One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 56 – The Power that Can Destroy the World

[Chapter Size: 3132 Words.]
Third Person POV
Cocoyasi Island, East Blue.



Somewhere in the sea, East Blue.
"Captain, we've lost contact with the base..." a sailor reported beside Nezumi.
"Don't bother me with that now. I'm in the middle of a deal, and I don't want to be interrupted by a technical communication issue," Captain Nezumi growled at the sailor, who shrank back to his position after the scolding.
"Shahahaha! You humans are so impatient," a man with blue skin and a shark-like appearance laughed, observing the group of inferior humans before him.
"Sorry about that, Lord Arlong. Where were we? Ah, about a large amount of gold buried somewhere on this island!" The captain became quite excited about it.
"That's right. I want you to retrieve that gold in the name of the Navy. Since I made a deal with the owner of that gold, I can't lay my hands on that money directly, so I'm counting on you for that!" Arlong said, as all the fish-men surrounding him displayed malicious smiles at these words.
"Nami won't be able to do anything in the end!" one of the fish-men mocked.
"I almost feel sorry for her, despite being an inferior human!"
"I'd love to see the girl's expression when she realizes her gold has been taken."
"Shahahahaha! So Nezumi, can you handle this?" Arlong asked with a big smile.
"YES! Lord Arlong, I'll do it, considering my 30% share of the loot," he said maliciously.
It didn't take long for the men to set sail with the Navy ship to the other side of the island. Meanwhile, out at sea, the Black Pearl was sailing at high speed, being pursued by a Navy ship with a steel cable trailing behind.

"We won't be far with this speed..." Nami said, but Luffy could sense the anxiety in her voice.
"Worried? We'll settle this soon, don't worry," Luffy said, trying to reassure her.
"Yeah, you're right, Luffy. I'll handle this!" she said. Luffy had warned that this would be her fight, and no one should interfere.

"Hm? Luffy, something big is coming from the depths of the sea!" Yamato suddenly exclaimed, sensing the movement beneath the ship using Observation Haki.
"A Sea King?" Usopp asked, alarmed.
"Yeah... looks like it," Luffy said calmly, knowing whom Nami was thinking of and why she was concerned.
Before long, water splashed ahead of the ship, revealing a giant sea cow with fierce eyes.

"I'll go!" Nami declared with newfound determination, seeing Arlong's pet appearing. She wanted to prove her strength by defeating this creature.
"Wait, someone else is going to handle this, Nami," Luffy said, holding Nami's shoulder before she could take off to confront the sea monster.
"I'm counting on you!" Luffy said confidently towards their rear.
"Yes!" A young voice was heard, and everyone was surprised when Shirahoshi flew directly towards the sea cow.
Momoo spotted prey on the surface when he saw their shadows above him. He had been wanting to eat human flesh, so he was surprised when human boats appeared here.
As Momoo emerged from the water, he saw two human ships. On the second ship behind, humans seemed to panic, but on the first one, they conversed calmly, even though he displayed his majestic size; there was no fear in most of them.

Suddenly, he saw something he didn't expect to find here—a mermaid, something he hadn't seen since he left the Fish-Man Island with Arlong and the others. He expressed surprise when the mermaid opened her arms protectively, preventing him from approaching the ship.

Meanwhile, Shirahoshi looked at the small sea king with determination, despite some fear. She wanted to prove herself after having a conversation with Luffy a few hours ago.

*Start of Flashback*

"Shirahoshi..." Luffy's voice echoed from behind, interrupting the mermaid's thoughts. Megalo, by her side, shared a worried expression.

"Luffy... Sama..." she replied, a tone of discouragement in her voice.

"It seems seeing the people from that ship at the base in that state affected you deeply, didn't it?" Luffy spoke calmly, as if trying to understand the whirlwind of emotions that plagued the mermaid's mind.

"I'm just quite shaken. The world on the surface is as beautiful as I've heard and read in books, but there are such ugly sights too. Humans can be so cruel, capable of enslaving fish-men and even their own kind?" Shirahoshi lamented, her voice laden with sadness and disbelief in the cruelty of humans.

Luffy sighed as he absorbed Shirahoshi's words.

"It's hard to explain, but all of us, regardless of species—humans, fish-men, minks, or anything else—we are mortal beings. There will always be both good and bad sides everywhere," Luffy said, trying to convey a broad view of his perspective.

"But Luffy-Sama is good, isn't he? You saved those humans and faced various other bad humans," she said, tears starting to flow down her face.

"I'm not a good person, princess. I just do what I want and believe in. Some may call me a hero, but others will condemn me as a demon. The only thing that keeps me headstrong, indifferent to others' opinions, is the desire to live a life without regrets and achieve my dreams. For example, now you are my people, and I will protect you. Even if I have to burn half the world or the whole world for it... I would do it if it meant you would be safe," Luffy asserted, expressing his determination sincerely.

Shirahoshi remained silent, reflecting on Luffy's words.

"I know you must be thinking how cruel the world is and that everyone should live in peace... I met a girl a long time ago who believed in that. She wanted to change the world, make it better," Luffy shared, his thoughts drifting to the old Luffy.

"What happened to her, Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi asked, a glint of curiosity lighting up her eyes.

"There was an incident. It wasn't her fault, but horrible things happened, and I believe she's been eaten away by guilt all these years..." Luffy gazed at the sea, sighing as he thought of Uta.

"I hope to reach her before she completely loses herself and does things she'll regret..." Luffy murmured, anticipating future events.

"You'll save her, Luffy-Sama. I'm sure of it!" Shirahoshi declared suddenly, expressing her confidence in the captain.

"Thank you, Shirahoshi. A peace where all beings can live without the dark side of this world is very difficult, almost impossible, I would say. But two things are necessary for that," Luffy said, returning to the main topic.

"And what would those be, Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi asked with great curiosity.

"First, never give up, no matter how many times you fall. You must always get up and keep pursuing your goals. However, remember that death is the end, so you must be careful with your life too. The second thing is to be strong enough to achieve your goals. The world is a jungle where the strongest intimidate the weaker ones and control the world. You see those people on the other boat, their fate is like that because they are not strong enough. I know it's cruel for me to say something like this, but the world is like that, and we can't pretend otherwise. That's why I care about strengthening you every day. I want you to be strong enough because I alone can't change this world. I need reliable companions by my side. Do you understand that, Shirahoshi?" Luffy said sincerely.

"Reliable companions by your side, Luffy-Sama? But I am so weak to achieve my dreams of protecting the island and the race of fish-men, like my mother's wishes... I still don't know why Luffy-Sama chose me. Even though I miss my father and brothers on the Fish-Man Island, and despite witnessing horrible things, you freed me from the shackles of that room, where I couldn't leave. Now I can appreciate the beauty of the surface without worrying about being hit by an axe from that evil being. But I still wonder why Luffy-Sama chose me..." Shirahoshi cried, still not feeling worthy to be there, by Luffy's side.

"I believe in you, Shirahoshi, and I always will. You should do the same for yourself. No matter how weak you are now, I believe it's just a temporary state. There's no doubt you will become a woman who will stand by my side for many years." Luffy, by choosing these specific words, inadvertently caused a different reaction in Shirahoshi than he intended.

'He wants me as his woman to stand by his side for many years? Is this what they call husband and wife, like mommy and daddy? Is Luffy-Sama proposing to me? But this is too sudden. I have to talk to daddy, and we've only known each other for a few weeks!' Shirahoshi blushed with these thoughts.

"Are you okay, princess?"
Megalo and Luffy noticed this and asked with some concern in their voices.

"No! I mean, it's okay, Luffy-Sama!" Shirahoshi practically shouted, like a startled cat, waving her hands to express that everything was fine. As she uttered these words, her face remained red, avoiding direct eye contact with Luffy.

"I hope so. Anyway, I trust you, silly girl. I know you'll become strong, not just to be a solid foundation on this ship, but also to protect your people in the future, so they can experience the same good things you're experiencing here!" Luffy declared, and this made Shirahoshi look at him stunned, no longer as embarrassed as before.

"Do you believe I'll be strong?" She had to ask to make sure.

"Yes, you have great power within you, waiting to be unleashed one day. I'm sure I'll entrust my life to you in the future, princess. That's why I want you to be strong. I'll never regret bringing you here." Luffy opened a large charismatic smile.

"Thank you, Luffy-Sama, for trusting me. I want to be strong, to protect my people on the Fish-Man Island and help build a better world!" Shirahoshi expressed with newfound determination.

"That's good, Shirahoshi. When we get close to Arlong Park, a creature will approach us. I want you to use that moment to control your hidden power. Then, you should..."
*End of Flashback.*
Looking at the small sea king, Shirahoshi could still hear Luffy's memories in her head.
'You have the ability to control all marine life, princess. Your power is something that could even destroy the world. Use it to protect your people; just by getting strong, you'll achieve your goals, and no one will dare to enslave another fish-man or mermaid again.' Luffy warned in her mind, and she looked at the opponent with determination.

"Lord Sea King, I ask you to step aside!" She declared, revealing a newfound determination never seen in her life.

Momoo looked strangely at the mermaid and did not like her demand. He didn't want to hurt her, but that wouldn't stop him from kicking her to be able to devour the other humans on the boat.

"You are powerful, and you have the right to command all marine life, Shirahoshi. Never forget that. You were born with that right. Use it to your advantage to build a better world, where no one else has to go through what you've been through for so many years. Replace your fear with determination and courage. With that, practically no one in this world will oppose you in the future." Luffy's voice echoed once again, and Shirahoshi realized that the Sea King merely snorted at her previous declaration. This filled her with a bit of anger, and she felt the need to be firm.

"I TOLD YOU TO GET... OUT OF THE WAY!!!" With this shout, as she closed her eyes with determination, two shockwaves emanated from the mouth of the mermaid, now reduced to 10 times her original size, advancing relentlessly, hitting everything around.


The first wave, charged with Conqueror's Haki, was pure willpower, an invisible pressure that swept in all directions. It was as if the mermaid's imposing presence demanded respect and submission, making everyone around feel the intensity of her dominion over the sea.

The second wave, the result of Poseidon's power, was an elemental force, a manifestation of the control she exerted over the ocean. This wave swept like a furious torrent, creating a sense of turmoil and unrest in the surrounding waters. It was a demonstration of the mermaid's innate power over the seas and all creatures inhabiting it.

Both waves collided and interlaced, creating an impressive display of energy that extended to the far reaches of the horizon. The impact of this combined power not only knocked some of those present unconscious but also left everyone stunned by the magnitude of the force Shirahoshi could invoke.
Luffy looked surprised at the scene. It wasn't just the power of Poseidon; the King's Haki was also present there.

"What is this?"

"Hm? Jhonny and Yosaku fell unconscious, Megalo, Chouchou, and Usopp too!" Nami shouted a bit alarmed as she went to check their conditions.
Jhonny and Yosaku were sprawled on the deck, unconscious, with peaceful expressions after being affected by the shockwaves. Their bodies indicated that they hadn't suffered any visible damage, but they were completely out of commission.

Megalo, the shark, floated motionless, falling onto the ship's wood, his glazed eyes reflecting the state of unconsciousness. Chouchou, the dog, lay on the deck, tongue out, indicating that he too succumbed to the impact of the waves.

Usopp, on the other hand, lay beside Chouchou, a bewildered look on his face. He seemed surprised and perplexed, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.

"What was that? What did she do?" Zoro asked alarmed, realizing that it was caused by the mermaid and had some effect on him too.

"She did the same thing Yamato did to the marines. What kind of power is this?" Reiju couldn't help but be intrigued, feeling her knees almost giving way in the face of the event's impact.
"She has Conqueror's Haki too!" Yamato expressed her surprise in her tone, being less affected than everyone else.
"Conqueror's Haki? What is that?" Kuina asked, she almost fainted, but her determination was stronger than most, even though she still had the mental age of 11.
"That will be explained later, but she didn't unlock it, just released it unconsciously." Luffy commented while crossing his arms.
'Darn, she released it before me, I don't even know how to do that yet...' Luffy commented mentally, as he was being left behind in this area by his companion.
Things calmed down after the wave passed through them, but then it came.


A thunderous roar echoed, making everything tremble and frightening everyone who was still conscious. Luffy, looking around, witnessed the sea being stirred up as if responding to Shirahoshi's demand with a massive seaquake. The imminent occurrence of this phenomenon made him wonder if a group of giant sea kings would appear at any moment.

The ocean began to get even more turbulent, creating a breathtaking sight that shook all who were still conscious.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Nami shouted, her eyes fixed on the tsunami forming on all horizons. It was as if the sea gained a life of its own, and its fury was evident.

None of them could contain their surprise at this. Even Luffy, usually fearless, looked stunned at the spectacle before them. The sea, which was calm just seconds before, now churned in a chaotic scene, like a storm that had arisen on a sunny day, something that seemed impossible to happen suddenly without something extraordinary.

"WHAT DID SHE DO?!" Yamato was equally astonished, and this situation was no joke even for Kaido's daughter.

"I don't know, and it doesn't matter now. Just be careful not to be caught by the waves that are forming around us!" Luffy quickly ordered.

Although he expected to see colossal creatures emerging from the sea since this event was triggered by something dormant that must have been called by the mermaid's demand, in the end, nothing happened.

Luffy's gaze checked if everyone was okay, including the former slaves on the Marine ship. Almost everyone was knocked out on the other ship, but one was still conscious. This man looked dazed as he remained on his knees, watching the princess floating in the air in front of the sea king.

'He resisted the princess's Conqueror's Haki? What kind of determination could he have? That's interesting...' Luffy commented, watching the man intrigued.
Meanwhile, in front of the mermaid herself, Momoo stood still for a moment. He felt a fury in the mermaid's voice like he had never felt in any other being. Her voice exuded authority, and the sea responded to her demand to the point that he couldn't go against that voice. His body couldn't disobey that command, even though he was on the verge of fainting with another unknown power. He had to struggle to remain conscious, and soon, he rushed into the water, so scared that he wished to return to the Island of the Tritons at that moment, no longer caring about Arlong and the others.
As Momoo swam into the depths of the sea, the surroundings took on the contours of an intimidating aura. The water, once calm and serene, now became turbulent and dark. Rays of sunlight, penetrating the depths, cast a sinister shadow over the underwater scene.

As he advanced, the fierce gazes of the sea kings, gigantic and imposing, fixed upon him. These majestic and terrifying creatures, with eyes that seemed to penetrate the soul, were ten, fifty, and a hundred times larger than Momoo. Their colossal forms floated at the bottom of the ocean, shrouded in mystery and unquestionable authority.

The presence of these sea kings conveyed overwhelming power, as if nature itself responded to the mermaid's command. Momoo felt small and vulnerable in the face of the magnitude of these marine entities as he cut through the water with desperation, eager to escape from that imposing and terrifying environment as quickly as possible.
Author's note:
* Shirahoshi is 18 years old here, instead of 14 before the timeskip, so she may be more mature, even showing anger at times.
* I've put a maximum of 100 times the size of Momoo here. They are in the East Blue, so there are no colossal figures in this sea, with 1000 times the size of the sea cow that I believe the princess can control.


Raccoon here:

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- One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!
- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic! - Planning to Maintain 10 Extra Chapters!
- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: In development, awaiting the future!

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