One Piece: Overlord Buggy

30 Second Full Awakening

'You Have Received "30 Second Full Awakening" From Deity "Lentor". Do You Wish To Use "30 Second Full Awakening" Now?'

'What? 30 second full awakening? From a deity? Wha....? Why? Deity? Like.. as in the "gods" that Director spoke of?'

I looked around, only moving my eyes to realize that everything around me, all movement, had stopped.

'What is this? Seriously, is this like divine intervention or something? I thought Director was the only one to control this world? Wha... Unh... Eh?'

I then sat in stunned and confused silence, contemplating what had just happened, all while the world around me was frozen.

'Huh. So, a deity gave me a power up, huh? Why? I mean, I had some power left, and if I put all of my willpower into it, I would have survived at the very least. So.. why?'

The same robotic voice spoke in my head: 'Deity "Lentor" Has Sent Message: "Hello, entertainment. You seem to not understand the situation you are in. Other gods, alongside myself, have decided upon giving you one ability, the "30 Second Full Awakening", that you may choose what ever you wish to do with, along with when you want to use it. Although we would much prefer that our entertainment was among the living long enough to create a more interesting future and story, it is up to you to decide on such a matter. But other gods, alongside myself, would much prefer you to stay alive and fullfil your own story, lest you be tormented not just by death from Phallenmora, but many more, less painless experiences by many deities." End Message. Do You Wish To Use "30 Second Full Awakening" Now?'

'Woah! Um... That's too much right now! I just wanted to know why at least a second deity besides Director, was just watching me! I didn't need to know all of this! Thanks for saying I can do whatever with this ability, but it's basically telling me "You were about to die! How about we give you a free pass so that you continue what you were doing" like nothing! Seriously! AND WHO'S PHALLENMORA? IS THAT JUST SOME DEITY THAT I DON'T KNOW OF? IS IT A PERSON OR SOMETHING? I CANT REMEMBER ALL THESE DETAILS!'

Without warning, another alert went off, ringing in my head. 'Deity "Gran Djor" Has Sent Message: 'Lentor has failed to mention some things, I'm sorry, entertainment. He has failed to say that yes, you will in fact die within a few minutes, and due to all of the damage you've sustained, your death will come no matter what you try and do. If you would use that treat we gave you, that would be lovely. Enjoy such a treat to the most you can, otherwise that time may pass, and you may regret not using it to it's full potential." End Message. Do You Wish To Use "30 Second Full Awakening" Now?'

'Oh great.. another deity.. just what today needed! Why am I being contacted by them anyways?  I shouldn't even have contact with.. like.. ANY deity or God or whatever! I should just be.. I dunno.. in the world? Existing? Making a difference in my own life or something? And great! Confirmation of my imending doom, no other way out I guess! Just the thing that was conveniently handed to me, and somehow decided to be handed to me without any drawback. AND! Very condescending way to speak to me, giving me a "treat" like a dog. I could hear that snark, whatever your name was! It was unnecessary and possibly the worst thing for you to have said! If you want to think of me as an animal, then cool, but you'll have to realize the mistake you made later!'

I mentally took a breath in and breathed it out, even though I didn't actually do anything, physically at least, since everything was frozen except for my mind, and perception of my surroundings.

'Huh. I don't need these godly politics. I just need to kill this guy named Grim, and potentially keep Taki safe if I have enough time. But.. are there any drawbacks to this.. random power up? I assume you deities will just answer out of the blue, so I can just ask now.'

The same voice appeared in my head yet again: 'Deity "Mornisa" Has Sent Message: "Of course we wouldn't just give you this for free! The others were like 'Oh, we'll just give this random piece of entertainment a power up! We wanna see the future he creates!' and, me, being the voice of reason, decided that there should be a drawback! You can't just unlock your full potential power without something to make it at least realistic! So, if ya really must know, for every second that you use the power, a year is take off your lifespan. Also! You HAVE to use all 30 seconds straight. Like, you have to use it continuously until it runs out! It's a time that won't pause until you use it fully! The others did decide to just go with it, so here we are, giving you a really powerful power up in exchange for 30 years of your life, and no stopping the 30 seconds! P.S. I had hoped you would die quicker, I wanna snatch you from Phalla and use you as mine!" End Message. Do You Wish To Use "30 Second Full Awakening" Now?'

I was too shocked to think. And once I did, my brain was tired, and all I could think at that moment was: 'I'll just.. just um.. get the.. important info from that! I'm just gonna skip past that ending.... and now I know the ACTUALLY IMPORTANT STUFF! So, 30 seconds of full awakening, which is probably a busted ability, in exchange for 30 years and I can only ever use it once. I should be fine with that 30 years, I think it's like 140 years as a maximum age or something, so I should be able to do that and comfortably live for about another 80 to 90 years. And use once? It's like they want to beat me over the head with this ability, just to get me to use it. Apparently I have no choice though, since I'm gonna die die or something in a couple minutes. Why don't you just put a GIANT FREAKING SIGN in front of me at that point? Why give it to me, say I can use it whenever, and then decide: "Oh, you can only use it once! You're dying right now, but we aren't telling you what to do with it, so.. But we aren't pushing you to do it, so if you do use it quickly, then you will have a better chance to survive, and this may be the only time you can do such a thing! So use it now!" Just beat me on the head with a metal stick since you apparently tell me straight out!'

I sighed internally.

'Fine, deities, I'll use it! If you're being this pushy, I don't have much of a choice anyways!'

'Do You Wish To Use "30 Second Full Awakening" Now?'

'Yeah, sure! I'll activate it! Activate it in a minute or two! I gotta get some things off my chest And then I'll kick Grim's ass when it's activated! You all want entertainment? I'll just give it to you in spades! You don't need to baby me, just watch and learn what I can do with no limit!'

'Activating "30 Second Full Awakening". Use Wisely.'

'Yeah, no duh voice!'

Grim turned around after sensing some major changes in energy around the brutally beaten Buggy, only to stare at him, and see the glowing eyes of Buggy.

"Ya know what, Grim?"

Staying silent, and watching energy converge at Buggy's body, Grim spoke "So, you want to say something before you die? Some last words or something? I'll listen to them, you won't be able to do anything anyways."

"I have just had one of THE worst experiences in my life. You know, I would've expected maybe meeting ancestors or something, but NOOOOOO, I just had to have my own mind transfer information from a deity to absolutely no one! It's just great.. yeah. Being entertainment for some beings that exist and do not at the same time is a bit odd, but if the gods want it, they will get it."

And then, Buggy's whole body lifted up, landing on his feet, standing. The energy emmiting off of him becoming increasingly more and more powerful, while the wounds on his body, while not healing, became stitched together, stopping the wounds from opening.

"You know something, Grim? Deities are selfish, and greedy, and want me to be their puppet, wanting to control me. I like my autonomy, so using this boost in power will be a great help in my growth. That's cause I can test things out, and no one will have to wonder what is happening when random attacks become reality. Now, are you going to stand there and question why I am most likely a crazy person, and then readied a stance, this time a little on edge because of a slightly disturbing change in overall power coming from Buggy.

And then, with a massive burst of Conquerers Haki, Buggy lifted his head to look Grim directly in the eyes, and then, a purple energy envelopes him with ease, showing off the will of someone with survival on the mind.

Buggy had awakened all of his abilities.

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