One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 25 - Domineering

After listening to Zefa’s explanation, Jiang Feng started practicing domineering.

Naval Headquarters, in a separate training ground, Zefa is directing Jiang Feng’s domineering practice. There are eight other people who are under the guidance of Ze Feng with Jiang Feng.

Armed color domineering is closely related to physical strength.

越 The stronger the body, the stronger the armed color domineering is. With the strength and body shape of Gulide, once you awaken the armed color domineering, you will definitely become the emperor among the armed color domineering practitioners.

Han Han Cook’s hometown, in the windless belt of the Great Fairway, is a daughter island full of women, and most of the women on the island can awaken armed domineering.

But their physical strength is not enough. Even if they master the armed color domineering, they can only attach domineering to the arrow to increase the destructive power of the arrow. They cannot attach domineering to the body.

修 Cultivation of domineering when the physical strength is insufficient is a waste of time, putting the cart before the horse.

So after Jiang Feng broke the limit, he did not immediately teach Jiang Feng to practice domineering.

Domineering practice takes time, not overnight. Zefa gives everyone one year to practice domineering, which shows that domineering practice is not easy.

Generally speaking, the best time to awaken domineering is when the body is close to breaking the second limit.

Awakening domineering at this time helps to break the second limit.

Takizawa explained in great detail, with a gentle narrative: “The intensity of armed color domineering varies from person to person. The better the constitution, the higher the quality of armed color domineering.”

那么 “How do you tell how good a person’s physique is? It’s not difficult. The stronger the basic quality, the better the physique is.”

After listening to Zefa’s work, Jiang Feng said: “So, there are three grades of domineering quality in the class. The first grade is that of himself and Gulide, and the basic strength exceeds 1,000 pounds.

“The second grade is that Bazat and others have basic qualities close to the limit of ordinary people, which is 500 pounds. The third grade is some female soldiers with poor basic qualities.”

“As for the control of domineering, it is related to mental strength. Every time you push the limit, your mental strength will increase.”

“With your current mental strength, you can barely get domineering on your fists.”

“Let the domineering be fully attached to your fists, even if you have a preliminary grasp of the armed domineering.”

“Intermediate mastery of domineering is that you can easily attach high-density domineering to the entire arm or the blade of a weapon.”

“Domineering’s advanced degree of control is that you can easily attach high-density domineering to your whole body, or wrap the entire weapon with domineering.”

“As for the ultimate armed arrogance, it is too far away from you.”

Takizawa talked endlessly, and everyone nodded from time to time, his eyes flashed a look of sudden realization.

Most of Jiang Zefa’s lectures had long been speculated by Jiang Feng, but he was not sure. Today, he listened to Ze Fa’s lecture, and the guess in his heart was confirmed.

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, just divides the degree of control over domineering.

Qi Jiangfeng thinks that the main thing of armed domineering is quality.

Ordinary armed color domineering, it is impossible to defend high-quality armed color domineering.

During the day, at Zefa ’s training venue, Jiang Feng and Gulid practiced head-to-head. At night, Jiang Feng came to Smog to practice with him.

After all, in the training class, only Gulide can fight against himself without falling behind.

After more than a month of mutual discussion, Jiang Feng and Gulide have become iron buddies.

“Hikas, Gulide, come here quickly.”

At this time, Jiang Feng, Hicas and Gullid were in Capu’s courtyard.

Qiu Jiangfeng stood there with her blindfold blindfolded. In order to practice and see domineering, Jiang Feng tried to relax herself as much as possible.

Hikkas, Gulid stood in front of Jiang Feng and looked at Jiang Feng with a smirk.

Xi Hikas used to be bullied by Jiang Feng. In the past few days, he finally got a chance to get revenge on Jiang Feng. For helping Jiang Feng to cultivate, he naturally enjoyed it.

Gulid is a black near the black, and he has been mixed with the shy kid for a long time, and his heart has become dark.

Qi Jiangfeng watched One Piece in his previous life. That’s how Raleigh trained Luffy and helped Luffy wake up to see that she was domineering, so Jiang Feng directly copied Raleigh’s method.

Don’t say that, this method is quite effective. In just over two months, Jiang Feng has begun to look into the door. Jiang Feng must be awake to see it in less than a month.

this day.

“Hikas, don’t hit Lao Tzu’s face. Lao Tzu still has to rely on him to hit his sister.”

“Gulid, can you start with a tap and give Lao Tzu a pair of panda eyes every day, Lao Tzu will soon become a giant panda.”

Hikas and Gulid pretended not to hear, looked at each other, smiled, and attacked Jiang Feng.

at last!

“It feels like …, feel it, and finally hear it.”

Qi Jiangfeng said excitedly.

One of the two was in front of Jiang Feng. He was approaching Jiang Feng crappily, listening to the sound fluctuation, it should be Hikkas.

Hikas walked to Jiang Feng, and with a smirk on his face, he almost laughed, and saw that Hikas raised his fist and attacked Jiang Feng’s face.

Minjiang Feng lightly held Hicas’s fist and said, “Co-authored ~ ~ It’s just you stinky kid who has been hitting Lao Tzu’s face.”

“No, Gullid can save me, brother, I was wrong.”

Sikas realized that the situation was not good.

Qi Jiangfeng was fat in front of Hikkas, “If you let me hit my face again, wouldn’t I be handsome? Would anyone please?”

Guli De’s eyes flashed behind Qi Jiangfeng, “Are you awakened, even earlier than me, it is indeed my friend and opponent.”

It took a total of three months for Qijiang Feng to wake up to see the domineering, and Gulide spent more than four months.

Twenty six months later, in the naval headquarters training ground.

Qiu Jiangfeng and Gulide stood there face to face. Both of them looked dignified, and they both stared at each other’s fists, with their own fists lingering a strange breath.

This breath is exactly armed domineering.

武装 “armed color”

As soon as I thought about it, Jiang Feng controlled this breath, trying to condense it and “harden”

I saw that breath under the control of Jiang Feng began to compress and condense. When condensed to a certain degree, Jiang Feng’s fists began to appear dark, until black covered the entire fist.

After seeing Gulide, Gulide’s fist began to appear black, and soon fell apart.

After watching Jiang Lide’s failure, Qijiang Feng laughed and said, “It seems that I’m faster than you this time. Don’t be discouraged, you know that you want to be the second successful man in the class.”

Gulid rolled his eyes.

“Maple, I don’t think you can comfort people at all.”

“Hehehe” Jiang Feng laughed.

As for the overbearing color, Jiang Feng asked Zefa, and Zefa told Jiang Feng that he could not use overlord color, because Jiang Feng’s mental strength was not enough.

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