One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 15 - Vs Bazat

After a while.

Bazat closed his eyes of hostility.

“Monkey D. Maple, your progress is really fast, but you missed the best time to train. Now you are not my opponent at all, give up!

“Oh, someone said this to me just now, and I’m not standing here right now.”

“I urge you to stop speaking in tongues, and save yourself in the face!” Jiang Feng said with ease.


“See the real chapter under your hand!”

Qiujiang Feng can enter the top four. This is not simply a matter of luck. Bazat naturally knows this. The reason why the language threatens Jiang Feng is to win Jiang Feng first.

Unfortunately, he made the wrong calculation.

The elites at the naval headquarters have long heard Bazat’s fierce name. After hearing Bazat’s threat, they may shake their hearts.

But who is Jiang Feng, Karp’s nephew. Jiang Feng doesn’t care who he is.

Qiu Jiangfeng swept away her inner thoughts and focused on Bazat, ready to fight.


Bazat clasped his hands tightly, his feet kicked the ground several times in a row, his body rushed towards Jiang Feng, his fist hit Jiang Feng’s face door.

“Instant Step”

When Bazat’s fist was close to Jiang Feng’s ten inches in front of him, Jiang Feng flashed and appeared in the mid-air behind Bazat, turning and kicking sideways.

Bazat blocked with his left hand, but was still kicked out by Jiang Feng, almost falling off the ring.

怎么 “How could it be, how could he be so much stronger than me.” Bazat lay flat on the edge of the ring, exclaiming in his heart, but did not show the same on his face.

告诉 “Tell me, this is not true, Bazat was kicked off!”

“Bazat lost? And it’s been seconds …”

The elites on the stage, seeing this scene, couldn’t help but feel a little lost. For a long time, everyone felt that Jiang Feng and Bazat were in the middle of the middle. How could they not believe that Jiang Feng kicked Bazat with one kick? Nearly ten meters.

Everyone is an elite. I don’t know how powerful the elite is.

At this time the Warring States Office.

“This boy, really will make an amazing move, you just saw the power Zefa!” Warring States said to Zefa around him.

“It can kick Bazat nearly ten meters, and its strength is at least about twice that of Bazat. I know the strength of Bazat, which is relatively excellent among these elites, about 2,000 pounds.”

“Isn’t this kid’s basic strength more than 1,000 pounds?”

“I remember Zefa, your original basic strength was the highest in the army, about 1100 kg. This kid’s basic strength will not be higher than you.” Warring States joked.

“I hope he can surpass me, these newcomers are indeed better than the previous ones.”

Qijiang Feng’s physical fitness is stronger than Bazat, and not a little bit. Bazat’s body is not very strong, which means that Bazat’s basic quality is about 500 pounds, after breaking the limit, the upper limit of the force reaches more than 2,500 pounds.

At this time, Bazat’s strength is at most 2,000 kg, while Jiang Feng’s strength is more than 5,000 kg, which is clear at a glance. It can be said that Bazat is completely crushed by Jiang Feng if he does not need beastization.

In the previous test, Jiang Feng never showed his strength. Bazat mistakenly thought that Jiang Feng’s strength was not as good as the elite of the same period, so he took care.

“Bazat show your hole cards, otherwise you won’t have any chance to win me!”

“I’ve seen you beastified, don’t talk nonsense, hurry up!” Jiang Feng looked forward to looking at Bazat.

Bazat slowly stood up and said: “The nephew of Lieutenant General Capu is really extraordinary, it’s my little niece.”

“After beastization, my strength, speed, and defense will be increased to more than three times the original, Monch D. Maple, you are the first person to let me do my best, so you can be proud of it”

Bazat said to Jiang Fan just after reaching the downturn.

“Cut, say you’re fat, you’re still breathing, pride yourself on your D head, don’t chop you into a pig today, don’t even think about this platform.”

考 The purpose of this conference’s assessment is not to rank. It is mainly to use this battle to observe the situation of the new recruits in the navy, to pick out some particularly outstanding, and focus on training.

The navy has huge power and abundant resources, but it can’t afford it, and it can train many elites. There are some older elites that have long been of little value in training, and the naval headquarters needs fresh blood.

Bazat knows this, so he intends to let go and win. Of course, even if he loses, his performance is enough to enter the sight of the high-ranking navy.

兽 “Beast”

I saw Bazat’s entire body turned into a giant praying mantis, his limbs became sickle-shaped, his head did not change much, but it also became a triangle.

“This guy, I don’t think I’ve seen myself after being transformed, otherwise it will never turn into a ghost like this, it’s too ugly.”

At this time, he needs a mirror to let Bazat take a picture. Jiang Feng promises that he will cause 10,000 points of damage to his heart.

Opposite Jiang Jiangfeng, Bazat lifted two sickles high, the sickle on the left blocked his face, the sickle on the right was inclined, and the sole of the foot suddenly kicked towards Jiang Feng.

A green sword-mang shot out in vain, and it spanned a distance of nearly five meters in a flash. UU read a book www.uukanshu. Com suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Feng.

“Instant Step”

Facing the sudden stab, Jiang Feng didn’t panic. Because Jiang Feng had no weapons in his hands, he had to dodge in a short time.

Before taking office, Jiang Feng did not bring his own dagger. In the first few games, Jiang Feng ended the fight with a short step and a short sword, just because he didn’t want to spend time.

As for Bazat and Gulide, their strength is comparable to Jiang Feng’s, so Jiang Feng regards them as their trial stones, and uses them to hone themselves and enhance their actual combat experience.

“Can you escape such a chopping?” An elite asked the elite around him, said.

别 “Don’t compare me with these two perverts. I encountered such a fast slash, I was dead early.”

“Monkey D. Maple is worthy of Karp’s nephew, SS-level talent, it is difficult to imagine that he has such strength in just one year.”

Bazat saw Jiang Feng escape his slash, and was not surprised. He just tried it with a dagger and did not do his best.

“Fast, I didn’t expect that an animal with a demon fruit ability would be so difficult, then Superman, nature is not …” Jiang Feng murmured as he looked at Bazat.

After the beastization, Bazat added one more ability, which was the jumping ability. Your feet bounced faster than you could shave.

“唰” “唰”

Bazat’s sickle was slashed out, and a pair of sickles attacked endlessly, not giving Jiang Feng a chance to fight back.

“Instant Step”

Jiang Feng flashed directly behind Bazat this time, kicking Bazat’s quasi-triangular head sideways.

“Bad, instant step”

I held Jiang Feng in shape, and found that there was a small knife mark on his left leg. After checking it, he did not hurt the blood vessels, so he felt relieved.

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