One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 943 - Broley\\\'s anger (below)

Just when Shang Bo’s face was unbelievable, Captain Kinu slowly lowered himself and stood in front of Jiang Feng and Little Broly.

“This little devil is your child! He didn’t appear on the battlefield from start to finish, and it seems you want to take him away from Vegeta planet!”

“The outside world is rumored that King Frisha is afraid, the Super Saiyan among the Saiyans … even I thought it was just a baseless rumor! It doesn’t seem to be the case today!”

“This Saiyan devil has very terrifying potential. It seems that the decision of King Frisha to destroy the planet of Vegeta is so wise!”

Captain Kinew looked at Jiang Feng and Broly dignifiedly, especially when looking at Broly’s eyes full of fear.

“Kiniu? Kinutt? Frieza can dominate the universe, they have contributed! The strength is also one of the best in the universe!”

“Browley! Try your strength!” Jiang Feng glanced at Captain Kinu and smiled at Broly.

“The Saiyan really has no eyes! This little ghost’s fighting power is very strong, but it is not a threat to me!” Captain Kinu’s face showed a mockery, as if laughing at the Saiyan never seen .

At present, the highest combat strength of the Saiyan is about 10,000 points. Suddenly there are fighters with a combat strength of 60,000 points. The proud Saiyan must think that the universe is invincible!

“Really?” Jiang Feng said disapprovingly.

Broly is really a legendary Super Saiyan. Under normal circumstances, the combat effectiveness is about 60,000 points. Once angry, the combat effectiveness does not know how much it has soared!

Jiang Feng had a little expectation when he thought that the captain of the New Zealand, the second-best in the universe, showed a nearly desperate expression.

“Hmm! It’s an unpleasant Saiyan wild monkey!” Captain Kinu flashed a killing in his eyes and instantly attacked Jiang Feng and Little Broly.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng smiled lightly and thought, and the figures of him and Broly moved to the back of Captain Kinou.

“What just happened! So fast, I didn’t even notice it!”

Ginyu turned around, stared at Jiang Feng diligently, and clicked the combat effectiveness detector. A flash of data flashed and found that Jiang Feng’s combat power was only five points!

“I see! You are the kind of warrior who can hide the type of combat power. I did not expect that some Saiyans will have such skills!” Captain Kinu was well-informed, and naturally he was not affected by the combat power displayed on Jiang Feng deceive.

“Kiniu! Your opponent is not me!” Jiang Feng winked at Broly and signaled that Broly could play.

“Yes! Teacher Feng!” Without the slightest anxiety of fearing the strong, Browley felt that the whole body’s blood was boiling, and the whole person was in a state of extraordinary excitement.

In the original book, Broly also really likes fighting, but he is afraid of losing his mind and destroying everything around him. He likes fighting while resisting his own strength.

Now, under the guidance of Jiang Feng, Little Browley understands his situation very well. When using power, he will try to keep himself sane. Once he loses his consciousness, he also knows that Jiang Feng will try to stop him!

Kiniu watched Broly with interest. In his opinion, although Broly has unlimited potential and has even threatened Frieza’s position, he has not yet grown up. He can completely kill Broly. In the cradle.

“This kid is your child! You can’t wait to let your child die? Then I can do it for you!”

The indifferent smile appeared on the corner of Captain Kinou’s mouth, and he slowly floated towards Little Broly with his hands on his chest.

“The Saiyan’s fighting ability is generally low, and the highest combat power is only about 10,000 points. The little ghost hopes you can bring me some fun!” Captain Kinu looked at Little Broly with interest, weird A faint smile appeared on his face.

“Little devil! It ’s so funny to see your serious look! Even if you are a Saiyan, I do n’t think you have experienced a few battles. The battle is not high enough!”

The captain of Kinu is completely dismissive. What is the battle experience of a four or five-year-old Saiyan kid?

“Teacher Feng teaches me! No matter what kind of enemy you are facing, you can’t take it lightly! Big guys, but they have to suffer hard!”

Broly’s small face had a faint smile, but he was alert to the extreme. Like a little soldier, he knew that this time his enemy was not Jiang Feng who practiced with him, but he wanted to put him to death. Astronaut.

He also knows that there is a big gap between him and Captain Kinou.

The reason why he knows that he is in a disadvantaged position and chooses to play against Captain Kinew is because he wants to play against the real cosmic strongman. This is the battlefield he will set foot on sooner or later.

He remembers Jiang Feng once saying that if he wants to strengthen his strength, he can only fight with the strong, especially against the Saiyan. The effect is more obvious!

If he can, he is very willing to have a good fight with Captain Kinu. Saiyan, only after experiencing the real battle can he grow up better ~ ~ hahaha! Sure enough, those who do not know are fearless! The Saiyan nation is as arrogant as ever, whether it is an adult warrior or a little ghost! Captain Kinou grinned wildly, and the evil light hidden under his cold pupil was almost ready to move.

“Come on!” Little Browley was unmoved, and his whole body was on guard, the breath in his body had been secretly moved.

call out! A groan tearing through the air.

Little Broly chose to start first. His figure suddenly appeared in front of Kinu. A series of bangs and bangs sounded, and Broly had already blasted out more than a dozen hits.

However, Captain Kinou very easily blocked the offensive of Browley, and the gap between the 60,000 fighting power and the 100,000 fighting power was immediately reflected.

Little Broly’s offensive did nothing at all!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


Ginny smiled and applauded, as if he had just finished the show!

“Hahaha, good attacking skills! If you are not a Saiyan kid, I can recommend you personally to King Frieza. I believe King Frieza will train you well. Unfortunately, all the Saiyan Can’t leave Vegeta planet alive! “Captain Kinu said calmly to Broly Jr.

Little Broly’s eyes were dignified, and he felt a great sense of oppression just from the momentum bursting out of Kinu.

boom! boom! boom!

Little Browley no longer hides, the energy in his body emerges frantically, and a fuzzy and thick green gas field is suddenly formed around him.

The air emits “Zi Zi Zi” low humming, and the surrounding atmosphere is slightly distorted.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng’s gaze changed slightly, and Browley’s entire pupil gradually covered with white, showing a sign of loss of reason.

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