One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 97 – Loguetown 5. (Monkey Family)

[Chapter Size: 1989 Words.]
Third Person POV
Loguetown, East Blue.



Dragon was behind Garp, enveloped in his cloak that swayed with a gentle breeze, but his face was unrecognizable, especially with his distinctive tattoos.

"Who is he?" Lucy asked curiously.

Garp, the powerful and indomitable grandfather, looked at his descendants with a mix of determination and concern. "Luffy, you've grown strong... too strong. I have to stop you here. But now, with Dragon appearing..." Garp grumbled, assessing the situation.

"Dragon! How dare you appear here?" Garp growled because he knew things were getting complicated on his side.

Dragon, with a calm and calculating posture, replied, "Father, it's been many years since I've seen you. You remain the same."

His gaze shifted from the vice-admiral of the Navy to the boys and girls in the distance, his own children.

"You've all grown, especially you, Luffy," he said in a neutral tone.

Luffy nodded a bit, but Lucy remained confused by this.

People around, especially the navy officers who had their eyes on the battle after the Straw Hats escaped, now couldn't help but exclaim at Dragon's sudden appearance in Loguetown Square.

"Who is that?"

"He's Dragon!"

"Dragon! The leader of the Revolutionary Army! He's here!"

"The world's greatest criminal!"

"His bounty surpasses the highest Yonkou with 5 billion!"

"What will happen? Will the city be destroyed?!"

"Why is he in this sea?!"

"What the hell is happening for such a big shot to appear in the middle of Garp and his grandson's fight?"

"Have faith in Garp! He fought against the king of pirates in his era; now he can deal with them."

"They're talking among themselves; I can't hear, but it's strange."

As people expressed their thoughts and fears, Luffy looked at his grandfather and father, in a relaxed manner for a family reunion. He had some doubt that he would find this man in this city, but in the end, he appeared at a great time, perhaps not to save him from Smoker, but to ease the pressure with Garp here would be very welcome.

"Grandpa, Dad, let's settle this once and for all," he proclaimed with his characteristically arrogant smile.

Lucy, who didn't know her father, was surprised to hear the mention of "Dad." "Dad? You have a dad, Luffy?" she asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"You have one too, after all, we're twin siblings, remember, silly girl?" Luffy smiled at his little sister, finding amusement in her expression.

"So, he's my dad too? I have a... dad?" She said surprised but with a comedic touch in her expression.

Dragon opened a smile for this; his daughter was quite peculiar, but his son showed a wit he didn't expect from his descendant. Keeping track of everything his son pulled off in this sea wasn't exactly "small stuff," and Luffy was dominating the entire East Blue within a month of becoming a pirate and even messing with the geopolitical structure of this sea.

"Dragon... what are you doing here?" Garp inquired again, his posture even more rigid.

Dragon, remaining calm, explained, "I came to see my children and help Luffy escape, Father. You can't take your grandson while I'm here."

Garp huffed, frustrated with the unexpected turn of events. "You just complicate things, Dragon. But I'll make sure to use the fists of love on both my grandson and my own son!"

Luffy, displaying a radiant smile, intervened enthusiastically. "Dad! It took you long enough, huh? I was running out of steam against Grandpa."

Lucy, still a bit confused but maintaining Luffy's original characteristic energy, added with enthusiasm after Luffy's words, "So, you really are my dad, your name is Dragon? That's pretty confusing, but I like it!"

Loguetown Square was immersed in a tense atmosphere, with the Monkey family now divided between conflicting loyalties. Dragon, with a subtle smile, confirmed the surprising revelation to Lucy. "You're so peculiar, Lucy. But yes, I am your father."

Luffy, a challenging look in his eyes, directed his attention to Garp. "Grandpa, are you really willing to take us down with the fists of love?"

Garp growled in response, but his determination was unwavering. "Of course, I am! Don't think I'll go easy on you, you brats!"

"Father and Luffy are against Grandpa, who should I root for... but I am also a marine..." Meanwhile, Lucy, still confused and torn in her loyalties, murmured to herself.

Dragon, with his calm posture, addressed Garp. "Father, you always try to resolve things with violence."

Garp, inflating his fists with conviction, replied, "It's the fist of love, only love is in them!"

Preparing for the imminent confrontation, Garp cast a sharp glance. "Let's end this now; I intend to arrest you two troublemakers!"

Lucy, feeling the responsibility of her position as a marine, jumped to Garp's side. Even though they were family, she was willing to stand against them. "I'll help too! Shihishishishishi! Luffy, I'll arrest you!" She announced with a smile, showing her determination.

Luffy, now emanating his power and covered in Ifrit flames in phase 2, laughed with enthusiasm, challenging his opponents. "Let's fight, Lucy, Grandpa!"

Without wasting any more time, Lucy was the first to act as she gracefully leaped toward Luffy, her hand stretched out to deliver a powerful blow. "Take this, brother! Gomu Gomu no... Pistol!" Luffy skillfully dodged, avoiding the impact of the punch that made the ground tremble upon landing.


In the blink of an eye, using his Soru technique, Luffy reappeared in front of a surprised Lucy. He punched his sister, his fist not enveloped in flames this time, just using it to push her away.

"Sorry, Lucy, but you're not strong enough to be here," Luffy said apologetically.

"Hm?" Lucy was still surprised by her brother trying to create distance between them. However, in the midst of this split-second, Garp, the protective grandfather, intervened to shield his granddaughter from her brother's onslaught.

Garp blocked Luffy's punch aimed at Lucy. "You won't hurt your sister so easily, brat!" The force of Garp's fist of love collided with Luffy's attack, creating a shockwave that reverberated through the square.

Lucy, still stunned by the rapid unfolding of events, looked at Garp with a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Grandpa..." She spoke with a joyful smile.

Luffy, in turn, stepped back a few paces, his challenging smile remaining unchanged. "Grandpa, you're still as fast as ever!"

As Garp prepared to deliver a powerful punch toward Luffy with the fist of love surrounded by an aura of intensity, it was about to clash with his grandson, but before the blow could be completed, a swift and electrified shadow appeared by his side.

"Father, you can't take your eyes off your opponent; you taught me that yourself," spoke the voice in the electric shadow.

With surprising speed, Dragon appeared next to Garp, his hands charged with electricity. In an agile and calculated movement, Dragon landed a direct punch to Garp's torso, interrupting the momentum of the fist of love that dissipated in the air. The thunderous sound echoed through the square, blending with the noise of debris. Garp, momentarily surprised by his own son's attack, was forced to assume a defensive position to avoid being knocked down by the impact, but that wasn't enough as the vice-admiral recoiled like a projectile and collided with the ground.


Taking advantage of the resulting chaos from this surprise attack, Luffy, still in the air, didn't hesitate to act. He swiftly approached his sister again, Lucy still suspended as well, and delivered a punch that propelled her to the other side of the square.

"Lucy, I hope that the next time we meet, you'll be stronger!" Luffy spoke, expressing a mix of apologies and determination, as his sister moved away with the force of the impact.

"LUFFFYYYYYYYY!!!" Her voice echoed, filled with indignation and confusion, as she was propelled away.

In the aftermath of the explosion where Garp fell, debris stirred, revealing the robust and defiant figure of the vice-admiral emerging from the dust. A trickle of blood adorned his face. His hardened and determined gaze indicated that, despite setbacks, he was not about to back down.

Next to his father, Luffy descended with characteristic grace, the burning energy of purple flames surrounding his body intensifying even more. The flames, vibrant and wild, seemed to have a life of their own, dancing in harmony with the young pirate's inner strength. At the same time, Dragon emitted pulsating electricity, an aura of intensity adding an electric dimension to the imminent conflict.

"Damn brats, I'll have to take this more seriously," resonated Garp's authoritative voice, a clear sign that the vice-admiral was about to elevate the level of the confrontation.

Luffy and Dragon seemed to respond to their grandfather's change in posture, the elements surrounding the father and son duo coming even more to life. Luffy couldn't help but smile despite the nervousness.

"This is going to be the toughest fight I've had so far. I'm nervous, but I'm excited too. I needed this thrill of an unpredictable battle..." Luffy thought as his heart beat with excitement, even in the face of the growing seriousness of the situation.

The square became an arena of elements, where Luffy's purple flames and Dragon's electricity converged in a stunning visual spectacle, heralding the beginning of an epic battle between son and father against the grandfather.

Thus, the three fighters took the first step at the same time in the chaotic square of Loguetown; the battle between Garp, Luffy, and Dragon reached its peak. The intensity of the unleashed powers wreaked indiscriminate havoc, with buildings collapsing and the ground fragmenting under the pressure of the clashes.

Garp, propelled by fierce determination, charged against Luffy with formidable force. His fists of love cut through the air, seeking to hit the grandson who skillfully dodged, his purple flames dancing around him. At the same time, Dragon manipulated the elements, enveloping himself in a stormy aura as he channeled his powerful Akuma no Mi.

Luffy, even with his strength enhanced by the Mythical Zoan of Ifrit and Moa Moa no Mi, knew that facing Garp was a monumental challenge. However, the imposing presence of Dragon by his side provided a necessary balance. The sky became the battlefield for Dragon, dark clouds and lightning revealing the extent of his power.

Explosions of impact and resounding sounds echoed through the city, leaving onlookers terrified and forcing everyone to move to an even safer location.


The ground was riddled with craters, and it increased even more as the fight extended, silent witnesses to the fierce exchange of blows between different generations.

Garp, despite his overwhelming strength, began to realize the complexity of the situation. Each attack was met with a harmony between Luffy and Dragon's abilities, a dance of fire and electricity that defied expectations with their haki-coated fists.

Luffy launched himself against Garp with a series of skillfully coordinated blows. His purple flames burned intensely, forming a shield of heat around him. Garp, even with his legendary resistance, felt the penetrating heat of the flames, forcing him to dodge with agility.

At the same time, Dragon used the power of the storm to create cutting winds and devastating lightning. He circled around Garp, becoming an elusive presence that challenged the vice-admiral's ability to predict his movements.

Luffy, with a fearless smile, shouted to his grandfather. "Grandpa, you can't handle the storm that is my father and the flames that are mine!" His voice resonated with confidence, challenging Garp to adapt to this new dynamic.

As the battle continued, Loguetown was shrouded in an aura of destruction and power. The Monkey family, united by blood and circumstances, fought fiercely in a battle that transcended family boundaries. The outcome remained uncertain, but the city would witness the magnitude of this epic confrontation between son, father, and grandfather.


Raccoon here:

"Stone Stone!"

* I didn't know how Dragon could refer to his father, it was between Old Man or dad. I chose dad.

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