One Piece: King Of The World

Chapter 5: The End of the Sea Circle Calendar 1490

When the silhouette of the desert island appeared on the horizon, Admiral Zephyr and Kuzan's expressions both froze. They spotted black smoke rising from the island, a telltale sign that someone was lighting a fire.

"No way... Did we just stumble upon that one-in-ten-thousand chance?" Kuzan muttered incredulously.

Zephyr's eyes narrowed thoughtfully before he gave a decisive order. "It might just be what we're thinking. Quickly, tell the warship to increase speed!"

"Couldn't it just be a lightning strike or something? I mean, the chances of lightning starting a fire are probably higher than Saint Claudius being alive…" Kuzan said, smacking his lips in disbelief.

"Whatever it is, we need to check it out," Zephyr responded, quickening his pace as he prepared to land.

The warship surged ahead, closing the distance to the desert island.

Meanwhile, atop the mountain on the island, Claudius sat, grilling the wild boar he had hunted. He gazed out at the ocean, scanning the horizon from his high vantage point. His eyes caught sight of several warships swiftly approaching the island.

Taking a bite of the poorly cooked boar meat, Claudius let out a deep sigh and muttered to himself, "Finally... after all this waiting, they're coming. Have they sent someone to 'rescue' me? Or is this just to confirm my death?"

But Claudius made no move to meet the ships. After all, he was a Celestial Dragon. There was no need for him to rush. It was their job to come to him.

While it might seem arrogant, it was perfectly in line with the lofty status of a Celestial Dragon. So, Claudius remained where he was, calmly waiting, no longer forcing himself to eat the unappetizing boar. After all, as soon as he boarded a warship, he could expect food far better than this.

The Marines' warship reached the shore, and Zephyr, along with Kuzan and a contingent of Marines, quickly disembarked. They raced up the mountain, heading toward the plume of smoke.

Upon reaching the summit, Zephyr finally laid eyes on the mission's objective an unkempt and disheveled figure sitting near the fire. But there was no mistaking it; this was indeed Saint Claudius, who had been stranded after a shipwreck for the past two weeks!

As they neared him, Zephyr slowed his pace. Though he had never met Claudius before, he had heard stories. After all, a Celestial Dragon who had consumed a Devil Fruit was bound to be well-known. 

The rumors painted Claudius as a spoiled young man temperamental, lacking any real ability, and incredibly difficult to deal with. Zephyr couldn't help but wonder how much anger had built up in Claudius' heart after being stranded for so long. He steeled himself, fully expecting to deal with an outburst of some sort.

Approaching Claudius cautiously, Zephyr swallowed and said softly, "Saint Claudius, I deeply regret the hardships you've faced. I'm Zephyr, an Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and I personally led the fleet to rescue you. I'm relieved to see you in good health."

Claudius, for his part, recognized Zephyr immediately. This was a famous figure, after all a Marine Admiral with a distinguished reputation. Seeing him in person confirmed Claudius' suspicions.

When Zephyr spoke, he bowed slightly in respect. Though Marine Admirals generally received some level of respect from the World Government, they still couldn't avoid showing deference to the Celestial Dragons. However, Zephyr was not required to kneel.

Rear Admiral Kuzan and the other Marines accompanying Zephyr, on the other hand, did not enjoy such privileges. Despite feeling somewhat disgruntled, Kuzan lowered his head, preparing to give a formal bow.

But before they could complete the motion, Claudius spoke up. "It's fine. There's no need for such formality."

Zephyr and Kuzan blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback. The Marine officers froze as well. However, the soldiers had already fallen to their knees, bowing in submission before the Celestial Dragon.

Watching this scene, Claudius couldn't help but feel conflicted. While his memories told him that people often bowed and scraped before him, seeing it in reality for the first time left a different impression. These Marines, symbols of justice and strength at sea, were now groveling in front of him. It was a stark reminder of how much power the Celestial Dragons wielded.

Claudius had no desire to indulge in such theatrics. Forcing these men, especially potential rising stars like Kuzan, to debase themselves would bring him no real benefit. He might derive some fleeting satisfaction, but it would come at the cost of resentment. A man like Kuzan was destined for greatness, likely to become a Marine Admiral in the future. It was far better to show a little leniency and avoid fostering bad blood between them.

Seeing the stunned expressions on Zephyr and Kuzan's faces, Claudius waved his hand dismissively. "Let's not waste time. I appreciate you finding this island and rescuing me. But I've had enough of this place. I want to return to Mariejois immediately."

Claudius' unexpected display of good temper threw Zephyr for a loop. He had braced himself for insults or worse but was met with unexpected civility instead. Still, Zephyr didn't dare question it. Nodding quickly, he replied, "Of course, Saint Claudius. We'll see to it that you're safely escorted back to Mariejois without delay."

As Zephyr gave the command, the Marines swiftly prepared to set sail. Glancing around the island, Zephyr noticed the remnants of a fire, some half-cooked wild boar, and bones scattered about. It seemed the Celestial Dragon had truly been surviving on his own these past weeks.

"I get the feeling Claudius isn't like the other Celestial Dragons," Kuzan mused quietly.

Zephyr nodded in agreement. "Indeed. He's not quite what I expected. But maybe this experience humbled him. Who knows?"

They both shared a chuckle, Kuzan adding, "Yeah, maybe. Still, it's rare to meet a Celestial Dragon like him. I guess I was just curious."

"Well, enjoy it while it lasts. You'll probably never want to see a Celestial Dragon again after this," Zephyr said with a smile.

Meanwhile, aboard the warship, Claudius was soaking in a bath, finally able to relax after weeks of hardship. While he had been able to find water on the island, proper toiletries had been out of the question. Now, he was relishing the chance to finally rid himself of the grime and exhaustion.

"Zephyr and Kuzan... With the two of them here, I can rest easy. They'll get me back to Mariejois without any issues," Claudius murmured, sinking deeper into the warm water.

After a long, satisfying soak, Claudius stood up and examined himself in the mirror. "I've changed a bit these past two weeks," he noted, poking at the fat around his stomach.

Though he still carried a bit of extra weight, the time spent roughing it on the island had clearly toughened him up. He'd shed some fat, and his arms and legs now had a bit of muscle tone. 

"Maybe with some proper training, I can finally shake off the 'greasy' label," Claudius said to himself with a small grin.

He dressed in the luxurious clothes the Marines had provided, finding them a bit loose after his weight loss. Nevertheless, they were still far more comfortable than anything he had worn on the island.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Claudius noticed that every Marine he passed immediately bowed their heads in respect. He acknowledged them casually, more to prevent them from dropping to their knees than out of any real courtesy.

Eventually, he arrived at his room on the ship. Despite being aboard a warship, the accommodations were surprisingly spacious and comfortable.

"This room's probably the result of the two weeks they spent preparing to rescue me," Claudius thought with a smirk.

Without looking back, he called out to the Marine standing outside his door, "Go prepare a proper lunch for me. And invite Admiral Zephyr to join me for the meal."

The Marine saluted and quickly replied, "Yes, Saint Claudius. I'll convey your orders immediately."

Once alone, Claudius sat down and took a sip of the tea that had been prepared for him. He murmured to himself, "Sea Circle Calendar 1490... I know a few things about what's to come, but it's best to confirm them with Zephyr."

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