One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 99 - Back to headquarters

Holy place Mary Joa.

In an open and luxurious room, five spirited old men were sitting on the sofa.

An old man with a white curly hair in a black suit said, “Have you heard? CP9’s chief Spandain was killed in O’Hara.”

“Oh, did those scholars do it?”

An old man in a blue suit and white straight hair flashed a hint of curiosity on his calm face.

自然 “Naturally, don’t you remember a little guy I mentioned to you? The Navy has recently appeared with an SS talented recruit.”

“It is said that I have eaten Superman ~ Space Fruit.”

Said an old man wearing white robes and glasses.

After hearing SS-level talents, some other old men finally showed some strange colors in their eyes.

“Maybe, his future success will surpass that adult.”

我们 “It is also time for us to consider the future of the world government. After all, we are old.”

“Is his identity clear?”

“Speak out, don’t be surprised, he’s Karp’s nephew, Monch ~ D ~ Feng.”


老 The old blond man in a red suit was shocked and said, “Is that the kind of people?”

不 “No, it’s too dangerous. You must not put him in a high position.”

“Giving him a general position in the future is already the limit.”

“I agree that this person must not be out of our control.”

“You can use it, but if he has any other ideas, just get rid of it!”

“I thought that this guy Roger was dead, that one hundred years of history would also disappear with him, and the sea would be quiet. I didn’t expect to be put together by him.”

“The pirates have become active recently, and the powerful pirates have also appeared. I have a hunch that a turbulent era is coming.”

“The Navy needs strong combat power.”

“It seems that no one is embarrassed by this recruit,” the old white runner said, “What about Spandain?”

“Spanda died because of his death. Give CP9 another sergeant. I think this little guy is a good candidate.”

“Just take this opportunity to test him and see what he thinks, if he is dissatisfied with the world government, just get rid of him!”

“After all, his potential threat is too great.”

还有 “Also, take this opportunity to rectify the CPs, and let Spandain’s deputy take charge for the time being!”

Uh …

The naval headquarters, the Warring States Office, Warring States looked at Karp in anger, “Kap, look at your good nephew, what have you done, kill high-level officials of the world government.”

“I don’t look at the world government at all. He is not worthy of being a navy. I want to remove him.”

Although the Warring States Period did not go to O’Hara, the entire O’Hara incident was planned by him, and has been remotely commanded.

I just heard the report from Chiken, saying that Jiang Feng killed Spandain, and the Warring States heard the anger, and he found Karp.

He Karp heard that the Warring States said that Jiang Feng had killed senior officials of the world government, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. “This kid is too messy.”

“I don’t know who to learn from.”

Zhan Zengguo drew his lips, and his expression was not good. “Who did you learn from, of course, from your unreliable uncle.”

“Say! Now how to explain to the world government.”

He Karp’s face was determined, “He broke down, and naturally he will bear it. He should do whatever he wants!”

“It’s time for this **** to learn from him.”

He said there was a hint of worry in Carp’s eyes.

“Spandain is a person of the world government, how to deal with maple, still have to listen to the meaning of the world government.”

“I have reported this, and it should come to fruition soon.”

“I heard you noisy all the way.”

A moment later a heavy voice passed into the room, and then the Marshal came in empty.

“Do n’t quarrel, either. The five stars already responded.”

“Feng’s rank is temporarily reserved, but it will be suspended for a while. As for the future, we will wait for the arrangement of the five old stars!”

After listening to Wu Fengxing ’s treatment of Jiang Feng, Kupper frowned first, and then frowned. “Feng Feng, walking into Wu Laoxing ’s sight, I do n’t know if it is good or bad.”

When the Warring States Period heard the words of Marshal Kong, his eyes flashed, “It seems that the Five Stars value Maple, but why do I have a bad hunch?”

Uh …

The battleships were speeding on the sea.

Minjiang Feng stepped out of the cabin and stood on the deck, blowing a cool breeze, feeling extremely relaxed.

“Brother Feng, it looks good.”

青 雉 came forward and said.

Hearing Qingye’s voice, Jiang Feng turned around and greeted Qingye, “How did you come here, Lieutenant General Kuzan.”

Tong Qingyu looked at Jiang Feng’s neck and disappeared the scar, with a look of surprise, “Maple, the burns on your body will not be cured all night!”

不 “No, even if it is fine, the skin cannot be intact.”

Qijiang Feng had asked Qingye to burn herself from a frozen red dog, so Qingye knew the injury of Jiang Feng very well.

The horrible burns disappeared in the night, which completely exceeded the cognition of Qing Ye.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, “Maybe my ability to heal is relatively strong!”

Qi Qingying heard Jiang Feng’s answer, and a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes, “Feng, you are the second very special navy I have ever seen.”

When I heard the second, Jiang Feng curiously said, “Oh, what about the first one?”

“Dragon, Monch ~ D ~ Dragon”

“You should be familiar!”

“After I became Mr. Karp’s deputy general ~ ~ he and Long became friends. His special thing is that his thinking is unique and compared with the ideas advocated by the world government, it seems a bit out of place . “

“I’m sorry for Dragon’s departure.”

“Is it a dragon?”

“The dragon should still be secretly preparing for the revolutionary army now!”

Minjiang Feng heart said.

“What about me? Why is Mr. Kuzan saying that I am special.”

你 “You, I am a little bit see through. You are not the same as the Red Dog. You are not loyal to the Navy or the world government.”

“It’s not the same as Long. He has no sense of belonging to the world government. If it is a dragon, after experiencing the O’Hara incident, it will inevitably repel the world government.”

“And you do n’t, I do n’t see what you do not hide from the world government. Although you have an idea about the world government, this idea is by no means to overthrow the world government.”

如果 “If yes, with your talents and potential, you don’t need to be a navy.”

“You and Mr. Karp are not the same. Everything in Mr Karp’s mind is written on his face, but you have many secrets in your heart.”

“You feel to me like you’re planning something.”

“Hahaha, Lieutenant General Kuzan, you think too much, I’m just an ordinary colonel. I don’t know what punishment I will be punished when I return to this headquarters.”

“Maybe it’s wanted or not necessarily?”

“After all, I killed the chief of the secret agency of the world government. I don’t think the world government would pretend to know it!”

Qi Jiangfeng laughed to hide her surprise.

After killing Spandain by mistake, Jiang Feng did not run away because he was betting. He bet the five old stars would let him down because of his potential.

Uh …

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