One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 161 - Teaching Hancock

Twenty-three days later, a navy warship slowly sailed towards the island where Jiang Feng was located. When she saw the navy warship coming, Jiang Feng showed a touch of joy.

The slaves who were rescued before are now hiding in towns on the island, waiting for the opportunity to return home.

Jiang Feng saw the naval warship slowly approaching, turned to look at the three sisters Hancock, and said solemnly: “Three of you remember, when you are on the navy warship, don’t reveal that you are the group of the nine snake pirates. people.”

“I can’t protect you if you let them know that you are from the Nine Snake Pirates.”

The three sisters of Han Han Cook listened to Jiang Feng’s words, and their eyes were still full of confusion. In the past three days, they had known Jiang Feng’s identity.

The navy didn’t all want to catch the pirates, but why didn’t the navy in front of them rescue them instead.

The warship docked, and a major came down, “Sir Major General, are you done with your business?”

“It’s done.”

Minjiang Feng said a little, and took the three Hancock sisters to board the navy warship.

When he saw the three sisters of Hankook, there was a faint flash of light in the major’s eyes, “Lord Major, are they?”

When I heard the major suddenly asked them, the three sisters of Hankook showed a little turbulence on their faces, and looked at Jiang Feng with help-seeing eyes.

“Harriet, they are just three lost little ghosts, and I plan to send them home.”

Min Jiangfeng looked at Harriet and said as usual, while waiting for the warship, he also took the three sisters Hankook to the town to buy a few clothes.

Qijiang Feng had recognized them because of the special service of Jiuze Island on them. After changing clothes, they were no different from ordinary girls.

Harriet is Jiang Feng’s deputy. In addition to Harriet, there are two lieutenants, three second lieutenants, and more than a hundred sailors.

He boarded the warship and ordered to set sail. Jiang Feng looked at the navy sailor indifferently, “Go to Nine Snake Island.”

Harriet saw Jiang Feng going to Jiuze Island again, and looked at Jiang Feng with a doubt, “Major Major, what are you going to Jiuze Island?

Hearing Harriet’s proposal to attack the Nine Snake Pirates, the three sisters of Hankook watched Jiang Feng with alert eyes.

“Did I say that I would attack the Nine Snake Pirates?”

别 “Don’t listen to them talking nonsense, I have no plan to attack the Nine Snake Pirates.”

Min Jiangfeng looked at the three sisters Hancock lightly.

As soon as I got on the warship, I heard the soldiers whispering.

“Have you heard that the Dragon boat has been ransacked a few days ago, and nothing has been left of the thieves who ransacked the Dragon.”

“Of course I heard that the Navy has now dispatched several Lieutenant Generals to look for the whereabouts of that thief.”

“His reward is a billion dollars, and you know that the amount of bounty in the new world is more than one billion dollars.”

“Can this be the same, but he ransacked the dragon dragon’s ship, and the dragon dragon himself offered a reward.”

“I heard that after a while, if the big thief has not been caught, the bounty will continue to increase.”

I heard the sea soldiers’ discussion, Jiang Feng’s complexion changed, and the big thief in their mouth would not be himself!

枫 Jiang Feng had visited the town once on the island, and he didn’t care about other news. Now he was surprised when he heard the discussion of the sea soldiers.

“Harriet, what is the big thief in their mouth?”

Qi Jiangfeng looked at Harriet and asked.

“Major Major, don’t you know? The Tianlong people were ransacked by a thief when they returned to the holy place of Mary Joa a few days ago.”

“But it is strange that this thief not only ransacked the treasures on the ship but also the slaves on the ship.”

Harriet said with a confused look. “The navy initially guessed that this thief should have grudges with the Tianlong people. If he is really just an ordinary thief, there is no need to rescue the slave.”

“At present, the Navy has locked some special groups under investigation.”

After hearing Harriet’s words, Jiang Feng was relieved. He didn’t think too much about taking away the Dragon’s treasure, and he didn’t want the Dragon to reward him.

I also offered a reward of one billion Baileys. He is indeed a Tianlong man. His shot is generous. This amount is close to the high-priced cadres of the next four emperors.

But think about that there should be no trace left. The slaves have never seen themselves. Even if the Navy finds the rescued slaves, it can only know some information about its capabilities.

As for their space capabilities, both CP0 and the Navy know that there is a distance limit, and they are still the Rear Admiral. There is no reason to suspect themselves that the Dragon Dragon was ransacked.

Similarly, the three Hancock sisters will not pass on this matter.

Uh …

On the deck of the navy warship, Hancock was facing a sea soldier.

Han Han Cook looked stubbornly at the sea soldier, holding the dagger unique to Jiuze Island in his hand, while the sea soldier was holding the Navy’s ordinary short sword.

Er Haibing looked at Hancock with a disdain. “I’m not a little girl who will show mercy because you are a little girl.”

“I will not take back what I just said.”

When he heard the words of the sea soldiers, Hankuk’s eyes flashed resolutely. “I will prove by strength that I am a soldier.”

After talking about Han Cook, he raised his short sword and rushed towards the sea soldiers. The sea soldiers couldn’t even ignore the little **** the opposite side, and greeted him with a sword.

As soon as she walked out of the cabin, she saw this scene, and Jiang Feng didn’t stop it immediately.

I looked for a while, Jiang Feng flashed a strange color in her eyes. Although Hankook is only 12 years old now, judging from her proficiency in swinging swords, she should have learned swords for five or six years.

Ordinary sea soldiers and Han Cook are gradually at a disadvantage.

Seeing that he was gradually at a disadvantage, the sea soldier panicked. If he lost to the little girl in front of him, he would probably be laughed to death by the whole ship.

At this moment, he could not help but regret it, why did he just laugh at her.


Suddenly he heard Jiang Feng’s scolding, Hankook and Haibing stopped their movements ~ ~ Hankook turned his head and looked at him stubbornly, while Haibing looked gratefully. he.

“You follow me.”

Min Jiangfeng said to Han Cook and went into the cabin.

I went into the cabin and looked at Hankook behind him. Jiang Feng said, “Why is there a conflict with the sea soldiers?”

Han Cook’s eyes were full of indomitable, “I said I was a soldier, he laughed at me.”

When I heard Han Cook ’s words, Jiang Feng understood the beginning and end of the matter. The nine snake islands were all women. They were born as soldiers and Han Cook was no exception.

“Want to be a soldier, come to me tomorrow, I will teach you myself.”

Min Jiangfeng looked at Hancock’s eyes with a deep look.

“You are willing to teach me.”

When I heard Jiang Feng was going to teach herself, Hancock’s face showed a touch of joy, and when she came to the navy warship, she naturally heard a lot of rumors about Jiang Feng.

“You are a navy, I am a pirate, why do you save me.”

Han Han Cook suddenly asked. When she learned that Jiang Feng was a navy, she always wanted to ask, but she didn’t have a chance to speak.

When I heard Han Cook ’s question, Jiang Feng did not explain in detail, “I am different from other navies. I want to do something they dare not imagine. Now I ’ll tell you these things, and you ca n’t understand it.”

“Han Cook, when you grow up, you don’t need me to explain, you will naturally understand.”

After listening to Jiang Feng’s words, Han Cook looked at him with a confused look. Although he wanted to know why, it seemed that the man who had saved her in front of him would not tell himself why.

However, she knew that the man in front of her saved her and her sisters, and did not have malicious intentions against herself.

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