One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 83 – The Goa Kingdom 6.

[Chapter Size: 1820 Words.]
Third Person POV
Goa Kingdom, East Blue.
Above the mountain stood Dadan's refuge and house with her group, witnessing the chaos caused by the sudden attack on the kingdom. All the mountain bandits turned their gaze to the chaos unfolding in the kingdom below. Sitting in her chair in front of her house, Dadan contemplated the horizon, while the events in the country below the mountain were discussed by her fellow bandits.

The sound of restless voices permeated the atmosphere. The group of bandits exchanged ideas and concerns about the unfolding events. The news of the invasion led by pirates was not a surprise to the woman leading the bandits, but the audacity of a pirate doing this here was still unbelievable to her.

Curly Dadan, a robust and authoritative figure, was leading the conversation at the moment.

"I've received news of what's happening down there. The Goa Kingdom is turned upside down by a pirate," Dadan said with a serious expression.

"That's true, boss. It seems like a group of pirates is wreaking havoc," one of the subordinates said.

"Pirates attacking Monkey D. Garp's kingdom? That's unbelievable to me still. This place used to be untouchable," Dadan frowned.

"They're attacking the port; we don't have more news beyond that..." Another subordinate murmured.

"This isn't something that happens every day. We need to stay alert," Dadan complained, crossing her arms.

"What should we do, boss?" A third subordinate asked.

"First, let's keep an ear to the news. Secondly, we need to ensure Foosha is safe. We don't know how this situation might affect us up here," Dadan spoke seriously.

"And if they come up here, boss?" Another member commented.

"Then, we'll be ready to receive them. Pirates are always a problem, but we'll show them they can't mess around here without facing the consequences of the mountain bandits," Dadan growled with determination.

The place echoed with the seriousness of Curly Dadan's words as her subordinates prepared for the upcoming confrontation.


While Dadan and her subordinates' discussion intensified in the mountain house, an abrupt explosion echoed in the courtyard nearby. A deafening roar reverberated through the mountain, causing the surrounding trees to shake. The sudden noise of the explosion echoed off the rocky walls, creating a soundwave that spread across the area. Birds, once calm, flew off in fear as dust rose in the air, momentarily obscuring the landscape. The thunderous boom was present, followed by debris flying upward and a dust cloud obscuring the view.

"What the hell was that?!" Dadan exclaimed, surprised, abruptly getting up from her chair.

The subordinates, once relaxed, now quickly looked around, concerned about what could have caused the explosion. In the middle of the dusty courtyard, Luffy emerged from the wreckage, his wings slowly disappearing. He carried Yamato by the arm, and the scene was surreal for everyone present.

"Who are you, and what the hell are you doing here?!" Dadan shouted, furrowing her brow, not recognizing Luffy immediately.

"Hey, Dadan! It seems my landing was a bit more explosive than expected. HAHAHAHA," Luffy laughed, rising and shaking off the dust, leaving Yamato dazed to the side.

"Hey, boss, is this Luffy? Our Luffy?!" One of the bandits shouted incredulously, while others exchanged perplexed looks and murmured among themselves. The unexpected presence of the Straw Hat Pirates' Captain turned the courtyard into a whirlwind of surprise and confusion.

Dadan frowned, looking closely at Luffy. After a moment of tense silence, she finally exclaimed:

"Darn it, you've grown, you brat! How do you look so different after just a few weeks?" She exclaimed with a stunned expression.

"Hey, Dadan! How's everything here?" Luffy smiled, revealing a familiar look of audacity.

"What the hell are you doing here, Luffy?" Dadan asked, still processing the presence of the young man she had known when he was just a turbulent child who set sail almost a month ago.

"It's a long story, but I needed to stop by. I've got some things to do, and I wanted to see you guys," Luffy replied, maintaining his casual expression.

Dadan snorted, mixing surprise with a touch of nostalgia.

"You've always been trouble, kid. And now it looks like you brought more trouble with you. Who's this?" She pointed to Yamato, who was still recovering from the shock.

"Ah, this is Yamato. She's my wife," Luffy introduced, while Yamato straightened up and looked at Dadan for the first time.


The once noisy courtyard fell into a perplexed silence. The bandits exchanged incredulous glances as they processed the surprising information.

"Boss, did I hear right? Luffy got himself a wife?" One of the men muttered, barely believing what he was hearing.

"I can't believe this."
"The sea really changes a person."
"But he left almost a month ago; how could this happen..."
"Luffy used to look so silly and mischievous; now I see he has such a fierce look..."
"He didn't have that many tattoos before or walk around shirtless..."
"Now he even has a woman..."
Dadan, observing the scene, frowned, processing the drastic changes in her godson.

"You're saying you have a wife?!" Dadan shouted, her surprise mixing with a touch of indignation.

"Actually, three, to be honest, and I plan to increase that number!" Luffy replied with a carefree smile, unconcerned with the speculations.

Dadan swiftly flew to Luffy, activating a quick movement and pulling his cheeks.

"YOU'RE SAYING YOU HAVE 3 WIVES, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU UP TO NOW, YOU BRAT? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? SHOULDN'T YOU BE OUT AT SEA CHASING YOUR DREAM?" She shouted as she continued to pull his cheeks, but Luffy seemed undisturbed.

"I came to attack the kingdom, look what I did! HAHAHHA!" Luffy pointed to the smoke lingering in the distance.

"YOU?! YOU'RE ATTACKING GOA! DO YOU KNOW WHAT GARP WILL DO WHEN HE FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS? YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO ESCAPE YOUR GRANDFATHER'S WRATH!" Dadan was hysterical, unable to believe that the brat was becoming a ruffian attacking Goa and a womanizer.

"Hahahahaha. How funny!" Yamato laughed beside him, recovering from the shock of being taken by Luffy and appearing there, finding the situation hilarious.

"Don't laugh at the situation!" Dadan growled at the taller woman, with a comical expression, as the courtyard continued to absorb the surreal twist.

"Anyway, let's go to Foosha. I want to see Makino, the mayor, and the folks! Let's have a feast!" Luffy announced, escaping Dadan's clutches with agility.

"Don't act like you're here on vacation!" Dadan couldn't help but exclaim, expressing her frustration with Luffy's carefree attitude.

Luffy shrugged, ignoring Dadan's concerns, and began heading towards the small village below the mountain.

"Wait, brat! Where do you think you're going!" The woman growled, watching Luffy walk away with his mysterious wife.

"What will we do, boss?"
"We have no choice! Let's follow the brat and see what he plans to do after all this confusion." Dadan had no alternative but to follow Luffy with her companions, her frustration evident from the lack of clear answers about the reasons for the kingdom's attack.

Meanwhile, in the village of Foosha, they were gathered at this moment, discussing with concern and suspicion the news of the attack by a terrible pirate group, despite not having knowledge of who the group is.

Woop Slap, Makino, and everyone else murmured among themselves, questioning what could be happening on the other side of the island. The news that pirates were attacking the Goa Kingdom created a tense atmosphere in the village, and nervous glances were exchanged among the residents.

"Damn pirates! Don't they know they're attacking the hero of the Marines' kingdom?! This has never happened before!" exclaimed the mayor, indignant.

"I don't think they saw us here..." Makino put her hand on her chin and gave a small smile.

"Still, that's bold. We should call Garp!" said a concerned villager.

"Tsk. Damn pirates..."
"Thank goodness Luffy isn't here anymore, or the brat would run to that place."
"Didn't you read the newspaper?! Luffy has become the most feared pirate in the East Blue!"
"It's true, he even attacked the Marine base!"
"He's changed so much, even his appearance looks a bit different than I remember..."
"Garp will be furious when he reads the newspaper."
"Stop discussing Luffy; we need to see the situation with the pirates attacking Goa!" the mayor tried to return to the main topic.

"Hey, old man!"
"Huh?! Hi, Luffy. Since you said we'll discuss you later, we need to see other important things. Like the pirates attacking Goa."
"But it was me who attacked the kingdom!" Luffy announced from a corner.

"I understand... but I'll have to inform Garp about this... Hm?!" The old man spoke angrily but noticed something for the first time.

"LUFFY!" He looked at Luffy approaching with Yamato and with Dadan and the others behind him.


In the square of Foosha, the old mayor gave an incredulous look at Luffy when he appeared accompanied by Yamato and the others. His eyes, initially filled with anger at the news of pirates attacking Goa, now mixed surprise, disbelief, and a touch of recognition.

The mayor, who used to see Luffy as a restless young boy running through the streets of the village, was momentarily shocked to see the boy's transformation into a feared pirate. The square of Foosha, which was once filled with tension and murmurs about the pirates, was now silent as all eyes turned to the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy, in his reappearance in the square of Foosha, was almost unrecognizable to those who had last seen him in their foggy memories as an energetic and carefree young boy. What was once an energetic and carefree boy had turned into a man with a fierce and determined look. His stature had increased, making him taller and more imposing. The slim body from before was now covered in striking tattoos. The change was evident in his muscles, which had developed considerably, giving him a noticeably strong physical presence.

Even though they had seen his photo in newspapers and wanted posters, seeing Luffy personally like this was difficult to process in their minds.

Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, was no longer the innocent boy from Foosha; now, he was a feared and respected pirate in this sea, whose figure commanded respect and, at the same time, carried an aura of mystery. The fearless look in Luffy's eyes reflected the intensity of his experiences. This physical and personality transformation made it clear that the boy who had once left that village had evolved into a man whose name echoed across the seas and whose fate was intrinsically linked to the course of the Grand Line.



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