One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 172 – Skypiea 08.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



After opening all the cells, the former members of Baroque Works followed Luffy outside, leaving only Enel as the sole prisoner in the jail. 

"You decided to free them, captain," Hugo said.

"I hope they don't cause trouble," Nami said, crossing her arms.

"Don't worry, I'll give them my vote of confidence. I hope we can trust each other. They will be a good addition to the fleet I'm creating," Luffy comments on some of his reasons.

"Freedom!!!" Mr. 2, always cheerful, immediately shouted excitedly, while the others also seemed quite relieved after leaving for the first time in a month, isolated in prison.

"Let's talk now," Luffy announces in front of the members of his main crew and the new 5 members of the fleet. Luffy began to share his plans with the new members and the part of the crew that was present.

"Let's talk about the future," Luffy started, with a tone of voice that mixed seriousness and enthusiasm. "Skypiea will not just be our base; it will be the heart of our expansion and strengthening here. We will use this place, out of the sight of most of the world, to strengthen ourselves in the coming months before continuing our journey." Luffy said, war was coming, as his brother would still go after Teach, so he needed to strengthen his crew like never before.

The 3 main crew members looked at Luffy, already expecting something like this, even though they still didn't know about the coming war, their captain had always given priority to their training while they sailed the sea.

He looked at the new recruits, Bentham, Babe, Galdino, Marianne, Mikita, and Miss Merry Christmas. "Welcome to the Straw Hat fleet, those of you who have joined us, this is an opportunity to start anew. We will use each of your skills in the best possible way. You will be so powerful when you come out of this training that you'll even be able to beat Crocodile, your former boss," Luffy smiled at their surprised expressions.

"Can we really do that?! Luffy-Channnnn!!" Bentham shouted.

"Yes, I'm sure you'll all be powerful when I'm done with you," Luffy smiled while the former Baroque Works members were oblivious to what they were in for, Hugo, Nami, and Chouchou felt sorry for them.

At that moment, Yamato approached, sensing that Luffy had returned to the ship with his haki, "Luffy, is everything alright here? I saw the fight from afar, it seems like you handled that lightning user well."

Luffy smiled at her, reassuring her. "Everything is under control, Yamato. How are the others?" 

"They are all exploring the city, but the people are quite scared," she said.

"That's to be expected, anyway, Gan Fall, the former ruler of this place, should be arriving to control the population," Luffy crossed his arms.

"This is Yamato, the vice-captain of the group," Luffy introduced her to the new members as he had done with them to Yamato.

After the greetings, Luffy resumed speaking. "Everything is fine now. Things here are over, at least for today. Let's enjoy the City of Angels and relax a bit. There's a lot to explore and enjoy here in Skypiea," he said, encouraging everyone to enjoy the moment of calm after the clash with Enel, whose followers were also killed by Nami and Hugo. Enel was not a man who needed an army, so there were no more enemies.

Luffy went to the edge of the ship and jumped onto the sea of clouds port in the city. "Let's go. I want to see what this city has to offer as well." His smile was contagious, and everyone followed him into the city.

Luffy, accompanied by Hugo, Nami, and Yamato, walked towards the City of Angels in Skypiea. With them, followed the freed former slaves and the newly integrated members of Baroque Works, the group attracting curious looks from the local inhabitants, many still hiding in their homes.

The former slaves and members of Baroque Works, now free, looked around with a mix of disbelief. They marveled at the unique structures of this kingdom and the winged inhabitants of Skypiea.

As Luffy and his group explored the City of Angels, a commotion began to form in one of the main squares with a crowd being formed with most of the city's inhabitants. The crowd gathered, attracted by the sudden presence of Gan Fall, who emerged to address the citizens of Skypiea. With a serene but authoritative posture, Gan Fall began to speak.

"People of Skypiea, a significant change has occurred today," Gan Fall announced, his firm voice echoing through the square. "Enel, who for so long imposed his reign of tyranny over us, has been defeated."

A murmur of surprise and relief swept through the crowd. Faces that previously exhibited fear and uncertainty now lit up with hope, but still, the doubt of their self-proclaimed god having been defeated made everyone wonder who could have done such a thing.

Seizing the moment, Luffy approached with his group. "The one who defeated Enel was a pirate from the lower sea, that one there with the straw hat," Gan Fall announced, pointing to Luffy approaching with his group.

This immediately made the crowd look back in surprise at this pirate and the revelation that it was he who defeated Enel. At that moment, the crowd stirred with murmurs of surprise while looking with some fear at the man at the front of this group. Then Luffy stepped forward, a confident smile on his face and impressive black wings growing on his back at that moment.

"Hello everyone!" Luffy exclaimed, his voice echoing through the square. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. From now on, I'm taking responsibility for Skypiea, but don't worry, I'm not here to rule or impose tyrannical rules. I'm here to ensure that this kingdom prospers and I'll use this place to train my crew for a while without affecting your lives, with this place becoming my territory, as long as I'm alive, no other Enel will appear and you can even consider me as one of you!" Luffy declared, his voice full of sincerity, while black wings sprouted from his back lifting his cloak, to make the people more accustomed to him.

As he spoke, majestic black wings unfolded behind Luffy, elevating his cloak and creating an impressive silhouette that caused murmurs of admiration and surprise among the crowd. The contrasting sight of his dark wings with the white and modest wings of Skypiea's inhabitants was a spectacle in itself.

Nami, watching closely, couldn't help but comment with a sigh of disdain mixed with a smile: "Show-off…" Beside her, some women from the town looked at Luffy almost with reverence, impressed by his charismatic and powerful presence.

Bon Clay, also present, did not hide his enthusiasm. "That's so cool! Luffy-Channnnn!!" he exclaimed, delighted with his friend's transformation.

Luffy, observing the crowd's reaction, continued with his message: "I want to assure all of you that, as long as I live, no tyrant like Enel will threaten this place again. Skypiea will be a safe sanctuary, a refuge under my watch." He paused, allowing his words to echo among the listeners. "Additionally, I've brought some people with me who need a home." Luffy pointed to the group of former slaves behind him. "They are just looking for a peaceful place to start over. Gan Fall, could you accommodate them here in the city, right?"

Gan Fall, watching everything closely, nodded in agreement, recognizing Luffy's noble gesture.

Luffy ended his speech with a warm wave to the crowd, who now looked at him with a mix of curiosity, respect, and a hint of admiration. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I will find the rest of my crew. We have a lot to explore and enjoy in this beautiful city!" With these words, he turned and joined his companions, ready to discover the charms of Skypiea.

Gan Fall would take care of other matters without Luffy and convince the people of Skypiea about the changes this kingdom would undergo now that it is territory of the crew.

Luffy walked to join the rest of his crew. When he found them, his group of nearly 20 people were gathered looking at various shells that only the sky island could offer. As Luffy approached, Shirahoshi, with her innocent and curious look, held a shell-shaped device, clearly enchanted by the technological wonders of Skypiea, as were Kuina, Nojiko, and Robin. Beside her, Vivi was discussing animatedly with Chopper and Usopp about the peculiarities of the local architecture.

Upon reaching the group, Luffy was greeted with a chorus of greetings. "Luffy, you finally arrived!" Usopp exclaimed, with his usual enthusiasm. Chopper, carrying a pile of exotic fruits, waved cheerfully.

"Look, Luffy-Sama!" Shirahoshi approached with a shell-shaped device and pressed a button.

"Look, Luffy-Sama!" the shell repeated what Shirahoshi had said, finding it incredible.

"I see you're having fun. Here, there are many things we don't find in the sea below, so enjoy and spend your money as you like. By the way, the currency in this place is quite inflated... I think I'll have to change that, it's much more devalued than berries. I'll talk to Gan Fall about it later," Luffy murmured.

After meeting with Gan Fall and the crowd, Luffy joined the rest of his crew to enjoy everything the City of Angels had to offer. The atmosphere in the city was now one of celebration and relief, a welcome change after the tension of the battle against Enel.

Luffy, with his characteristic enthusiasm, led the group through the city while people looked at them with curiosity. Besides being outsiders from the blue sea, their captain was the one who had defeated Enel.

"Let's stop here; let's have a feast. The city center is big enough for this," Luffy said and took out Black Pearl from his pocket, throwing it in front of the square, causing a large explosion to arise from its weight.

"It's time to celebrate our victory and the freedom of the new members of our fleet," his enthusiastic voice echoed through the square, infecting everyone around.





The animals got excited, and quickly, the team began to organize the party. Hugo and Zoro took care of the drinks, bringing the best wines and exotic juices found in the city. Bentham, always cheerful, took on the role of entertainment, putting on an improvised dance show that drew laughter and applause from the local inhabitants.

Nojiko, Hachi, and Rieju organized the food. They gathered a variety of local and exotic delicacies, setting up a table full of colorful and aromatic dishes that whetted everyone's appetite.

The atmosphere in the square transformed. What was once a city of tension and fear under Enel's rule now filled with music, laughter, and joy. The inhabitants of Skypiea, initially hesitant, began to join the celebration, drawn by the infectious energy of the party.

The members of Baroque Works, now free and part of the Straw Hat fleet along with the giants Broggy and Dorry, mingled with the crew and the locals, sharing stories and laughter. The initial distrust gave way to lively conversations and unexpected friendships.

As the sun set, the square lit up with colorful lanterns made by Skypiea's devices, creating a magical setting. The music continued, now with Chopper and Usopp joining in with their improvised instruments, which they clearly didn't know how to play, adding more joy to the party.

Luffy, observing everything from a corner, smiled contentedly. It was more than a celebration; it was the beginning of a new era for Skypiea and for his crew.


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