One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 15 – Greeting Buggy!

[Chapter Size: 2374 Words]

Third Person POV

Orange Town, East Blue.



"WHAT? ARE YOU SAYING THIS WOMAN TOOK OUR GRAND LINE MAP!?" Buggy shouted at his man, who appeared holding a woman beside him after catching her in the town.

"Yes, Captain! It was her!" The man quickly affirmed with some anger in his voice because he had a hard time catching this thief.

"I see... So, young lady, did you really think you could steal from Buggy's pirates and get away with it?" Buggy himself asked directly to the orange-haired girl, who was cornered and captured at this point.

"I-I apologize?" She stammered, making any excuse.

"Huh? Apologies? Do you really think we'll accept that?" The red-nosed man said angrily and mockingly.

"But I'm just a poor girl, the great man with such a powerful and brave nose, he wouldn't let this girl go, would he?" She tried to seduce Buggy with words and expressions on her face.

"Hahaha, thank you for knowing and recognizing my greatness while praising my big nose; maybe I can..."

"Captain Buggy?!" Cabaji alerted by his side, and Buggy quickly realized he was falling for the siren's song here.


"Do you think you can deceive me by praising me? Throw her in the cell; we're going to blow her up!" Buggy said indignantly, as he was reacting to her earlier flattery easily.

Before she could protest, her arms were grabbed, and she was locked in a cage.

"Hahahaha, men! Today, I'll show you what happens to those who try to steal from us!" Buggy shouted to his crew.

"EEEEEHHHHHH!!" A chorus was heard from his men after this.

"Prepare one of the Buggy Balls!" Buggy shouted, and a little clown-costumed man rushed to the depot and brought a dark ball with the clown symbol that was the size of a cannonball, he brought it with difficulty since it was equally heavy as a cannonball but much more powerful.

"What is this?" The girl, named Nami, was scared when she saw this; she knew she could die there.

"Your death! Hahahahahaha!" Buggy laughed, seeing her frightened face.

"But I'm just a girl!" She tried to defend herself, but Buggy didn't even care about her pleas as he aimed his cannon right at her in front of the city.

The impact would not only kill her but also take the entire city behind her with the explosion. Buggy wanted to see destruction at that moment as his best show.

"Look, men, get ready to watch the great show!" Buggy shouted while preparing to light the cannon's fuse.

Meanwhile, Nami looked at this with no expression; she realized she was going to die there, unable to do anything. Her death would be the pirates' entertainment, and she closed her eyes as her final act to avoid seeing her own death, thinking that everything she had fought for was in vain, her life would end there without her being able to save her village and the people living there.

But at the last moment, something unexpected happened.

"Captain!!!" A man came running when Buggy was about to blow up the thief and the city.

"WHAT IS IT!!?? I HOPE IT'S IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO STOP MY SHOW!" Buggy was so angry with this crew member who interrupted him that he wanted to put him in the cage with the girl if it wasn't something important.

"Marines! A marine ship is coming here at a speed like I've never seen before!" He shouted.







Cannonball explosions began to appear on the sides of the camp, destroying everything and killing some of Buggy's men in the process.

"AHHH! Captain, do something!" They shouted as they were hit.


"Stop it, Cap... Huh? *BOOM*"

Buggy watched his men being massacred by the artillery attacking the camp and became furious.

He quickly looked towards the sea at this moment.

There, there was a marine ship. By the noise, there were two cannons firing balls at the camp, but at the same time, four shots were fired. Buggy didn't know why this was happening, but it didn't matter; he had to do something. He couldn't bear to see his men being slaughtered like this right in front of his eyes.

"Fire the Buggy Ball at them, now!" Buggy quickly told his men, who, in the midst of the chaos, began turning the cannon towards the ship in the sea.

"SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT!" Buggy was angry and crazy as he yelled; soon the fuse was lit and began to burn.


The explosion of the Buggy Ball was heard as soon as the fuse reached its end, the ball flew towards the ship, and Buggy hoped it would be annihilated with all those marines who attacked him without warning, just killing his men so cruelly in his view!

Meanwhile, a moment ago, on that same marine ship.

"Can you see them?" Kuina asked by the side as she saw the ship approaching the island.

"I can't see the details, but I can see the pirate group with Buggy's flag." Luffy said a few kilometers away from where Buggy and his crew were.

"Okay, prepare the cannons, bring all the balls and some of the cannons here!" Luffy told Yamato to take a cannon while he helped her with another one, Zoro, Bepo, Lami, and Kuina would bring the cannonballs and put them up.

Once we set up a good spot in the center of the ship to shoot against Buggy's group, we waited for the ship to get closer. It was already under the effect of 30 times speed with the captain's fruit to take them by surprise without them noticing.

With the ship's speed increased, the Mugiwaras were approaching surprisingly quickly without drawing attention to themselves at this point.

The whole crew began to hear the screams of those pirates from afar, as if those men were a bunch of animals.

"They seem to be celebrating..." Lami said.

"It looks like they've caught someone and plan to kill that person, who is in a cage." With enhanced ears from another mythical zoan and her observation Haki, it wasn't difficult for Yamato to identify the situation.

"So they've already got her?" Luffy said, looking at a little orange dot, where Nami's hair should be.

"Okay, does anyone here know how to use these cannons?" Luffy finally asked, turning to his crew, but the answer he received was silence.

While Shirahoshi, Megalo looked at the pieces of metal with curiosity, Kuina and Lami whistled to avoid the question, Bepo seemed hesitant to answer, while Zoro was looking bored at me. Yamato had a big smile on her face and was the first to answer



"Why the hell do you look happy to answer that?!" Luffy yelled at her.

"Tsk, anyway, I'll teach you. I've checked the gunpowder; everything is okay. I want Bepo and Shirahoshi to aim the cannons and pull the cord to fire, Kuina and Lami will reload the cannons, and, as I said, for you two, it's just pulling the cord and waiting to reload, got it?" Luffy asked.

"What do we, you, and Yamato do in the meantime?" Zoro asked.

"Simple, me and Yamato don't need a cannon; we're going to throw the balls with our hands! You stay on defense in case they retaliate; you cut all the cannonballs coming our way."

"Wait a minute!!!" Kuina shouted in disbelief.

"You're going to... shoot with your hands?!" She asked, thinking she had heard wrong, while everyone was stunned by this as well.

"Yes, I saw Gramps do it once, so I learned from him." Luffy said simply.

"WHAT KIND OF MONSTER GRANDFATHER TEACHES HIS GRANDSON TO SHOOT CANNONBALLS WITH HIS HANDS!?" The chorus was heard while only Yamato didn't seem to care; after all, her father was Kaido.

"That doesn't matter now; let's all get to work!" Luffy shouted, and everyone started taking their assigned positions.

"Do you see the middle of the square? Don't shoot there, got it? There's someone important locked in that cage." I said.

"Who, Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi asked curiously.

"A new crewmate, of course." Luffy smiled as he looked at the square.

[Moa Moa no Mi: Strength, apply 30 times!]

After feeling the effect, I picked up a cannonball with one hand without any problem, and Luffy threw it into the air to feel its weight in this state.

"It's like I'm dealing with a golf ball; how fun!" Luffy was genuinely excited.

Yamato also picked up a black cannonball from the pile with the same ease as Luffy.

"Is it just throwing it?" Yamato asked with a smile.

"Yes, just aim where I said, don't shoot in the middle of the square." Luffy warned as he waited for his other crewmates to get ready to attack.

"Are we ready?" Luffy shouted with an excited smile; I had never participated in a naval battle in my life, so it was a new experience.

"Yes, my Luffy!" Yamato smiled.

"Of course, Captain!" Bepo said obediently.

"Yes, Luffy-Sama," Shirahoshi said.

After making sure everyone was loaded and their sights locked, Luffy raised his hand with the cannonball behind it and prepared.

After waiting for a few seconds, he prepared to throw it forward and shouted.






The first sounds were the balls launched by Luffy and Yamato, followed closely by the cannons exploding in gunpowder as the balls were fired at high speed in that direction.





The explosions of impacts in the middle of the pirates were heard by everyone on the ship.

"This is so cool!" To Luffy's surprise, he looked at Shirahoshi, who had her ears covered with the noise from the cannons; she seemed to be enjoying the explosions they had helped create. It made him wonder if she even knew that no one would be fine if they were hit by these explosions, but Luffy soon shrugged it off.

"Lami, Kuina! Prepare the cannons again!"




Lami struck her pose, and her power appeared, making the ball in the pile float towards Bepo's cannon.

"OHHH! If you can do that, then restock Shirahoshi's cannon as well!" Luffy yelled at her and continued.

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?!" Luffy couldn't help but ask with a vein on his forehead since she hadn't said anything about it before.

"Because you didn't ask..." She said teasingly to Luffy.

"This emo girl knows how to get on my nerves..." Luffy couldn't help but curse her.

"Anyway, Kuina, stay with Zoro if he needs help." The captain instructed the woman who was standing in front of the pile of cannonballs as the black balls flew to restock and reload the cannons, thanks to Lami's power.

Once all the cannons were loaded with ammunition, Luffy and Yamato prepared their cannonballs in hand.




























The attack was devastating the entire Buggy Pirates' camp, and Luffy didn't envy anyone who was there at this moment.

"This is so much fun!" Shirahoshi shouted happily.

"It's really fun!" Bepo joined in with the mermaid.

"This is so boring..." Zoro muttered pompously, as he wasn't doing anything so far, just watching.

"Don't be like that; training is more worthwhile than fighting these guys, trust me." Luffy said, trying to reassure the green-haired swordsman.

"Seems like they're aiming that funny-looking cannon at us." Yamato spoke next to me, and Luffy turned to look towards the island; there, the famous Buggy Ball was pointed at them.

"That cannon may look silly, but it has a lot of attack power, and don't worry; I'll take care of it." Luffy affirmed confidently.

"Huh? And me? Didn't I take care of the ship's defense?"

"Sharky Sharky Sharky!"

Zoro and a mini Megalo immediately expressed dissatisfaction, Zoro because I had told him to stay in place and take care of it, while Megalo felt somewhat useless since he had no task there.

"Look closely at what will happen and tell me later how you'll take care of it." I said to Zoro as I prepared for the Buggy Ball aimed at us.


I heard the explosion as the cannonball was coming at high speed towards the ship.

Luffy looked at it and opened one hand; a purple flame began to spin around his palm as it was being charged with more power with each passing moment.

When he saw that there was enough power in his hand, he pointed it in that direction, and the flame shot out as if it were a cannonball from his hand.


When it left my hand, a small explosion was heard.

The cannonball and the flame collided at high speed, one kilometer between the ship and the island; the cannonball was fired much earlier, but my flame was much faster.

When the two collided, nullifying their progress on the way, a flash appeared, followed by a force impact and an explosion of water, fire, and steam was seen in front of the ship and the island.


The light was the first thing that blinded the spectators, followed by the deafening noise, as a shockwave manifested in a 360-degree direction, to all sides, they felt the explosion.

"MY GOD!!!"


"WE COULD BE DEAD NOW! I'm sorry!"






Luffy's crewmates each had a different opinion, while trying to balance themselves on the ship, which was shaking

 a lot and unstable after receiving an impact of this magnitude.



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