One Piece: King Of The World

Chapter 24: Sabaody Archipelago

After Dragon left, Claudius didn't bother staying at the Marine hospital. He wasn't a Marine, so there was no need for any formal discharge procedures. Once he packed up his belongings, he left Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Before he departed, he had one last meeting with Admiral Zephyr. What surprised him, however, was the unexpected appearance of Marine's so-called "Flower of Gion," who showed up at the port just to see him off.

The reason? Claudius had managed to defeat her during a sparring session on the training grounds. Out of respect for a worthy opponent, she felt it was only right to personally bid him farewell.

She also made it clear that she wouldn't lose next time due to a mistake like she did before, and warned Claudius to stay sharp.

Looking at the proud and stubborn "Flower of the Marines," Claudius couldn't help but smirk. Next time? Compete with me again? If there's a next time, I'll have you flat on your back—not in battle, but in bed, showing you all the ways I can break you down until you're begging for mercy.

But, of course, those were just the dirty thoughts running through Claudius's mind. Putting aside such fantasies, he was confident that if there really were a next time, he would be able to face Gion head-on with his own growing strength.

Why was he so sure? Because Claudius had already received something crucial from Zephyr something he'd been aiming for since the beginning.

Zephyr had handed over a detailed manual on Haki cultivation and training methods.

When it came to Haki mastery, there were two individuals in the Marine who were absolute experts.

The first was the man Claudius had targeted Zephyr himself.

Zephyr, known as the "Admiral Who Doesn't Kill," had earned his second moniker, "Black Arm," due to his proficiency in Armament Haki. His mastery in Armament Haki was unparalleled, and it was through this skill, rather than any Devil Fruit ability, that Zephyr climbed to the rank of Marine Admiral. His powerful Conqueror's Haki was an extension of his life experience, and while Claudius hadn't even awakened his Conqueror's Haki yet, Zephyr's manual provided insight that was invaluable for future training.

The other Marine expert who could match or even surpass Zephyr in Haki mastery was none other than the hero of the Marines and Dragon's father—Vice Admiral Garp.

Despite holding the rank of Vice Admiral, Garp's strength was on par with, or even above, the Admirals. He was the unchallenged powerhouse of the Marine.

So why didn't Claudius go to Garp for Haki training? The reason was simple: Garp wasn't exactly known for being the most... diligent or articulate instructor, at least not when it came to teaching others.

In contrast, Zephyr's manual was filled with detailed explanations. He had poured in all his experiences and insights, even adding personal advice tailored to Claudius's abilities and potential based on their interactions over the past few days.

It was clear that Zephyr truly cared about Claudius, whether due to his passion for teaching or a genuine respect for Claudius's status as a Celestial Dragon. Regardless of the reason, Zephyr had spared no effort in helping him.

Thus, Claudius was more than willing to view Zephyr as a true mentor.

"I'll find a way to repay Zephyr someday…" Claudius murmured to himself as he stood on the deck of the ship, watching Marineford slowly recede into the distance. He glanced down at the manual filled with Zephyr's wisdom and insights, a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Zephyr's generosity had genuinely touched him, so much so that Claudius was determined to protect the man's family, no matter what.

"Stussy..." Claudius called out.

Stussy, who had been standing nearby during Claudius's time at Marineford, immediately stepped forward and responded softly, "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

"Once we return to Mariejois, I want you to transfer some of our best operatives from CP-0 and have them positioned around Zephyr's family. Don't reveal their identities just have them act as friends or acquaintances. If any danger approaches Zephyr's family, I want our agents to protect them at all costs. Understood?" Claudius instructed.

Although Stussy didn't fully understand why Claudius wanted to make such an arrangement, she nodded and accepted the task without question.

While Stussy remained puzzled, Claudius knew exactly why he was taking this precaution. Better to be safe than sorry.

Claudius wasn't one to meddle unnecessarily, but after benefiting so much from Zephyr's guidance, he couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

There were simply too many uncertainties in this world. Sending a few skilled agents as a safety net was the most straightforward and effective measure he could take.

"It should be enough… right?" Claudius mused to himself. The idea of anyone daring to harm a Marine Admiral's family was almost unheard of. But Claudius wasn't taking any chances. Even if it were an improbable scenario, he believed his intervention could make all the difference.

The journey from Marineford to Sabaody Archipelago wasn't far. It took less than half a day to reach their destination.

Claudius had no intention of heading back to Mariejois right away. Since he was already out and about, he decided to visit Sabaody Archipelago and see what it had to offer.

After all, Sabaody was a well-known island, marking the end of the first half of the Grand Line and serving as the gateway to the New World. On this island, just about anything could happen.

You could see the lofty and arrogant Celestial Dragons. You could see downtrodden slaves at the bottom of the hierarchy. You could witness Marine officers enforcing justice or encounter pirates causing mayhem.

Here, on this chaotic island, you might even stumble across legendary figures like Whitebeard, Golden Lion, or the future Pirate King himself, Roger.

These giants of the seas often stopped by Sabaody because there was no other direct route to the New World. The only alternative was to circle around the Calm Belt.

The Sabaody Archipelago was a true melting pot—a place where predators and prey lurked in the shadows, hidden in plain sight.

But for Claudius, the island didn't pose much danger. Sabaody was directly under the jurisdiction of the Celestial Dragons. In essence, it was their playground their fiefdom.

It was close to both Marineford and the Holy Land Mariejois. Should trouble arise, reinforcements from either the CP organization or the Marine Headquarters could arrive almost instantaneously.

So long as Claudius didn't run into some reckless fool like Luffy someone who would attack a Celestial Dragon without a second thought he had no reason to worry.

And people like Luffy were few and far between. Claudius was confident he wouldn't be so unlucky.

While most pirates had to enter Sabaody through the lawless zone's port, Claudius's status allowed him to sail directly to the luxurious port reserved for Celestial Dragons.

After disembarking, Claudius decided to conceal his identity at least a little. He didn't need to go to great lengths to disguise himself but opted not to flaunt his status. He kept his entourage small, bringing only Stussy, his butler Nia, and a few hidden guards.

Without the typical Celestial Dragon attire, the obnoxious bubble hood, or a procession of slaves, he didn't stand out too much. Most people would just assume he was a wealthy noble visiting the island.

Given how many nobles frequented Sabaody in hopes of currying favor with the Celestial Dragons, Claudius's appearance was anything but conspicuous.

As he strolled through Sabaody Archipelago, he took in the sights with curious eyes, observing the island's layout and unique atmosphere.

Apart from the lawless zones, the rest of the island was surprisingly orderly. The scenery was beautiful, the climate pleasant. It truly was an ideal place for leisure and relaxation. No wonder so many Celestial Dragons liked to visit.

From what he could tell at the port, a few of his "Celestial Dragon brethren" were already on the island. But Claudius had no intention of meeting up with them or exchanging pleasantries. He preferred to explore the island on his own terms.

"Your Highness, I've compiled a list of interesting spots and information about Sabaody Archipelago. Please take a look and decide where you'd like to go," Nia said, handing Claudius some papers.

Claudius glanced through the information. He wasn't interested in soap bubble parks or sightseeing spots. Specialty shops and scenic views didn't catch his eye either. In the end, he settled on one destination—the auction house in the illegal zone.

He smiled and said, "Let's go check out this auction."

The moment the words left his mouth, Stussy's expression turned a bit apprehensive. "Your Highness, that auction isn't exactly legitimate. It deals in some rather shady, gray-area businesses. And more importantly, it's located in the lawless zone it's dangerous there..."

Sabaody's illegal zone was still chaotic at this time.

The auctions there weren't particularly well-regulated, and the slave trade wasn't as "refined" as it would be in the future. Claudius figured that later on, when his big cousin, Donquixote Doflamingo, eventually extended his influence into Sabaody, he would formalize and dominate the slave trade market, turning it into a more structured "employment agency."

But for now, these auctions were still a hodgepodge of activities selling everything from slaves to rare treasures. Claudius wanted to take a look, just to see if there was anything of value.

"It's fine. With you around, Stussy, what could possibly go wrong? Is there anyone out there who'd dare to harm me?" Claudius said with a grin.

Stussy sighed in resignation, smiling wryly as she replied, "I'll certainly do everything in my power to protect Your Highness. But if we encounter a situation I can't handle, please don't hesitate to reveal your true identity to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"Don't worry, I promise," Claudius nodded with a lighthearted smile.

With that, they made their way to the illegal zone of the Sabaody Archipelago. 


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