One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 9 - Accept younger brother

Looking at Mrs. Jiang in front of her, Jiang Feng couldn’t help thinking of Smog, remembering that Smog and Tina were in the same session, and now Smog should not have joined the Navy.

喂 “Hey, who, your Uncle Yuba bought, how much Bailey.”

Hikas looked inhuman.

Qijiang Feng heard that this guy relied on his ability to be a demon fruit, so he went to the elite camp to pick things up.

“Polite imp!”

Min Jiangfeng raised his right arm and pinched his right hand at Hikkas. Instantly, a space barrier was formed around Hikkas, and Hikkas was imprisoned in the barriers created by Jiang Feng.

The space barrier is 360 degrees without dead ends, and even the underground is shrouded. Unless the damage suffered by the space barrier reaches the maximum limit or Jiang Feng actively opens, there is no way to open it.

Space barriers can both imprison the enemy and protect themselves.

When Hikas saw that he was imprisoned, his face changed suddenly, and he suddenly hit his fist with a fist.

“嘭, 嘭, 嘭”

撞击 The sound of crashes kept coming from the air, and Hikkas kept hitting the barriers with his fists. “Hatefully, asshole, let Master Ben go out.”

Hikkas has not yet broken the limit, so his fists are not enough to break the space barriers.

Little Lolita, who was aside, covered her mouth with her little hand, and it was the first time she had seen Hicas so embarrassed.

“His ability is better than Tina’s threshold fruit.”

Xiao Loli looked envious, as if she was not worried about Sicas at all.

“Tina help me!”

Hikas tossed for a long time, and found that it had no effect. He exhausted himself and sat on the ground, asking Little Tina for help.

“The fish is grilled, let him out after eating!”

Wu Tina looked at Jiang Feng and was about to speak, Jiang Feng said.

Qiu Jiangfeng didn’t want to let Hikkas just like that, only in his tenth year, he was so innocent, arrogant, and able to grow up.

As a future naval star, he doesn’t say he wants to be more loyal to the navy, but he must have justice.

Qiu Jiangfeng must first help Hikas to correct the three views. Hikas and Tina are all high-ranking navies in the future.

He wants to change the navy. One day in the future, he will inevitably rub his wrists with the red dogs. Now it is entirely for the long-term plan to draw some future navy executives.

Smelling the smell of grilled fish, Little Tina locked her eyes on the large and fat grilled fish next to the fire. She pinched her mouth a few times and pointed to the grilled fish way, “Tina wants to eat!”

It turned out to be food, Jiang Feng beckoned,

“Come here and give you a big one.”

“Well, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Monch D. Maple.”

Min Jiangfan smiled and introduced to Tina.

“Monch …, Lieutenant General Capp …” Little Tina was eating grilled fish, her mouth was vague.

“Yes Karp is my uncle, you know Karp.”

Min Jiang Feng is not surprised that Tina knows Kapu, as the second generation of the army, played at the naval headquarters from a young age. It is not surprising to know some news from the navy.

In the future, if Jiang Feng had anything he didn’t know, maybe he should ask them.

当然 “Of course, Lieutenant General Capu is a naval hero. He is an amazing navy.”

Tiny Tina admired her face.

Minjiang Feng did not expect that this old man was quite attractive, and even Little Tina liked it.


In Karp’s other courtyard, Karp was sneezing while eating a donut.

“Mr. Feng must have been saying bad things about her husband again, wait for him to let him taste the iron fist of his husband’s love.”

Kapu said, even standing asleep, holding an unfinished donut in his hand.

Mingjiang Feng saw that the time was almost up, he let the space barrier disappear, and released Hikkas.

Min Jiangfeng just wanted to teach Hikkas, but he didn’t want to be clumsy. If he sleeps for a long time, he will make Hikkas hate.

“Hum, you are waiting for Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben is a demon fruit capable person, but in the future he will become the man of the admiral.”

Seeing that he was not Jiang Feng’s opponent, Xi Hakas threatened Jiang Feng with arrogance.

Min Jiangfeng saw that Hikkas had no regrets at all, and she stretched out her right hand.

As soon as Jiang Feng raised his hand, Hikas persuaded, sitting obediently next to Tina, just staring at Jiang Feng, as if he had suffered a lot.

“Hikas, Brother Feng is the nephew of Lieutenant General Cap!”

Tina introduced Hikkas while eating grilled fish.

“What is his nephew of Captain Cap.”

Hikkas looked surprised.


When I heard Jiang Feng was Karp’s nephew, Hikas rushed at Jiang Feng. UU Reading Books

Qi Jiangfeng’s backhand was a space imprisonment. “What’s the matter with this guy, he just returned an immortal expression, but now it’s like seeing his mother.”

This terrible reversal made Jiang Feng timid.

“Brother Feng, you should let Hikkas out soon. He is so excited.”

Tina explained.

It turned out that Hikkas was also a worshiper of Capu. Hikkas had been influenced by his parents and wanted to be a navy since he was a child.

After becoming a naval recruit, I heard of Carp’s heroic deeds and became a fan of Carp.

I repeatedly wanted to worship Karp as a teacher, but Karp rejected it. Today, seeing Jiang Feng is like seeing a waver in the desert.

Min Jiangfeng felt that Capu did not accept Hikkas for a reason. Hikkas had the devil fruit ability, and his fruit ability was not bad.

It is a pity not to abandon it. It is difficult to achieve achievements in physical skills without giving up the fruit ability.

Also, Karp is not a demon fruiter, and cannot give Hikkas guidance in this regard, so Karpu does not accept Hikkas as a disciple.

What’s more, the people in Karp’s generation are not optimistic about the fruits of the devil, and think that tempering the body is the most fundamental and most important thing.

Disciples and students are not a concept. Zefa has trained many students for the Navy for many years, but these students do not belong to the Zefa faction.

Kapu is not a naval instructor. Students can only be accepted as disciples. As a disciple, Kapu will represent the faction of Kapu. Obviously, Kapu is not optimistic about Hikkas.

I mourned this unlucky child for three minutes, and thought that I had the opportunity to worship Carp Gate. I did not know that Carp did not like him at all.

I can’t help but say that he is also a demon fruiter. With careful teaching, it is still possible to have the admiral’s combat power.

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