One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 933 - Badak\\\'s Prophecy (Part 2)

After a month!

In the room, Jiang Feng stared at Broly in the training cabin and did not wake him up.

One month is not much for other Saiyan children, but it is a long time for Broly.

Under the blessing of the time mark, Broly’s growth rate is different from other Saiyan children. In a month, Broly’s body age is actually three years old!

Browley’s qualifications are among the top fighters. During the three-year growth period, although Jiang Feng did not awaken Browley and start hell-style training for Browley, Browley’s combat power continued to grow.

Jiang Feng used the combat effectiveness detector snatched from Frieza’s army. He wanted to test Broly’s combat effectiveness, but he did not expect the combat effectiveness detector to explode.

Obviously, the combat effectiveness of the three-year-old Broly has exceeded 20,000 points. As for the specific combat power value, he is also difficult to estimate. Rough calculations should be around 50,000 points.

Broly’s current combat effectiveness is clearly far beyond the Saiyan’s fighting level. In order to prevent Broly from being found, this area was hidden by Jiang Feng in different dimensions with space capabilities, and Frieza’s legion also failed to detect To the presence of Broly.

Jiang Feng glanced deeply at Browley, thinking it was time to wake up Browley.

“Browley!” A voice reached deep into the soul, and Browley in the training chamber slowly opened his eyes.

The culture fluid in the culture chamber was sucked into the base a little bit, and then the glass cover of the culture chamber was lifted. Broly pulled out the oxygen tube and jumped out of the culture chamber gently.

Because he was only about three years old, Broly’s height was not very high, about eighty centimeters, with a small tail behind him, much like Goku ’s childhood.

“Teacher Feng! Can you give me a dress?” Little Browley came to Jiang Feng and said politely.

“Of course!” Jiang Feng smiled lightly, took out the clothes that had been prepared from the storage space and handed them to Broly.

During this month, he often pulled Broly’s soul into his soul space, and let the old man educate Broly.

So for the three-year-old Broly, there is basically no saying that his mental age cannot keep up with his physical age. Instead, his mind is more mature than that of an average three-year-old child.

“I’m back! Himechi!”

Badak returned home with a heavy bag and looked at the busy woman at home and said with a smile.

Apparently, Badak just returned from a mission in the universe.

“Badak, you’re back! Are you injured?” Ginny turned and smiled into Badak’s arms.

Ginny Goku’s mother, unlike other belligerent Saiyans, is docile and unsuitable for fighting, and is mainly responsible for meat distribution on the planet Vegeta.

“I’m fine! What about Latiz!” Badak glanced around the room and found no Latiz, asking curiously.

“You don’t know yet? Latiz has trained to become a qualified warrior,

Not long ago, he went to another planet with Prince Vegeta! I believe there are still months to come back! Himechi said with a smile.

“Is that so? It’s okay, maybe he can escape!” Badak seemed to think something, and said solemnly.

“Escaped? Badak, what do you mean by this? Is there any danger for Latiz?” Heiyan said, frowning, and asked a little worriedly.

“It’s not Raditz that’s in danger, it’s our Vegeta planet that’s in danger … By the way, Carkarot!” Badak said solemnly.

“Kakarot! I brought it back from the baby centre!

He is a subordinate soldier, and in a few months, he will be sent to other alien planets, and I want to accompany him more during this time! Himei said sadly.

It is a tradition that Vegeta has been passed down for many years to send subordinate soldiers to low-competitive outer planets to perform tasks. Even if Hine is unwilling to change everything, he has no ability.

So she wanted to look at Carcarot more during this time, and prayed that Carcarot could safely return to Vegeta planet.

“You did a great job, Hine, take me to see Carkaro!” There was a flash of urgency in Badak’s eyes.

In the evening!

Two figures traveled through the jungle. They were Carkarot’s parents, Badak and Hine.

Hine was Badak’s lover and the closest person to Badak. He was wounded by the Canatha star with a magic fist, and unexpectedly gained the ability to predict the future, and foreseen that Frieza would destroy all Saiyan He did not conceal Himechi’s personal affairs.

“Badak, will Frieza really destroy Vegeta? We Saiyans have done many things for him over the years!” After listening to Badak’s narrative, Hine looked at it in disbelief. Badak asked.

“I don’t know! But I really saw Frieza destroying Vegeta, and my gut tells me sooner or later that Frieza will work with us Saiyans!”

“Himei! Don’t worry! That planet named Earth is safe,

If my prediction is wrong, we can go to the planet named Earth to pick up Carcarot! “Badak said firmly, ~ ~, but if that’s the case, we can run away with Carkarot!”

“We can’t go! When I came back, I saw that Frieza’s army was approaching the Vegeta planet. With the fighting power of the two of us, once they entered space, they would quickly react to their combat power detector …”

Soon, Badak set the spaceship’s destination as the earth, and Carcarot was flying into space in the spacecraft with his persecuted gaze.

Badak watched flying at high speed, as if the spacecraft passing by a meteor was thoughtful.

There are more than 10,000 Saiyan infants born in the year of Vegeta Star. Among these infants, only a small number of senior fighters, not even a hundred of them, the vast majority of the remaining are junior fighters. , And a small number of intermediate fighters.

After a few months of training, low-level fighters will be sent to some low-level planets to perform tasks, while intermediate fighters will stay at Vegeta Star for one to three years of training before being dispatched for execution.

As for those high-level fighters, they are equivalent to the nobles of Vegeta Star. They will receive the best training and training of Vegeta Star until they become the best Saiyan warriors!

It is cruel to say that from the very beginning, Saiyan children must implement the most brutal survival of the fittest.

Senior fighters enjoy the best care and resources, while junior fighters are sent to other planets, struggling in life and death until they have enough strength to return to Vegeta Star.

It ’s a matter of time before a low-level fighter like Carkarot is sent to other planets. He sends Carkarot away in advance, maybe Carkarot will have a chance to live.

Take a step back and say that even if his prediction is wrong, they can go to Earth in the future to find Kakarot.

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