One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 30 - Battle of the Island

At this moment, in a very luxuriously decorated room on the top floor of the tavern, a young man with black curly hair is sitting on a chair, looking at his account book this month.

This person is the target of this mission by Jiang Feng and others.

Standing opposite Locas was a thin, insignificant man. The man looked at Locas with a charming look. “The account of the boss last month …”

After Lokas looked at the ledger, he took the ledger on the table with a look of anger, “The profitability of last month has dropped significantly, tell me why.”

“Boss can’t blame us. The navy seems to be following us lately, so the brothers dare not be too pretentious.”

The wretched youth panicked.

“Hmm! Navy! We are already on the line with the Golden Lion, as long as we enter the new world and join His Majesty, the Navy will not dare to move us.”

Locas’s voice just came to an end, and I saw a younger brother running in.

“Boss Locas, it’s not good, there’s a navy here!”

I heard Yan Luocas’s face changed drastically, “Is it for us?”

“Okay … seems like it is.”

“It’s so fast here, **** it!”

Luo Luocas’s face became ugly, and he looked up at the younger brother who came to report.

既然 “Since it has been exposed, I have to fight with them, so that my brothers are ready, let these navies come back today.”


Uh …

As soon as the warship reached the shore, Zefa’s figure disappeared. I don’t know if he had returned to the room or had landed on the island.

Without Zefa, everyone seems to be missing the mainstay.

Looking at everyone at a loss, Jiang Feng said, “Since it’s already here, let’s get off the boat. I think Teacher Zefa must be watching us in secret.”

I heard Jiang Feng’s words, and everyone disembarked. More than thirty elites, including Jiang Feng, all walked off the boat.

As soon as they landed on the island, they were surrounded by hundreds of pirates with muskets and various weapons.

Everyone is awake to see that they are domineering and can avoid bullets, so the firearms pose little threat to everyone.

I was able to mobilize hundreds of pirates to besiege them in such a short time, and only Lokas could do it on this island.

“It looks like we were found.”

Hundreds of people looked at the navy in front of them, holding different weapons in their hands. Some even had no weapons, the formation was loose, and there was no discipline at all.

The most important thing is that each one looks immature, and at first glance he is a recruit.

“The navy really looks down on us, and actually sent a bunch of baby soldiers to come and destroy us.”

A pirate saw through the identity of Jiang Feng and others.

哈 “Hahaha, when I heard that the navy was coming, I was so scared that I almost broke the road. I didn’t expect it to be a bunch of stinks.”

不是 It’s not that they haven’t seen the navy, but they have never seen anything like Jiang Feng. There is no formation. The navy that they do their own thing looks like scattered sand.

Coupled with the immature face, the pirates decisively believed that these navies were all recruits who had not joined the navy for a long time.

A leader thinks the same way, but I always feel weird. I have never heard of the Navy’s allocation of new ships to recruits.

“Don’t care if they are recruits or not, quickly destroy them, Boss Locas said, and won 10,000 Bailey by winning a naval head.”

With the order of the boss, the pirates instantly boiled and opened fire on Jiang Feng and others.

“Hum! Treat us like a puppet, I killed you.”

Bazat said unhappyly.

When the slugs came, basically everyone escaped, and the guns were no threat to the elite who broke the first limit.


Almost immediately, more than a dozen people rushed into the pirate’s line one after another. Like wolves like sheep, the pirates had no power to fight back.

Touch! Touch!

One by one the pirates were all laid to the ground, blood splattered.

Qi Jiangfeng saw several elites with blood on her face, and stared at her blood-stained hands with trembling eyes.

Qi Jiangfeng knew that this was the first time that they had killed someone, and that they could only overcome it by themselves.

“It seems that there are many thieves on the island and Shanghai. Don’t let them run away.”

“it is good”

I don’t know whose proposal was instantly recognized, so more than thirty elites, each grouped with people they know, three people in a group, four people in a group, only Jiang Feng and Guleide are a duo.

Everyone rushed to the town and saw the pirates in groups, walking on the street, and the people on the street closed the door. Occasionally, there were several civilians who were too late to go home and were killed directly by the pirates.

“A pirate is a pirate, after all, there is no reason to kill.”

Qi Jiangfeng’s mental strength is much stronger than that of ordinary elites, so Jiang Feng can feel the strong anxiety of the people on the street.

大部分 Most of the pirates in the world of pirates are ignorant of money. In their eyes, as long as they can grab the money, killing them is commonplace.

There are not many people like Luffy, White Beard, Roger who go to sea purely for their dreams.

Qiu Jiangfeng came to the Pirate World and changed her view of the previous life. Being a good person in the Pirate World, do you want to live?

Qiu Jiangfeng never thought of being a good person in the past, good or bad, just do what you do to obey your heart and feel at ease.

Navy Pirate, justice and evil? There is no absolute righteousness.

Min Jiangfeng turned around and said to Gulid: “They are too crowded. Don’t touch them. Let’s ask someone where Locas is.”

“Kill Locas, these pirates are a piece of loose sand, and they can’t set off any waves.”

“I see, the thief captures the king first.”

Qiujiang Feng specially found a thin figure, UU reading www. is a pirate with a nervous expression.

As for the reason? It is also very simple, that is, such people are afraid of death.

告诉 “Tell me where Locas is, I’ll let you go.”

“You will really let me go.”

Pirate trembled in tone.

Qi Jiangfeng looked at the pirate, and said sincerely: “I don’t think you are a wicked pirate, tell me, I will let you go.”

“Boss is here, on the top floor of the stuck pub, in the innermost room.”

“I said, please, please let me go”

Qiu Jiangfeng ignored the pirates, “Gulid, invite him to sleep.”

“Receive, Feng, look at me.”

after that.

Minjiang Feng and Gulide walked towards the large hotel in the middle of the island. Passing the street, a large number of pirates appeared.

“Shaved” “Instant Step”

In a few moments, Jiang Feng and Gulide resolved the pirates in front of them.

But after solving one batch after another, they attacked.

“It’s really endless, Gullit is working hard, I’m going to zoom in.”

Gulid looked at Jiang Feng with a puzzled look. “Feng, why don’t I know what you have done.”

Qiu Jiangfeng was smug.

“There are still so many things your kid doesn’t know. How can you easily see through a man like me?”

“Overlord color”

The gangsters saw a powerful momentum that erupted from Jiang Feng and spread around. All the pirates who were swept away, without exception, fainted to the ground.

Gulid squatted this body, “Maple, how do I feel so dizzy!”

Qijiang Feng had long guessed that Gulide would not be stunned by himself. After all, Gulide’s physical quality was there.

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