One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 32 – Trip to Baratie 02.

[Chapter Size: 2318 Words.]
Third Person POV
Somewhere at sea, East Blue.



Above the pirate ship's deck, with the vastness of the ocean stretching endlessly around, Luffy floated in the air, his shadowy wings casting a dark silhouette against the backdrop of the open sky. The ship beneath him swayed gently on the waves as he stared down at the government agents, frozen in a moment halted by the unexpected appearance of this mysterious figure.

His black wings fluttered lightly, and his devilish grin widened as he observed the scene below. The government agents, dressed in their black and white suits, stood frozen like statues, their expressions a mix of shock and a hint of fear at the hostile arrival of this unknown being. The echoes of their interrupted conversation hung in the air, their radio communication cut off by the chaotic flames of Luffy.

With a pistol in hand, still emanating the hues of purple fire from his mythical zoan powers, Luffy approached them with a playful yet menacing tone. "I think I'll join the fun too, huh?" His voice resonated throughout the area, a dark melody that intrigued and terrified those who heard it.

The red-suited agent, identified as Sky, glared at Luffy with anger and disbelief, his composure shattered by the sudden intrusion. The other agents and prisoners on the ship watched in stunned silence, their minds struggling to comprehend the emergence of this enigmatic figure with wings and flames.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Sky's furious shout echoed across the deck, breaking the brief silence that followed the destruction of his den den mushi.

Luffy hovered in the air, his shadowy wings gently flapping as he stared at the agent with a nonchalant yet piercing gaze. An ironic smile played on his lips, and his eyes sparkled with mischievous fire.

"I'm just a casual traveler, you know? Caught your ship having fun at the expense of another, but I can't help but notice... you guys are from the World Government, right? I was surprised how you sent all those innocents to the other world..." Luffy scoffed, his voice casually echoing in the air, each word hitting like a sharp arrow, amplified by the subtle manipulation of Moa Moa no Mi commands.

"So, you know we're from the World Government, and still, you continue with this arrogance? How dare you question the World Government and interfere in its operations!" The red-suited man roared, anger distorting his features as everyone around prepared for the imminent battle.

"I have no idea who you are, and you have no idea about the vital importance of this operation. But let me tell you one thing: you'll find your death here, and then we'll unearth all your background, eliminating every person associated with you!" The agent's anger boiled in his words as team members pointed their rifles at the Luffy floating in the air.

"Ohh? I must admit you have a special talent for ticking people off..." Luffy commented with a light sarcasm, his voice flowing in a calm tone but carrying with it the promise of an impending storm.

Luffy's hatred was visceral when it came to threats against his family and friends. Even knowing that the World Government probably wouldn't launch an attack on Garp's acquaintances in the Goa Kingdom, the mere mention of such a threat was enough to ignite fury within him.

"Perfect. You just gave me more than enough reason to wipe all of you out..." Luffy declared, his weapon pointed directly at the red-suited agent. The deck was about to become the stage for an explosive showdown between the Straw Hat and the dark arm of the World Government.

The brief tense silence was shattered by a series of consecutive explosions as Luffy fired his still-pointed gun, pulling the trigger toward the ship below. Bang followed by Boom, Bang, and again Boom. The resounding sound of explosions echoed through the deck of the commercial and pirate ship, creating a chaotic symphony that filled the air.
Bang - An explosion rang out as Luffy's pistol found its target, sending one of the agents flying backward.
Boom - Another roar echoed as the pistol fired again, hitting the next target and scattering debris on the deck.


Luffy always had an affinity for firearms, and this was clearly reflected in his new arsenal in this world. In addition to his naturally powerful physiology, he had incorporated the use of firearms into his fighting style, complementing his abilities with a pistol. The power of chaos flames associated with the pistol dramatically enhanced his ability to perform quick and precise attacks.
He hunted down World Government agents as if they were prey, each shot a sentence of condemnation. His serious expression contrasted with the fluidity of his movements, demonstrating unmatched dexterity.

The agents, unprepared to face Luffy's fury, desperately tried to dodge but seemed powerless against the overwhelming force of the Straw Hat.

*Pop* *Pop*

As explosions echoed in the air, Agent Sky, skillfully using the Geppo technique, glided through the air as if walking on the ground. Being a member of CP5, he was proficient in some of the six styles.

"Grab the Den Den Mushi and report our situation! Call for reinforcements, as this unknown man is dangerous!" Agent Sky ordered, aware of the threat they faced. Luffy had decimated several of his colleagues using the pistol's flames, reducing them to ashes in an instant.

Luffy heard the orders and aimed his pistol at the men rushing toward the pirate ship; his agile and precise movements denoted the experience of someone who mastered the use of a firearm.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

The shots pierced the air, hitting targets with lethal precision. The heat of the flames enveloped the bullets, causing devastating havoc on the World Government agents. Another dozen men fell on the pirate ship's deck, their lives taken by Luffy's unparalleled skill with the pistol. With each shot, chaos intensified, turning the deck into a battlefield where the World Government faced the burning fury of the Straw Hat Captain.


"Come on, are you going to let me kill all your men?" Luffy taunted, keeping his distance while challenging Agent Sky.

With no options left, Agent Sky forced his Geppo, swiftly approaching Luffy in the air. As he headed in his direction, he executed a spin, unleashing a Rankyaku cut toward his enemy.

The cutting blue energy swiftly flew toward Luffy. With a beat of his wings, he agilely and gracefully dodged the attack, leaning to throw a punch at the opponent who was already close at that moment.

Before Luffy could strike, however, Agent Sky proved to be faster. Closing in, he tilted his finger, launching something against his opponent.

Luffy skillfully dodged the attack at the last second but was doing so on purpose. Even losing his own attack, he dealt with the situation effortlessly.

"That attack is quite powerful; I envy that. I wish I had those techniques too..." Luffy murmured, watching the supposed attacker grit his teeth after hearing his comment.

"DO NOT TAKE THIS FIGHT SO LIGHTLY!" He shouted, quickly rushing at Luffy with his sharp finger.
*SHIIIII* [Sound of cutting wind]

While Luffy dodged Agent Sky's sharp blows, he took advantage of the time and carefully aimed between dodges, shooting anyone on the pirate ship trying to reach the Den Den Mushi.

"How can you be so strong? There's no record of someone like you in the weaker sea..." Agent Sky expressed a shadow of perplexity in front of Luffy. He realized that this young man had been playing with him all along. Someone with such power shouldn't be there, as Cipher Pol missions were conducted meticulously. He himself, chosen for a mission of utmost importance, should be the most powerful in this sea, and this unknown presence challenged all expectations.
Clenching his teeth, Agent Sky resolved to switch to a different strategy.

"If you stop interfering with this operation, the government will not only allow you to leave but will also ensure a generous reward!" Agent Sky tried to persuade, realizing that he wouldn't be able to defeat the individual in front of him with traditional methods. He was dealing with a wild card in the East Blue.

"After threatening me and mine, I don't care if you're from the World Government, the Marines, one of the Four Emperors, or the Revolutionary Army. Even if I become the enemy of everyone and the most hunted man in this world, I don't plan to bow my head when my people are threatened or harmed." Luffy spoke with a cold voice, wasting no more time in that fight. With a beat of wings, he prepared to fly and deliver a punch against Agent Sky.

Seeing this, Agent Sky quickly crossed his arms, applying the Iron Body technique.

Luffy's punch hit Agent Sky in mid-air with overwhelming force, creating a shockwave that expanded through the airspace. The thunderous sound of the impact echoed through the sky, reverberating like thunder on the horizon. Agent Sky, the target of Luffy's explosive power, felt something he never imagined before.

At the moment of impact, Agent Sky's body seemed to defy the laws of physics, flying like a cannonball through space with an erratic trajectory toward the pirate ship. The scene was almost surreal, with Agent Sky exploding a part of the ship with his own body.

The sound of the impact echoed across the ships, reverberating like thunder.
"MR. SKY!"
The remaining agents shouted in desperation, watching their leader being thrown like an unguided projectile. Worry and fear mingled on their faces.

Luffy wasted no time and flew toward that hole, cutting through the barrier of astonished agents.
Upon landing, he triggered a controlled explosion, wanting to avoid unnecessary attention. His focus was entirely on the fallen agent, aware of the danger he represented if he called for reinforcements. He wanted to attract as little attention as possible before entering the Grand Line.

With dust hanging in the air and shards scattered, limiting visibility inside the ship, Luffy surveyed the area for any movement. Aware that his initial attack might not have been lethal, he remained vigilant. It was when, amid the dust, the agent suddenly emerged, using the Soru technique to appear in front of Luffy.

The agent's finger shot out quickly, connecting with the region of Luffy's chest where his heart rested, initially deeply surprising him. However, to the horror of the agent, the finger did not pierce Luffy's tough skin barrier.

"Wow, that was a slip on my part. Not having Observation Haki is really a disadvantage, and I'm taking it quite arrogantly. I could be seriously injured if it weren't for my powerful body..." Luffy murmured as he observed the spot where the finger was connected to him, speaking calmly as if the other party hadn't just tried to kill him seconds before.

"That... That's impossible! What kind of monster are you?!" Agent Sky lost composure, unable to believe what his eyes were witnessing. He had never seen someone resist that assassination technique, especially without using Haki or even Tekkai.

"If you had powerful Haki, the story might be different. Even with my body being strong and having potential, it's still not as developed as Kaido's or Big Mom's..." Luffy commented, leaving the man even more stunned.

'Who are Kaido and Big Mom? How can this kid speak so casually about these names as if they're known here, in the East Blue?' He exclaimed in his mind.

"Anyway, I'm going to kill you..." Luffy spoke casually. He wouldn't let this agent leave alive, especially a man who threatened his acquaintances like this...

"I just hope to find some manual of the six styles on this ship. So, I guess this is goodbye..." Luffy spoke calmly, pointing the pistol at the man and using his flames to simulate a bullet.


"Wow! This technique is really amazing! You still managed to escape the first shot!" Luffy couldn't help but praise, surprised at the agent's ability to escape even at point-blank range.

"Ah.... Damned... Ah... After all my efforts... Ah... I was so close... Ah.... Why?... Why did you have to appear now!?" He growled as if the world were committing the greatest injustice against him.

Breathless, the agent had a wound above his heart, bleeding and burning. He might have escaped the first shot to the head, but Luffy followed him as he executed Soru and shot again, hitting him.

"Is this injury hurting you a lot?" Luffy casually asked and continued.
"Don't glare at me with so much hatred; I'm just curious to understand a bit more about the effects of chaos flames, as you're the only one who survived after being hit by them." Luffy ignored the hateful expression of the agent and continued with his investigation.
"In addition to being the most intense flames among all Devil Fruits, they have a corrosive effect. I doubt you'll live for much longer now..."

"Ah... I may die here today, but I realized that whoever you are, you're a threat, and I'll at least destroy you... Ah... Here!" He said through gritted teeth.

Quickly, without giving Luffy a chance to react, the agent grabbed a box next to him and opened it, revealing various devices. This made Luffy's eyes widen instantly. Even without exactly understanding what it was, it was clear that they were explosives or some kind of dynamite.

"DIE!!!!" Agent Sky shouted, pressing a button in the center of the box, not giving Luffy the opportunity to escape.



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