One Piece: King Of The World

Chapter 21: What a Coincidence

On the top floor of Marineford's Naval Headquarters Hospital, in the most advanced ward equipped with the best medical technology, Claudius lay on a hospital bed in a patient gown, looking relaxed. It would be hard to believe that just a few hours ago, he had been fiercely battling Gion in a high-stakes training match, narrowly winning with a risky, self-sacrificing move.

The aftermath of that fight had nearly given several bystanders a heart attack especially those aware of Claudius's true identity. Zephyr himself had almost suffered a heart attack from the shock.

After all, Claudius was pretending to be a CP-0 recruit. If he were genuinely just a potential agent, even with all his promise, an accidental death during training wouldn't have been the end of the world. Marineford could handle that without too much pressure.

But Claudius wasn't just any recruit he was a Celestial Dragon. If he were injured, people might grumble, but if he died, it would be an entirely different story. The fallout would be catastrophic.

Despite the tension, after Claudius had executed his "mutual destruction" move and pierced both himself and Gion, he still managed to stand victorious. Zephyr, using his seasoned eyes, could see that though Claudius was seriously injured, it wasn't life-threatening. To avoid exposing Claudius's identity, Zephyr had to restrain Nia, Claudius's panicking butler, as well as Stussy, who had been quietly freaking out.

Zephyr's impression of Claudius had shifted over time. When they first met, Zephyr had pegged him as just another spoiled Celestial Dragon, a troublemaker. But after their encounter in the New World, Zephyr had seen a glimpse of Claudius's potential and had passed down to him valuable training techniques.

Now, after seeing Claudius fight again, Zephyr's opinion had changed dramatically. Claudius wasn't just talented he was fearless and ruthlessly determined. The fact that Claudius was willing to stab himself to ensure victory in what was essentially a sparring match left a deep impression.

At that moment, Zephyr realized that Claudius wasn't just a typical Celestial Dragon. He was the kind of person who had the grit and drive to push through pain, hardship, and limitations. He had both talent and tenacity, a combination Zephyr admired. If Claudius had been a Marine, Zephyr would have groomed him to become a future Admiral, maybe even a Fleet Admiral. It was a shame such potential was locked within the confines of the Celestial Dragons.

By Claudius's bedside Nia attended to him, offering him tea and keeping him comfortable. Despite the battle he had just endured, Claudius appeared at ease, though there was still a hint of soreness in his movements.

However, Nia's expression darkened every time her eyes flicked to the other bed in the room. Under her breath, she muttered curses aimed at its occupant.

This was a three-person ward, the most elite medical facility in Marineford. Normally, only top officers like Admirals or the Fleet Admiral would use it. But in cases of injury, it was also made available to those Marines deemed promising future leaders.

Lying on the other bed was none other than Gion, the Commodore who had been defeated by Claudius in their intense sparring match. Despite Claudius winning the bout, Gion's physical condition was far superior to his, thanks to her Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit abilities, which granted her enhanced vitality and recovery.

Even so, Gion had suffered a serious wound from Claudius's Shinsō. While Zoan fruits, especially the Mythical ones, were known for their incredible resilience, she was still too injured to be up and about. Thus, Gion had been placed in the same elite ward as Claudius to recuperate.

As Nia continued to glare at Gion, the Commodore smirked and said, "Heh, if I didn't feel the ruthlessness you displayed during that fight, I'd think you were just some pampered noble's son, lounging around with your maid fussing over you."

Claudius chuckled and replied, "What's wrong, Gion? Are you upset about losing?"

Gion's expression turned slightly sour. It was true Claudius hadn't been stronger than her in raw power. In fact, in terms of physical strength and skill, he was slightly weaker. But the fact remained: in the end, he had won. He had shown the resolve to risk everything for victory, and that was something she had to respect, even if it frustrated her.

"I'm not someone who can't admit defeat," Gion said after a pause, her voice firm despite the sting of the loss.

"Good to hear," Claudius said, a teasing smile on his face. "I wouldn't want to have to stab myself again just to prove my point."

As they exchanged words, Claudius reflected on the match. He knew there was still a considerable gap between his strength and Gion's. His victory had been due to his boldness rather than sheer power. He had leveled the playing field with his determination and a willingness to take drastic risks.

Based on these two sparring sessions, Claudius had a clearer understanding of his own strength. Compared to the average Marine Commodore, he was undoubtedly stronger. In terms of raw power, he was well above someone like Momonga, but he still had some ground to cover before reaching the level of the top-tier Commodores like Gion.

Nevertheless, he wasn't discouraged. He knew that with more training and effort, he would eventually surpass even someone as formidable as Gion. 

After a brief exchange, Claudius turned his attention away from Gion. As impressive as she was both as a fighter and as a beautiful woman he found his thoughts drifting toward the man lying in the third bed in their shared ward.

That man was none other than Monkey D. Dragon, the future revolutionary leader who would one day be considered the world's most dangerous criminal. To Claudius, the coincidence of running into Dragon here felt almost too good to be true.

Dragon, the son of Marine hero Garp, was a figure surrounded by mystery. At this point, Dragon was still a respected Marine with a promising future ahead of him, someone people believed would one day become an Admiral, or perhaps even the Fleet Admiral. His presence in this elite ward was no surprise, given his status and potential.

However, it seemed Dragon's injuries weren't too severe, as he was up and about, helping himself to tea and snacks while occasionally chatting with Gion. Claudius had noticed they were on familiar terms, which made sense. Gion had a close relationship with Garp, often referring to him casually as "Little Garp." It was no surprise she knew Dragon well, too.

Despite sharing the ward, Dragon had only exchanged a few polite words with Claudius, acknowledging him as just another CP-0 recruit. He hadn't given Claudius much attention since then.

As Dragon quietly read a book, his serious expression gave off a scholarly air. He didn't resemble the man who would one day be the leader of a worldwide revolution. Without the familiar blood-red tattoos on his face courtesy of Garp's infamous slipper discipline Dragon looked more like an intellectual than a soldier.

Claudius, watching Dragon out of the corner of his eye, couldn't help but laugh inwardly. "What luck! I was just wondering how I could get closer to this guy, and now we're stuck in the same hospital room! Patient friends, huh? Perfect."

Indeed, before coming to Marineford, Claudius had prepared himself for a potential encounter with Dragon, though he hadn't expected it to happen so soon or under such circumstances.

Putting thoughts of Gion aside, Claudius shifted his focus to Dragon. He had to make his move carefully, so as not to waste this golden opportunity.

"Now that Dragon's here, Gion's not my priority anymore," Claudius mused. He turned to his butler and said, "Nia, could you grab that book I brought with me? I'd like to read a bit."

Nia, quick as always, nodded and asked, "Which one would you like to read, Mr. Crow?"

Claudius pretended to think for a moment before replying, "Hmm... How about 'Civil Rights'?"

As soon as Claudius said the title, Dragon's eyes flickered with interest. Though he tried to maintain his composure, Claudius noticed his subtle reaction.

Nia hurriedly fetched the book from Claudius's bag and handed it to him. Smiling, Claudius opened the book and casually read aloud a famous quote: "The people are the most valuable, society comes second, and the ruler is the least important..."

Dragon's eyes sharpened at the words, his curiosity clearly piqued.

Unable to hold back any longer, Dragon leaned forward slightly and asked, "My friend, what book is that you're reading? And where can I find a copy?"

Claudius smiled inwardly. "Hook, line, and sinker."

Feigning mild confusion, Claudius looked up at Dragon and replied, "Oh, this? It's called Civil Rights, but I doubt you can find it in any stores..."

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