One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 128 – Drum Kingdom 04.

[Chapter Size: 2417 Words.]
Third Person POV

Drum Island, First Half of Grandline.



In the midst of a mountain, with snow falling all around him, Luffy embarked on his training to understand and develop Haki. Clad in clothes ill-suited for the weather to face the intense cold, he did not let the hostile nature of the environment interfere with his determination.

Sitting in a meditative position, Luffy closed his eyes and began to focus his mind. He sought to tune into the energy currents within himself, exploring the fundamental principles of Haki. As snow accumulated on his shoulders, he remained steadfast in his quest for this power.

With each controlled breath, Luffy attempted to detect the subtle presence of Haki. His hands rested on his knees, and his mind worked tirelessly to unravel the secrets of this ability. It was not an easy process; it was a journey of self-discovery and patience, even multiplied by eight times.

Snow fell silently around him, providing a visual trail of his training time. Small signs of progress began to manifest. Perhaps they were fleeting glimpses of intuition, a passing sensation of connection to something greater. His Haki was far from fully developed, but he was beginning to grasp the essence.

From time to time, Luffy opened his eyes, observing the frozen landscape around him. He could feel the presence of tiny ice particles as they fell, a metaphor for the subtlety of the Haki he sought to master.

"Luffy!" A voice cut through the silence of the snowstorm, and two shadows leaped in his direction. Reiju gracefully landed next to Lami.

"Oh? You're here! I was wondering if you decided to settle in the city..." Luffy smiled at his companions.

"Of course not. Wouldn't miss the chance to prove that I'm better than this woman here." Lami declared confidently.

"Who said you won? It was me, obviously." Reiju commented, casting a challenging glance.

"Didn't you see that I was ahead of you? I knew you had some mental problems, but I didn't know you also had vision difficulties. Maybe I can help you; after all, I am a doctor." Lami crossed her arms, displaying an expression of superiority.

"Hm?! Do you want to die, gothic woman?" Reiju taunted, throwing a challenging look at Lami.

"Bring it on, cheeky cook!" Lami responded promptly, showing a determined expression.

"Stop, both of you!" Luffy emerged between them, delivering a precise punch to each of their heads, causing the fight to cease instantly.

"Captain!" they protested, complaining about the pain caused by the punches.

Luffy ignored the complaints. "Anyway, the others are coming." He observed the sky, where small shadows were beginning to appear.

Nojiko, Usopp, Kuina, and Shirahoshi skillfully appeared using Geppo.

"Luffy! You didn't kill that old lady, did you?" Kuina was the first to speak.

"Of course not. She's fine, and there's a very competent doctor taking care of her, who will soon be our nakama!" Luffy smiled, sharing the news.

"Nakama? Are you recruiting someone from this country, Luffy?" Usopp asked, demonstrating curiosity.

"Of course, and did only you guys come? Where's the rest of the crew?" Luffy examined the group.

"Everyone stayed in the city, except for Bepo, who seemed to be discussing some bureaucratic and economic issues that you delegated to him. Some can't use Geppo and chose to stay in the city..." explained Usopp.

"Got it. Anyway, let's greet our hosts." Luffy turned at that moment to the lady who was coming out through the castle's grand gate, accompanied by a small animal wearing a hat, Chopper.

"We've been getting a lot of visitors lately, haven't we, Chopper?" Kureha commented with her characteristic smile.

Chopper shrunk at the mention, observing all those humans.

"I see you woke up! And Chopper, come and greet your new companions. There's a doctor among them too!" Luffy smiled at the reindeer.

"Who is your companion?!" Chopper grimaced as he shouted, rejecting Luffy's words.

"Why not? I have the chance to have such a talented doctor with me!" Luffy opened a smile.

"Who would that talented doctor be, you scoundrel? Do you think you can buy me with some compliments?" Chopper activated Kami-e and began to contort his body, his face flushed.

"Hehehehe. How cute!" Shirahoshi said, looking at the reindeer with bright eyes.

"Who are you calling cute, you darned woman!" Chopper attacked again. Although his words were one thing, his body expressed the opposite.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! What an interesting group," Kureha spoke, maintaining a smile.

"Come here, brats. Let's go inside for a bit. I'll prepare some tea." She headed inside the castle, and Chopper followed, still looking at Luffy and the others with caution and curiosity.

"Let's go!" Luffy said, and everyone began to follow him as well.

"So, why do you want to take Chopper with you so much?" Kureha asked as everyone settled in a room with sofas and served tea.

"Because I've already decided, I'm taking Chopper with me! When I saw him, my senses told me he will become a valuable companion for my ship!" Luffy spoke excitedly, sharing his decision with the whole group.

Chopper was next to Kureha at this moment, looking at Luffy stunned.

Reiju, who was sitting next to Luffy, raised an intrigued eyebrow. "Sixth sense, huh? You're getting mystical now, Captain?"

Luffy laughed carelessly. "I don't know how to explain, but I've always trusted my instincts, and they've never failed me. Besides, Chopper has something special, I'm sure."

"Something special?" Chopper muttered. He had always been called a monster; he never imagined that there would come a day when someone would say he was special.

Reiju looked at Luffy and then at Chopper, smiling. "He has a strange intuition, but I can assure you that when it comes to choosing companions, he usually gets it right. If he sees something in you, Chopper, it's because you are special."

"Chopper, as I said, I'm leaving only when I have your positive answer!"

"But I declined!"

"So, I declined your refusal, simple!" Luffy smiled confidently, and even Kureha found herself smiling.

"What a cheeky brat. I hope you don't ask me to hand over the secret of my youth too." She said, leaving the women present stunned.

"Anyway, I'll continue with Haki training. You can join me if you want." Luffy looked at the members who started this type of training and left the room.

During the rest of the day, Luffy, Lami, Reiju, Kuina, and Shirahoshi tried to manifest Haki in a large room inside the castle.

Meanwhile, a reindeer watched them from a certain distance.

"Oh! You're there." A voice came from behind Chopper, who faced Usopp for the first time.

"Don't scare people like that!" Chopper shouted.

"Hahaha, don't get nervous..." Usopp replied casually.

"Anyway, you'll have to accept the captain's proposal. He usually doesn't give up when he has something on his mind." Usopp smiled.

"Why... why does he want me on his crew? I'm a monster..." Chopper spoke, expressing his doubts.

"Hahahaha. If that's the problem, let me tell you something. Our crew is full of monsters!"

"Really?!" Chopper seemed surprised.

"Yes, there are powerful people of all races. Can you believe the captain can turn into a 50-meter monster? He almost destroyed an island a while ago."


"Look there, we have a mermaid among the group!" Chopper pointed to Shirahoshi training.

"And not only that, we have a talking bear, a giant shark, a 400-meter whale, a duck, and a powerful dog!" Usopp spoke with a smile.

"Really?!" Chopper seemed stunned.

"Yes, we have all kinds of people on our ship, and if the captain wants you with the crew, he won't give up." Usopp spoke with a smile.

Chopper looked at Usopp for a moment before distancing himself.

He walked a bit, lost in thoughts about everything he had heard.

'A crew full of monsters?' That phrase echoed in his mind.

Chopper reached the library and began reading a book to try to forget these thoughts.

"You seem quite stunned, Chopper..." Kureha appeared with a smile, still bandaged, while observing Chopper. The reindeer averted his gaze at this moment.

"I see that human's words got to you..." She said calmly.

"Doctor Kureha, is it true that I could join a group outside of here, one that wouldn't judge me or call me a monster?" Chopper suddenly asked.

The woman opened a wide smile. "Of course you can. I don't know them well, but I doubt they would disappoint you. Don't you want to go with them to the sea?" Chopper widened his eyes at this.

"That... I can't. I have to stay here..."

"You don't need to stay here anymore, Chopper. I can take care of myself. After all, I'm still in my youth at 138."


"This country's fate is already intertwined with that man, with or without you. This country is now your domain, and I couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening... Anyway, they don't seem like a group that would harm you. You have a unique chance in your hands. Maybe you've finally found a group that fits you. This is your chance, and I won't stop you if you want to go with them."

Chopper remained silent, and his gaze met the doctor's some time later. "Can I finally see the world? Can I make friends?" He held a gaze that began to form tears at that moment.

"Of course you can, Chopper. You have a unique opportunity, and I hope you don't waste it..." She spoke and left the room, leaving a pensive Chopper behind.

Some time later, Chopper found himself on top of the castle, where the wind played with his fur. He seemed not to care about the cool breeze that caressed his face, keeping his gaze fixed on a specific pirate flag. It was something that represented his father, a memory that evoked a series of deep thoughts.

The flag fluttered gracefully under the influence of the wind as Chopper found himself immersed in reflections and memories. He had before him the image that symbolized his roots and the journey that brought him there.

Lost in his thoughts, Chopper barely noticed a shadow approaching behind him. "Yo, Chopper! Why are you up here alone?" Luffy suddenly appeared, with his characteristically lively tone.

"Luffy?!" Chopper was startled by Luffy's sudden appearance beside him.

"Hahaha. Don't be scared. I can see your interest in this flag..."

"This is the doctor's flag..."

"I see, it's very special to you, isn't it?"

"Yes... It's all I have left of the doctor..." Chopper spoke, and the two fell into silence, with only the sound of the wind hitting them.

"Why do you want me on your crew...?" Chopper broke the silence suddenly.

Luffy looked him in the eyes and answered confidently.
"Because I like having strong and talented people with me, and you seem to be both. Plus, you're a doctor, and that would be incredibly useful for us, not to mention that you fit perfectly into our group," Luffy explained sincerely.

Chopper hesitated for a moment, pondering the unexpected proposal. However, his loyalties to Doctor Kureha and concern for the current state of the kingdom still kept him undecided, even after the earlier conversation with the doctor.

"I can't just leave everything behind. I have responsibilities here, and Doctor Kureha depends on me, even if she doesn't admit it..." Chopper expressed his concerns.

Luffy, always straightforward, smiled. "I'm not saying to abandon your responsibilities. It's not like you'll never see her again. But imagine the number of people you could help, and all the adventures we would have together! Don't you have a big dream?"

"A big dream?" Chopper was surprised.

"Yes, something that would make you defy everything to achieve, something that would make you fight the whole world to attain!"

"My dream..." Chopper thought, as a doctor, he wanted to create a medicine that would cure all the diseases in the world.

Chopper continued to ponder the proposal, realizing that a choice like this couldn't be made hastily. Meanwhile, Luffy, patiently, awaited the reindeer's decision, aware that, in the end, the choice would be Chopper's.

Chopper, still hesitant, spoke with a touch of sadness in his voice. "You don't understand. I'm a monster, a monster that ate the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Human. People here don't see me as an equal. They fear me."

Luffy looked directly into Chopper's eyes, understanding the weight of the reindeer's words. "You know, Chopper, I have a bunch of monsters in my crew too. There's a fish-man, two giants, and much more. To me, it doesn't matter. Monster or not, what matters is what you do and who you are. You save lives, right? That's amazing, and I want you with me as my friend!"

"Friend?" Chopper was surprised by Luffy's response, which seemed genuinely indifferent to the reindeer's physical nature. The captain of the Straw Hats continued, trying to convince Chopper that being different was something to be celebrated.

"You may be a monster, but we all are in some way. Look at us, a bunch of misfits sailing together with many shared dreams. Being unique is what makes things interesting. Plus, being a monster is not a problem for me or the crew. Accepting who you are is the first step to being free and pursuing your dreams."

The intensity of Luffy's gaze conveyed his sincerity, as Chopper began to feel a flame of hope and acceptance, something he never thought possible for someone like him. Touched by Luffy's words, Chopper started considering the possibility of adventures beyond Drum Island. Still with doubts, he realized that Luffy's crew was composed of unique and extraordinary beings, each with their own singularity, and Luffy mentioned that there were even more in the city.

"Come on, Chopper, let's be friends. Join me, and let's turn the world upside down together!" Luffy spoke and extended his hand at that moment.
Chopper hesitated for a moment, but then, with a determined expression, extended his paw to shake Luffy's hand. "I... I accept, Luffy. I'll go with you to the sea!"

[System - Crew: Tony Tony Chopper has joined as a member of your crew!]
And so, amid the frigid scenery of Drum Island, a new alliance was formed. Tony Tony Chopper, the reindeer doctor, was about to embark on a journey full of challenges, friendships, and discoveries alongside the Straw Hat Pirates. The future promised to be as exciting as the adventures that awaited this unusual crew.


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