One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 140 – Alabasta 09.

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



The scenery shifts dramatically from the cold, starry desert to the opulent and illuminated interior of Crocodile's casino in Rainbase. The atmosphere is charged with the buzz of voices, the clinking of glasses, and the soft background music that floats in the air filled with expectation and intrigue. The casino, a labyrinth of luxury and decadence, shines with golden and silver lights, reflecting on polished surfaces and the eager faces of gamblers.

People from all corners of Alabasta and even from outside the country are gathered there, gambling in hopes of riches, even though most often they leave poorer than they entered. Some complain and demand compensation, but when the owner of the place appears, any confusion ends instantly, after all, who would like to provoke a Shichibukai?

At the heart of Rainbase's labyrinth of luxury and intrigue, far from the gaming tables and glittering machines, there is a room that few know and even fewer are permitted to enter. This is where Crocodile, the supreme lord of this realm of sand and secrets, plans his most decisive moves. The room is a sanctuary of power, each detail carefully chosen to reflect the magnitude and control of its occupant. Dark wooden walls are adorned with detailed maps and expensive artworks, while a large mahogany table dominates the center.

Seated behind this table is Crocodile, an imposing figure even at rest. His long coat, a symbol of his authority and style, is casually draped over a nearby chair. The cigar between his fingers emits smoke that curls in the air like the plans in his mind, while a glass of fine liquor rests within his reach, a toast to his own cunning. His gaze is fixed and penetrating, that of a predator awaiting its next prey.

At this moment of growing tension, the door opens. Mr. 1, an imposing presence in his own right, enters with the posture of someone well aware of the weight of their responsibilities. "Sir Crocodile, Vice-Admiral has arrived," he informs with a voice that resonates respect and urgency.

"Let him in," responds Crocodile, his words short and direct. Without another word, Mr. 1 nods and withdraws, his heavy footsteps echoing against the wooden floor.

Moments later, the figure of Vice-Admiral Momonga fills the entrance. He is the antithesis of the environment he now finds himself in: where the casino exudes excess and indulgence, Momonga radiates discipline and order. His uniform is impeccable, each insignia and medal a story of duty and battle. His posture is rigid, a pillar of unwavering authority and power.

The contrast between the two men is striking - one, a criminal with ambitions that stretch across seas and deserts; the other, a servant of the World Government, committed to justice and order. And yet, here they are, in the same space, united by a common purpose that transcends their differences.

Vice-Admiral Momonga, an imposing and austere figure, enters Crocodile's private room with the seriousness of someone fully aware of the power games he is about to engage in. A representative of the Navy and the World Government, his mission goes beyond the immaculate uniform he wears; he is the bearer of a delicate balance between justice and diplomacy. His eyes, trained to discern truth among shadows, assess Crocodile not just as a criminal but as a key piece on a much larger chessboard. Despite his position and the orders he must follow, Momonga carries with him an unwavering sense of justice, a flame that even the dark corridors of power cannot extinguish.

On the other side, Crocodile receives him not as a hostile but with the venomous courtesy of a predator who recognizes another predator. His smile, though superficially welcoming, does not reach his cold and calculating eyes. "Vice-Admiral," he greets with a voice that mixes cordiality with a touch of disdain. "What a pleasure to receive you in my modest establishment. I hope you find the accommodations to your liking."

Momonga, maintaining the posture and composure his rank demands, responds without mincing words. "Crocodile, we are here to discuss a criminal entering Alabasta and how his capture aligns with the interests of the world government and the navy." His voice is firm, each word reflecting his commitment to his mission.

Crocodile, leaning back in his chair with an expression of interest, resumes the conversation. "And that would be Straw Hat, Monkey D. Luffy, with a bounty of 200 million. Quite the figure for being the son of Monkey D. Dragon and the grandson of Monkey D. Garp." His mention of Luffy's familial ties is no casual remark; it's a reminder of the dangers and complications that the young pirate represents.

"Yes, I'm here on an official mission to capture him," Momonga confirms, his voice slightly more tense as he acknowledges the magnitude of his task.

Crocodile, with the cigar still between his fingers, releases a cloud of smoke into the air, his expression a mix of amusement and calculation. "A vice-admiral to capture a rookie? That seems quite interesting." His voice is tinged with a sarcastic tone, highlighting how absurd he considers the situation. However, he understands that such mobilization is not just a precautionary measure; it's indicative that mugiwara represents much more than a mere rookie pirate. The political gears behind this decision are turning at full force, and Crocodile, as cunning as ever, is trying to read every move.

Momonga, noticing the slight disdain in Crocodile's voice, remains unperturbed. "It appears Monkey D. Dragon is involved in a serious crime, and they need his son for punishment." His voice is firm, but there's a slight trace of frustration. The information restricted to his rank leaves him in a delicate position; he's an enforcer of the World Government's orders, but also a strategist who needs to understand the full picture to act efficiently. The sigh he lets out is not just from fatigue but from a slight discontent with the obscurity surrounding him.

"There are also reports indicating that someone in his crew can use Haki. So, they pose a threat, even to you," he continues, fixing a penetrating gaze on Crocodile. The mention of Haki and its implication are not taken lightly; it's a power that can change the course of a battle, a skill that Crocodile, despite his confidence, cannot ignore.

Crocodile, upon hearing this, lets out a low growl, a sound that speaks more than any words could. The insinuation that he might be in danger, or worse, that he might underestimate mugiwara and his crew, strikes a nerve. He is not a man who tolerates being underestimated or threatened, neither by the World Government nor by its agents.

Crocodile with a disdainful look. "Ah, yes, the famous Haki. But you need not worry about that, Vice-Admiral. The source of your fear, Yamato, is currently in Alabasta's capital. They've split up, which makes this the perfect time to strike the captain."

Vice-Admiral Momonga, with his unshakeable posture and penetrating gaze, considers Crocodile's words. "Divided, you say? That certainly plays into our favor. Without the Haki user to protect them, the rest of the crew will be easier to handle." His voice is firm, each word weighed and measured, revealing a man who is as much a strategist as an enforcer.

Crocodile, leaning over the map with an expression of cold satisfaction, nods. "My suggestion is that we set up an ambush here, in Rainbase. Mugiwara and his gang will be coming here. My informants have passed on that he was in one of the towns to the south, so it should take a week for him to get here." He traces an imaginary line with his finger, outlining the path he expects Luffy to take. "With you and I working together, we can ensure there will be no escape for them."

Momonga, recognizing the logic behind the plan and the advantages of its execution, responds with a cold resolve. "Understood. I will coordinate with my forces to ensure everything is ready. We'll capture Monkey D. Luffy and whoever else is with him." There's a gravity in his voice, a weight that speaks of past battles and the price of justice.

However, Crocodile, whose plans are always layered and complex, adds a surprise element to the conversation. "Excellent. There's one person among the gang that I want to deal with personally." His tone is ominous, and there's a glint of something personal in his eyes. He already knows of the supposed betrayal of Robin, having been informed of her association with the Straw Hats in a southern town. For him, this is not just a mission or a strategic alliance; it's also an opportunity to settle personal scores.

"My priority is to capture the captain of the group," Momonga responds dryly, his voice revealing no emotion beyond a cold determination. He is a man of duty, his mission clear and unshakeable, even in the face of Crocodile's cunning plans.

Crocodile, in turn, is eager to conclude the matter. His strike on Alabasta is ready to be executed, and the presence of the vice-admiral and the threat the Straw Hats pose are the last barriers in his way. He needs to get rid of Mugiwara and his crew as quickly as possible so that Momonga leaves the country, and he can proceed with his plans without further interference.

As they discuss, the distinctive and urgent sound of a Den Den Mushi cuts through their conversation, and Momonga's expression shifts to one of mild irritation. Being interrupted at this critical moment is more than an annoyance; it's a sign that something significant is happening. He turns and answers the call with the authority of someone accustomed to being in command. "Vice-Admiral Momonga here. Report."

The response he receives is as surprising as it is urgent. The voice on the other end is clearly astounded, almost incredulous. "Sir, we have an unexpected situation. The Straw Hats' ship... it's approaching Rainbase now. They're... they're sailing through the sand, sir!"

"Sailing through the sand?" Momonga repeats, his forehead furrowing in confusion and concern. He casts a glance at Crocodile, whose expression of interest and calculation suggests that he is also surprised, but perhaps less disturbed than the vice-admiral.

"Yes, sir. It's as if the desert were the sea for them. We don't know how they're doing it, but they're advancing rapidly toward the city with their flag unfurled," the subordinate explains, his voice still laden with shock.

Crocodile, listening to the conversation, lets out a low chuckle. "Amazing. The rookie's ship can do that. But this means they'll arrive much sooner than expected. We need to speed up our preparations."

As soon as the Den Den Mushi call ends, Vice-Admiral Momonga and Crocodile spring into action, the unexpected news of the imminent arrival of the Straw Hats accelerating their plans. Both start issuing orders to their subordinates, preparing for the quickly approaching confrontation.

Momonga turns to his own Den Den Mushi and dials quickly. "To all Marine units in the city," he begins, his voice carrying the unwavering authority of a veteran leader. "The target is approaching faster than anticipated. I want blockades established at all city entrances. Mobilize immediately and prepare for combat. Remember, Straw Hat is not an ordinary pirate, and we need to be ready for any eventuality."

"Inform the Baroque Works that the plan is being moved up," Crocodile orders with a voice that brooks no contestation. "I want all agents at their posts and ready to strike the moment Mugiwara and his gang set foot in Rainbase. They won't have the slightest idea what hit them." His instruction is clear and deadly, the word of a leader who expects nothing less than absolute obedience.

The subordinate, recognizing the gravity of the situation, nods quickly and departs to execute the orders without hesitation. The efficiency and speed with which they move reflect the training and discipline that are hallmarks of Crocodile's agents.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, the Marines under Momonga's command also mobilize. There's a buzz of activity as orders are transmitted, Marines rushing to their positions, weapons being prepared, and strategies being revised. The Vice-Admiral, despite being surprised by the unexpected development, maintains a calm and authoritative demeanor, guiding his forces with the skill of an experienced leader.

Rainbase, a city usually vibrant and full of life, begins to transform under the weight of the impending confrontation. The streets, once filled with tourists and residents enjoying the delights of the casino and shops, now resonate with the sound of military preparations and strategic movements. Barricades are erected at strategic points, snipers position themselves on rooftops, and secret agents mingle among the population, their vigilant eyes watching every move.

The Black Pearl advances with determination through the desert sands. Onboard, the crew of the Straw Hats prepares for the imminent confrontation. Luffy, with a glint of defiance in his eyes, looks toward Rainbase, his indomitable spirit unshaken by the danger that awaits them.


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