One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 940 - Alien planet

On an icy planet extremely distant from the planet of Vegeta, the cold wind blows the earth, and the snow is flying in the sky. This planet is completely a world of ice and snow.

When Jiang Feng came to this planet, he roughly scanned the planet and found that it was a cold and completely lifeless planet. The super heavy snowstorm was invading the earth at all times.

What is weird is that although this planet has no life, there is a thick atmosphere surrounding it. Jiang Feng suspects that all the creatures on this planet were extinct because of a major disaster.

Obviously, the creatures on this planet have not been able to resist the disaster caused by the mutation of nature!

On a towering iceberg.

The wind and snow are beating against the ground. As the temperature is always below the freezing point, the surface soil has become as hard as steel, and another layer of hard ice is laid on this hard land.

In fact, this is not a glacier zone, but it has become a snow and ice world due to environmental reasons.

Assel next to Jiang Feng felt only a brief dizziness. After opening her eyes, she found that it was a scene of snow and ice.

“Well, where exactly is this, and how did we come here all of a sudden? Is it just what you call the superpower instantaneous movement?”

“But the environment of this planet is too bad! Will we Saiyans live here in the future?”

This is not a familiar scene for Assel! Not even the Vegeta planet, so Assel knew that they had left the Vegeta planet and came to other planets, but the environment here disappointed Assel.

When it comes to superpowers, Jiang Feng doesn’t say much. Dragonball’s world already has superpowers. Many races in the universe have magical superpowers. He can’t fit his space abilities as superpowers.

As for why to choose this planet …

“Here is just a random planet I picked. It should be at least five or six days away from the planet Vegeta.”

Jiang Feng said lightly that he had no intention of finding a habitable planet in the universe, and no matter which planet he would not stay in too much.

After all, he traveled from this space-time decades later, if he did not return to the original space-time, how would he go home?

Moreover, it is possible to build a universe in any time and space. For these Saiyans, they can survive fortunately, and they restart in any time and space.

In space and time decades later, it seems that among the hundreds of Saiyans, Broly existed, and the other Saiyans were destroyed by Velisha with the Vegeta planet!

In fact, the planet Jiang Feng didn’t know its name, because he didn’t plan to stay more, and Jiang Feng didn’t choose carefully, just picked it casually in the universe.

“Five or six days’ journey! Is it Salitan star!” Assel said for a moment, thinking slowly.

Salitan is near the planet Vegeta, which is a five or six-day trip, so most Saiyans know its existence.

Although there is air on the planet, it is often unsuitable for living due to the severe conditions of planet-level blizzards. Even if it is not qualified as a transit station, it has little value to Saiyans and has been deserted. No one cares.

Thinking about it, Assel looked at Jiang Feng with a puzzled look. She didn’t understand why Jiang Feng brought the Saiyan to this planet, was it to avoid Frieza?

Salitan is starless and ice-cold, so Frieza’s legion never imagined that there would be surviving Saiyans living here?

But the environment here is not suitable for them to survive!

Isaiah’s constitution is able to withstand the severe cold of Salitan, but what do they eat here? What to drink? No creatures means no food!

“Here is …” Just as Axel was puzzled, Axel opened his eyes stupidly in Hine, who was in his arms.

On the planet Vegeta, Badak decided to fight Frieza to the end, but he couldn’t bear Hinechi to follow him to death, so he shot and stunned Hinechi, and let Assel falcon all the way, followed by Keithlow People leave Vegeta planet.

In this regard, Jiang Feng naturally has no objection!

In fact, Jiang Feng also discouraged Badak, but it seemed that Badak had seen some kind of prophecy, and when he left, his eyes were very deep, and he had clearly made up his mind.

Therefore, Jiang Feng didn’t say much. He chose to respect Badak’s wishes.

“Where’s Badak!” Soon, Ginny found herself on a strange planet, freeing herself from Assel’s arms.

“Himei! Don’t look for it! The Badak guy has made up his mind to stay on the planet Vegeta …” Seeing Hine’s face panicking, a look of despair, Assel stepped forward to comfort Hine.

Assel knew that Ginnet had to send away her newborn son, Carkarot, and then her husband, Badak, left her and chose to fight Frieza to the end.

Although his son still has some vitality, but his husband is dead, at this time, Hine’s heart is almost desperate!

Vegeta Star ~ ~ Royal Palace!

Gorgeous palaces with bright lights in the past are now dilapidated and unsightly. This is the last position left by the Saiyans.

In the broken hall, the red carpet covered with dust was scattered with scattered masonry and rubble. The former magnificent palace has now become the Saiyan battle conference room!

In the middle of the hall, several senior Saiyan fighters were covered in dust, standing solemnly at the table and silent.

Suddenly, a senior Saiyan warrior said to other Saiyans in a heavy voice: “King Vegeta has not yet appeared, obviously it is more fierce and less fierce, and this war is very bad for us Saiyans. We Sai The Asian cannot die in the hands of Frieza in this way! “

“The next part of the people will continue to fight, and some will find a way to leave Vegeta planet! Otherwise, there will be no one who will avenge me on Saiyan in the future!”

This senior Saiyan warrior is a sturdy bald Saiyan. Before Vegeta left, he explained that he was responsible for everything inside and outside the palace.

Now that Vegeta’s whereabouts are unknown, most of them are dead, and he is hosting everything on Vegeta’s planet.

“Master Albert, we still have 200,000 Saiyan fighters to fight at the moment. They are all dead and willing to fight against the guy of Frieza!” The long-haired Saiyan on the side flashed a fierce light, Anger can’t be restrained in speech.

“200,000 Saiyans? There are too few. They are not the opponents of the Frieza Army at all. We Saiyans cannot die in the hands of Frieza!” Albert said in an angry and helpless manner.

To this day, he has to admit that Frieza is strong, and if he fights again, the Saiyan may all fall into Frieza’s hands, then he is the sinner of the Saiyan family.

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