One Piece: I Can Draw Unlimited Prizes

Chapter 65 - Ideal Township Battle Plan (please collect)

Chapter 65 – Ideal Township Battle Plan (please collect!)

After Lin Tian and Robin parted ways, they found the remains of Aji Labasthan, Lin Tian waited for a while, and before long, he waited for his friends.

Seeing everyone’s exhausted look, Lin Tian knew how hard it was for everyone to climb the ancient desert.

Icarim saw Lin Tian and asked, “Brother.



“She returned to the rainy place, it’s okay, she may not be an enemy of us for the time being in the future.”

Lin Tian said, but in his heart Lin Tian added: “But the premise is to completely defeat and smash Klockdal’s plan.”

“In that case, let’s go to Yuba as soon as possible!”

Icarim said anxiously.

“I have sent a secret letter to His Majesty the King just now. I think they will take precautions against Klockdal after seeing the letter!”

Although Princess Xiao Weiwei is only ten years old, she is not so mature in her mind.

She felt a little heartbroken when she thought that her hairpin Koza had joined the rebel army.

“Okay! Let’s speed it up! You sit on the sand sledge! I need to use my power!”

In order to speed up, Lin Tian still used the ability of the floating fruit and flew towards Yuba.

Yuba is located in the very center of the Kingdom of Alabastan, and King Cobra can see that it has an excellent geographical location.

If it is developed well, it will definitely become the most prosperous city in Alabastan.

Lin Tian and his team finally reached Yuba under the ability of the fluttering fruit that Lin Tian fully urged.Unfortunately, Yuba, which should have been an oasis, has now been swallowed up by the desert in most places.

“How is this going”

Icarim and Princess Vivi couldn’t believe everything in front of them.

“Didn’t you say that this will be an oasis”

Guina asked, “Yes, the Yuba and Elbaru in front of me are exactly the same, they have been deserted.”

Xiao Ba couldn’t help but think of El Baru when he saw Yuba.

“Why not introduce the river channel?”

Nuoqigao also asked doubtfully, “There are river courses!”

Yuba was not like this when Icarim and Vivi went abroad.They also re-examined it carefully, and only then did they come to a fact.

“The river of Yuba can be destroyed by humans!”

“It’s not saved here, Icarim said desperately.

Yuba, which should have been an oasis in front of him, has become an abandoned city like Elbaru.(Read more @

Still, Marco, the phoenix, reacted first: “Since the canal was deliberately destroyed by others, it was naturally to destroy the city. His purpose should be to stir up hatred!”

“Let more people despair and hate the king and start.

This is the man’s wishful thinking! The identity of the man behind the scenes is ready to come out! Shakrokdal!”

When the matter is over, even Princess Weiwei has already understood.

“He is trying to stir up everyone’s hatred of Klockdal against his father!”

Princess Vivi already squeezed her fist fiercely.

“Listen carefully, everyone! Someone!”

Sensitive to changes in the air, she heard other sounds first.

Everyone in the past saw that it was an uncle who was using a shovel to re-dig the river not far from the river, and it seemed that he wanted to dig the river through.

“You are Doto”

Icarim reacted immediately when he saw it.”

Uncle Doto!”

Princess Vivi

I also saw the person in front of me.

“Well, you are Icarim! And Princess Vivi! So you are all fine!”

This uncle named Doto is Vivi Fatt, Cobb’s father, and a staunch supporter of King Cobra.

Although the timeline was 8 early, Koza still joined the rebel army, but was not the leader of the rebel army.

“Due to the demise of Yuba, the rebels have moved to Kathelea near Na Rohara!”

In addition to reminiscences, the most important Iqalem and Vivi received a message that the rebel base has been moved.

“Uh! Unexpectedly, their base has been transferred to Katlea”

Icarim was also a little flustered.After all, the rebellion had already begun, and the general offensive of the rebel army did not know when it would begin.It seemed that time would not be enough to stop them.

“Icarem, if you dare to go to Katlea now, there must be no time!”

Princess Vivi was also sure.

“Why don’t you listen to the plan I specify!”

Lin Tian stood up at this time and took the map to arrange.

“We are divided into two groups, one as an offensive force to Yudi against Krokdal, and the other as an advance force to the capital of Alabastan, Albana.”

Lin Tian went on to say: “Princess Vivi and Icarim, you two must go to Albana. There is the king’s army, at least one layer of protection. If the rebellion has not started, then you will go directly. Katlea negotiates with the rebels. If the general offensive of the rebels has already begun, then defend Albana. There is no objection.”

Lin Tian’s plan is obviously more feasible, and no one thinks it is unreasonable.

“Then next, we assign players!”

“Rainland needs to face Krokdal directly and needs a strong captain. Only Marco and I have the ability to fight Krokdal. Marco is mainly responsible for protecting Princess Vivi, so I will be the captain of the offensive force. , Marco is responsible for the advance force as the captain. Thank you! Brother Marco!”

Although Marco is not a member of the Lin Tian Pirate Group, there is no one else to rely on at the moment, and Marco himself is more trustworthy, so he was directly appointed by Lin Tian as the team leader.

“Don’t worry! Leave it to me!”

Marco confidently said that Lin Tian was also relieved when he thought of the super-powerful Marco.

“Freud is a doctor, so it is more useful in Albana. It is also an advance force. Nuoqigao has no combat ability. Guina is responsible for protecting her. If Xiaoba’s combat ability is not strong, it is better to go to the advance force. Right!”

“Damn! Do you think you are left to go to the rain?”

After thinking about it, everyone said silently.

“Oh! That’s right! It doesn’t matter! I can do it alone!”

Lin Tian didn’t deliberately want one person to do it.In fact, other people are prone to problems.

Krokdal is not…the little ones can be compared before, and don’t blame Lin Tian for letting other partners take another route. How can I say that Sand Crocodile is also one of the seven martial arts under the king.

“Brother, can you really be alone”

“I have no problem! Defending Albana is also a very difficult task. If the rebel army launches a general offensive, you will definitely come in handy!”

Lin Tian knows that Krokdal has prepared the “Ideal Township Operation Plan” for many years.

It’s about to start.

The fifth update is on! Seeking everyone’s support!! Let’s continue!

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