One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 160 – World News 05.

[Chapter Size: 2800 Words.]
Third Person POV

In many places of the world



While ordinary people and acquaintances of Luffy were attentive to his news, the eyes of the most influential people and even more iconic individuals were on the newspapers of recent days.

Especially when those eyes belonged to the end of the first part of the Grand Line and the New World.

In one of the strongest and most respected bastions of the Navy, known as Marine Ford, one figure stood out among the other recruits, sweating and striving under the merciless sun while her body stretched in the midst of training. This figure was quite famous among everyone in this place, in addition to being the notable granddaughter of the hero Garp, and her quite iconic and silly nature, Monkey D. Lucy was a beauty in everyone's eyes, but the girl seemed oblivious to it, as she only had one thought at that moment.

She was a young and determined sailor, whose eyes burned with a flame of determination and ambition. With each precise and powerful movement, she demonstrated not only her physical ability but also her iron will under her grandfather's training.

"Come on, Lucy, you can do better than that." This voice belonged to none other than Zephyr, who came to Marine Fort a few days ago and did Garp the favor of training his granddaughter with the six styles.

"Yes, instructor," Lucy said determinedly using soru, as her body turned a red tone and steam came out of her all the time. She had developed a technique called Gear2 by learning Soru.

"You have developed your fruit well, keep it up and in the future, you might become a big name in the navy like your grandfather," Zephyr commented, fiddling with his dark glasses.

Lucy stopped training and went to the side to wipe the sweat from the workout, some sailors came to her side with the newspaper "Lucy! Have you seen today's newspaper? More news about your brother!" he exclaimed, extending the newspaper to her. She had received news in the last two days about Luffy in Alabasta. The headlines screamed about Luffy's recent exploits and his impact on Alabasta. A photo of Luffy, with his iconic straw hat and a confident smile, occupied most of the page for the last 3 days.

Lucy took the newspaper and her eyes quickly scanned the words. Her heart was pounding, not just because of the training, but also because of the mix of emotions the news of her brother evoked in her. Pride, frustration, determination - all these feelings intertwined within her.

"The sailors managed to save Vice Admiral Momonga, and they drove the pirates out of Alabasta! Not to mention that Captain Smoker discovered a shocking scheme by Crocodile!" The sailor exclaimed with today's news.

With a determined sigh, she folded the newspaper and handed it back to her colleague. "Yes, I saw. And that only tells me one thing with Luffy still out there," she began, her eyes shining with unwavering resolve. "As a sailor, I will find Luffy. And not only that, I will become stronger than him. I will surpass him and bring him to justice." She was determined.

Her colleague watched her, impressed and a bit intimidated by her conviction. Lucy then returned to her training with renewed energy, each strike and movement reflecting her promise to herself. She wasn't just seeking to capture her brother; she aimed to prove herself, to show that she could match him. Lately, Lucy felt much weaker than her brother; she loved him, but being left behind was a bad feeling.

And while Lucy trained, in an office on the other side of Marinefort, in a spacious and well-organized office within the Navy headquarters, the legendary Vice Admiral Garp, known as "The Hero of the Navy," sat behind his desk, with a mischievous smile on his face as he read the latest newspaper.

"What nonsense, Luffy wouldn't be defeated after what he caused. This is just a smokescreen..." He murmured, looking at the newspaper.

The news about the chaos in Alabasta and the exploits of a certain straw-hatted pirate dominated the headlines, but what really caught Garp's attention was the mention of the increase in the bounty of his grandson, Monkey D. Luffy, and his impressive transformation into Ifrit.

Garp let out a thunderous laugh, echoing through the walls of the office and probably down the nearby corridors. He shook his head, amused and at the same time impressed by Luffy's antics. "500 million, huh? That boy really knows how to play pirate," he commented to himself, a proud twinkle in his eyes.

Colleagues and subordinates passing by the corridor outside the office could hear Garp's laughter and weren't quite sure of the source of the good humor. But this was a familiar scene for them: Garp, despite being a symbol of justice and strength in the Navy, always had a peculiar reaction when it came to his notorious grandson.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a younger officer entered, holding more documents and reports. He glanced at Garp, who was still laughing and shaking the newspaper in the air. "Vice-Admiral Garp, sir, I have...," he began but was interrupted by another burst of laughter from Garp.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, it's just my little grandson again doing his crazy things," Garp said, trying to contain his amusement. "Did you see this? My grandson is now worth 500 million and apparently can transform into a fire demon or something of the sort! Ah, this kid is going to give me a heart attack one of these days. Buhahahahahahaha!"

"I…" The young man wasn't quite sure what to say in front of the vice-admiral acting this way, he would be severely reprimanded by Sengoku if he saw this scene, family or not, Garp was celebrating a pirate causing so much trouble.

Garp finally calmed down and looked at the papers, the amused expression giving way to seriousness. "Ah, sorry about that, was just practicing for when I meet my grandson, you understand?"

"Vice-Admiral Garp…"

"Did you get that I was just practicing and not celebrating my grandson being a 500 million criminal?!" Garp looked at him with serious eyes, causing the sailor to start sweating.

"I… understood! I saw you just practicing, not celebrating Monkey D. Luffy's bounty!" He finally spoke.

"That's good. Now give me those papers. Buhahahahahahaha!" Garp replaced seriousness with his iconic laughter. And with that, Garp returned to his work, but the smile remained on his face.

On an island with bubbles constantly rising in the air, a man with silver hair and a sharp gaze was sitting in a rustic bar. Silvers Rayleigh, the legendary Dark King, former first mate of Pirate King Gol D. Roger, held the latest newspaper in his hands, his face lit up with an expression of interest and amusement.

"After all he's done, the navy suddenly manages to detain them with just a few commodores and a captain?" He commented with a smile at the newspaper.

"That's clearly to avoid saying the navy lost to a rookie to the masses. But I'm surprised how this Luffy-boy captured 2 Shichibukais and a vice admiral. This is really unprecedented." Shakky approached, holding her cigarette.

"This kid really keeps surprising me," he murmured.

"What else is he going to do until he gets here, what do you think Ray?" Shakky asked, placing a new bottle of sake on the table.

"I don't know when, but I feel this kid is going to do a lot in this sea before landing on this island, it's going to be very interesting. His bounty now is 500 million, in just one month in the first part of the Grand Line, he became the..." He broke into a smile.

Elsewhere, below the water, in the magnificent and mysterious Fish-Man Island, located in the depths of the ocean, King Neptune was with a forehead mixed with concern and disbelief.

"What's this?" murmured Neptune, holding the newspaper with his large, calloused hands. The photo showed his daughter, Princess Shirahoshi, alongside a group of infamous pirates, led by none other than Monkey D. Luffy. Worse yet, the newspaper indicated that even Jimbei, who he had sent to rescue his daughter from the humans, had been captured and displayed as a trophy.

Neptune felt a mix of anger and concern. "How did Shirahoshi get involved with these pirates? And Jimbei, captured? This is unacceptable!" He was used to dealing with state matters and internal threats, but seeing his daughter directly involved with such dangers was something he never expected to face, let alone how things unfolded.

"Sister...!" The brothers had worried expressions about the youngest as they also looked at the newspaper next to their father.

"Send a message to Whitebeard," ordered Neptune. "We need to know what to do in a situation like this and how to deal with the Straw Hats."

Somewhere in the vast ocean, on the ship of Yonko Whitebeard, the crew was gathered, each holding a copy of the same newspaper that had reached Neptune's hands. The atmosphere was charged, irritation and disbelief evident on the faces of the crew.

"How dare they capture Jimbei and treat him like a trophy?!" exclaimed Marco, the commander of the first division, his expression a mix of fury and concern.

Whitebeard, or Edward Newgate, a giant among men, sat calmly, an open newspaper in his hands. He looked at the picture with a thoughtful expression, the smoke from his cigar rising in spirals. "Luffy, huh? That kid really has no limits."

Around him, the crew discussed fervently, some clamoring for vengeance, others trying to understand the situation better before acting. Whitebeard knew he needed to make a decision, but he also knew that hasty actions could lead to disastrous consequences.

"Ace... What is your brother doing?!" They opened a call with Ace's den den mushi.

"Well... I'm also surprised by him, but Luffy won't harm Jimbei, the news is false, probably Luffy is still with Jimbei on his ship and he assured me that he would release him in the middle of the sea without harming him," Ace spoke calmly on the den den mushi.

"I hope you're right, Ace," said one of the commanders.

Meanwhile, on a laid-back island where joy and party seemed to be the norm, Shanks, the red-haired Yonkou, was sitting with his crew on the beach of the island with several stocks of drinks, with an amused smile on his face as he read the same newspaper. Around him, the crew laughed and joked, but all eyes were turned to the captain, waiting for his reaction.

"Ha! Luffy, you really know how to make an impression," said Shanks, laughing. "Capturing Jimbei, Crocodile, and Momonga and causing all this uproar... You're playing a dangerous game. Dahahahahahaha!"

"Look at this crew that the boy managed to get, this Hugo can transform into a colossal monster! That seems dangerous!" One of Shanks' commanders commented.

"Let's see how far you go, Luffy," murmured Shanks, a glint of expectation in his eyes. He raised his drink in a silent toast to the young pirate and his feats, knowing that, one way or another, the world was about to be shaken.

On a remote island, known only by a few and feared by many, Big Mom sat on her luxuriously adorned throne. Her eyes, filled with cunning and ambition, shone with peculiar interest as she leafed through the newly arrived newspaper. "Hmm, interesting, I hated seeing that boy in the newspaper, but now things are getting quite amusing," she murmured, her voice resonating with power and authority through the grand hall.

Around her, her subordinates and children waited in silence. "Monkey D. Luffy... A bold young pirate with a bounty of 500 million and not one, but two Mythical Zoan Akuma no Mi users in his crew. This could be useful for me," she pondered, a sly smile forming on her lips.

Meanwhile, in an imposing place known as Onigashima, Kaido was visibly shaken. The news in the newspaper had hit him like a blow, not because of Luffy's bounty, but because of the revelation of two Mythical Zoans in his crew.

"Both those fire lizards and the stone giant..." Kaido murmured, the cup of sake in his hand trembling slightly.

Kaido stood up, his dominant presence filling the room. "Two Mythical Zoans... This cannot be ignored, it's perfect for my crew, they might even become disasters! I want them! Tell Jack to capture them immediately!" He shouted, and his subordinates rushed to make a call to Jack.

In paradise, Jack received the call.

"Yes, we'll do that! Let's head to the beginning of the Grand Line!" He gave the order.

Back to Marineford, the fortress of the Navy and bastion of justice, an atmosphere of tension and urgency dominated the large meeting hall. Seated at the head of the long and imposing table was Sengoku, the respected and feared leader of the Navy. At his signal, high-ranking officers and prominent figures from the organization gathered, each aware of the gravity of the moment.

"Gentlemen," he began, his voice resonating with authority through the hall, "we are faced with a growing threat that cannot be ignored. Monkey D. Luffy and his crew are proving to be more than mere rookie pirates."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. Around the table, the faces of the officers reflected a mix of concern and determination. "Kuzan has already departed to deal with this threat," continued Sengoku, "but we must be prepared to take additional measures. Luffy has already shown he has the capacity to directly challenge the Navy and the World Government."

The hall remained silent. "It is imperative that he be contained before reaching the New World. There, the alliances he could form and the chaos he could cause are unpredictable and potentially devastating if he grows."

"Garp's grandson is becoming more and more dangerous, scary..."

"Damn pirates, we must eliminate them all!"

"I will contact the remaining Shichibukai. They must be aware of the danger Luffy represents and be prepared to act. And I want all of you to be ready to act against this rookie." Sengoku looked at the admirals and vice admirals present.

With the meeting concluded, Sengoku headed to his office. Sitting in front of the Den Den Mushi, he began making the necessary calls.

"Fufufufu. You're quite worried about a rookie, Sengoku."

"Tsk. You think I'll lose to a pirate who just entered the Grand Line?"

"Hm. Just one man, all fall before me."

"These youngsters are growing fast, I'm really interested where Roronoa Zoro might reach..."


All the Shichibukai responded in their unique way.

"Damn arrogant ones!" Sengoku growled, but he couldn't say much.

Meanwhile, an even more important meeting was taking place.

In the sacred heart of Mariejois, the city that shines above the rest of the world, five venerable figures gathered in a luxurious room, whose walls were covered with tapestries depicting the long and dark history of the World Government. They were the Gorosei, the five elders, the true powers behind the highest commands of the world by the World Government, their words shaping the fate of nations and individuals.

"Monkey D. Luffy," began one of them, his voice as ancient as time, "this name has been a constant in our discussions. The news of his exploits in Alabasta and the capture of a vice admiral and two Shichibukais are disturbing."

"Yes," agreed another, adjusting his glasses. "He is not just an ordinary pirate. With the strength and influence he has demonstrated and his Devil Fruit, it's clear that Luffy and his crew are rapidly becoming a significant threat to the world's balance."

"We must also consider the presence of two Mythical Zoans in his crew besides the captain, Momonga reported that the crew's dog has a mythical Zoan as well along with that Hugo." added a third elder, his voice stiff and cold. "This is not a coincidence or a minor feat. They have the potential to cause major disruption."

"We cannot allow them to continue unchecked. Their influence is growing, and if we don't act now, it might be too late." Said a fourth.

The fifth elder, who had remained silent until then, finally spoke. "So it's decided. We must employ a more dire measure to deal with this emerging threat. It's time to send one of our Sacred Knights."

"We don't even do this to fight against a Yonkou and his crew, but Luffy is beyond being just a son of the Tenryuubito assassin, he might even be the cause of their death, and we are pointing to the wrong side," said another with a serious face.

The other elders nodded in agreement. Sending one of the Sacred Knights seemed reasonable. With this, they didn't call the CP0 as they usually did, but a group even more dangerous than the Cipher Pol could represent.


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