One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 75 – Shimotsuki Village 02.

[Chapter Size: 2818 Words.]
Third Person POV
Shimotsuki Village, East Blue.

The walls of the Dojo reverberated with the emotion contained in the long-awaited reunion. The heavy silence that had hung over the minds of those present now dissipated, giving way to a narrative as unbelievable as it was moving. The presence of the Straw Hat Pirates' captain, Monkey D. Luffy, permeated the atmosphere with an aura dense with mystery and power.

Things settled down after the initial commotion, but curiosity and incredulity still reflected in the eyes of the Dojo master, Shimotsuki Koushirou. His daughter, Kuina, now alive after eleven years of absence, stood there, facing her father with a mix of nervousness and expectation.

Inside the Dojo, where the gentle scent of tea lingered in the air, the small gathering unfolded like a magical tale. The traditional tatami under their feet witnessed a moment that would transcend the pages of the island's history.

Koushirou, the paternal and wise figure, lifted his eyes and fixed them on Luffy. Their gazes met, a portal between past and present, a connection between the lost daughter and the man who brought her back. Koushirou, with a deep and inquisitive look, directed his questions to the Straw Hat Pirates' captain, Monkey D. Luffy, whose usually carefree expression now gave way to an unusual seriousness.

"Is it true that you brought Kuina back with a unique artifact?! Is that really possible?" Koushirou inquired, his voice betraying a mix of skepticism and hope, while his penetrating gaze sought convincing answers.

The Dojo master could barely believe the reality before his eyes. His daughter, lost for more than a decade, was there, alive and tangible. The once unattainable dream was gradually becoming a tangible truth, but Koushirou still longed to comprehend the depth of this incredible resurrection.

"It's something like that, but I could only do it once, and I did it with Kuina, even though I was far from here," Luffy replied, his calm voice carrying a serenity that contrasted with the magnitude of what was being revealed.

Doubts persisted in the master's mind. "And why Kuina? I'm sure you never knew her..." he asked again, seeking to understand the reasons behind this peculiar choice.

Kuina, silent, nodded, indicating that she shared the same uncertainties. This peculiar situation had been questioned by herself weeks ago, but the answers were as elusive as the mist that hovered over the ocean.

"Because I believe in the girl's potential. She may be only 11 years old, but she can become a powerful swordsman, even as a girl. If you want to know how I know this, don't ask me because there are things I can't and won't talk about," asserted Luffy, his response resonating with unwavering determination.

The Dojo seemed suspended in time as the gravity of Luffy's words hung in the air. Silence settled, broken only by Kuina's uncomfortable movements in front of her father, as if each spoken word was carving uncertain paths.

"What is your goal with my daughter?" Koushirou inquired, his serious gaze seeking answers in the face of the Straw Hat Pirates' captain. A tension hung in the atmosphere as paternal concern manifested in the Dojo master's eyes.

"I want to recruit her as a member of my pirate crew, just like I did with Zoro, of course. But don't worry, I won't force her to join. I used that valuable artifact to have more powerful and fearless people on the sea, but I would be disappointed if she didn't explore her full potential, staying in this weak sea, even if she wasn't in my crew," replied Luffy, crossing his arms with a seriousness echoing the captain's determination.

"Do you really believe that? Even though she's a woman?" Koushirou asked seriously, his words reverberating in the Dojo. A slight discomfort filled the women in the group, but they remained silent, awaiting the captain's response.

"I can't deny that, biologically, men are naturally stronger. But this world is a place of endless possibilities and dreams. Kuina can pursue her dream, and that's what I believe, just as I trust Zoro and his potential, I believe in her." Luffy stated, his eyes fixed on Koushirou's, conveying unwavering conviction.

A faint smile appeared on the Dojo master's lips, a silent acknowledgment of the trust placed by Luffy. "With just that, you make yourself a better man for my daughter..." he admitted, a touch of embarrassment coloring his words.

The Dojo, a training ground and now witness to intertwined destinies, remained enveloped in a unique atmosphere, where past and future converged in the present, guided by the choices of one man and the promises of a pirate.

The Dojo remained imbued with the emotion of the reunion between father and daughter. Kuina, still processing the incredibility of the moment, whispered a soft "Father..." as if words were lacking in the whirlwind of emotions.

"In any case, I believe we should give the father and daughter some space," Luffy declared, revealing a keen perception in the face of the sensitive moment. His suggestion echoed as a sensible decision to preserve Koushirou and Kuina's privacy.

"Kuina, we'll stay for two days. I'll be waiting for your answer," Luffy communicated, leading the group out of the Dojo. A expression of gratitude shone in Koushirou's eyes, thanking for the understanding and respect for privacy.

Luffy and the others exited the Dojo. Outside, Zoro's students and colleagues eagerly awaited some contact with their master. However, the pirates left without Kuina, leaving the perception of the situation hanging in the air, and they respected it, seeing that the Dojo would not open that day.

"What do we do now, Luffy-sama?" Shirahoshi inquired as they moved away from the Dojo, showing concern for the next step.

"Let the pair spend some time together after a reunion that took 11 years to happen. Meanwhile, let's continue with the training and enjoy the island tomorrow as a day off. I plan to have Kuina's answer in two days; after that, we'll leave, whether she wants to stay in the crew or not," Luffy explained, outlining the plan for the group. Luffy's decision was accepted without questioning, demonstrating the trust placed in the captain.

With calm settling on the island, people returned to their daily routines, while the pirates seemed to have established a friendly relationship with Master Koushirou. Luffy led the group to an undeveloped side of the island, choosing that location to continue the training. The day passed with moments of intense activity and regular breaks, while the Black Pearl rested there, providing rooms for the crew to rest overnight.

A day later, Luffy enjoyed the break granted to the entire crew, wandering through the streets of the small town that, in the eyes of the young captain, had transformed from a modest village into a vibrant city before his eyes.

"This place was known as a small village in the work, but I believe it just kept growing, and the population increased to the point of becoming the city before my eyes," Luffy contemplated as he watched the movement in the streets.

The local population now observed the pirate walking alone, without the initial apprehension that marked the first day of his arrival. Shops were open, and despite the cautious looks of the citizens, no one dared to bother the pirate crew.

Luffy wandered alone, leaving the girls, accompanied by Megalo, exploring the shops in search of new clothes with the money the captain generously released for everyone. Reiju, on the other hand, dedicated herself to acquiring ingredients in the market. Zoro dueled with his old friends, while Usopp and Chouchou carried out activities in the forest. Hugo, Hachi, and Bepo remained dedicated to training on a deserted beach.

Deciding to dine at a local restaurant, Luffy immersed himself in the city experience. He appreciated the luxury of having time to himself, choosing to walk alone while exploring.

Upon entering the restaurant through the main door, he headed to one of the empty tables, receiving cautious looks from both customers and staff. His imposing presence of 2.1 meters in height, accompanied by the iconic straw hat on his back, stood out, followed by the muscles and tattoos under the pirate mantle. Although he had lost his saber, the pistol on his waist and his distinctive style screamed his identity to everyone in the room.
Everything about him betrayed his pirate nature, and he was not surprised by the cautious looks of the people around. Although the group had gained Master Koushirou's sympathy, without them knowing the real reason, everyone remained cautious.

Soon, Luffy noticed a shadow over his table in the restaurant.

"How may I help you, sir?" A shy and nervous voice made Luffy raise his head to face a young waitress in her mid-20s. She was not devoid of beauty, but neither was it something that would surprise Luffy.

"Let me see..." Luffy picked up the menu and quickly scanned it. "I'll have the special of the day with a wheat beer," he casually commented.

"Yes, I'll get that for you," she replied but remained in place.

"Can I still help you with anything else?" Despite her shyness, she did not divert her gaze from him.

"I don't think that's necessary..." Luffy responded a bit perplexed.

"I see..."

"Shouldn't you go get my food?" Luffy asked with a hint of amusement, intrigued by why the woman still remained there, staring at him.

"Hm?! I'm sorry!" She hurried to take the order, her face blushing.

'Man, I've become so handsome that it's even a bit uncomfortable... This girl isn't unpleasant, but I have three women satisfying me every day, so I don't need to act like a horny animal.' Luffy declared internally, deciding not to pay any more attention to the waitress.

While the young lady, enchanted by Luffy's appearance, headed to the kitchen to fetch the food for the infamous pirate, Luffy caught snippets of conversations from customers in the restaurant.

"It's him, the captain of the worst pirate group in this sea, isn't it?" The man in dark attire murmured, with a sharp gaze and a serious expression.

"Yes..." His companion agreed, casting a dark look in Luffy's direction.

Luffy turned his attention to the two discreet men on the other side of the restaurant. They dressed somberly, like government agents. Although it wasn't the first time he had heard such comments, he didn't like the presence of those two in particular. His instincts warned that something was being planned.

"Our contact is coming to the island right now." The first man said with a low, sinister voice, revealing a subtle smile.

"How generous, a king paying so much for our services." The second man responded, with a sarcastic tone and a disdainful look.

"Yes, but you know..." The first began to say but was interrupted by the second.

"Yes, they got in touch..." The second man whispered cautiously, looking around to ensure no one was listening.

"Quiet, we can't talk about it. We've just done our job of tracking the crew and reporting their information. They should already be coming here, and we'll receive our reward without having to do anything else." The first man concluded, maintaining a cold and calculating expression.

Luffy listened to the entire conversation in silence. It seemed that his group was being monitored by some king and someone even higher?

'How interesting...' Luffy mocked himself. Although he wasn't worried, he couldn't deny his intrigue. He wanted to find out who these people were.

"Here, handsome pirate, I mean, sir customer!" Jon had to pay attention to the waitress stumbling over her words and just sighed, grabbing his bottle of beer and enjoying a roasted venison that the restaurant had prepared for him. The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates remained calm, but his eyes indicated a spark of curiosity and alertness.

While Luffy savored his meal, the pair of suspicious men discreetly left the restaurant, the door creaking softly as it closed behind them.

After about 20 minutes of the meal, Luffy got up from the table, leaving the payment and a generous tip for the waitress. The silent atmosphere of the establishment contrasted with the internal turmoil of its customers, especially a woman whose sad gaze and broken heart reflected the loss of the man of her dreams, who left without even noticing her.

The Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates quickly located the two suspicious men, tracking them to a small ship that had just docked at the docks this morning.

With impressive agility, he sprouted wings on his back without anyone seeing him, and Luffy flew through the skies, concealing himself with the powers of his Ifrit fruit as he approached the boat. He hovered over the small ship and landed silently on its deck.

Luffy advanced with determination, entering the cabin door and plunging into the darkness of the ship's corridor. His body, agile as a shadow, slid silently between the narrow walls of the corridor.
The cabin, now shrouded in an atmosphere of tension, seemed to hold its breath in the face of Luffy's formidable presence. The internal environment was darkened, illuminated only by beams of light penetrating through the tattered curtains.

Luffy found the room where the two men were, conversing and celebrating their future gains with passed information. It didn't take long for their door to explode, and their recent visitor entered the room with a smile on his face.

"Who did this?"
"It was me..." Luffy's response echoed in the cabin as he entered through the door, a direct confession that sent a shiver down the men's spines.

Luffy emerged from the shadows, his imposing figure now revealed by the smoke and debris hanging in the air. His gaze, as sharp as a sword blade, locked onto the two bewildered men before him. The Captain of the Pirates' expression, once relaxed, now reflected an intensity that showed in his smile, which could be anything but friendly.

"You?!" The incredulity in their voices betrayed sudden recognition.

"What do you want?!"
"Simple, heard some men whispering in that restaurant. Now I'm very interested in hearing the whole story. You know, I'm off duty and want a bit of excitement on this day." Luffy's menacing smile hung in the air, casting a sinister shadow over the men who began to pale in the face of imminent threat.

"We don't know what you're talking about. Leave, or we'll call the Marines!" One of the men's bravado barely concealed the growing anxiety.

"Oh? If you're familiar with me, you know I've already taken down three Marine base commanders, leading to the destruction of two naval bases." Luffy's words echoed in the room, each step he took increased the pressure, leaving the men in a state of panic.

Without hesitation, Luffy began to interrogate them swiftly, each question a direct blow to the men's defense. Five minutes passed in escalating suspense until...

The resounding thunderous punches echoed like confined thunder in the ship's cabin, creating a symphony of destruction that reverberated through the wooden planks. Each "BANG!" was like a sentence pronounced by destiny itself, sealing the verdict of the Captain of the Pirates' decisive and ruthless hand. The ensuing silence hung in the cabin, a solemn moment that witnessed the swift and merciless execution.

Luffy emerged from the cabin's shadows, his figure standing out against the dark backdrop. The lifeless bodies of the men fell like pieces of a puzzle that now completed with the captain's hands.

Luffy exited the cabin after swiftly eliminating the two men. His thoughts turned into words whispered to the wind, entrusted only to the captain's ears.

"This is kind of ironic... They think that king was so bold, but they shouldn't be surprised knowing his personality. It seems that someone from the government, with the authority to command a monarch, is involved."

Luffy's graceful leap took him out of the ship, his feet finding the safety of the dock. The smile persisted on his face.

"Looks like I'll be visiting that kingdom; maybe I'll take the opportunity to see some old acquaintances! It will be very interesting to reunite with Dadan, Makino, and the others. I have memories of them, but I feel a strong longing and am eager to see them again in person."

As Luffy walked away, the boat he had left moments before transformed into a purple pyre, fire dancing and expanding. People began to scream for a fire not long after. 



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