One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 68 – Cocoyasi Village 11.

[Chapter Size: 2715 Words.]
Third Person POV
Cocoyasi Island, East Blue.



"Good morning, everyone!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly, appearing in the still damaged part of the house.
"Hmm?! What's this? You seem excited!" Reiju commented while preparing coffee, but narrowed her eyes.
"I'd like to know why my sister and Yamato seem equally excited..." Nami looked with her narrowed eyes at the two women behind Luffy, who seemed both shy and at the same time with a happy smile on their lips, for some reason.
"Luffy-Sama, you all seem so happy. Did you do something fun? Can I know and join in?" Shirahoshi was curious about why the three of them were acting that way.
The trio choked on Shirahoshi's question; they had no idea how such an innocent question could stifle them so much, and they didn't know how to answer it.
"Luffy shouldn't even be here! This house should only be used by us!" Kuina grumbled.
"You guys acting like this... Luffy spending the night here, could it be?" Nami said, her eyes widening every second.
"They had sex," Reiju said as she filled the cups with a simple coffee.
"Oh, I see... WAIT, WHAT?!!!!" Kuina made a comical face, as did Nami and Shirahoshi, their eyes bulging out.
"LUFFY! YOU, YOU, YOU DIDN'T JUST SLEEP WITH MY SISTER, BUT ALSO WITH YAMATO ON THE SAME NIGHT?!" Nami shouted like a madwoman, invoking her power.
"Hey, Luffy is my Toki; it's normal for us to do these things..." Yamato declared and had a shy expression before continuing.
"Although it's the first time we've done something like this, but I LOVED it!" She said excitedly.
"DON'T TALK ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITH SO MUCH HAPPINESS!" Nami shouted as wind took over the entire kitchen.
"Stop it, Nami, I'll drop and waste food if you keep going!" Reiju complained.
Kuina had already fled the house, not wanting to hear such things, and Shirahoshi had a stunned and completely red look. Reiju just sighed; she knew how her captain was a womanizer, and it wouldn't take long for situations like this to arise.
"HEY, what's the big deal, people who like each other have sex, there's no problem with that." Luffy spoke casually.
"People who like each other?" Nojiko asked curiously, as she didn't know that Luffy considered her at that level.
"Of course, you belong to me now! We may not love each other now, but that's built over time, so I think it's okay to say what I said, after what we did." Luffy declared and dodged Nami's attack right after.
A claw materialized above Luffy, falling onto the captain with force, who had to dodge without looking at the attack.
"Captain bastard, you hit on my sister in my own house, sleep with her, and talk about love! I hate you!" Nami shouted with all her fury.
"I'm glad you're back to normal; this is my Nami, but you're going to destroy your own house like this!" Luffy declared amidst the attacks with a smile on his face.
"I don't care if I manage to hit you!" She said as she attacked.

"Luffy, Nami is just jealous," Nojiko spoke beside Yamato, crossing her arms.

"Hm, I guess you're right about that." Luffy reflected as Garuda's claws tried to hit him, and he disappeared with supersonic speed before Nami could react.

"What do you mean by... HM?! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Nami couldn't finish before being silenced by Luffy's lips.

The scene of Luffy kissing Nami while she had her claws in the air was witnessed by everyone, as the cat-burglar tried to break free from his kiss.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Luffy laughed at Nami after kissing her and quickly retreated, as she surrounded him with wind the next moment.

"YOU IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT!" Nami shouted indignantly.

She was trying to attack him with all her might, her face turning red after their first kiss, as she attempted to strike him while running through the house.

"*Sigh!* This guy is so shameless..." Reiju sighed, watching Luffy escape from Nami outside the house while she chased him.

Reiju looked at the mermaid, who was in an undamaged corner of the house, looking quite shy as she wagged her tail.

"Luffy doesn't seem interested in Kuina, however, I believe you might become his target one day. But don't worry, we'll prevent that idiot captain from trying to take advantage of you, Shirahoshi," Reiju declared.

"But... but I also wanted a kiss..." She stated with great timidity and a somewhat tearful tone.

"..." Yamato.

"..." Nojiko.

"..." Reiju.

'Well... this is unexpected,' they all thought at the same time.

Meanwhile, Luffy ran from a Nami trying to hit him with giant claws materializing in the middle of the house's courtyard.

"Luffy, you idiot! Stand still so I can hit you, you damn womanizer!" Nami growled as Luffy dodged her blows.

"HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Come on, Nami, you liked it, admit it!" Luffy declared, making Nami even more furious.


"What's this early in the morning?" Zoro, waking up on the street, stood up with the noise coming from a little distance.

"Looks like Luffy is running away from Nami..." Usopp said in a sleepy tone as he approached Zoro.

"What did Luffy do to her now..."

"Who knows..."

"Anyway, Luffy said we're leaving immediately... so we better get ready." Zoro said, ignoring the sight of Luffy dodging Nami's attacks in the street.

"Yeah, let's get Hugo, Chouchou, and Megalo and inform the others about the departure." Usopp said, heading towards the other members and animals sleeping nearby.

As soon as everyone woke up, they went to Nami's house where all the female crew members spent the night. Kuina had returned, and Nami seemed to calm down, or she was just tired.

"Hahahahaha! You guys finally woke up!" Luffy, seeing them approaching, came closer laughing, a very dissatisfied Nami right behind him with eyes like daggers for her captain.

"Well, then, Captain, shall we depart?" Zoro asked.

"Yes, but we have to finish some things first. I want you to prepare the ship, meanwhile..." Luffy declared, taking Black Pearl out of his pocket and throwing it forcefully into the sky, towards the sea. In mid-air, everyone saw the ship change into its true form, but it didn't seem to slow down as it crashed into the water with a loud splash on that coast. They could see all of this from the hill where Nami's house was.

"HUHUHUHUHUHU! That's quite convenient, Captain..." Hugo couldn't help but laugh at this demonstration.

Luffy shrugged and entered the house with Nami, while the rest of the crew went to organize the ship for departure.

"Well, let's get ready to set sail!" Luffy announced with Nami and Megalo coming right behind.

"Understood, we better get prepared then..." Reiju said, wanting to organize everything.

"And you, Nojiko, are you coming with me? You know I want that." Luffy asked, looking intently at the girl who became his first woman in this world.

"I... I'll go with you." Nojiko debated a bit but ended up accepting, as Luffy seemed serious about taking her, even if she thought it was just not to hurt her or gain points in this relationship, which is a bit strange and sudden for the woman.

[System - Crew: Nojiko has joined as a member of your crew!]

"That's great, I'll make you as strong as Nami on this journey!" Luffy declared, making the women in the vicinity shudder.

"Hm?! As strong as Nami? You must be joking!" She said with a suspicious tone, not believing Luffy's words.

"Nojiko-Sama, Luffy-Sama is quite strict, he speaks the truth, so you better prepare for it..." Shirahoshi said beside her with a timid and somewhat scared tone.

"You may be my woman and wife, but I won't go easy; I want you as a powerful wife by my side!" Luffy said and then, dodging Nami's claws, destroyed all the debris of the already ruined furniture in the area.


"Hahahaha. Well, I'm not lying about that." Luffy shrugged and changed the subject.

"Anyway, pack your things, Nojiko; let's talk to Genzo. I bet you and Nami want to say goodbye to everyone." Luffy announced, and the sisters nodded.

Some time later, Nojiko packed her backpack, and she, Nami, and Luffy went to the village, while Yamato, Reiju, Shirahoshi, and Megalo went to their ship to help the others.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE LEAVING!" Genzo couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I'm leaving. Someone needs to take care of my sister and... other personal matters." She could be quite bold, but she became shy in the last part while looking at Luffy.

"Nojiko..." Genzo murmured, understanding everything by now, then glared fiercely at Luffy.


"Fair enough." Luffy shrugged and pulled out a stack of papers from his pocket.

"Here, I want you to implement all these things on this island." Luffy spoke again and handed some papers and documents to Genzo, who took them, curious to know what the heck this pirate was giving him.

"What is this!? Let's see... this... and this..." He had a narrowed look, but his eyes began to widen as he read more about it.

"You must be kidding, right?! HOW THE HELL IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN!" He shouted at Luffy.

"You can leave that to me; I already have a plan to make it happen. Just worry about doing exactly what I asked there. You know what the status of these two sisters is going to be, right?" Luffy grabbed them by the shoulders and gave Ganzo an excited smile; the two women were left confused, Nami had an unsatisfied look, and Nojiko showed a small smile.

"DAMN BRAT, YOU BETTER TAKE CARE OF THESE GIRLS, ESPECIALLY AFTER THIS! And yes, they will have their required position here; it's just that this is so unbelievable and sudden..." Genzo admitted.

"Relax, I've left everything as planned. When I woke up today, the first thing I did was organize all these ideas," Luffy declared.

"I still can't believe we can benefit from all that destruction, but okay, I'll do exactly what's described in the papers. But I need the funding here." Genzo declared.

"That will be sorted out today, with some luck," Luffy declared.

"HEY, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?" Nami shouted, unable to stand the conversation she didn't understand.

"Forget about it for now; say goodbye to the village folks, and we'll talk about it later..." Luffy said with a smile, and the sisters reluctantly agreed.

As the villagers appeared, Nami and Nojiko bid farewell to everyone with some conversations.

"Goodbye, everyone!"
"Nami, Nojiko, and Pirate-San, thank you for everything!"
"Nami, we will never forget how you freed us from Arlong!"

The villagers shouted as the trio walked away.

Arriving at the beach, someone had already prepared the ship.

"Before we go, we need to do some things," Luffy declared in front of the ship and took a small object from his pocket.

It was a cage, and he enlarged it to its real size and shook it, while small ants came out of it, falling onto the beach sand.

These ants transformed into fish-men tied with ropes; there was Hachi and the others who were captured before fighting Arlong and 10 more fish-men who survived Nami's explosion.

When Luffy woke up yesterday, he caught them tied up and shrank them to give them a sentence today.

"So, what are we going to do with you guys..." Luffy commented to the small group.

The fish-men were conscious now, but they stood imposingly while looking hurt and defeated. They looked at Luffy with fear, knowing that only they survived, and the rest of their crew was dead.

"Hey... Please spare my brothers! Don't kill them!" Hachi was the first to speak, begging not to let the last of his brothers die.

"Well... you guys killed humans and practically enslaved them, even though Arlong hated slavery, you ended up creating a kind of it here in this village," Luffy declared, making them all bow their heads, as they were already rotten.

"But we can spare you; you'll just be handed over to the marines, but I want Hachi on the boat." Luffy declared, wanting to have a fish-man among them; it would be useful for sea rescues since most of the Mugiwara crew will be Devil Fruit users, as Luffy plans.

"Hm?!" Both Hachi and the members of his crew nearby were surprised by this.

"Luffy..." Nami would speak at this moment.

"Trust me, Nami, I know what I'm doing... Hachi, if you accept the proposal, your brothers will be saved and handed over to the Marines, but not killed by us. If you accept, I'll treat you as a crew member, and you'll have to regain the trust of Nami and Nojiko. But if you hold any grudge against Nami for killing Arlong and the others or show any indication that you'll betray the crew, I'll kill you and go to Impel Down to kill all your other friends." Luffy declared. He wasn't a good person and didn't intend to be, so he would genuinely fulfill these words. He knew it was a risk to have Hachi, as he might harbor resentment, but Hachi proved to be a reliable person in the future within the story, so Luffy would bet on that.

"Hey... all right, as long as you don't kill them..." Hachi said reluctantly.

"Is it okay with you like this, princess?" Luffy spoke to Shirahoshi at this moment, as he said she had the final say.

"Yes... if Luffy-Sama says it's better this way, Shirahoshi believes him!" She declared.

"Hey... Princess?!" Hachi and the others opened their eyes with this, not believing that this beautiful mermaid, who was their enormous mermaid princess when they saw her as just a child, would now make sense with Luffy's words.

[System - Crew: Hachi has joined as a member of your crew!]
'With Hugo, Nojiko, and Hachi, that's 3 members at once. I'm really satisfied with this!' Luffy celebrated internally but was soon interrupted by someone on the Black Pearl.

"LUFFY!" Usopp suddenly called from atop the ship.

"What's up?" Luffy raised an eyebrow.

"It's Lami; she said she's coming here and found a Marine ship at sea coming in the same direction!" He said with a bit of concern.

"A Marine ship, who could it be?" Luffy wondered, figuring out how they could act so quickly after the attack on Base 16.
'We spared many sailors on the spot, but we destroyed all their communicators. They shouldn't respond so quickly... since someone should have arrived on some island before to contact another base. Either we let a communicator pass, or they managed to call for help in the middle of our attack. It's likely the latter.' Luffy debated internally.

"I don't think there's any reason to hide her identity now. Tell her to come here without worrying about being associated with us; it's time for her to be declared our shipmate to the world!" Luffy announced and asked.

"Is she far from the island?" Luffy asked Usopp.

"She said she's an hour away from the island, and the Marine ship is beside her." Usopp said.

"OK, tell her that, and let's wait for them to arrive since I'll need a new communicator to talk to headquarters. If I'm lucky, these Marines should have one since the one I took from Base 16 fled through the seawater when it increased in size, and he wasn't on the boat but in my pocket, a mistake on my part." Luffy said, and everyone nodded, waiting for the Marine ship to arrive with Lami.


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