One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 147 – Alabasta 16.

[Chapter Size: 3600 Words.]
Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



Black Pearl was once again sailing through the desert while heading for the capital of the eastern country. At this moment, the moon painted the sky in the early hours of the morning, most of the Straw Hats deeply asleep, recovering from the battles and emotions of the day. The boat is quiet, with only the soft sound of the sands being dragged as the ship sways.

Luffy opened his eyes at this moment; he was between his two naked women, Nojiko and Alvida. He carefully got up, not wanting to wake anyone, and put on a robe to leave the room.

"Luffy... you're going out again... it's Robin, isn't it?" Nojiko opens one of her sleepy eyes with a yawn and asks Luffy, who smiles at her before making a face on her head.

"Nojiko, you're always perceptive..." He said calmly.

"It's not hard to see the looks you send each other." She said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Well.. that's true." He had to admit.

"Anyway, if it means you'll be leaving the bed and waking up in the morning without you here, for God's sake, invite that girl to spend the night here..." She complained.

"Robin is... a bit shy... she seems to be getting used to this new kind of relationship... it's hard to explain..." Luffy scratched his head a bit lost. Of course, he had talked with Robin about this, but the girl was still not ready to present herself in that way to the other women.

"I understand, but come back here in the morning, I promise a reward." Nojiko gave a seductive smile. Luffy nodded and left the room after dressing a bit.

Luffy left the corridor and went to a specific cabin; he knocked on the door calmly.

"It's open." Luffy heard Robin's voice inside and opened the latch in the dark room.

He quickly notices in the dark room a solitary figure ahead, standing near the window while looking at the ship traveling through the sand, looking at the night desert. Luffy approaches silently, observing her for a moment before speaking.

"What do we have here, a girl who can't sleep..." he says with a soft voice.

Robin turns to look at him, a slight smile on her lips. "There's a lot to think about," she responds. "And the night is full of surprises, isn't it, like a handsome man appearing in my room while everyone is sleeping..." She speaks even with a seductive tone.

Luffy agrees with a nod. "Yes, it's a good time for thoughts. And an even better time for surprises." He smiles like a rogue and approaches her.

He raises a finger, and a flame is born from it so he can see this woman better; Robin was in an open jacket with open underwear; she gets a bit embarrassed when Luffy sees her with the glow of his flame.

"I see you're wearing the lingerie I bought you yesterday; you look delicious in it." Luffy smiles, making Robin blush a bit more with Luffy's bold words.

Then, gently, Luffy extends his hand and holds Robin's. She doesn't pull away, instead, accepting the gesture, their fingers intertwining.

They remain like this, in silence, sharing the comfort of each other's company, Robin takes the initiative and approaches her captain for a kiss. Luffy takes her by the waist and takes her to bed; this night would be one he wouldn't sleep for the next few hours.

As the sun rises on the horizon with its first golden rays over the Black Pearl, Crocodile and Momonga awaken from their unconscious state, finding themselves tied on the deck of the ship as if some kind of trophy.

"I see you've woken up..." A thick voice was heard on their side, and both were shocked, next to them, to their surprise, was another man also chained - Jimbei, the Shichibukai known as "The Knight of the Sea."

"Jimbei?!" Momonga couldn't help but exclaim.

"I see that even you two have fallen into the hands of that pirate, it seems that Ace's brother is quite dangerous and even daring, who would have thought that a rookie pirate would have a vice admiral and two shichibukai as prisoners on his ship..." Jimbei murmured, as that was precisely the situation.

"Mugiwara!!" Crocodile, with an expression of disgust and anger, looks around, trying to understand how he ended up in this situation. The last thing he remembers is the crushing defeat at the hands of Luffy, and now, here he is, chained like a common prisoner.

Momonga, equally surprised but with a more controlled composure, observes Jimbei. "What is a Shichibukai like you doing imprisoned here?" he asks, trying to piece together the unexpected situation.

Jimbei, with a calm and serious look, replies: "This pirate group has something important from the island of the fish-men; I tried to retrieve it, but as you can see, I wasn't successful against the captain. I was defeated and captured in the end."

While Crocodile and Momonga process this information, they hear a new voice approaching, a princess surprisingly flying with geppo using her tail, enters the deck with a plant watering can.

Shirahoshi, with her soft and melodic voice, begins to sing as they navigate through the vast desert of Alabasta, a song that reflects her gentle spirit and curiosity about the world:

"Under the blue sky, so vast and bright,

We sail together, with hearts so light.

Alabasta appears, with golden sands,

Each grain, a story, in the palms of our hands.

Oh, what a wonderful world, so vast and so new,

Each day a discovery, under the sky so blue.

With friends by my side, and Megalo too,

We sing our joy, we sing to the beyond.

Sharky, Sharky, Sharky," Megalo appears behind screaming with his friend,

With his deep voice, echoes like a wave.

"Together we explore, with laughter and songs,

With each new dawn, there's new emotions.

Beneath the ocean, I daydreamed,

Now, on the surface, my soul is enchanted.

Each new island, each new sea,

Is a blank page, to explore together.

Oh, world, spin slowly, let me savor,

Each precious moment, let's not rush.

For with the Straw Hats, every day is special,

Singing with Megalo, my joy is complete!"

"Sharky, Sharky, Sharky," sings my friend,

In this vast world, there's no longer danger.

For with courage and love, and friends so loyal,

Every day is an adventure, under the blue skies!"

Her song echoes through the desert, a melody of hope and joy, while Megalo, by her side, accompanies with his "Sharky Sharky," making the moment even more special and memorable. Together, they celebrate the beauty of the world and the sweet freedom to explore it.

Shirahoshi had the habit of watering some plants that Luffy picked up in Little Garden, every morning she sang a song with joy.

"Jimbei!! Good morning!" Noticing Jimbei awake, she greeted him.

"Good morning, princess..." Jimbei spoke a little embarrassed.

"Princess?" Crocodile raised an eyebrow.

"So, is this what the Straw Hats have that's so important to the island of the fish-men?" Momonga muttered.

"Yes... I thought Monkey D. Luffy had brainwashed her, but I no longer believe that, she's here of her own free will and is even learning skills from them..." Jimbei grumbled.

"Skills..." Momonga murmured and looking wide-eyed, the Straw Hats were learning the six styles somehow, maybe this was the chance to discover how they got their hands on the marine techniques.

"Hey, little girl!" Momonga said.

"It's princess, vice admiral!" Jimbei grumbled.

"Listen... Princess?"

"Hm? What is it, prisoner-Sama?" Shirahoshi looked at him curiously.

"Let me ask, this technique you're doing with your tail and flying in the air... it looks so cool, where did you learn it?"

"Tsk... To think that a vice admiral would act this way..." Crocodile scoffed.

"Hm... Luffy-Sama taught me! I can also do this!" She seemed cheerful as she executed soru, leaving Momonga shocked by this.

"That damn grandson of Garp, he's creating a crew using the six styles?! He's a threat that must be eliminated!" Momonga growled.

"Hey, don't threaten Luffy-Sama!" Shirahoshi, hearing this, became extremely angry, and her arm wrapped in a layer of darkness she punched the vice admiral in the head, making him fall unconscious again.



Both Crocodile and Jimbei looked shocked at this, this little girl just used armament haki and knocked out a vice admiral with a punch, chained or not, this shouldn't be simple.

"What is this, what's going on!" Crocodile growled, he realized that Luffy wasn't the only threat to him, if that punch hit him, he would also be hurt, and this mermaid can use geppo and soru.

"You can use haki?!" Jimbei shouted, alarmed. How did that little frightened girl who stayed in her room in the palace suddenly become a woman who can use haki and marine techniques?

Shirahoshi spent more of her time learning mobility techniques because, for haki, she showed growth that even made Luffy envious. Bepo might be the most talented member with the six styles, but Shirahoshi is the most talented with haki. It might not be powerful, but she has already learned to manifest it.

"Luffy also taught me, cool right? My arm turns black, my punch becomes so strong!" She said, throwing punches in the air while her arms were coated in haki.

At this moment, Luffy approaches, yawning. He looks at the small group with a carefree smile and a friendly wave. "Good morning, guys!" he greets, as if he were speaking to old friends rather than defeated enemies. "Hope you slept well. Sorry about the chains, but you know, we can't have you causing trouble." He says and looks at Momonga a little surprised.

"Hey, why is he unconscious and his face has a line of blood..." Luffy approaches and slaps the vice-admiral on the head.

"Wake up!!" Before anyone could respond, Luffy had already woken him up with the slap.

"Hmm?! Where am I?" Momonga was dazed at that moment. Luffy takes the opportunity and looks at everyone. Jimbei was still processing the idea of Shirahoshi using haki, and Crocodile was looking at Luffy with a mix of hatred and fear. "Mugiwara," he growls, "this won't end like this. When I get free..."

Luffy smiled at Crocodile, "Oh, that look of yours, I can feel your fear. Are you afraid I'll tell your secret around?" Luffy commented.

"How do you know that?!" Crocodile exploded, startling Shirahoshi who hid behind Luffy.

"I have my ways, but anyway. Now, now, Crocodile. No need to be so gloomy this early in the morning. Enjoy the trip; who knows, you might learn something."

Momonga, still trying to maintain his dignity, speaks: "Monkey D. Luffy, as a vice-admiral of the Navy, I demand..."

"Ah, relax, Momonga," Luffy interrupts again, still smiling. "You'll return to the Navy soon, I promise. But until then, be our guest."

'How does he call this being a guest?' The three prisoners thought at the same time, as they looked at that damned pirate.

"Anyway, I have a question for you three," Luffy spoke again and continued.

"Would you... like to join my crew?" Luffy asked as if he was expecting a positive response.

"OF COURSE NOT!" The 3 shouted at the same time.

"Whatever, enjoy the day, let's go Shirahoshi, Reiju must be preparing breakfast by now." Luffy called her.

"Yes, Luffy-Sama!" She said and with Megalo, they followed Luffy to the kitchen of the boat.

"Luffy-sama? I think Robin is feeling sick..." Shirahoshi suddenly spoke as they walked.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard her making some strange sounds yesterday..."

"Damn, you heard... Forget it she's fine, it's a form of nighttime exercise..." Luffy tried to end the conversation.

"Really? So she seemed to be having fun? It seemed like she was enjoying it then, can I learn to do that too?" Shirahoshi asked expectantly, making Luffy fall to the ground.

"DEFINITELY NOT!" It wasn't Luffy who shouted, but Jimbei, annoyed with that conversation.

"If you take away the princess's innocence... I swear you'll pay, Monkey D. Luffy!" Jimbei growled.

Some time later, Luffy returns with the entire crew, and they spread across the deck. Some began to fight each other and even spar, like Reiju and Lami, some read books in chairs, like Robin and Nojiko, some trained with swords like Zoro, Kuina, and Hachi. Others played on the deck with straws, like Usopp, Chopper, Karoo, Chouchou, Bepo, and Laboon. There were beach chairs with others sunbathing like Alvida, Vivi while others were doing other things.

While Crocodile, Momonga, and Jimbei remain chained, watching the movement on the deck, Luffy returns for a more extended conversation. He approaches with an air of casualness again, as if about to strike up a friendly chat.

"So, how are you feeling?" Luffy asks, almost as if he's concerned for their well-being, but with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "It's not every day that one is captured by the Straw Hats."

Crocodile mutters something inaudible, clearly displeased with the situation, while Momonga responds with forced dignity: "I don't want to answer any more questions from a criminal, but let me warn you not to think this will last. The Navy and the government will not let this pass."

Luffy laughs. "Ah, you are very useful to us here, and I doubt the navy could send someone in time to stop us and rescue you." Luffy said and turned to the middle of the deck.

As the conversation unfolds, the other crew members start preparing a feast on the deck, a celebration for the victory in Rainbase and the capture of the enemies. Tempting smells of food begin to fill the air, and soon a table is set up, filled with delicious dishes prepared by Sanji.

The prisoners look at the feast with a mix of interest and resentment. The sight of the delicious food is torturous, considering their current situation.

The Straw Hat members gather around the place, laughing, talking, and enjoying the food. They make toasts, celebrate their victories, and discuss future plans. The atmosphere is joyful and full of camaraderie.

Although the prisoners are physically close to this scene of celebration, they feel isolated. Suddenly, Reiju, not wanting anyone to go hungry, appeared with plates of food and placed one in front of each.

"This is for you." She said and left the place, all three looked at the plate of food with a delicious smell and a silence formed in the atmosphere.

"HOW DOES SHE EXPECT US TO EAT THIS?!" All three shouted angrily, as they were tied up, they couldn't enjoy the dish.

Suddenly, Chouchou, sensing the smell of the food, approaches the prisoners.

"Woof! Woof!" He barked.

"Hey, what do you want dog..." Crocodile growled at the dog.

But Chouchou didn't care and started to eat the 3 plates.

"Damn... Dogwara!"

"You mongrel, how dare you eat that food!"

"Criminal dog, I'll show you what justice is made of!"

Crocodile, with a spasm of anger, being humiliated all the time, reached the limit when a dog ate his plate of food, and he managed to hit Chouchou with a kick, breaking the plate of food.

"..." Chouchou looked at that surprised.

"You liked that, damn dog!" Crocodile smiled, seeing that he was humiliating at least someone from the crew, but what would follow was not something he expected.

The dog growled at him and suddenly started to grow, turning into a four-legged, three-headed monster. Until reaching 10 meters in height and 20 in length on a 50-meter ship.

"..." Jimbei.

"..." Crocodile.

"..." Momonga.

All three looked alarmed at that dog that turned into that monster, each head revealed an element, ready to kill the three.

"Damn Crocodile! You're going to cause our death here!" Jimbei shouted, scared seeing that lightning was being pointed at him.

"What's with this crew, how can they be rookies, even the dog is a monster?!" Momonga was in a scared tone.

"Hey, Chouchou, don't kill them..." Luffy suddenly said next to him, and the monster stopped charging fire, lightning, and ice in his mouth.

Chouchou obeyed, going back to his common dog transformation.

"Woof Woof!" He barked.

"Good boy, now go with Usopp and the others, I'll deal with these guys here." Luffy said, and Chouchou obeyed.

"From what I see, you can even irritate my pet, you would have died if those attacks were launched from this distance with you defenseless." Luffy crossed his arms dissatisfied.

'He calls that thing a pet?!' Everyone exclaimed mentally.

"Enough, you are very annoying out here, let's take them inside." Luffy concluded, taking them off the mast and leading them inside the ship.

"Come on, guys. Time to go to your 'temporary accommodations'," Luffy says with an ironic smile, indicating that they will be taken to the cells on the ship. One by one, he and some other crew members begin to escort the prisoners through the ship, towards the area designated as temporary prison.

As they move through the ship, they pass by the agents of Baroque Works who are already imprisoned. At the sight of their former leaders and the renowned vice-admiral of the Navy being escorted as prisoners, the agents are dumbfounded. The looks go from surprise to fear, and some even to reluctant admiration, as the reality that their leaders were brought down by the Straw Hats begins to sink in.

Crocodile, with his pride still intact, walks with an aura of forced indifference, but the murmurs and looks from his former subordinates clearly affect him. He was their unquestionable leader, a figure of power and fear, and now his downfall is exposed for all to see.

Momonga, on the other hand, maintains a dignified posture, his expression firm and controlled. As a representative of justice and order, being captured by pirates is a shameful situation, but he does not allow his emotions to show, determined to maintain his sense of duty and honor even in defeat.

Jimbei, always calm and thoughtful, silently observes the scene around him. This isn't his first time here.

Once everyone is inside cells, Luffy throws another prisoner he had kept in his pocket, and Mr.1 falls into the cell with Crocodile, in the end, he looks at them and says: "Rest a bit. Tomorrow is another day, and who knows what it will bring?"

With that, he walks away, leaving the prisoners and returning to continue his own activities.

Some time later, the atmosphere on the Black Pearl, which until then was permeated by a sense of victory and post-feast relaxation, is suddenly interrupted by the urgent sound of a Den Den Mushi. Luffy, recognizing the characteristic ring, approaches and answers the call, only to hear the worried voice of Nami on the other end.

"Luffy, we have a problem," Nami begins, her voice tense with urgency. "The rebels have initiated an attack on the capital. It seems that one of the Baroque Works members who wasn't captured gave the signal to start the attack. They think it's time to act, now that Crocodile has been defeated."

Luffy sighs deeply, with evident frustration on his face. He understands how volatile the situation in Alabasta still is, especially with the power vacuum left by Crocodile's schemes; he has no way of putting a stop to the moving rebels, who must be over 40,000.

Vivi, who was nearby, overhears the conversation and immediately her expression changes to one of fear and concern. "The rebels attacking now? That's terrible! They don't know that the real enemy was Crocodile. They're going to march straight into a trap or an unnecessary battle," she says, her voice trembling with the possibility of more bloodshed in her beloved kingdom.

Luffy looks at Vivi, his eyes full of determination. "We're not going to let that happen, Vivi. We're going to help stop this fight before the attack starts," he assures, his voice firm with the promise.

Turning to the rest of the crew, who are now attentive to the conversation, Luffy announces: "It looks like we have one more thing to take care of before we go to the capital of Alabasta. We can't allow this fight to continue. Let's stop the rebels!"

The Straw Hat crew nods in agreement, ready to follow their captain on another critical mission. They quickly begin preparing the ship to change its course to where it was heading.

As the Black Pearl adjusts its course toward the south of the capital of Alabasta, Alubarna, Luffy approaches Vivi, whose expression reflects a storm of emotions. She is visibly shaken by the news of the rebels' imminent attack, worried about the fate of her people and her kingdom.

Luffy, with his usual mix of seriousness and optimism, places his hand on her shoulder, trying to convey security and confidence. "Vivi, I know you're worried, but we'll solve this together," he says, looking directly into her eyes. "You've seen what we're capable of. We'll get there and do everything we can to stop this fight before it causes more damage."

Vivi looks at Luffy, his words bringing a glimmer of hope amid her anxiety. "Thank you, Luffy," she responds, her voice still trembling but now with a new determination. "I trust you and the crew. Let's save Alabasta."

With an encouraging nod to Vivi, Luffy walks away. The fate of Alabasta is at stake, and the next moments will define the future of the kingdom. And so, with the Black Pearl cutting through the dunes towards the location where it would meet the rebel group.



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