One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 79 – Plundering the Goa Kingdom 2.

[Chapter Size: 1758 Words.]
Third Person POV
Goa Kingdom, East Blue.
As the sun set on the horizon, casting a spectacle of golden and reddish hues across the sea, the port of the Goa Kingdom was shrouded in a fog of smoke and chaos. The Black Pearl, the proud pirate ship of the Straw Hats, had unleashed a devastating bombardment that had turned the once peaceful port into a scene of destruction.

The cannons of the Black Pearl roared like beasts, launching salvos of explosive projectiles that erupted in flames and smoke. Once untouched buildings were reduced to rubble, while anchored ships were ablaze, their structures burning in a terrifying display.

The imposing arrival of the Black Pearl had instilled panic, and local residents and soldiers were in full retreat. The port, once a site of tranquil commerce, was now ablaze and in chaos, with the sea waters reflecting the destruction the pirate ship had unleashed.

The deafening noise of the cannons was replaced by the crackling of flames and the screams of people running for cover. The scene bore witness to the brutality of the imminent invasion by the Straw Hats, as the Black Pearl remained anchored in the center of the chaos, ready for the next phase of its attack.

With the smoke and chaos of the port bombardment as a backdrop, Luffy disembarked from the Black Pearl alongside Yamato, Nami, Lami, Reiju, and Zoro. The ship's deck was warm beneath their feet, and the atmosphere was electrically charged with anticipation.

Luffy quickly glanced over his team, trusting that the comrades left behind on the ship were dealing with the kingdom's forces in the port. He knew he could rely on their skills, allowing the group to advance to the next phase of the operation.

Shirahoshi, with her gentle eyes and kind personality, approached the captain with a determined expression. "Let me go too, Luffy-Sama!" she requested with a touch of anxiety in her voice.

Luffy nodded, understanding the need to keep her protected. "Alright, but stay with me the whole time," he ordered, ensuring that Shirahoshi was under his direct protection as they faced the Goa Kingdom and its defiant king.

The group of seven advanced through the tumultuous streets of the Goa Kingdom. Shirahoshi, determined to see the city, rode on Luffy's back. Her kind and concerned gaze mixed with determination as she observed the destruction caused by the port bombardment.

Luffy led the way, his determined expression as he headed toward the city center, where the imposing castle of the king stood. The rest of the group followed, staying alert as they watched the panic unfold around them.

People in the streets were in a state of panic, their voices exuding fear and uncertainty.

The nobles walking the streets of the Goa Kingdom were dressed in extravagant and ostentatious attire, an effort to display their status and wealth. Their clothing reflected the opulence that the reign of Goa represented, as Luffy recalled from his memories.

Nobles always wore clothes made of fine and luxurious fabrics, often adorned with expensive jewels and elaborate details. Many of them flaunted flowing cloaks that trailed to the ground, with gold and silver embroideries shining in the light of the setting sun.

Previously, these nobles paraded through these streets, their pomp and display of wealth starkly contrasting with the chaotic situation that the invasion of the Straw Hats had created. Now, they seemed like frightened rabbits, their expensive clothes not enough to mask the restlessness and fear hanging in the air.

As the group passed by, words of disdain and hostility were thrown their way.

"Accursed pirates!"
"Go away! You scum!"
"Do you have any idea what you're doing, robbing a kingdom?!"

Luffy commanded, recognizing that confronting the hostile crowd directly was unnecessary.

Nami assumed a defensive stance at this point, gracefully channeling her wind powers. She created a swirl of gray and green wind in her hand. This cyclone of air was unleashed over the tumultuous crowd, acting as an effective hurricane that pushed away the hostile protesters.

The wind, under Nami's controlled force, swept through the streets, lifting the protesters off the ground and tossing them away, unable to resist the fury of the storm.


Screams and pleas echoed as people were uprooted from the ground. Although the impact was powerful, most would survive the fall.

The wind explosion not only startled the hostile noble protesters but also the rest of the population, who watched the display of power with astonishment and fear. Witnessing wind manipulated by a Devil Fruit, people began running in shock and horror, fearing the presence of the dreaded pirates.

With the path temporarily cleared, the Straw Hats continued their journey towards the castle of the King of Goa.

After dispersing the hostile crowd, the path to the royal palace became notably easier. On the horizon, the grandiose Goa Castle began to emerge, imposing and majestic, contrasting with the turmoil unfolding in the city streets.

When they finally spotted the castle's entrance, they were surprised to see a massive wall separating the castle from the city. This obstacle only confirmed the careful and defensive nature of the Goa kings.

Lami commented, "Kings are quite cautious, aren't they..."
Luffy nodded. "True, but nothing we can't handle."

At that moment, one of the 200 guards stationed in front of the castle stood out, shouting accusations against the intruders.

"Pirates! Do you have any idea what you're doing?!"

Luffy sighed, recognizing the cliché of the situation. He glanced at his companions, assessing the determination in their eyes.

"Do you want to end this?" Luffy asked.

"Of course!" Zoro replied, drawing his sword from his waist with a determined expression.

"That's easy," Lami commented, eager to join the action and prove her skill.

Reiju, with a shrewd smile, suggested, "You can stay with the captain; we can handle them without you."

Lami raised an eyebrow, surprised by the proposal. "Huh?! I thought you would be the one to step aside..."

Reiju chuckled softly. "How about a competition? This will prove I'm better than you."

Lami accepted the challenge, facing Reiju with determination. "So, who takes down more. Let's see if you're really useful, my rival."

Reiju and Lami quickly advanced toward the 200 soldiers positioned in front of them. Both women were determined to showcase their skills and prove who was the better fighter.

Reiju demonstrated her unique agility by launching a series of devastating kicks executed with grace and precision. Her movements were a dance of destruction as she neutralized opponents with her agile and powerful legs.

Lami, on the other hand, brandished her sword and invoked the powers of her Devil Fruit, the Ope Ope no Mi. With a single movement, she altered the space around her and delivered swift, precise strikes, cutting through the space in front of her and creating invisible blades that affected the soldiers. Her combination of fencing skills and spatial manipulation made her a formidable opponent.

The competition between the two was fierce, with Reiju showcasing her prowess with lethal kicks, similar to Sanji's fighting style, while Lami exerted her mastery over the Ope Ope no Mi and her sword skills. Each sought to outdo the other, and the count of fallen soldiers remained balanced as the fight continued.

"HEY, HEY, wait for me!" Zoro exclaimed with a touch of anger in his voice, frustrated at being left out and eager to show his own skill.

Reiju and Lami continued their intense competition, demonstrating their abilities with each bold move. The scene around them was filled with incapacitated soldiers, many still trying to recover from Reiju's powerful kicks and Lami's precise attacks. Spectators, including the other Straw Hat members, watched in admiration as the two women fought, driven by their fierce rivalry.

Shirahoshi, watching the scenes on Luffy's back, exclaimed with enthusiasm, "Lami-Sama and Reiju-Sama are so competitive!"

Luffy, still somewhat perplexed by the intensity of the competition between the two, commented, "Something like that..."

Yamato, beside Luffy, asked, "What do we do now?"

Luffy responded with determination, "Let's see the king; they're already dealing with all the enemies."

Nami, excited about the prospect of looting the royal palace, commented eagerly, "Let's go; I can't wait to check out the treasures in that palace!"

As they advanced along the path dotted with incapacitated soldiers, it became evident that the competition between Lami and Reiju had wreaked considerable havoc on the palace guard. The ground was littered with fallen men, primarily due to the rivalry between the two women, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Luffy entered the palace with calm confidence, moving through the corridors now populated by knocked-out soldiers. The interior of the palace seemed like an extension of his home, filled with grandeur and opulence.

Shirahoshi, noting the resemblance between royal palaces and her home in the deep sea, commented with a touch of surprise, "It looks like my home..."

Nami, following closely, pondered the repetitive nature of royal palaces, "I believe all kings have castles that resemble each other..."

Yamato, however, found a notable difference between the royal castle and the residence of her adoptive father, Kaido. In a murmur, she expressed her opinion, "Doesn't look anything like the old man's castle... Bastard..."

Shirahoshi's curiosity was piqued, and she asked with interest, "I still wonder who this old bastard is that Yamato always talks about..."

Luffy, avoiding going into details on the matter, changed the subject and directed his attention to a large door rising before them. It was evident that this door led to the audience chamber of the King of Goa.

Before the imposing door, Luffy focused his energy, and purple flames began to dance around his hand. His fist turned into a blazing torrent of amethyst flames, enveloping it in a threatening aura.

With a determined look, Luffy muttered to himself, "It's time to face this bastard king."

The purple flames flickered, illuminating the dark corridor as Luffy pushed open the palace doors, ready for the confrontation that would change the kingdom of Goa.


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