowd.

"But the choice is yours. If you decide to resist, we'll have to take measures to ensure stability. However, I hope we can work together for a better future. Let's restore the Drum Kingdom to its former glory, with the effort of all of us!"

The crowd remained silent for a moment, processing Luffy's words. The captain of the Straw Hats hoped that his intentions were understood, and collaboration would be the choice the population made.

Luffy also maintained a serious but determined posture. He knew that the key to successful collaboration was gaining the trust of the inhabitants of Drum. The challenge was set, and now it depended on how events would unfold in the city.

"If we work together, we can make this place a true powerhouse. Let's build a better future for everyone, and I will take care of and protect this country so that nothing like before happens again," Luffy concluded.

By mentioning Wapol's defeat and the recovery of the doctors, Luffy captured the attention and gradually the respect of those present. He showed them that his intention was not to impose tyrannical leadership but to provide development and prosperity, so Luffy began to speak of his ideas primarily focused on the field of medicine, which was the path he would like this country to take.

The speech continued, highlighting the potential of the Drum Kingdom as a medical school and the need to work together to build a better future. The mention of roles destined for the future government demonstrated the commitment of the Straw Hats to the autonomy of the kingdom, even mentioning potential allies in this sea and even in the East Blue.

By concluding his speech with the promise to protect and care for the country, Luffy broke the remaining resistance. The residents, realizing that the actions were not as bad, even for pirates, since their country had reached such a low point with a tyrannical king who wiped out all the doctors and a pirate named Blackbeard who just plundered the country, didn't they need a light to improve their lives? Luffy and the Straw Hats began to be a new hope as this unexpected leadership.

The initially apprehensive residents began to see Luffy with respect. His actions spoke louder than words, and the former Drum Kingdom was about to start a new chapter.

At this moment, an elderly woman, whose presence initially went unnoticed among the busy residents, had a keen and observant look among the crowd. Her piercing eyes, even though elderly, held an intensity that indicated unparalleled wisdom, and she listened to all of it with crossed arms.

While the population focused on Luffy's words, this mysterious woman, whose name was Kureha, began to advance towards the square, exploring the changes that were beginning to unfold. Her calm yet curious presence suggested that she was about to get involved significantly in this new chapter of the Drum Kingdom's history as well.


🦝Raccoon here:🦝

"Stone Stone!"

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Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 10 extra chapters. (Planning to Maintain 20 Chapters)
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