One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

The Banquet of Queens I


I wonder why Mom has to get so extremist sometimes, geez. I opened my eyes and there was a dark room all around me, this was my main bedroom at the top of the palace in Rusukaina. It is gigantic and usually it is just me and mom sleeping in this massive bed. 

There were candles, all dimly lit and a vanilla-like scent in the air.

The door opened and entered someone I didn't expect. 

"You're awake, master~"

"Stussy? When did you arrive?"

"This morning" She approached and sat next to me on the bed, kissing my forehead twice before her thumb traced my lips and she kissed me there too, she was wearing her CP0 attire with a white dress and a pink tie. 

I tried to answer her kiss and rise but found myself shackled to the bed as she pushed my chest down.


"What's the meaning of this...?"

"You don't need to worry about anything, master. Just leave it up to us, we will make sure this ceremony is... enjoyable for you~".

"W-Wait what are you girls planning?" I'm starting to get a bit nervous. What sort of 'ceremony' are talking about? I didn't know there was a sadist among their lines, just masochists! 

"Primrose planned a 'banquet' and we all agreed to her proposal".

"I didn't agree to anything!".

"Fufu~ master you don't need to agree, you just need to be here. Don't worry, no man could even dream of the amount of pleasure that's coming to you, aren't you lucky to have so many beauties that love you?"

"...I-I guess I am... where is everyone?"

"The girls are getting ready and the food is being cooked. You just have to wait a little bit, I'm here to keep you company and talk some matters to you in the meantime".

She kept pecking my lips and caressing my naked chest. Her hands began to let loose, going down and rubbing my trunks, carefully removing them. 



"Stick out your tongue".

"Oh?" She moved away some of her golden hair, placing it behind her ear before she stuck her tongue towards me, "Like this?~"

With a swift move, I sucked on it, since she's going to keep me company, she should do it properly. Our relationship is different in a sense... she's completely submissive to me and will do anything I say, she has given me the green light to do anything I want since the 'incident'. 

Back then during an underworld party in Grand Tesoro, our first joint appearance as the Emperor of the Black Market and Empress of the Pleasure District. We were all wearing masks so nobody knew my real identity. A lot of things happened. 

"Hmn~ do you remember back then when you 'mistakenly' stumbled on the stairs, 'mistakenly' pushed me to the ground and 'mistakenly' ended up sniffing me down there?".

She kept kissing me and fondling my balls before separating with a giddy snicker. 

"Was that truly a mistake?~ be honest with me".

"What do you think?"

She became more and more aggressive due to my 'affirmation' That's right, it wasn't a mistake. She was looking particularly hot during that time with that dress and she used to tempt me daily, so yeah...

"Suck it".

"Fufu~ what do you want your little Stussy to suck?~"

"... don't make me say it".

"What a naughty lover, but you know... tonight I want to do more than just sucking. I want this inside me tonight".

My nervousness returned with that statement. That's right, tonight I'm graduating. Kinda hilarious considering I have been married to five women for the last five years. 

"I can't heed that order for your sake~ it is for the best if this little friend is in peak condition for what's to come".

"Hmph! Do you think I can't take on all of you, who do you think you're talking to?"

"You're shivering, master".


"How hilarious. You seduced us daily for years and now when it is time for you to pay your dues, you're all scared. Is the prospect of endless pleasure so frightening?"

"I fear I'm going to get addicted to it" I gulped as her motions went up and down across my length, like she was worshipping it. Her subtle wicked whisper fired me up even further. 

"I'm concerned about that too~"

"Stop teasing me, what did you want to talk about?"

I told her that but she didn't stop, instead she joined me in the bed and lashed herself around me. 

"I wanted to apologise at first. It was me who revealed to Hancock what Doflamingo was up to. I figured if she stole the national tribute from him you'd eventually be able to gain control over Dressrosa after Doflamingo's defeat. The reason I wanted you to have that city was because of the Tontatta tribe living there. But I never expected the chain of events that would unfold. A devil fruit capable of turning people into toys and erasing people's memories about them? I didn't know such an evil thing existed. If I had known I would have told them!".

"You don't need to get so exasperated, I'm not blaming you... and I know you didn't do it with bad intentions".

"Thanks, master, I love you... I'd never do anything to harm you or your loved ones, you know that".

"I know. Don't worry, I trust you. Back in Dressrosa, I met the Tontatta and even their princess and king. Why are they so important?"

"They're very hardworking and loyal, their history goes far beyond the void century, but their records are erased even for me to pry on. I thought it would be worth it for you to have not only the national tribute but also the Tontatta. You know even the Celestial Dragons are humans, they purchase food, fuel and all resources from authorised merchants in the various kingdoms. If the tributes were taken it would cause a chain reaction, they'd undoubtedly charge the kingdoms of the world the difference, which meant they'd charge double... but in exchange, the resources they could get from those merchants would be drastically handicapped. It would create the perfect opportunity for you and Dragon to strike".

"At the cost of those people's normal lives. More and more people would descend into drastic poverty because of that" I remarked, unaware of what to feel over her impulsiveness. 

"There are sacrifices to be made to change this world, master" She reminded me, something I already knew. And perhaps the reason why Dragon has been so reluctant to give a decisive strike to the world government. They're a necessary evil. 

"Next time, before making such a drastic decision, consult it with me. Was this Vegapunk's will?"

"I understand and I haven't received any further orders from Vegapunk aside from..." She turned her gaze away from me, but I turned it back towards me with my powers. 

"Aside from? You're not hiding things from me are you?"

"I didn't know how to say it. He wants me to study your air combustion engine. He says it may be the key to creating unlimited energy" Her voice sounded a bit fearful but I already understood her position. 

She's loyal to me, but she has a responsibility with Vegapunk. 

"Is that so? What do you need? That old fart, he could have asked me directly".

"Do you not mind?" Her voice was so meek, I kissed her chin as a response. 

"As long as you tell me all the results of his research, I don't".

"Master..." Her eyes turned into hearts in front of me and she jumped on top, embracing my head against her chest, "Of course!~ I'll give you all the data you need".

She began by removing her top, rendering me a bit clueless but her erotic sight still fired up my soul, her top was all exposed but she kept the pink tie that brushed against her prominent cleavage. Her skirt raised and she removed her underwear, that was when alarms began to ring. 


"Change of plans, I'm taking you in right now. I can't hold back when you're so sweet to me. I heard you have two new slaves... let me officially claim the spot as your favourite".


"Don't worry. I'll be quick, no one will know anything~ In and out, just pour it all inside my womb".


Her words sounded so lustily as she gripped me from the base and hovered above, ready for insertion. 

No way, this is happening?! She took my c*ck and lined it up against her moist nethers until I touched it with endless expectations. 


"Thanks for waiting, baby. The food is rea-".


Primrose opened the door harshly, she was dressed in an alluring red velvet one-piece dress and behind her were the rest of my girls, all of them carrying different trays of food. However, when they saw what Stussy and I were about to do they gasped in disbelief. 

"Stussy... what are you doing here?!".

"Ha?" I looked between the two of them in confusion. They didn't know she was here?! 

"Tehe~ should have done this from the start instead of talking, master".

The shadows in the dim-lit room seemed to grow alive, a pair of wings manifested in Stussy's as she tried to flee but the darkness was even faster, capturing her. A frowning Robin appeared with a pitch-black dress and loose hair. 

"Let me go!"

"Trying to take the price before everyone else, huh?".

Finally, Mom walked in followed by Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold, each with alluring dresses of different colours, putting the food to the side... what sort of setting is this?!

They all looked at the captive Stussy as if they wanted to eat her alive. 

"When did you arrive?".


"Did you know what we were planning?".


Her humble persona was only displayed to me, for everybody else in this world Stussy was irreverent and haughty. 

"I have the right to be here too. I love Master and you know that".

"That is right, but since you were naughty and tried to monopolise the goods, you're going last. Keep her there, Robin".


My mom then turned towards me, she looked breathtaking I must accept... I never thought to ever see her dressed in such a regal manner. Her dress was dark purple with glitter and all the curves visible in the right place. She started by opening one of the trays and I saw what was inside... Sushi?

She took one of the rolls and put it on my belly button. 

Primrose walked next to her, her dress was crimson red, also with glitter but her cleavage was even more exposed than Mom's. She also took a roll and placed it on my tights. 

"What a naughty boy... what were you just about to do?~"

"I had no idea! She told me you sent her here!"

"Is that so? But you could have stopped her at any moment, those are not sea stone shackles and even if they were, your psychokinesis would have done the job. Were you so eager to get inside her?"


I was too focused on what they were doing to focus on her words. Hancock put a piece of salmon with a smile, then Sandersonia and Marigold each opened their trays and it was filled with exquisite warm dishes that they placed all around my crotch. 

Marigold's slender body was covered in a two-piece orange dress, a top that hovered above her belly button and covered her gargantuan chest, a knee-length skirt that plucked out like a peach due to the delicacy concealed within. 

Sandersonia was clad in an emerald bikini with a loose see-through veil that made her look so alluring. All of them were fantastic. 

"Little brother you look so exquisite, I so want to eat you".

"Darling... Mom, can we start now?"

"Hehe, do you have any words to say, Baby?~"

"You won't explain to me what's going on, right?"

"Do you need any further explanation? Very well... I'll explain to you like you're a little kid. We're going to eat you whole tonight so just stay there and enjoy. This is our promise, to share this important moment together and enjoy ourselves, leaving a memory that will never be erased".

I definitely won't ever forget this. It was like an unprecedented sense of thrill. I understand now why the shackles are so easy to remove.

"Then girls, it is time... dig in~"


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