One Piece: King Of The World

Chapter 17: Stussy?

In the waters near Naval Headquarters at Marineford, a large ship flying the World Government flag sailed slowly toward the port, the towering structures of Marineford visible in the distance.

On the deck, Claudius stood, staring at the massive fortress of justice looming ahead, a sense of awe creeping into his expression.

"I've seen Marineford in my previous life, but witnessing this grand structure in reality is something else entirely," Claudius murmured. "Just looking at it from here, you can practically feel the weight of justice in the air."

As soon as he finished speaking Nia gently draped a luxurious mink coat over his shoulders.

"Your Highness, the air here is quite cold. Be careful not to catch a chill," Nia said softly, her tone full of concern.

Claudius chuckled. "With my current physical condition, I don't think a little sea breeze will knock me down. Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to show up at Naval Headquarters like this?"

"Your efforts haven't gone unnoticed, Your Highness. I believe you'll come out on top this time," Nia replied with a smile.

"My skills are barely passable," Claudius said with a laugh. "At best, I'm just above average."

At that moment, a strikingly beautiful woman with a well-proportioned figure and wearing an elegant, tailored suit approached them from behind. She bowed her head respectfully before speaking.

"Saint Claudius, we're about ten minutes away from Marineford," she said in a soft, measured tone.

Claudius turned to look at her and nodded. "Thank you, Stussy, for the escort."

"It's an honor for CP-0 to be of service, Your Highness. Thank you for remembering my name," Stussy replied, her head still lowered in deference.

Indeed, Claudius wasn't visiting Naval Headquarters this time to flaunt his status as a Celestial Dragon. Quite the opposite he intended to keep his identity hidden. There was no need to burden the Marines he would spar with by making them feel any unnecessary pressure. Only by doing so could he get an accurate measure of his own strength.

However, Claudius couldn't just waltz into Naval Headquarters without a reason. After all, it wasn't a place one could casually visit like a public square. He needed a legitimate pretext, so he used his authority over the CP organization. The Cipher Pol, particularly CP-0, served as the shield of the Celestial Dragons, the most elite and mysterious arm of the government. Though Claudius wasn't one of the more prominent Celestial Dragons, he was still a genuine member of that privileged class, which gave him certain command over CP-0.

And so, Claudius had called upon CP-0 to arrange his transportation to Marineford, flying under their banner to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. His excuse for visiting was under the guise of "internal training and communication," making him, for the moment, a member of CP-0.

Coincidentally, the one sent to escort him was none other than Stussy, the future Queen of the Pleasure District, the mastermind behind the intelligence network known as Happy Street in the New World.

In Claudius' eyes, Stussy was a remarkable figure not because of her strength, but because of her uncanny ability to maintain her appearance. Despite being around the same age as Charlotte Linlin, Stussy looked like a woman in her early thirties, maybe even younger. She carried herself with the grace of someone much younger, and even two or three decades from now, she would still appear as youthful and radiant as she did today. It was as though time had no hold on her.

Claudius found himself intrigued by Stussy, not only because she was an attractive and capable woman but also because of her unique talents. In the back of his mind, he was already thinking about ways to recruit her into his circle someday. 

After all, it wouldn't be too difficult. CP-0, despite its prestige, ultimately served the Celestial Dragons. Even if Stussy held a high-ranking position in CP-0, Claudius had the authority to pull her out of her role and assign her as his personal guard or assistant.

The only challenge would be shifting Stussy's loyalty. As someone born and raised within CP-0, her devotion was undoubtedly to the Celestial Dragons as a whole. Claudius would need to gradually cultivate her loyalty to him personally, much like he had with Nia. When Nia first arrived, she had been a standard butler, strictly loyal to the system she served. But now, her loyalty was solely to Claudius, and she was the one person he could fully trust.

Claudius gazed at Stussy silently, these thoughts running through his mind. 

Stussy, feeling the weight of his stare but unsure of his thoughts, remained still, growing slightly nervous. It wasn't wise to make a Celestial Dragon uncomfortable.

After a long pause, Claudius finally made up his mind. There was no need to rush. He would establish a connection with Stussy first and let things develop over time. For now, he didn't have the power or resources to fully bring her into his fold. It was better to let her continue growing within CP-0, accumulating experience and strength.

With this thought in mind, Claudius smiled. "I have a good memory when it comes to beautiful women, so of course, I'd remember your name."

Stussy raised her head slightly at his teasing remark, a professional smile still on her lips. "Thank you for your kind words, Saint Claudius."

"Once we arrive at Marineford, remember not to reveal my true identity to anyone. Just treat me like your subordinate during our time here," Claudius instructed, his tone becoming more serious.

"Of course, Your Highness. I'll make sure of it," Stussy replied immediately.

Despite Claudius' interest in her, Stussy herself was also quite intrigued by him. She was an ambitious woman, after all. In her career within CP-0, she had dealt with many Celestial Dragons, and Claudius was nothing like the others. 

From what she knew, he had once been a typical "brainless Celestial Dragon," causing trouble and indulging in excess. About a year ago, he had been tricked into eating a Devil Fruit and had almost lost his life during an incident in the New World. But after his return to Mariejois, he seemed to have transformed completely.

First, there was his appearance. Gone was the fat, sluggish figure, replaced by a strikingly handsome young man. His demeanor had changed, too. Claudius no longer had the arrogant air of the other Celestial Dragons. He carried himself with a sense of purpose, and his physical fitness was surprisingly good for someone of his status. It was clear that he had undergone rigorous training under the guidance of someone strong.

Moreover, the way he interacted with people was different. He didn't look down on those around him. Even his relationship with his butler, Nia, was notable. Nia didn't seem like a mere servant. There was a bond of trust and mutual respect between them, something Stussy had never seen with other Celestial Dragons.

But what fascinated Stussy the most was the reason for this visit. Claudius wasn't coming to Marineford to flaunt his status or conduct an inspection. He was coming to spar with the Marines, to test his own abilities. 

In her more than ten years with CP-0, Stussy had never seen a Celestial Dragon voluntarily visit Naval Headquarters to train. It was almost unbelievable.

As their ship docked at Marineford's military port, Claudius disembarked, walking down the gangplank calmly. 

Zephyr, who had already been informed of Claudius's arrival, stood waiting for him at the port. There was no formal reception, just a quiet meeting as Claudius had requested. 

As soon as Zephyr saw Claudius, his eyes lit up with surprise. As a Marine Admiral, Zephyr had a sharp eye for detail, and the changes in Claudius were obvious. It wasn't just that Claudius had slimmed down or gained muscle; it was the way he carried himself his solid stance, his confidence, the subtle signs of rigorous training.

In just six months, Claudius had undergone a dramatic transformation. Zephyr, an experienced instructor, could immediately tell that Claudius had been working hard. His progress wasn't something an ordinary person could achieve in such a short time.

"It's a pity," Zephyr thought to himself. "If he weren't a Celestial Dragon, with this level of talent and his Devil Fruit powers, Claudius could have become an Admiral candidate alongside Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Borsalino."

Pushing the thought aside, Zephyr stepped forward to greet him. Just as he was about to bow, Claudius interrupted with a grin.

"Zephyr! It's been a while! I've missed you, old man," Claudius said cheerfully. "No need for all the formalities. Didn't I tell you before? When I'm here, treat me like anyone else. I'm not here as a Celestial Dragon, so keep that under wraps, alright?"

The warmth in Claudius's tone caught Zephyr off guard but pleased him. Smiling, the Admiral replied, "Looking at you now, Your Highness, I'm proud of the progress you've made." 

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