One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 1045 - Time and space battlefield

In the universe!

A crack in time and space opened. Jiang Feng and the King of the Realms of Time entered the crack in time and space. The colorful streamers continued to pass through the eyes. The two kept moving along the direction of the passage. After about five minutes, six or seven bubbles were entangled. The world is here.

“This is …” Jiang Feng’s eyes were frozen, he could see six or seven different worlds entangled in front of him, he could feel the breath of six or seven different time and space.

It’s as if someone cut off a corner of six or seven different time and space, and then pieced it together again. There is no doubt that this can be done, absolutely using the power of time and space.

“Master of the kingdom of time! I think that’s right here!” Jiang Feng said to the king of time.

Although Shishi Egg was found back, a part of the power of time and space still fell into the hands of the dark forces. In the memory of Tova, Jiang Feng saw that the evil mage Tova extracted some time and space power from the time and egg, and created some A treasure that contains the power of time and space.

These treasures are in the hands of the most powerful demon **** Demagura, in order to let them collect huge energy in all time and space, to help the demon **** Demagura restore power.

Basically, any energy can be used, such as energy of energy, energy of life, evil energy, etc. Among them, the evil energy is a great complement to the demon demiguel, but there is not so much evil energy for him to absorb.

“Bring Goku and Vegeta to them too! This is a good opportunity for them to practice!” Shijie Wangshen teased Shishibird on his shoulder and smiled at Jiang Feng with a smile.

“Okay!” Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a wave, his thoughts moved, and he saw two cracks in space and time suddenly cracking around him.

Dragon Ball gt world earth!

Goku and Vegeta are transformed into Super Saiyan IVs, fighting fiercely in a huge dimensional space, and both are preparing for the battlefield they will set foot on.

They don’t want to be out of the mission for the first time, they are beaten down by the enemy, just like the Super Saiyan has no power to fight when facing the gods.

“Goku and Vegeta, take a rest for you! I’m ready for lunch!” Buma entered the dimension space and shouted at Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta and Goku stopped, watching the rich lunch appetite, and immediately withdrew from the state of Super Saiyan IV, flew to the table and ate.

“After the demon Buu incident, I rarely see you so desperately practicing. The situation now reminds me of when the first martial arts world was about to begin more than a decade ago!” Bu Ma came over and looked at Goku And Vegeta, his face is full of nostalgia for the past.

“Master Wang of the Realm of Time, I do n’t know when to summon us, we ca n’t afford to be indifferent. If it ’s because of our incompetence, we ’ll be kicked out of the time and space patrol. Would n’t it be too regrettable to know that we can fight with the strong in all time and space? Opportunities for battle are very rare! “Goku said in a stubborn manner.

Just as the two were having a great meal, the space-time rings on their hands flashed silver and white, and two cracks in space-time appeared beside them.

“This is …” Goku and Vegeta looked at each other as if they were thinking of something, and their eyes were full of excitement.

At the end of the time and space crack, Goku and Vegeta slowly walk out of the time and space crack.

“Can the two of you fight?” Jiang Feng cast his gaze and twitched his lips, only to see Goku biting a large barbeque in his mouth and holding a lot of delicious food in his arms.

“Goku! You’re too cunning, eat it alone!” The King of Shijie put aside his lips, and Shui Ling’s big eyes stared at the food in Wu Kong’s arms.

“Master of the Realm of Time! If you want to eat, I can give you some!”

“Uh-huh! The birds always eat …”

“Where’s our enemy this time!” Vegeta gave Goku a white look and flew to Jiang Feng and asked.

Jiang Feng raised his finger and pointed at the strange world entangled with six or seven worlds. At this time, they stood in the space-time dimension and could clearly see the nearby dimension world.

Jiang Feng, King of the Realm of Time, Vegeta, and Goku slowly approached the strange world, and the moment they approached the world’s film, their figures did not enter.

“This is …” A few people came to a barren mountain forest and looked curiously at the world.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, there were fierce fighting sounds in the distance. Several people looked up and could see a blue hair with a sacred breath in Goku, who was fighting a golden Frieza.

“That’s … Carcarot, how can that be? What form is this? I can’t even detect the anger on him!” Vegeta stared at Goku, another time and space, who was super blue.

“This is a form of God’s realm. He barely counts as a **** now! It is impossible for mortals to perceive the breath of gods! There is no doubt that he is another space-time Goku. The way he becomes stronger is different from you … … “

Jiang Feng looked at Super Blue Goku slowly and said that this Goku should come from the future space-time of the space-time where he is. Because when he met the King of the Realm of Time, Goku was still on the planet of Koronos, and even the Super Saiyan III couldn’t transform!

Otherwise, the God of Time Realm directly invites Goku to join the Time and Space Patrol!

“God’s realm! What is that? Could it be said that Karkarot in time and space has become a god!”

Vegeta looked extremely puzzled ~ ~ I couldn’t help thinking of the battle between Jiang Feng and Goku, Jiang Feng had released a terrifying energy, but they could not notice it.

Now he can’t detect the breath of Wukong, so there is only one explanation, this Wukong has become a god.

“Yes or no, this Goku is a pseudo-god!” Jiang Feng said lightly.

In the universe, real gods are organized. They are as small as the gods of the earth and as high as gods such as Billus. They are gods recognized by the universe and their deities are all in the temple. Every level of the temple.

And like Super Blue Wukong, because there is no godness in understanding the gods who can be transformed at the dimension level.

Jiang Feng is barely a god. He is an apprentice **** of the time, and after receiving the approval of Shi Wang, he turned right.

“Can we be gods too?” Vegeta asked curiously.

“Of course! As long as you can understand the dimension, you can also transform into this form!”

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and said slowly that the Super Saiyan was taking the path of breaking through the body level, as if breaking the yoke of the body.

From super one to super two, from super two to super three to super four, and then even to super five, until their physical potential is completely squeezed out.

The super race **** is inclined to improve the level of the soul dimension, and gain magical power by improving his own soul dimension.

Therefore, Goku and Vegeta in the Dragon Ball gt world can also transform into super race gods if they raise the level of the soul dimension.

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