One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 32 - Spider fruit

“This navy boy is not easy. Let’s go together.” Seeing Jiang Feng downplayed his companion and flew out, the remaining three cadres changed their faces.

Two men, a swordsman and a boxer, one left and one right, surrounded Jiang Feng in the middle, intending to pinch Jiang Feng. The remaining woman stood behind Jiang Feng, holding a whip in her hand to move.

Qi Jiangfeng played with a taste: “Why are you all this? If you leave now, I won’t stop you.”

“Huh! Do you think we are greedy for life and fear of death, since the day we were pirates, we have put aside life and death.”

After hearing this, Jiang Feng nodded. “If you have bones, then you can get a box lunch.”

“Instant Step”

In a flash, Jiang Feng appeared in front of the boxer. A fierce punch went straight into the boxer’s lower abdomen. The boxer was directly blown by Jiang Feng. Then Jiang Feng gently tapped his left foot, his body slightly jumped, his right leg swept, The boxer kicked out the window.

After all this, Jiang Feng turned around and said easily, “Now, who will come.”

“Look at me, slash.” The swordman suddenly pulled up the knife, his feet suddenly hit the ground, and he jumped high, holding the long knife with both hands, raised the knife above his head, and chopped his head at Jiang Feng.

When I saw the swordman suddenly appearing in front of him, Jiang Feng’s face was calm, “Pediatrics, armed color”

I saw Jiang Feng’s right hand instantly covered with a layer of mysterious black. Jiang Feng stretched out **** and sandwiched the oncoming long knife between the two fingers.

Seeing that his face changed greatly, the Swordsman struggled to pull out the long sword, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not pull out the slightest.

“Now you know the difference in strength, let’s die obediently.” Jiang Feng suddenly forced, turning his **** to fold the swordsman’s sword in half.

当 啷! The broken long knife fell to the ground.

The next moment “point the gun”

I saw Jiang Feng’s fingers covered with domineering colors, and directly tapped into the swordsman’s neck.

The swordsman with an unbelievable face and a huge gap in strength, why is such a strong navy wearing the costumes of recruits.

“How could the Navy have such a strong recruit …” The swordsman covered his throat with one hand and Jiang Feng with one finger.

In just a few minutes when the **** cadres met, her companions were killed, her face changed, and she fled out of the window.

枫 Jiang Feng was too lazy to chase the female pirates who had fled.

The cadres of these poisonous spider and pirate gangs just broke the first limit, and now they are not even domineering. Jiang Feng dares to say that he can hit a hundred of these goods.

“What about Gulid and Lokas?” Jiang Feng looked around, but did not find them, as if there was no movement since they started playing.

“Why the **** have you noticed now, Gullit, nothing will happen!”

Suddenly there came a violent shock, and Jiang Feng looked surprised, “They won’t be below.”

Minjiang Feng followed the direction of the sound and saw the cave in the distant room of Lokas. “That’s right.”

“Instant Step”

Qiu Jiangfeng rushed to the collapsed place and looked at the probe. “I’m going, these two goods can really toss, even from the top floor to the bottom.”

Qijiang Feng jumped without hesitation, and when he was about to land, he “stepped”.

瞬 It is convenient to have a step, and the baby will never be afraid of falling from a very high place in the future.

His Majesty reached the lowest level, Jiang Feng, faintly heard the whining voice.

I walked along with my voice, and suddenly saw a large spider web, “How can there be a spider web here, wait, what’s that?”

Qiu Jiangfeng saw that there was a big, tight guy wrapped in spider silk, like a silkworm, and the whine came from here.

“Instant Step”

Jumped onto the spider web, Jiang Feng slowly peeled it off with his hands, and wrapped the gossamer on the big guy’s head. “Gulid, how are you, Locas?”

“Maple, help me quickly, the more this spider silk struggles, the tighter it becomes, I can’t break it.”

At this time, Gulide’s face turned red. If Jiang Feng did not come in time, I’m afraid Gulide would eventually suffocate and die.

Qiu Jiangfeng tried to tear the spider silk, but the toughness of these spider silks was extremely strong. With Jiang Feng’s strength, they could only tear a few of them at a time, and there were no less than 10,000 spider silks wrapped around Gulide.

“Yes, I have”

“Blade of Space”

Qi Jiangfeng made a small black blade of about ten centimeters, controlling the blade of space, and constantly cutting the spider silk wrapped around Gulide’s body.

After a while!

“俺 is finally free, Feng, I thought I would never see you again.” Gulid, who had regained his freedom, hugged Jiang Feng with excitement.

“Go, go away from the brother, brother can be serious man.” Jiang Feng pushed Gulide away.

告诉 “Tell me how you made this ghost look.”

After listening to Jiang Feng’s inquiries, Gulid repented, and then turned into anger. “Locas, this guy is an animal spider fruit capable person, and can be transformed into a spider form.”

“Beginning he has not been beastified. He is not 俺 ‘s opponent at all. Don’t look at him already breaking the second limit, but his power is not as good as 俺.”

“After playing for a while, UU read the book Lokas saw that he couldn’t beat him, and he turned into a beast. After beastization, his strength did not increase much, mainly because his ability was too difficult.

“I’m on his way, who knows that he will not only spit spider silk, but also some small spiders from his body.”

“These little spiders are all red, and it is only when they are bitten by these little spiders that they lose their strength and are **** by him.”

“He wrapped the worm with spider silk and told him that the more he struggled with the spider silk, the tighter it became.”

“He wants to crush 俺 into a puree alive.”

He said Gulide was angry at this place, “Feng, let’s go find him to take revenge.”

Qi Jiangfeng looked at Gulide badly: “Find someone to take revenge, where is Lokas now, do you know?”

Locas is not in the hotel. With Locas’ character, he will not run away, so where will he go?

“Feng, you said, Locas, will you go to Bazat?”

When I heard Gulide’s words, Jiang Feng’s eyes lighted up. Luocas thought that he and Gulide were dead, and he would naturally go to other elites.

走 “Go, let’s go to Locas.”

Out of the tavern, Jiang Feng saw countless houses lit by the fire, and the raging fire swept all directions. These ignited houses were caused by the use of artillery shells by the pirates. In order to kill the navy, the pirates did everything they could to prevent the lives of civilians.

“Hateful” Seeing the tragic situation of civilians, Jiang Feng shouted.

海军 In the towns and cities, the navy and the pirates fought, and those who suffered the most were always these civilians.

On the streets, the bodies of pirates can be seen everywhere. Occasionally, the bodies of ordinary civilians are also seen. “Why is this, is it the fault of the pirates? The fault of the navy? The fault of the world?

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