One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 93 – Loguetown 1.

[Chapter Size: 1719 Words.]
Third Person POV
Loguetown, East Blue.
A few days later, without making stops on any island, the Black Pearl sailed directly to Loguetown. The arrival of the imposing ship did not go unnoticed, and soon, the port personnel could witness the arrival of the formidable vessel, surpassing all others in that stretch of the sea. This caused immediate panic among those present, recognizing the large Jolly Roger with a straw hat.

Although Loguetown was not as grand as Goa, it was evident that it possessed a busier and more vibrant atmosphere, driven by constant trade.

Loguetown, a bustling and lively city, stretched along the coast, featuring unique architecture that blended traditional styles with maritime influences. Narrow streets were lined with a variety of colorful buildings, from modest shops to lively taverns.

The port, a vital part of the city, was filled with a diverse mix of ships, from local fishing boats to large merchant vessels. Tall towers and lighthouses marked the landscape, providing a spectacular view of the horizon and the turbulent sea.

The bustling commercial atmosphere was evident in the local markets, where street vendors displayed their colorful and aromatic goods. People moved through the streets, some seeking business, while others enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of entertainment areas.

At the center of the city, a broad square was dominated by an imposing structure that served as a landmark. Large squares and parks offered open spaces for social activities, and the sound of laughter and conversation filled the air.

Loguetown, with its unique combination of architecture, bustling trade, and welcoming atmosphere, was about to receive the peculiar arrival of the Black Pearl's crew, perhaps with some panic and caution.

The Black Pearl entered the busy waters of Loguetown, causing an immediate commotion among the local inhabitants and the marines patrolling the port. The pirate ship, with its unique appearance and striking aura, stood out among the more common vessels, attracting curious and, in some cases, alarmed looks.

Hugo, alongside Luffy, observed the unfolding commotion with a satisfied expression. "Looks like we know how to make a striking impression wherever we go, Captain."

While Luffy simply shrugged, Lucy, on the other hand, reacted entirely differently to the situation. "I hear them shouting about a terrible pirate crew!? Where, we have to arrest them immediately!" Her voice echoed as she frantically scanned the sea for the alleged crew.

The crew members looked at her strangely, questioning if she was really Luffy's sister. Zoro, with his usual frankness, expressed the general doubt. "Are you sure she's your sister?"

"Of course, why do you think she's so beautiful?" Luffy retorted with a mischievous smile.

"That's not what I meant."

"Anyway, we're approaching the port, and there's a group of naval soldiers gathering there." Nami warned.

Luffy turned to Yamato. "Yamato, use Conqueror's Haki and knock down Smoker once again." Yamato nodded, preparing for action.

As the Black Pearl approached the port, the marine captain, Smoker, leading the group of naval soldiers, awaited with determination to capture the pirates. Before the ship could anchor, a wave of power emanated from Yamato, hitting Smoker and toppling his entire platoon. Tashigi knelt under the intensity of the Haki, and before Smoker could react, a shadow loomed behind him. Recognizing her as the same woman from before, Smoker realized that his fate was sealed. He failed once again, falling unconscious to the ground.

As onlookers ran in fear of the naval captain being knocked out, Luffy and the others disembarked from the ship.

"You can't knock out naval soldiers like that!" Lucy shouted, alarmed by the scene.

"Of course, we can, we're pirates," Luffy replied to his sister.

"Luffy, I'll arrest you if you keep committing crimes!" She growled cutely.

"Remember that you're my prisoner," Luffy countered.

"Hmm... true, I guess you're right..." She seemed to ponder her situation.

"What a strange family..." Everyone murmured seeing this.

"Anyway, let's explore the city!" Luffy announced.

"I'll stick with my troublemaker sister and Shirahoshi. If you want to accompany me to the execution square, feel free. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want in the meantime. We have money, and we can enjoy this afternoon before setting sail for the Grand Line," Luffy proposed, and everyone began to consider their options.

He wanted to stay a day, but with his grandfather on his tail, he needed to leave.

"I'll talk to my replica over there!" Kuina asserted.

"I'm going to buy new swords." Zoro planned his activities in the city.

"I'm going to explore." Usopp announced.

"I'll accompany Usopp." Hugo decided to follow him.

"I'll be exploring too." Lami affirmed.

"I'll buy ingredients for the kitchen." Reiju informed.

"I want to buy some dresses." Nami revealed her shopping plans.

"I'll go with Lami-san." Bepo accompanied Lami.

"Nee... I'll stay on the ship." Hachi chose to stay on the ship.

"AU!" Chouchou, the dog, expressed his displeasure.

"I'll go with my sister." Nojiko decided to accompany her companion.

"Sharky!" Megalo, the shark, made his characteristic sound.

"I'm going with Luffy! Shishishishi." Lucy, excited, declared.

"Me too." Yamato decided to follow Lucy and Luffy.

So everyone mentioned their plans and split up, leaving the unconscious marines and Hachi with Chouchou on the ship. Tashigi was the only exception, dragging a strangely screaming Kuina, who claimed they had cloned her.

Luffy, Lucy, Shirahoshi, Megalo, and an enthusiastic Yamato headed to the city center. Shirahoshi no longer needed to hide her tail, as her photos were already spread throughout the world, and Luffy and Yamato were by her side for any eventuality.

"Hey, are you the pirates causing a ruckus at sea, right?"

"Aren't they afraid of the Navy? They're everywhere!"

"Is that mermaid real? Never thought I'd see one for real!"

While they ignored the gossip, Luffy passed by a peculiar place; he couldn't help but open his eyes with interest at a sign on a bar hidden in one of the alleys, which read: Gold Roger Bar.

"Found something, Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi asked curiously.

"Yeah, there's a bar here I want to check out. Let's go." Luffy announced and proceeded with his trailing companions.

Meanwhile, at the port.

"That ship! It's his!" A figure ran toward the vessel.

"Wow, did I pass out?" A marine spoke, getting up from the ground.

"The captain passed out too!" Another one said.

"What happened? The pirates' ship is here as if nothing happened..." A third marine grumbled.

As the marines regained consciousness, the same figure passed them on the ground and stopped in front of the ship.

She took a deep breath and shouted, "MONKEY D. LUFFY!" A smile formed on her face.

A six-armed person, along with a dog, appeared at the edge of the ship and looked down.

"Hey... The captain is out, who are you?" Hachi asked, curious about this woman.

The woman put a hand on her shoulder and adjusted her hat; with a smile, she spoke to Hachi.

"I'm Alvida, your captain's woman! Can you tell me where he went?" She asked curiously.

"His woman? Of course, he went to the square!" Hachi replied politely.

"Hmmm... Got it, thanks, I'll find him there!" She smiled and began to run in that direction.

"Nee... What a polite woman, the captain sure knows how to pick a wife!" Hachi couldn't help but be impressed by people's manners.

"AU!" Chouchou barked by his side.

"Nee... Do you agree too? Hehe."

Meanwhile, Luffy entered the "Bar Gold Roger." The place exuded a vintage aura, with few souls present, typical of a bar that had witnessed the passage of time. An old man was busy cleaning the counter when the door creaked open, revealing the peculiar group consisting of a mermaid, a shark, a woman dressed as a navy officer, a nearly three-meter-tall lady, and the pirate boasting the highest bounty in the East Blue.

"What do we have here... A mermaid, a shark, a woman dressed like a navy officer, a woman almost 3 meters tall, and the pirate with the highest East Blue bounty..." murmured the old man, widening his eyes at the scene.

"Hahahahahaha. Finally, customers!" exclaimed the old man, his expression gaining a cheerful gleam at the prospect of an unusual clientele.

"Old-San, are you open?" Luffy led the group with a smile.

"Monkey D. Luffy, the greatest pirate in the East Blue, in my bar? That's amazing! How did you get into the city with Smoker here? Did you do the same thing that was in the newspaper? Oh, by the way, I'm Raoul. Nice to meet you all!" The old man, Raoul, expressed contagious enthusiasm.

"About Captain Smoker, we knocked him out at the port. He should still be unconscious," Luffy said, tipping his hat with a mischievous smile.

"Damn Luffy, don't badmouth the marines!" Lucy intervened beside her brother.

"Hahahahaha. I wish I could have seen that. Now, when he shows up here, I can tease him. Look over there, I even hung the newspaper on a frame, much to that guy's displeasure. You guys are my heroes!" Raoul spoke cheerfully.

"What a funny old man," Yamato laughed.

"Come on, old man, give me something to drink. I heard Gold D. Roger used to frequent this place," Luffy announced, heading to the counter.



"The Pirate King-sama?"


"Hohohohohohoho. I see you know this place then, that's good. Yes, Roger used to frequent this place in my youth, hence the name." The old man spoke dreamily and looked at Luffy.

"What'll you have?"

"Any alcohol for me and Yamato. Juice for the other girls."

"Wait, Luffy, you can't drink alcohol; you're my age!" Lucy protested.

"Didn't you see me drinking at banquets? Besides, I'm a pirate, I can do what I want, sister."

"Hmm... I guess you're right, brother..." She said softly, admitting.

Thus, the group found themselves immersed in Raoul's animated narratives about the exploits of Gold D. Roger. Luffy was there more out of curiosity, eager to see the place he had seen in the anime. It was intriguing to think that, in this alternate reality, Luffy was a navy officer, hearing the same stories he used to live. This Luffy was a true original creation.

While the Black Pearl anchored in Loguetown, Garp, the Vice-Admiral of the Navy, kept his eyes fixed on the city as they approached. He was determined to capture his grandson, Luffy, who was now a wanted pirate. His serious demeanor reflected the seriousness of the mission, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Vice-Admiral, we're approaching. We received a call from the base confirming the presence of your grandson's pirate crew in the city," reported a marine officer.

"Great. Let's get my outlaw grandson. Sengoku is furious with me and plans to cut my salary if I don't catch him here," Garp spoke as he watched the city approaching on the horizon.

"Prepare for the approach. Let's capture Monkey D. Luffy and bring him back to justice!" Garp commanded, firming his posture as he prepared to disembark in the city with his iconic navy ship.

Thus, while Luffy enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of the bar, Garp continued his approach to the city, ready to fulfill his duty as Vice-Admiral of the Navy.


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