One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 12 - Absolute crush

the next day

Qijiang Feng came to the venue early in the morning, and the list of the big contests will be announced in the morning, followed by a one-on-one duel.

江 When Jiang Feng arrived at the venue, a large number of elites had gathered here, and they were eager to try.

Everyone is serious, and even the communication seems very restrained, because they know that everyone present is their competitors.

江 When Jiang Feng entered the venue, everyone’s attention was focused on Jiang Feng. For this highly appreciated experience, Jiang Feng was quite uncomfortable. For Jiang Feng, it was the rudeness to be indifferent to the development of pigs and tigers.

A school officer soon walked to the crowd with a large box.

“Now queue up and draw your own number. Since there are 257 people remaining, there will be one by one. Those who will take turns will play against any of the top 64, 32, and 16 … Eliminate. “

什么 “What! There is also a turn, this number must be Uncle Ben, no one should grab it.”

“Come on, brother, just for your luck, I think your opponent in the first game is definitely Bazat.”

“You curse me”

Qiu Jiangfeng picked No. 135, and there were a total of 4 dais. So Jiang Feng tried on No. 3 taiwan. Someone did get a round number in a while. Even Jiang Feng had to say that this man was really lucky.

He won the round number, which means that he had avoided the first two matches. His first matchup was to play against one of the remaining 64 players.

I saw the first two competitions, and the fool can see who is strong and who is weak, and pick one that is not as good as his own. He easily enters the top 50, so the dear has already got a place.

的 The buddies who got the round number in the distance were full of spring and proud of the breeze, but the people next to them gritted their teeth and only hated that they were not themselves.

Some people disdain, “It’s just luck, I really think I’m great.”

Jiang Feng could not help shaking his head when he heard this, and sometimes luck was also part of his strength. After this buddy received Zefa’s training, his strength would surely advance by leaps and bounds, and he and these losers were no longer in the world.

Jiang Feng quickly walked to the third platform and looked around, but did not see Gulid, Bazat.

Minjiang Feng’s mouth rose slightly, “It seems that I can only meet them in the final.”

“No. 129 vs. 130 in the first game, please have two players play.”

Seeing that the two who came to power were not acquaintances of the original book, Jiang Feng lost interest.

No demon fruit, no awakening domineering, can only carry hard, who fights hard fists, who has strong resistance to fight.

I soon got Jiang Feng’s turn.

“Next, Monch D. Jiang Feng No. 135 on No. 136” The examiner looked at Jiang Feng and said kindly.

Qiu Jiangfeng is Karp’s nephew, naturally it is also considered a second generation army. Moreover, Jiang Feng is still SS-level potential, and his little examiner dare not offend.

An elite man of slightly fat body and a height similar to Jiang Feng, walked out of the crowd, and saw Jiang Feng’s trembling words on the stage, “Please advise”

“Don’t be nervous, I won’t beat you”

Qi Jiangfeng looked at this little fat man with a smirk.

“Start” The examiner announces the start of the duel.

The fat man made a defensive move immediately.

“Instant Step”

Qi Jiangfeng’s smile disappeared, a flashing body appeared behind the fat man, and he put the prepared short sword in front of the fat man’s neck, and said in his mouth, “You lost.”

Everything happened too quickly, the winner was decided in an instant, and the audience had not had time to respond.

“What just happened, this wins.”

“I may have fake eyes and see nothing …”

The elites around me looked at each other, somehow.

“I see, it is the demon fruit ability”

精英 An elite said excitedly.

“What fruit is this, I have never heard of it, but it is really strong.”


“The examiner can announce the results!”

Qiu Jiangfeng broke the silence.

The examiner came back to God, and quickly said, “This is Monch D. Fengsheng.”

Everything that happened just now will be recorded by the surveillance phone bug at the venue, and then projected by the image phone bug into an office in the naval headquarters.

If you are familiar with the activities of naval officials, it is not difficult to recognize that the captains, Zefa, and the Warring States are sitting in front of the screen.

“Is Superman the fruit of space? Sure enough, it’s amazing, and its potential is no less than that of nature.”

Warring States said.

Kapu and the Warring States mentioned Jiang Feng’s devil fruit.

“This year’s freshmen have a few good seedlings, and since Kuzan graduated, I haven’t seen any freshmen with potential.”

Takizawa flashed before his eyes.

“Zefa, my nephew has SS-level potential, you should cultivate it well.”

Kapu looked proud.

Everyone was speechless, shook his head helplessly. Since Jiang Feng was tested for SS-level potential, Karp has always shown off in front of his old friends, and it is hard for everyone to refute. Who doesn’t let himself have such a good junior.

看 “Look at his performance, the old man doesn’t like students who rely too much on the devil’s fruit ability.”

“Next, Monch D. Jiang Feng at 135 vs. Carls at 169.”

This is the sixth game, the last battle of UU reading book No. 3 platform, this matchup will determine the top four candidates.

Kartz stepped onto the stage, looked at Jiang Feng in front of him, and said in a low tone, “Feng, I know you have great potential, but now you are by no means my opponent. Advise you and give up directly, otherwise you will lose a lot . “

After listening to Karlz’s words, Jiang Feng suddenly became interested and was not angry.

“Really, it seems you have something to rely on. What makes you so confident after watching my instant step.”

“Then you know right away, your proud ability is nothing in front of me.”

Kaltz said with a disdain in his arms.

Qi Jiangfeng also felt strange. After watching his instant steps, he dared to threaten to defeat himself. Is he a demon fruiter? Or do you have mastery?

If it is the latter, then there is some play.

In the first five games of Jiang Feng, he did not meet those with demon fruit ability, nor did he meet the elite who dominated.

The elites in the first five games were all restrained by Jiang Feng’s ability. He could not find Jiang Feng’s movement without hearing the domineering.

Qijiang Feng can give his opponent a fatal blow in an instant, but his opponent has no chance to respond.


After the examiner started, the atmosphere immediately became tense, and the two sides confronted each other without taking any risk.

Qi Jiangfeng thought that this guy with a large dialect would attack with all his strength in the beginning and beat himself with a rush.

I seem to be thinking wrong, and Kartz is waiting for his attack.

“Instant Step”

Minjiang Feng’s thoughts flashed, and suddenly appeared behind Kartz, followed by the dagger.

“Here it is, this is another move, it seems that Kartz, he will lose.”

I bemoaned everyone around.

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